, .....w.+ i The Weather Partly cloudy to cloudy to- day; and tomorrow with little change in temperature. L 048i1t ig a U ~V~aitF The New Division And A Problemy.H. The Tragedy Of haste.,, Editorials VOL. XLV. No. 137 r ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 1935 PRICE FIVE CENTS New Crime Detection Islievealed Dr. Snyder Speaks Of New Method To Find Gun Users Useful In Clearing HomicideSuspects Kynoch Shows Value Of Wood Technology For Crime Detection A surprising method by which pol- ice can tell whether or not a person suspected of murder fired a gun was explained yesterday at the second ses- sion of the Institute for Law Enforce- ment Officers by Dr. Lemoyne Sny- der, of the Michigan department of public health. Nearly 125 state officials heard the doctor tell how grains of nitrate from the powder almost invariably become embedded in the hand of a person firing a revolver. "These become embedded so, firmly that even after several washings, they are still de- tectable," he said. To extract the nitrate from the skin, Dr. Lemoyne said, melted para- ffin is applied to the hand of the sus- pect. The invisible particles of the compound are embedded in the wax, which is then pulled off, bringing the nitrate with it. The "reagent" used to test the wa for nitrate is composed of dis- tilled water, concentrated sulphuric acid; and especially refined diphimy- lamin, he explained. This, dropped carefully on the paraffin, causes any nitrate present to turn a deep violet color, he said. "This has a very definite value," declared Dr. Lemoyne, who is both a. lawyer and physician. "It is not in- fallible, but when it occurs, it is very significant." It is especially useful, he pointed out, in determining who is and who "1 lTit at - Also the test will often prove whether a death resulted from suicide or homicide, according to Dr. Lemoyne. "If nitrate is found on the hand of the dead person," he asserted, "it is almost certain that he shot himself." An echo of the Hauptmann trial was heard when Prof. William Kynoch of the forestry and conservation depart- ment talked on the "Application of Wood Technology to Crime Detec- tion." He described how, in the no- torious kidnapping case, white pine was determined by its cell structure. National Prize winning Plans On EXhibition Four University Students Take First Place In The Design Contest Prize winning plans, submitted from colleges all over the country in a collaborative competition, including architecture, landscape design, paint- ing, and sculpture, sponsored by the Association of Alumni of the Amer- ican Academy in Rome, are now on exhibition in the architectural school, it was announced last night by Prof. Emil Lorch, director. The plans which were awarded first prize, submitted by a group of four students in the University, are in- cluded in the exhibition. Rudolph A. Mattern, '35A, architect; Donald B. Gooch, '35Ed., painter; Jane H. Higbie, '38A, sculptor, and Richard I. Levin, '35, landscape designer, col- laborated in producing the drawings and were awarded a sum of $300 on the excellence of the work. The problem presented by the As- sociation for the competition was to design an appropriate building and grounds for a natural science mu- seum. The purpose of the competi- tion was to present an opportunity for the four associated fields to collab- orate on a project. The entries were judged by a committee composed of 20 outstanding representatives from the fields of architecture, sculpture, painting, and landscape design. The Michigan team was assisted in its work by Prof. Roger Bailey, of the architectural school, and Prof. George S. Ross, of the literary college. Professor Slosso Three Attitud By PROF. PRESTON W. SLOSSONy (Of The History Department) j There are three attitudes toward war on the part of those who don't like it: national isolation, personal or group isolation and cooperation. The national isolationist says "Keep away from Europe, that nasty place! Keep out of the League, the Court, all peace pacts and plans, all inter- national conferences. Stay at home, mind our own business, live on our own resources and let the rest of the world go to ruin as it will, if only we can cower safe in our own locked house." To this effect the Senate, the Coughlinites, the Hearstites, the Chicago Tribune, the Saturday Eve- ning Post and Will Rogers. The personal or group isolationist says either "-Let my country declare war if it will; I shall never enlist! I am a War Resister, a Conscientious Objector" or "If I alone can't stop the war. I will join a club or a party or rouse the working class or have a students' strike or get up a big groupI petition and stop war that way." To this effect many of our ra'dicals, paci- fists, socialists and communists. The cooperationist says "None of on Analyzes Local es Toward War Giv Ie these things will suffice to stop war or even to keep us out of its way. We B i must use every means of joint action possible among such men and govern- ments as still hope for