JO'E MAICLGiAN DAILY Wagner-Andrews Lead Grand March Of Annual Slide Rule Dance Function Given Last Night In The Union fall Various Styles, And Colors Featured In Taffetas, Crepes, Laces The grand march of the annual Slide Rule dance, given by the Mich- igan Technic in the Union ballroom last night, was led by Joseph C. Wag- ner, '35E, general chairman and his guest, Jeanne Andrews. '37. Miss Andrews was charming in a gown of soft taffeta print with a gray background. The dress featured twisted straps and a large bow in the back. Flame colored shoes added to the costume. Priscilla Smith, '38, who was ac- companied by Robert W. Sloane, '35E, assistant chairman, wore a peach- colored taffeta gown of period style with flowers at the waist. Peach was also worn by Mrs. Lester V., Col- well. The dress featured silver trim. Mr. Colwell was a member of the publicity committee for the dance. Alencon Lace Wr Ice blue Alencon lace with a fitted jacket of the same material was worn by Lorraine DeWaele of Bay City, guest of Robert W. Thorne, chairman of the publicity committee. The jacket of the gown was cut with long sleeves and large reverses. Dorothy Ohrt, '36, who was escorted by Salvatore Tramontana, '35E, chair- man of tickets, chose a powder blue crepe gown with a large ruffled cape. Blue was also ,the choice of Mary Ellen McCord, '38, who was the guest of Robert L. Taylor, a member of the decorations committee. Miss McCord's gown was of net and was trimmed with taffeta. Linen, Net Featured Maribell Driver, Grad., was seen in pink linen with a corded bodice and pleated ruching. The jacket of the gown had long sleeves and a ruffled collar. Miss Driver was escorted by Albert E. Marshall, '35E, a member of the ticket committee. The pink gown worn by Barbara Lutts, '36, was of satin and featured a train. Miss Lutts was accompanied by Edward F. Jaros, '35E, chairman of music. Charotte Hamilton, '37, the guest of Allen B. Stevens, '35E, of the program and invitation committees, wore navy blue net with white coin dots, white reverses and large puff sleeves. Marion Foley of Detroit, accom- panied by Raymond B. Foley, '35E, of the floor committee Was seen in peach-colored crepe. 'The white nt gown worn by Laureen Bayler, of Ypsilanti, the guests of Philip R. Ewald, '35E, chairman of decorations, featured a cape with brilliants. Plum taffeta composed the gown of Helen Jacobs, '35, the guest of Oliver S. Park, '35E, also of the dec- orations committee. More Conservative Shadess Seen For SpringManicres The latest thing to arrive from the ultra-fashionable circles is nail pol- ish emphasized by lips tinted the same shade. Be it red, green, blue, or orange, the fingernails and lips must match the gown. However, this practice is an exception to most early spring announcements and does not prove the rule. Several other innovations are being considered but the best authorties, including local shops who cater to the needs and demands of the college woman, term them impracticable while insisting that mild spring weather and lightcolored frocks will bring a return to more conservative coloring in finger nails. The new liquid cream polishes will vie with the ordinary liquid polish, but bright colors will be more or less taboo. Extreme cleanliness is the prime requisite toward attaining healthy and beautiful nails. Conservative polishes to bring out the natural pinkness of the nail will be the most popular; these must include such shades as colorless, natural, rose, or coral, depending on the color of the dress. The buffer must be diligently applied to keep the surface of the clean nails bright and shiny, and this treatment also helps to keep the polish on the nails for a longer period. The first requiments for a good manicure are large moons and med- ium length tips; as to nail polish, the conservative mild tints will be triumphant this spring. PI LAMBDA THETA Phi Lambda Theta, national educa- tional honorary society held a meet- ing last night in the parlor of the organization's rooms in the Elemen- tary School to discuss adult educa- tion. Each member presented the work of her home community in a panel discussion. This meeting was the preface to a larger meeting to be held in May when a memhr of the Easter Bonnet M'at cies Row And Collar --Associated Press Photo, Fashion piedicts that cciton sailors with collar and bow to match will predominate in the Easter Parade. This model is a white sailor with bumper brim and navy grosgrain trim. It was designed by Lilly Dache Foreign Group To Participate InOpenForum Subjects Of, International Interest To Form Large Part Of Discussion Invitations have been extended by Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, Counsellor to Foreign students, to a group of 20 foreign students to be guests of the Central State Teacher's College at Mount Pleasant from April 10 to April 13. The deputation will leave Ann Ar- bor in time to take part in an open forum the afternoon of April 10. The purpose of the forum is for an inter- change of ideas on national cultures and differences in the educational methods in the countries represented