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April 02, 1935 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-04-02

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The Weather




Snow today, followed by gen-
erally fair tomorrow; colder.

VOL. XLV. No. 136


Awarded To


Jamboree For
Charity Will
Open Tonight

Faculty Members

Noted NBC Chain
Scheduled To

Stars Are

Winners Of Guggenheim
Memorial For 1935 Are
Most Of Honors
Given To Michigan
Men Are -Selected For
'Original Work In Arts
Or Scholarship'
Five members of the University fac-
ulty "who have accomplished dis-
tinguished, original work in scholar-
ship or the arts, and who are prepared
to extend their work in significant
directions" were selected yesterday as
winners of John Simon Guggenheim
Memorial Fellowships for 1935.
More fellowships were awarded to
Michigan faculty members this year
than to the staff members of any
other University. The University of
California has three professors on the
current list of Fellows. Columbia
University, Harvard University, the
University of Chicago and Yale Uni-
versity each have two, and no other
institution has more than one.
The five Michigan faculty mem-
bers who were honored are:
Prof. Cooper Harold Langford of
the philosophy ,department, Prof.
Howard Mumford Jones of the Eng-
lish department, Prof. Werner Em-
manuel Bachmann of the chemistry
department, Prof. Arthur Herbert
Copeland of the mathematics depart-
ment, and Dr. Robert Harold Mc-
Dowell, research institute in archae-
Founded By Senator
Founded in 1925 by former United'
States Senator and Mrs. Simon Gugg-
enheim as a memorial to a son, the
Foundation has granted 629 Fellow-
ships to scholars and creative workers
to enable them to carry on research
and creative work in this country and
The awards of 47 American schol-
ars and artists were made after keen
competition in which several hun-
dred candidates described research
projects which they are desirous of
working out. The Guggenheim grants
provide for investigation.-
Professor Bachmann will carry out
investigations in the field of sex hor-
mones, the sterols and the bile acid
in certain European laboratories.
To Work At Istanbul I
Professor Copeland will work with
scholars at the University of Istanbul
on researches in mathematics with
the purpose of developing a complete
set of postulates for the foundations
of the theory of probability and proof
of their consistency.
The writing of a critical examina-
tion of recent formalism in logic, with
special reference to its development
in Europe, and the attempt at refor-
mation, both technical and theoret-
ical, or the general theory of propo-
sitions will be the project of Professor
Langford, who will also work abroad.
Jones Granted Renewal
Professor Jones was granted a re-
newal of his Fellowship to do further
work toward the preparation of a
biography of Thomas Moore. 'He will
work in Bermuda.
A study in Persia of local collec-
tions and boards of ancient coins with
the purpose of contributing to the
solution of certain historical prob-
lems will occupy Dr. McDowell.
In addition to these members of the
University faculty, Prof. Chester
Wells Clark of the Princeton Univer-
sity history department and Prof.
Tremaine McDowell of the University
of Minnesota English department,
who are also alumni of Michigan, re-
ceived Fellowships.
Freshman Forum Is
To Convene Today

Prof. Bennett Weaver of the Eng-
lish department will conduct the sec-
ond in a series of freshman forums,
designed to aid new students in or-
ienting themselves to life on the Uni-
versity campus, at 4:15 p.m. today in
the north lounge on the first floor of
the Union.
William R. Dixon, '36, student com-
mitteeman in charge of arranging the
forums, announced yesterday that it
will be conducted in the same fash-
ion as the previous discussion was.
Freshmen will present their questions

Is One Of Five


On All-Campus Event
Benefit Program Is
ArrangedBy S.C.A.
Proceeds Help Support
University Fresh A i r
Camp For Children

Prof. Howard Mumford Jones of the
English department, is one of five
faculty members who were awarded
Guggenheim fellowships.
Polygraph Is
Prof. Shepard