peace: the Court, the League, security pacts, dis- State An armament pacts and the, like; the On Re World State itself when we can get it. If any of these methods fail, we Get Cit must try again, and still again, and forever! For only on this road is hope Sample even possible." Asi a citizen and astastudenttof For history I think that the first two groups are mainly wrong and that the Ballot 's G.O.P. yMajority New Theory Of Universe Is Outlined Flexibility Of Natural Laws Is Stressed By Professor Arthur Compton Freedom Vs. Law Is Lecture Topic Polish Swing To France Is Shown By Conversations I i d County C publican T y's Support ffices Ticket Is Chosen Fourth Term Negro Prowler Found Inside Tri-Delt House Pierre Laval Invited To Warsaw In Connection With MoscowTrip Seek Modification i t: is 't 'o t i, . b e a ,a b r. l; s Methodists Hit Coughlin, Long And Johnson Charge Attempt To SeizeI Control Of Developing Fascist Order NEW YORK, April 2.- (P) -Father Charles E. Coughlin and Senator Hueys P. Long wereudescribed by the Meth-i odist Federation for Social ServiceF tonight as being in a race, along with1 Gen. Hugh S. Johnson, "for the lead-c ership of our developing Fascism." "The triangular contest in vitupera- tion on the air between Johnson,t Coughlin and Long was the prelim- inary try-out in the race," said a re-f port prepared by the Federation sec- retaries, the. Rev. Dr. Harry F. Ward and Miss Winifred L. Chappell. f The report, described by the Fed-, eration as an analysis of the programst of Senator Long and Father Coughlin, mentions :Gen. Johnson only to links him, as an ally of President Roosevelt, { in the contest. "All three of these contestants forF leadership of the u n a w a k e n e d masses," the report concludes, "areE seeking to reform and maintain the system described by our general con- ference as 'unethical, un-Christianr and anti-social.' "The profit system refuses to per- mit itself to be regulated as Roose- velt and Coughlin propose. Still less, A---ranri~n l, it thp fil hid group isentirely rhtOstich Alderman Mayer Is Only Causality Explanation Of isolation is a blind praying to luck Y'p that war may pass by and hit the Ann Arbor Democrat To World Abandoned By . other fellow instead. All history shows Receive a ry that the "innocent bystander" nation yi JOrity PyisH_ y runs as many risks as anybody. Neu- tral nations suffer almost as much a Voting overwhelmingly Republican Determinism, the theory that all belligerents in a great war (if heavy with the state and county, Ann Arbor things are set between certain defi- economic losses can cause suffering, citizens cast their ballots in large nite bounds and are infallibly deter- and even their neutrality is insecure numbers for state as well as locals, and will rarely be respected by the candidates Monday. mined within these limits, has failed belligerents. I do not say that the Justices William Potter and Nelson both in science and out, Dr. Arthu,1 next great war will involve us; I mere- Sharpe, Republican candidates for re- H. Compton, renowned physicist, de-t ly ask "How do you know it won't?' election to the state supreme court clared yesterday before nearly 600C History is not much kinder to the bench, won easily throughout thep-lAudit- second group of pacifists. If all state. In Washtenaw County, Justice persons in Natural Science or- (Continued on Page 6 Potter polled 9,006 votes, and Justice ium.l Sharpe polled 8,951. Their Demo- Speaking on "Freedom versus Law,"J cratic rivals, Francis McDonald and in the first of this year's Henry Mar- Anti-w ar M eet William Neithercut, received 5,300 and tin Loud lectures, Dr. Compton stated 5,051 votes respectively in this county. that recent experiments in physics ill FeatAnn Arbor also concurred in the have led physicists to abandon the U ur e state vote which deposed Regent Ed- casual or determined theory of the , mund Shields in favor of his Repub- universe, and accept one of flexibil-' Talk By Hetsko lican opponent, David Crowley. The ity. county vote was 8,593 for Crowley, and "In this way we have progressed1 6,179 for Shields. Washtenaw voters from the philosophical view point Prof. Robert M. Lovett To supported Regent Esther Cram, giving that all man does is based on what ! her 8,703 counters. Charles Novak, went before, and that despite all his Be Main Speaker At The the other Democratic candidate in efforts his future is beyond his own Conclave Tomorrow the Regent's race, was low man here, control," Dr. Compton said. Ipolling 5,302 votes. Dr. Compton outlined the conflict i Cyril F. Hetsko, '36L, will be the Paul V. Voelker, Democratic super- between science, religion, and philoso- : student speaker at the anti-war meet- intendent of public instruction, was phy through the ages, tracing the fallN ing to be held at 4 p.m. tomorrow in also defeated for reelection in the Re- of the Greek Atomists and theire Hill Auditorium, it was announced publican landslide. Maurice Key- science. He quoted from Wetham'si last night by