at the meeting. The following day will be set aside for visiting classes. Several of the foregin students will be asked to speak in classes, especially in history and political science, but all classes will be open to them throughout the day. That afternoon at the College Assembly, the deputation will pre- sent a program including several musical and dance numbers as well as talks about their respective native lands. It has also been arranged for the foreign students to visit the high schools the third day of their visit in order that the high school stu- dents become better acquainted with the inhabitants of foreign countries by meeting some of them personally. The visit will close with an interna- tional dinner and party in honor of the deputation that evening as has been the custom in the past two years. Professor Nelson has selected a party of students from 14 different countries who are especially inter- ested in seeing the organization and operation of the Teacher's College, and the new training and nursery schools in connection with the col- lege. The group will be chaperoned by Prof. and Mrs. Raleigh J. Nelson. Bets Kappa Rho To Hold Faculty Tea At League Beta Kappa Rho, organization of University women living in private homes, will hold a faculty tea tomor- row in the Ethel Fountain Hussey room of the League. Dorothy Middle- staedt, '37, is chairman of the affair, and assisting her are Evelyn Butler, '37, Dorothy Wernette, '36, Gabrielle Sauve, '36, and Mildred Butler, '35. A number of members of the fac- ulty and their wives have been in- vited to attend. Dean Alice Lloyd, Mrs. Edward Kraus, Mrs. Franklin Shull, and Mrs. Rene Talamon will preside at the tea tables. a formal banquet in honor of the members of the past Council Saturday night. Zeta Tau Alpha Zeta Tau Alpha in a recent elec- tion chose the following as officers for the ensuing year: president, Janet Kappler, '36; vice-president, Kather- ine Kerwan, '37; secretary, Beatrice Obergfell; treasurer, Theresa Mackey, '37; rushing chairman, Dorothy Pray, '36. Many Campus Houses Will Hold Dances; Masquerade Featured The dormitories and sororities have and Mrs. M. H. Waterman will chap- .joined the fraternities in planning the crone the closed informal dance to be entertainment for tonight. A mas- held at the Delta Sigma Pi fraternity querade ball will be one of the out- house. Crosman's orchestra will fur- standing features of the evening. nish the music. Alpha Epsilon Phi sorority is hold- The active members of Chi Omega ing the ball in honor of their ini- sorority are holding a spring infor- tiates. Evelyn Bluestein, '37, with mal dance in honor of the new ini- the assistance of Adelle Polier, 38, is tiates. Billie Faulkner, '37, has ar- arranging the party. Dr. and Mrs. ranged for Reed Pierce's orchestra S. M. Goldhamer, Dr. and Mrs. Phillip to play for the affair. Those who Jay and Mrs. M. Mahrer will' act as will chaperone are: Prof. and Mrs. chaperones. Louis C. Karanski, Prof. and Mrs. Phi Chi fraternity is entertaining Paul Leidy, and Mrs. Blanche Harley. with an open informal dance for A formal initiation dance will also which Al Cowan and his orchestra he held at the Alpha Kappa Kappa will play. James Kurts, '36M, chair- fraternity house. Dr. and Mrs. Harry man of the dance, has announced Towsley and Dr. and Mrs. Frank that Dr. and -Mrs. Leonard Himler Bradshaw will chaperone. and Dr. and Mrs. Sidney Perham will chaperone. Bill Marshall and his orchestra will play for the informal dance to be held at Martha Cook dormitory. The chaperones are: Mrs. George Codd, Mot' Pite Mati "Sweet Miss Sarah Rowe, Dr. and Mrs. James Music" with Rudy Vallee; Michigan, Bruce, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Baites, "The Mystery of Edwin Drood" with and Mr. and Mrs. Delos Parker Claude Rains; Whitney,"Prescott of Detroit, Marian Bertsch, '35, is in ofarDeotMainBrsh Kid" with Tim McCoy and Rex as charge of the arrangements. King of Wild Horses"; Wuerth "The Howard Levine, '36, is planning the Gilded Lily" with Claudette Colbert closed informal dance to be given by and."It's a Gift" with W. C. Fields. Kappa Nu fraternity. Dr. and Mrs. Play Producti*i: "A Midsummer Samuel Gudsmit and Dr. Bernard Night's Dream" 3:15 p.m. and 8:30 Heller will act as chaperones. p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Spanish decorations will be the Dancing: Silver Grill of the League, feature of the informal dance being Union Ballroom, Chubbs, Hut Cellar, planned by- Alice Stebbins, '38, and Grangers. Isabel Jackson, '35, of Helen New- berry residence. Miss Ruth Pfohl CHURCH PARTY TONIGHT and Miss Vera Howard will chaperone There will be a party tonight at the affair, for which Whit Lowe and the Church House for all Presbyterian his orchestra will play. students and their friends. Everyone Mr. and Mrs. Harold Beam and Mr.....rr dherf_ Badminton Club Will Be Sponsor Of Annual Event, CHAPTER HOUSE ACTIVITY NOTES Fraternities and' sororities have been kept busy this week with a The fourth annual badminton tour- varied schedule of activities. The so- nament to be held under the