State Law Enforcement
Officers Attend Second
Session Of Institute
The polygraph, much discussed lie
detector, was defended and criticized
here yesterday before more than 110a
Michigan law enforcement officers at1
the opening session of the second In-E
stitute for Law Enforcement Officers,,
sponsored by the University, in the1
old medical building.
Prof. John F. Shepard of the psy-
chology department devoted his
speech in the morning session to crit-
icism of the instrument, stating that
the old view of the polygraph was
wrong. The former belief held that
under development since the '90's,
sensations pleasant to the body were
followed by muscular relaxation, while
unpleasant or - excited stimuli were,
shown by generally increased bodily
Recent experiments, Professor She-
pard pointed out, proved that or-;
ganic changes did result from stim-
ulation, but that it could not be de-
termined whether the sensations ex-
perienced had been pleasant or un-
Terms Detector Unstable
"Blood pressure is not an indica-
tion of truth or falsehood," he de-
clared, "but it may be due to any
exciting stimuli. It indicates that
something is doing butndoes not tell
what. The lie detector is unstable."
In that respect, he said, it is a
good "bluff" instrument, useful in
making a person confess a crime of
which he is suspected. He also cited
the use of the association test, in
which one's instant response to a
word is recorded.
Sergt. Harold Mulbar, of the State
Police at Lansing, took the opposite
viewpoint. He declared that many
tests conducted at the Northwestern
University police school showed that
75 per cent of the accused persons,
when confronted with the polygraph-
ic evidence that they were lying, con-
Sergeant Mulbar termed it a valu-
able instrument, and asserted that it
"gives another tool in the kit of the
crime investigator."
He concluded by predicting that
where the results of the polygraph
is not at present admitted as evi-
dence in the courts, "it will be in the
near future."
Weller Correlates Opinions
Dr. Carl V. Weller, director of the
University Pathological Laboratories,
who was chairman of the morning
meeting, attempted to correlate the
two opinions, declared that "You get
a little more slopping over when a
lie is told than when one is not.
"We have not yet reached the point
where we can separate emotional
and physiological responses," he said,
"but we are making progress."
The Institute convenes at 10 a.m.
today in the second day of its four

Tony Wons and Sylvia Clark, noted
NBC chain stars, will head the pro-
gram of the annual all-campus jam-
boree to be held at 8 p.m. today in
Hill Auditorium. All the proceeds
of the event will go to the support
of the University Fresh Air Camp.
J. Fred Lawton, '11, author of "Var-
sity" and who will be introduced by
Fielding H. Yost, director of athletics,
will act as master of ceremonies.
The Ann Arbor High School Band
under the direction of William Cham-
pion will open the program of the
Jamboree with a short concert, and
many Michigan songs will be played.
Immediately after the introduction
of Mr. Lawton, the Finale from Act
I of the Gilbert and Sullivan comic
opera "H.M.S. Pinafore" will be given
by the Ann Arbor High School Chor-
Glee Club To Sing
The Varsity Glee Club under the
direction of David Mattern and the
League trio composed of Jean Seeley,
'36, Mary Morrison, '35SM, and Max-
ine Maynard, '35, have also been
scheduled to appear. "Casey at the
Bat," a reading, will be given by Mar-
tin J. Mol.
Both Wons and Miss Clark will take
up the larger part of the Jamboree
program. Miss Clark will give many
impersonations of screen and radio
stars, and Wons, who is famous for
his "House by the Side of the Road"
broadcasts, will give brief skits and
poems, as in many of his Scrapbook
radio programs.
The winners of the figurine con-
test will be announced by Mr.
Lawton and presentation of the mod-
els will be made later. The models
were offered to the persons submitting
the best limerick and name for the
"boy on the springboard" which is
used in connection with the camp.
To Benefit Camp
The Jamboree is sponsored annually
by the Student Christian Association
for the benefit of the University Fresh
Air Camp, located about 25 miles from
Ann Arbor on Patterson Lake. More
than 350 underprivileged adolescent
boys attend the camp every year. Un-
der the supervision of University men
the boys spend two weeks to a month
enjoying swimming, boating, and
learning cooperation and fellowship
with others.
Described by President Alexander
G. Ruthven as a "great project in
human engineering," during the 13
years of its existence the camp has
served the needs of more than 5,000
boys. The campers are selected
through the cooperation of more than
15 local welfare agencies located in
Ann Arbor, Detroit,'Hamtramck, and
The attendance at the camp has
been increasing each year. In 1934
the number of boys enjoying the ad-
vantages of healthy outdoor life ex-
ceeded 400. According to George G.
Alder, director of the camp, "the real
purpose of the camp is to provide a
means for underprivileged boys to
enjoy the advantages of six-weeks of
a cosmospolitan life and to teach
the campers how to be more useful
and better citizens."
Lovett, Anti-War
Praised By En