the student-faculty worth, who won throughout the state "History of Science and Religion" to committee. by a wide margin, received 8,439 votes show that their fall was brought Hetsko will speak before the intro- in Washtenaw County to Voelker's about both through their failure to duction of Prof. Robert Morss Lovett 5,867. outline a philosophy of life based on( of the University of Chicago, who is Wynald Wichers, Republican who freedom and through their belief in1 the main speaker on the program. was elected to membership in the the idea that nature, including man,1 Professor Lovett's subject will be state board of education, polled 8,526 is organized on infallible laws. "War and the Colleges." votes here. His Democratic opponent, Dr. Compton pointed out that ex- Winifred Bell, '36, will introduce William Booker, got 5,472. Profssod Lovett, andGeoe iL er-u The two Republicans who were re- periments conducted by Einstein and; Professor Lovett, and George L. Aber- named to the state board of agricul- others concerning the motion of sub- nathy, Grad., will be the chairman ofture, William Bekley and Clark atomic matter have not borne out the the meeting. idea of inflexible natural laws, but, The tudnt-aculy cmmiteeBrody, received 8,147 and 887 votes The student-faculty committ respectively in Washtenaw County. rather have shown that such matter sponsoring the gathering is composed The Democrats in the race, George has wave-like motion. This fact, he of Abernathy and Martin Wagner, Bolling and Clarence Smith, polled explained, has led to the abandon- Grad., co-chairman; Professors John 5,523 and 5,372 ballots respectively. ment of the idea that all matter, in- F. Shepard of the psychology depart- The totals in the race for circuit cluding man, obeys certain fixed nat- ment, Howard Y. McClusky of the judgeship gave the veteran Judge ural laws at all times. educational school, Bennett Weaver George W. Sample, G.O.P. candidate, Thus the idea of freedom of deter- of the English department, and Roy 8,731, and the Democratic aspirant, mination is entirely possible under W. Sellars of the philosophy depart- William Murray, 0,366. This marlks such an interpretation of physical ment; Miss Bell, William A. Babcock, the fourth time Judge Sample has facts, he stated. Jr., '35L, Russell F. Anderson, '36, Ed- been reelected for the six-year term. Dr. Compton said that he would ward Litchfield, '36, Eugene R. Kuhne, The amendment to the state con- develop this idea more fully in his '35, Samuel Magduff, '37A, Patricia stitution, which received an over- second lecture, "What Determines Woodward, '35, and Robert Johnson, whelmingly large vote in the affirma- Our Actions," to be given at 4:15 p.m. '38. tive throughout the state, was likewise today in Natural Science Auditorium. A student ske itheaform of an popular here. The total county poll The third lecture in the series, "In- outdoor meeting at 11 am. tomor- was: Yes -8,497, No -4,678. Theteignenth WolofNur, row in front of the library will be amendment provides for the counting willge given athe 8:15 p.m. in ature, sponsored jointly by the National of tied or contested elections except Methodist aChurch . . in the First Student League, the continuations in the case of members of the Legis- o __hodistChurc._ committee of the Michigan Youth lature, the election of whom will be7 Congress, and Adelia Cheever house, decided by a special board of can- according to a statement last night by vassers. arour sm iP e Leon Ovsiew, '37, member of the new- City Clerk Fred C. Perry was a two- To Be Distributed' ly-formed committee. to-one winner, receiving 4,036 to the Democratic Bradley's 2,018. All incumbent. aldermen were re- The Michigan Journalist, student , 0turned to their posts with the excep- publication of the laboratory classes Asked tion of Arbie B. Clever, Democrat, of the journalism department, will be Budoet Asked who was elected in the fifth ward over Phares Winney, Republican al- printed today by the Battle Creek In- For. derman, and Elmer C. Kapp, Repub- quirer and News, and will be available For University lican, who scored a decisive victory for campus distribution Thursday or .e in the third ward over Carl Esslinger, Friday, it was recently announced. Democratic alderman. Among the articles in the paper will LANSING, April 2. - WP) -Rep. M. Donald Mayer, Democratic alder- be a survey and discussion of the Ann Clyde Stout, chairman of the House man from the second ward, was the Arbor boarding house situation and ways and means committee, intro- only member of his party in Ann Ar- an interview with Prof. Lyman Lloyd duced in the Legislature today bills bor to be given a majority. He won Bryson of Columbia Teachers College, which would provide increased appro- I reelection by defeating Henry W. Hei- who spoke here and led the Commu-] priations for the University of Mich- bein, Republican aspirant. nity Forum recently. igan and Michigan State College. Representative Stout recommended 11R oS pared with a current