31, 1935 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Approach Of Summer Brings Thoughts Of Foreign Travel To Mind Again Lines Provide Service To All Parts Of World College Students Receive Special Services From SteamshipCompanies One of the biggest problems of the prospective traveler and one closely allied with the choosing of his itinary is that of deciding what route to fol- low and which steamship line to use. He has, indeed, a large field from which to take his pick. In brief review, they are as follows: The Italian line covers the famous southern route from New York to Gibralter and then to the various Mediterranean ports. The two most famous ships of this line are the Conte di Savoia and the Rex, two of the largest and fastest ships in the world. This line also runs a series of Medi- terranean cruises. The Holland-American line for a number of years has maintained spe- cial services for college students. It operates from New York to South- hampton and Rotterdam, also cov- ering Europe and Russia with some low-priced tours. German Ships Popular The Hamburg-American and North German Lloyd are the popular Ger- man lines whose ships touch at Eng- land and France as well as the "fath- erland." Their most famous ships are the Bremen and the Europa, sup- plemented by a fleet ofsmaller ships, all distinctly German in character. The Cunard White Star line, a re- centcombination of the best-known English lines, runs a fleet of first class ships to England and France. A fleet of smaller vessels touch only at Ireland, England, and Scotland. The Dollar line offers the only com- plete round-the-world service in which all the major ports of the world may be visited while allowing the passengers to remain on the same ship. This is a bi-weekly service. This line also runs ships between the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, while a third fleet maintains a service be- tween the west coast and the Orient. These are the "president liners." Operates To Orient The American Mail line, a unit of the Dollar line, operates out of Seattle to the Orient, but does not stop at Honolulu as the other Dollar ships do. Canadian Pacific operates both At lantic and Pacific services, the for- mer leaving from Montreal and Que- bec, the lat er having its hopt4 in Vancouver, B. C. The Empress of Britain is its most famous ship. The ever-popular French line is famous not only for its fleet of ships but also for their congenial foreign at nospheare.Its new Normandie will be the largest ship in service when it starts its run in the spring. The International Mercantile Mar- ine, one of the largest of the "Amer- ican flag" fleets, through the United States Lines, runs ships to Ireland, England, France, and Germany. Its other' services operate to London, France, and Germany, operating from both New York and Baltimore, and also maintains inter-coastal and trans-Pacific services. For T RAV'EL... Professor Cross Recommends England For Cheaper Travel World's Largest Liner Ready For Tests By FRED WARNER NEAL Travel in 'Ye Merrie Englande" is recommended by Prof. Arthur L. Cross of the history department for many reasons, but he advises it es- pecially this summer because of the advantageous financial situation. The island of castles, cathedrals, and abbeys, made famous by poet and historian, is off the gold stand- ard, and the pound is at almost an unprecedented low - $4.77. Accord- ing to Professor Cross, England is among the cheapest countries in Eu- rope in which to travel this year. And after you get there, there are all sorts of easy ways to travel. The train service is especially good, Pro- fessor Cross pointed out, and both the first and the third class, the second class having been largely done away with, are comfortable. 'Great Bicycle Country' "England," he said, "is a great bi-' cycle country. And if you want to risk dodging automobiles, you can obtain a wheel easily enough." But the rustic England of stage coach days is nearly gone. In its place the tourist finds a completely motorized nation. And in this re- spect, Professor Cross said, although cars can be rented for a pound and purchased cheaply, the American of- times runs into difficulty. He is ac- customed to driving on the right with the steering wheel on the left. John Bull drives his automobile on the left. side of the street with the steering wheel on the right. For those persons planning a tour of England, Professor, Cross recom- mends the English speaking Union. located in London, just off Berkeley Square, as a great help to travelers in obtaining accomodations The cost of membership is $5 per year. Books such as Muirhead's "Blue Guides," and Clara Laughlin's series are also of great assistance to any- one planning a trip to Great Britain, he said. London Offers Most Undoubtedly, while all England abounds with spots of scenic history, London offers most to the tourist, Professor Cross declared. This year especially it will be entertaining, as the Royal Family is celebrating the silver anniversary of the ascension of King George V to the throne. Particular spots in and around the British capital which he says travelers should not miss are the theaters, -the Parliament buildings, in which both Lords and Commons usually sit until August, West Minister Abbey, Can- terbury Cathedral, and Oxford and Cambridge Universities. At Oxford, the famous Oxford High, is called by Professor Cross one of the most beautiful streets in Europe. And at Cambridge, the scenic "backs," long stretches of green lawn extend- ing down from the colleges to the River Cam, present a rare treat for the eyes. Universities Are Scenic Buckingham Palace, the official residence of the King in London, is a- building through which tourists are at times admitted, as is Windsor Castle, about 20 miles from the city. Many beautiful ruins of castles such as Conway, in Wales, Kenilworth in Scotland, and Warwick in the Mid- lands, extend through Britain. Pro- fessor Cross also called attention to the two castles built by King Henry (continued on Page 10) -Associated Press Photo. Claimed by the French as the biggest liner in the world, the Normandie soon will be given her official tests before being put into regular passenger service. The huge boat is shown being towed to drydock at St. Nazaire to have its propellers affixed. Travelers In Europe To Have Wide Variety Of Amusements on III There is much more than mere monuments, treasurers, and interest- ing sights to attract travelers to Eu- ropean countries during the coming summer. A brief glance over the cal- endar of events reveals a wide variety of musical, sporting, dramatic, and miscellaneous entertainments. In June: The famous Derby Horse Race will be held at Epsom, Royal Ascot Horse Races will be held at As- cot, Magna Carta Day will be cele- brated and the Royai Air Force will give a display at Hendon; Yugoslav- ia will celebrate Kossova Day, ob- served since 1389 when Serbia lost its battles with the Turks on "the (Continued on Page 10) III I. I , LESS OCEA -I L. ^r. -g 5 0 Cut down the open-ocean passage. Have fun and comfort in the sheltered St. Lawrence Seaway. Fast, direct connec- tions with sailings at Montreal (Duchesses and Mont ships) ... at Quebec (Empress of Britain, Empress of Australia). See your own agent or .:," t, "'{" ' 1. ': y'I : i "J " '. h ." 1 . }: ":ti V. .1 { .}:. f.: .'. .. ". V: 'SyfN : { RYA _ f ,( p These charming ha ts H Fashion Victory For Our Handsome HRlND/ ICRHFTED ~ / CA MODES 50- Fresh as an ocean breeze... blue shoes accented with white :: . ..a true sailor-like note that suits the crisp new styles for Spring....of Gabar- dine or linen with kid. " The same styles come1 Travl ing? Then We Suggest a SUIT PREREQUISITES for TRAVELING are comfort and style and noth- ing answers these requirements better than a suit, and especial- ly a trim mannish one or a li swagger outfit. Tweeds and fine Formal fabrics! THERE'S a marvelous selection to choose from; in Harris Type I I Clark Gable, Swagger Compose, $975 Others from $16.50 to $49.50 Topcoat and Dressmaker Suits- of Felts, Fabrics, and n I I - . r r_. II 11 I A