Compton Will
Deliver F i r s t
Speech Today
'Freedom Versus Law' Is
Subject Of Opening Talk
In Science Auditorium
Will Give Four In I
Martin Loud Series
'Man's Place In God's
World' General Theme
Of NotedPhysicist
Prof. Arthur H. Compton, noted
physicist of the University of Chica-
go, will deliver the first lecture in the
Martin Loud series at 4:15 p.m. today
in the Natural Science Auditorium.
The subject of the lecture to be
given today is "Freedom Versus Law,"
and it is the first of the series of four
to be given on the succeeding days of
this week. The general theme for all
the speeches is "Man's Place In God's
The lectures are being given under
the auspices of the Wesleyan Guild
and Committee on Religious Educa-
tion. Faculty men who are members
of the committee include Dean Ed-
ward H. Kraus of the literary college,
Prof. Heber C. Curtis of the astron-
omy department, Prof. William A.
McLaughlin of the French depart-
ment, Prof. Leroy Waterman, head
of the riental languages and litera-
ture department, Prof. Dewitt Park-
er, chairman of the department of
philosophy, Prof. Erich A. Walter of
the English department, and Dr. E.
W. Blakeman, counsellor of religious
Cosmic Ray Authority
Professor Compton is especially re-'
nowned in the field of cosmic rays,
standing with Dr. Robert M. Millikan
of California as one of the greatest
world authorities on that subject. In
1927 he was awarded the Nobel Prize
for physics, and in the same year re-
ceived the Rumford Gold Medal from
the American Academy of Arts and
One of his chief publications is
concerned with secondary radiation
produced by X-rays.
His other experiments have been
marked with the discovery of the
change in the wave length of thel
X-rays when polarized, the discovery
of total reflection of X-rays, and
X-ray spectra from ruled gratings.
Called Outstanding Scientist
Prominent University physicists
eulogized Dr. Compton as one of the
outstanding scientists in the world.
Prof. Harrison M. Randall, head of
the physics department, called atten-
tion to the fact he is one of the few
Americans who have won the Nobel
Prize in 1927, and said that "he has
done more than outstanding work in
the field of cosmic rays."
"I think Dr. Compton is one of the
very few physicists who have con-
tributed original advances," declared
Prof. James Cork. "He has to his
credit at least four discoveries that
would make him internationally
known as a physicit."
No Magazine, Printer
Says, It's April Fool!
Because of an April Fool's joke
played by the printers in delaying
the issue, Contemporary will be on
campus sale today, it was an-
nounced yesterday by Donald B.
Elder, '35, editorial director. Sub-
scribers may obtain their copies at
the office of Contemporary in the
Student Publications Building.

Speaker, Is
igish Prof essors


State Offices As Mayor
Campbell Is Reelectel

Prof. Walter Sadler Is
Victorious In Race For
Council Presidency
Alt And Morrison
Elected Aldermen
Sample Appears As Certain
Winner For Judgeship
Of Local Circuit
Mayor Robert A. Campbell won a
decisive victory yesterday in his fight
for reelection as the predominantly
Republican balloting gave him 651
more votes than John C. Conlin, his
Democratic opponent.
Prof. Walter C. Sadler, of the en-
gineering college romped to triumph;
on the G.O.P. ticket over Prof. Or-
lando W. Stephenson, Demodrat, to
win the presidency of the City Council
by 859 votes. The totals in this race
were Sadler, 3,575; Stephenson, 2,716.
The mayoralty totals were Campbell
3,571; Conlin, 2,950.
. Prof. Glenn L. Alt of the engineer-
ing college, a Republican, won reelec-
tion to the sixth ward aldermanic
post, defeating the Democratic can-
didate, Douglas D. Loree, 415 to 170.
While the vote for alderman in the
seventh ward could not be definitely
learned, Prof. Roger L. Morrison of
the engineering college was far in
the lead of his Democratic opponent,
Mrs. Gertrude Norris, and it ap~
peared that he would be renamed al-
derman from that section.
Vote Is Average
The vote was average here, election
officials stated. Rain set in shortly
before 9 p.m., but the overhanging
skies did not keep voters from the
polls. The city was orderly, police
reported, no disturbances being ob-
The second precinct of the seventh
ward, the "University precinct," gave
Mayor Campbell 764 votes to 488 for
Conlin. It went 739 to 490 for Sadler.
City Clerk Fred C. Perry polled
the largest vote of any candidate to
win reelection over Benjamin F. Brad-
ley, 4,306 to 2,008.
The returns in the race for the cir-
cuit judgeship in the 22nd judicial
circuit were incomplete early this
morning, but Judge George W. Sample
looked like an almost certain victor.
The vote of 17 precincts out of the 36
in Washtenaw County was Sample
3,353, William H. Murray, his Demo-
cratic opponent, 2,541. 'This includes
three Ann Arbor precincts.
Miss Haas Reelected
With only 17 precincts in, returns
indicated that Miss Cora L. Hass,
Democratic candidate for Washtenaw
county commissioner of schools, had
defeated the Republican aspirant, Ar-
thur L. Kalder. The incomplete re-
turns gave the incumbent commis-
sioner 3,125 to 2,455 for Kalder.
The Ann Arbor vote for Regents of
the University, for superintendent of
public instruction, for justices of the
Supreme Court, and for members of
the State Boards of Education and
Agriculture was incomplete early this
morning. In view of the heavy vote
cast throughout the city, it is prob-
able, however, that the G.O.P. ticket
was locally victorious.
Confusion reigned among Republi-
cans in the city clerk's office for a
time when a false tabulation reported
a normally G.O.P. ward was going
Democratic. The correct returns
were finally discovered, however.