auspices cial affairs include faculty dinners, a of the Ann Arbor Badminton Club has formal banquet, and a tea. Other been announced for the evenings of houses announce further pledgings April 1 and 2. The event will be open and initiations. to professionals and amateurs, both Alpha Epsilon Phi students and townspeople. Alpha Epsilon Phi sorority an- nounces the initiation of the follow- Professor Arthur Boake is presIdent ing: Mildred Hass, '38, Phyllis Devay, of the group and Mr. Chris Mack is '38, Florence Freeman, '38, and Ruth chairman of the tournament commit- Friedman, '38. tee. Alpha Gamma Delta The tournament will have two di- Alpha Gamma Delta sorority enter- visions, the novice tournament for tained Wednesday night with a fac- beginners and the regular tournament ulty dinner. Guests at the dinner for those more familiar with the were Miss Kathleen Codd, Miss Sara game. Rowe, Miss Edith Barnard, Mr. and The events will consist of men's and Mrs. Richard Puller, Mr. and Mrs. , t Women Invited To Compete In Aquatic Meet Outstanding swimmers in the wom- en's swimming club have been in- vited to compete in the National In- tercollegiate Telegraphic Swimming Meet to be held at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow in the Union pool. The meet is di- vided into four sectional divisions and Michigan is one of the 13 members of the central division. Each swimmer is timed and the three best in each event are re- corded. The results will be tele- graphed to officials at the Univer- sity of Illinois, Urbana, Ill., where they will be compared with those of other women's colleges and state uni- versities. Those who will swim for Michigan are Katherine Johnston,'38, Eliza- beth Howard, '36Ed., Pauline Mitchell, '37, Mabel Howard, '37, Mary Mont- gomery, '37, Henrietta Freund, '36, Helen Gillespie, '35Ed., Althea Lisle, '35Ed., Jane McDonald, '37, Mary Redden, '38Ed., and Betty Goutre- mont, '37. This meet is an outgrowth of the Middle Western Telegraphic meet, which originated in 1932. The Uni- versity of Illinois sponsored last year's meet, and is in charge again this year. Penn Hall, Chambersburg, Pa., winner of the 1934 meet, will conduct next year's event. Events are the 40-yard free-style, 40-yard back crawl, 40-yard breast stroke, 100-yard free-style, 100-yard back crawl, and 100-yard breast- stroke. women's singles, men's and women's doubles and the mixed doubles, which during former tournaments, has proved the most popular. All persons wishing to compete must report at the Intramural Building' and be ready to play at any time be- tween 7:00 and 10:00 on those eve- nings. Players must provide one shuttlecock for each match. The en- trance fee is twenty-five cents for each competitor. Spectators are wel- come. Phi Kappa Psi Entertains Delegates To Convention' Phi Kappa Psi fraternity is enter- taining delegates from 11 chapters at the district convention held here this week-end. The' delegates ar- rived here Thursday night and will remain until Sunday. Entertainment for the delegates be- gan Thursday night with a smoker and continued with a dance last night at the League and a banquet which will be held there tonight. The speaker for the banquet will be Robert Truxall, national vice-president of the fraternity and the toastmaster Charles Madigan of Chicago. Busi- ness meetings of the delegates and members of the Michigan chapter i are being held throughout the week- end. 1 William Knode, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Koella. Decorations in the dining room were green candles and spring flowers. Helen Doris Young, '35, was in charge of the dinner, Alpha Lambda Alpha Lambda fraternity will hold a tea at 3:30 p.m. Sunday. They plan to invite two professors who will give short discussions on vital problems of the day. Several Chinese students not belonging to this fraternity will be present, according to William Q. Wu, '37M, who is general chairman of this anction. Alpha SigmaPhi In a recent election, Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity installed the following officers: George N. Hall, '35, presi- dent; Otto J. Wolff, '36E, vice-pres- ident; Harold M. Hertz, '36E, treas- urer, and William McClintic. '35E, sec- retary. Sigma Nu At a recent meeting members of Sigma Nu fraternity elected the fol- lowing officers: J. Bruce Bassett, '36, eminent commander; Louis P. Benua, '36, lieutenant commander; Robert Ewell, '37, secretary and Robert Leahy, '36, treasurer. Bassett suc- ceeds C. Spurgeon Winter, '35A, as commander. Sigma Nu also wishes to announce the pledging of Charles Nordman. '37, of Ann Arbor. Tau Delta Phi Tau Delta Phi fraternity will hold The sorority also gave a rusmhig tea under the charge of Katherine Kerwan. Ivory tapers and roses dec- orated a lace-covered tea table. "It will be home as soon. as I will l" Railway Express will get it there quickly and safely - and economically. Send your baggage, trunks, personal belongings home from college this sure, easy way. Pick up and delivery service in. all important cities and towns without extra charU-U TelenhnInne 1Ir 1 lRilwn Ir I I 11