appropriation of Stops Here On WayTo Detroit $3,200,000. The state college would; receive $1,478,609, compared with $1,- 000,000. Everything's rolling along smoothly an average speed of about ten miles The proposed appror 'iation for for Asa Hall, 47-year-old itinerant an hour, although a rural mail carrier M.S.C. included an item of $178,000 roller skater, who is in town taking once clocked him at 22 m.p.h. "I was for agricultural extension work, which a rest on his jaunt from Little Rock, really knocking 'em off then," he formerly was covered in a separate Ark., to Detroit. claimed reminiscently, bill. Increased enrollment and higher A lirofessional roller skatet: by But since he stops all along the road operative expenses, especially the trade and inclination, Mr. Hall esti- to chat with the farmers, ("I'll bet greater cost of fuel, have been cited mates that in the past 16 years he I've talked with 3,000 of them," Hall as the other reasons for the increases, has covered 87,000 miles on his skates, claims), and in addition picks up his Although the measures were intro- besides which other distance-skaters' necessary cash by odd jobs along the duced by Chairman Stout individually, runs from Flint to Chicago, or Chi- I way, his cross-country speed is not they were understood to have the tacit cago to Detroit seem to him to be very high. He just takes "about a approval of other members of the s"jist a drop in the bucket." good sized town a day," planning on ways and means committee. Although he theoretically has a stopping between here and Detroit in home town. Mexico. Mo he admits Ypsilanti, Wayne and Dearborn. A member of the Tri-Delt sorority at 718 Tappan St. reported to police headquarters last night that a Negro had been prowling on the second floor of the house. The man was discovered, according to police officials, when one of the members went up stairs at aout 10: 15 p.m, and encountered him in the hall- way. He is believed to have made his entry through an open window at the rear of the house, and to have gotten out at the same place. Police searched the neighborhood but could find no one. Radio Artists Are Featured A t Jamboree Of Security Clark, Proce To Fr Pact Wons Head1 Beds To Be C resh AirCamp Acts ; Given does capitalist decline perm Lne ui fillment of the fantastic promises of Huey Long." . The particular issue in the "prelim- inary try-out," says the report, copies of which have been sent to members of the clergy and lay members of the Federation, "was whether Coughlin would continue to support Roosevelt or go to Long." The analytical sections of the report cited labor practices and records of the priest and the senator against promises made to labor in their re- spective social justice and share-the-1 wealth programs. Jfury Picked In Cerwinka Murder Trial Judge Sample Presides Over Hearing Opened In Circuit Court i ^ t l The all-campus jamboree, featur- 'f ng Tony Wons and Sylvia Clark, NBC t 'adio artists, the proceeds from which t vill go to the support of the Univer- o ity Fresh Air Camp, was held last r ight in Hill Auditorium. J. Fred Lawton, '11, author of Var- v ity and other Michigan songs, pre- p tided over the program which wasI ipened with a short concert give i y the Ann Arbor High School band nder the direction of William b Thampion. t Miss Sylvia Clark presented sever- s it brief skits and impersonations and m Tony Wons closed the program for u he evening with an entertainment w imilar to his programs on the radio. The Ann Arbor High School Choru p under the direction of Miss Juva Hig-F ee gave the Finale from Act I of J he Gilbert and Sullivan comic operah "H.M.S. Pinafore." Several short numbers were given by the Varsity Glee Club. E The winners of the Figurine Con- tests were announced by J. Fred - Lawton, and the winning name foi the "boy on the springboard" symbolV wes presented by Russell F. Ander-: son, '36. The best limerick for the: thoughts of the boy was submitted R by David J. Winkworth, '36. Augus- tus Lasker, '37, won the contest foi the most tickets sold to the jamboree. The prizes of the contests were made. by Carleton W. Angell, University sculptor. The League trio composed of Jean Seeley, '36, Mary Morrison, '35SM' and Maxine Maynard, '35, sang a group of popular numbers and Martin J. Mol presented a humorous reading "Casey at the Bat." Band To Giveh Annual Spring Concert Today Gershwin, Other Modern Composers On Program; Hirsch To Conduct The University of Michigan Band. composed of 80 University students. will present a concert program at 8:15l p.m. tonight in Hill Auditorium. Ber-i nard Hirsch will serve as the acting conductor in the absence of Nicholas Falcone.1 It has become an annual custom for the band to present a concert every spring. This year's program will mark the first time the band has everi played a program of the more modern compositions. The repertoire will in- clude works by Falcone, Gomez, Grofe, Pierne, Grieg, and Gershwin. Lane Emery will be the pianist. Mr. Hirsch is