Pandora's Box Is
Given To Ruthven
By Newspapermen
There are few people left on the
campus who are not just a little suspi-
cious following All Fools' Day yes-
terday and a bumper crop of jokes -
practical and otherwise.
Even President Alexander G. Ruth-
ven was not immune from the antics
of pranksters. On the occasion of his
53rd birthday, he was given a real
party, and, at the same time, bore the
brunt of the April Fool joke of a
group of Detroit newspaper corres-
What was unofficially reported as
the first birthday party ever given
in the quiet of the Regential offices
was carefully planned by the presi-
dential secretariat.
In the midst of the ice cream
course, in stalked the news-hounds,
with mischief in their eyes and pencils
over their ears. Between them, in
the manner of beasts of burden, they
bore a large oblong-shaped box with
fancy wrapping paper and ribbons.
President Ruthven briefly admired
the neat package, and then tore open
the parcel. He was confronted by
a large number of smaller packages
which resembled Keno prizes ready
for distribution.
The President opened the first of
his small packages. A harmless-look-
ing fountain pen was revealed. Anx-
ious to test its merit, President Ruth-
yen unsuspectingly started to write.
but the pen collapsed.
And so on, through the rest of
the packages, each one proved to be
a novelty - a cigarette lighter, a pen-
cil, and various other trinkets.
Two Scottsboro
Death Sentence Is Ruled
Invalid; Cite Negro Jury

DETROIT, April 2.-- (Tuesday) -
P)- An outstanding majority ap-
iroaching 2 to 1 proportions indicated
rictory for the entire Republican state
icket in yesterday's general election.
With more than one-fifth of the
>recincts outside of Wayne County
eported, the Democrats were trailing
ismally. Barring upsets the Repub-
ican slate should enter the contested
netropolitan area with a lead of 150-
)00 votes or more. Democratic
pokesmen admitted that so top-
ieavy an advantage probably could
ot be overcome. Early-reporting
Wayne County precincts joined the
.epublican parade, but the closest
ace was that for superintendent of
ublic instruction, and even there the
lepublican lead was more than 3 to 2.
Favor Election Amendment
The voters expressed themselves al-
nost 2 to 1 in favor of a constitutional
amendment to take election disputes
ut of the hands of the Legislature.
the aftermath of last year's special
Session of the Legislature with a Sen-
Ate investigation and a grand jury in-
luiry, was credited with winning the
upport of the amendment.
The surprise of the early returns
Ras the runaway race staged by M. R.
Keyworth, Republican candidate for
uperintendent of public instruction.
t was around his candidacy that
nost of the pre-election fight re-
volved. Paul F. Voelker, Democratic
ncumbent, stumped the state in be-
Aalf of a flat school aid appropria-
ion of $25,000,000 a year. Keyworth
ampaigned on a platform "adequate
tate aid" but refused to commit him-
elf to Voelker's figures. The former
stimated $20,200,000 would suffice.
Decisive Issue
Republicans and Democrats alike
zdmitted that in the Keyworth-Voel-
ker feud would be the-test of the bal-
toting. The common view was that if
Keyworth could win, all the Repub-
'ican candidates would be elected.
The meagerness of the returns
failed to suppress the jubilance of
Republican leaders. After listening to
sketchy reports of the outstate land-
slide they declared their slate is "in."
Esther Marsh Cram, and David H.
2rowley, Republicans, led their Demo-
;ratic oppenents, Edmund C. Shields
lnd Charles M. Novak, for positions
>n the University Board of Regents
>y heavy margins. - The tally in 448
)recincts was: Cram, 57,456; Crowley,
>8,718; Shields, 35,239; Novak, 33,050.
With 352 precincts reporting Wyn-
snd Wichers, Republican, led William
R. Booker, Democrat, for membership
>n the State Board of Education by
17,045' to 28,236,
Brody, Berkey Lead
A canvass of 370 precincts gave
Zlark J. Brody, and William H. Berk-
;y, Republicans, a lead over George
6. Boling and Clarence B. Smith,
Democrats. The count: Brody, 49,-
344; Berkey, 48,647; Bolling, 27,675;
Smith 27,721.
The vote on the Constitutional
imendment which would take re-
counts out of the hands of the State
Legislature was favored by the elec-
torate in 213 preciricts, 18,557 affir-
native votes being registered against
10,668 negatives.
The Republican slate from top to
bottom ran better than Keyworth.
In 691 precincts out of 3,453 in the
State, the vote for Superintendent of
Public Instruction was - Keyworth,
98,156, Voelker, 62,892. For Justices
of the Supreme Court returns from
704 precincts. show William W. Pot-
ter, Republican, 103,108; Nelson
Sharpe, Republican, 99,623; Francis
T. MacDonald, Democrat, 67,765;
William A. Neithercut, Democrat,
Price Of 'Ensian Will
Go Up After Vacation
Students will have their last op-
portunity to buy an Ensian for


"Outstanding, fearless, scholarly,
and interesting" was the composite
opinion expressed last night by several
professors of the English department
in regard to Prof. Robert Morss Lo-
vett, of the University of Chicago,
who will speak at 4:15 p.m. Thursday
in the anti-war .meeting at Hill Audi-
Professor Lovett, who has been a
member of the University of Chicago
English department for the past 44
years, has distinguished himself both
as a liberal political leader and as an
authority on English literature.
His most recent entry into the
public eye dates back only about two
weeks ago, when he furnished $500

last 14 years, he is a contributor toS
various current periodicals.
Professor Lovett was the first 1'
speaker on the annual Hopwood ser-
ies, lecturing on "Literature and Ani-
mal Faith" in 1932. He also spoke l o eo
here several times before that, and
his text-book, "A History of English1ARKADELPHI
Literature," which he wrote jointly IA) -Ducked in O
with William V. Moody, was former- -uckedpi Fo
ly used in the University English de- annual April rs
partment. freshmen immer,
Educated at Harvard, Professor James Queen, 19,
Lovett taught English there for two achita College, d
years. In 1893 he joined the Univer- cans believe a he,
sity of Chicago faculty and has re- Quen, thson
mained there ever since. From 1903 Queen, pastor of
to 1920 he held the position of Dean his luncheon wh
of Junior Colleges. spied him and
In 1919 he was the editor of Thes man. Queen was

ye Games
A, Ark., April 1..
uachita River in the
ol's day custom of
ing upperclassmerf,
a sophomore at Ou-
ied of what physi-
art attack today.
of the Rev. J. F.
f the First Baptist
tt, had just finished
en some freshmen
another upperclass-
pulled in the water.

WASHINGTON, April 1.- VP) -
The Supreme Court today set aside
the death sentences imposed on Clar-
ence Norris and Haywood Patterson,
Negroes convicted of assaulting a
white woman near Scottsboro, Ala.,
and returned both cases to Alabama
courts for further action.
In the case of Norris, Chief Justice
Hughes' opinion directly ordered a
new trial after saying that there was
no controversy about the constitu-
tional principle involved - that if Ne-
groes are excluded from -jury service,
equal protection of the laws to all
does not result.
In a separate opinion on Patter-
son, Justice Hughes returned the case
for the Alabama courts to decide
whether he should not be given a
new trial.
While court attaches explained that
the Alabama court could refuse a new
trial and re-sentence Patterson, they
contended that in this event he could
return to the Supreme Court for a
direct order for a new trial.


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