an assistant on the faculty of the University School of Music, and has won distinction as a conductor. He arranged "Rhapsody in Blue" by Gershwin for the concert band, which will be played during the program tonight. Included in the program will be sueh well-knnwn numbers as "On the l Duce Seeks Tr-Power Alliance In Face Of The German Rearmament WARSAW, April 2. - (P) --Polish wing away from the sphere of Ger- ian influence apparently was pre- aged tonight as Anglo-Polish con- ersations were reported to have made rogress toward modification of the rench-sponsored Eastern security act, which Warsaw and Berlin here- ofore have rejected. The seeming change in Poland's oreign policy was further emphasized 1. the foreign office's announcement hat Pierre Laval, French foreign ainister, would be invited to visit Varsaw in connection with his trip to /oscow late this month. In long conversations with Polish tatesmen, Capt. Anthony Eden, Great ritain's roving negotiator, was be- ieved to have advanced negotiations or the modified Eastern pact so far hat definite proposals could be made o Marshal Joseph Pilsudski, minister f war and virtual dictator, at their ngagement for tea late today. Commenting on the decision to in- ite Laval to Warsaw, reliable sources ointed out that Poland thereby indi- ated her independence of Germany's nfluence. Lately French influence here has een greatly reduced, they observe, by he signing of the 10-year non-aggres- ion and friendship pact with Ger- nany, and the taking of drastic meas- res against French business men who ere accused of exploiting the Fran- o-Polish alliance for their own pur- oses. It was considered likely that the opics taken up during Eden's seven ours of conferences today - he had ome three hours more scheduled to- iight - included, in addition to the Eastern understanding and the para- nount question of Russo-Polish-Ger- nan relations, armaments, security lemands and the Baltic Sea, In the course of his two-hour visit it the foreign office, Eden was reliably eported to have outlined his findings n Berlin and Moscow and explained Russia's fear of the Polish-German ggression. A foreign office spokesman said be- fore the conference that the reply to his fear would be an expression of Poland's willingness to sign the non- .ggression pact with both her big neighbors. It was along this line, it was as- umed, that the conferees worked to,. levise some modification of the orig- nal "Eastern Locarno," some ar- :angement that would meet the Polish lesire for a limited arrangement, take nto account Germany's hostility to- yard any mutual assistant clause and oothe the Soviet's fear of attack. (By Associated Press) A demand that Great Britain, France and Italy join forces in the Face of German rearmament was-' nade in Premier Benito Mussolini's gaper, Il Populo d'Italia, Tuesday as observers at Warsaw thought they :aw Poland swinging back from Ger- nany to France. Belief that Polish sentiment is veer- ing was based on reported progress Capt. Anthony Eden, British traveling statesman, made in inducing Poland to accept the modified eastern secur- ity agreement, and Poland's surprise decision to invite Pierre Laval, French foreign minister, to visit Warsaw when he .oes to Moscow this month. Another international conference on German rearmament is in progress at Copenhagen where foreign min- isters of Denmark, Norway and Swed- en gathered. In Paris the French chamber of deputies adjourned until May 28 after hearing Premier Pierre Etienne Flan- din say France must keep her military strength at its most to oppose the newly-armed Reich. BERNE, April 2.--(P)--The Swiss government steadfastly determined today to uphold sovereign rights in de- manding the return from Germany of Berthold Jacob, kidnaped anti-Nazi journalist. The trial of Mrs. Celia Cerwinka' charged with being an accomplice in the murder of her husband, MikeCer- winka, last November, started yester- day in the circuit court with the drawing of a jury and the hearing of the first witnesses. In his opening statement Prosecut- ing Attorney Albert J. Rapp stated his intention of proving that Mrs. Cer- winka conspired with George I. Haw- ley, Jr., to murder her husband.1 Hawley, who is serving a life term' for murder, was in the court room waiting his turn to testify for the prosecution. The 'first witnesses called were' Coroner Edwin C. Ganzhorn and Dr. Stacey S. Howard who performed the autopsy. Phillip Cerwinka, brother of the murdered man and Mrs. Rose , 7 1 1 2 ENDS LIFE IN COLUMBUS J COLUMBUS, O.. April 2.-(/P)-Ten he hasn't been there for many years, and as a matter of fact hasn't been days after he was discharged as chief in one town for more than three of the State Liquor Enforcement Di- months since a roller skating com- _.- r. A_ - J , - -- , -- , _ __ n v in m'hm t mn a rnm frmm When he gets there he plans to stap about a week, but then he will take to the road again for the 750- mile run to Washington, D.C. After I that he isn't just sure of his plans.