TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, FEBR Van Wagoner Claims Drivers Demand Safety Greater Application And Use Of Information In Existence Asked Capt Lyons Speaks Stresses Need For Local Speed Laws Applying To Each Locality A challenge laid down by the American driving public, demanding greater speed in their automobiles and greater safety on the highways, was described yesterday by Murray D. Van Wagoner, State Highway Commissioner, at the morning ses- sion of the Michigan Highway Con- ference. Before a large attendance of engi- neers, police officials, and safety di- rectors, which filled the ballroom of the Union, Van Wagoner stated that this challenge must be met by thre'r factors, each of whose contributions is necessary to promote greater safety on the nation's roads and highways. These factors, he said, are the "hu- man engineers" who drive the auto- n iles, the autorengineers who con- struct the motor vehicles, and the highway engineers who build and maintain the roads on which the autos are driven. What is needed at the present ,time, Van Wagoner maintained, is not more expert knowledge on the -relations of speed and safety factors, but a greater use and application of the information already in existence. Lyon Speaks Continuing the general trend of ideas advanced by Van Wagoner, Captain L. A. Lyon of the Michigan State Police emphasized the need for each individual highway or portions of each highway to be tested, and the speed of these sectors limited ac- cording to the conditions of traffic, visibility, and general road surfaces that prevail. While a general speed law for the entire state would be unsatisfactory, since some roads may be traveled at speeds up to 70 miles per hour, where- as others are dangerous over 30 or 40. laws applying to each locality throughout the state are urgently needed, Captain Lyon stated. An excellent indication of the causes producing highway accidents can be seen in the recent study made of U.S. 112 between Detroit and the Indiana border, Captain Lyon said. The study revealed that 35 per cent of the accidents came at the inter- sections, 30 per cent were due to the inattention of the drivers, and 35 per cent were caused by excessive speeding or the desire for it influenc- ing drivers to pass on hills, steer down the wrong side of the highway, and weave in and out of traffic. Excessive Speed Blamed Speaking on the subject of "Speed and Safety from the standpoint of the city police, Colonel H. A. Pickert, police commissioner of Detroit, stressed the idea that it is excessive spe d which is the major cause of! automobile accidents.f To meet these speeding tendencies of the driving public, laws must be closely adapted to the various types of driving conditions that prevail in any large urban community, Colonel Pickert maintained. The five major considerations that must be kept in mind are the density of the popula- tion, the amount of traffic, the heavi- ness of traffic on cross streets, the rights of the pedestrians, and the width of the pavements. Speed maniacs should be elimin- ated, Colonel Pickert stated, and they can be eliminated through a propery functioning of our traffic courts which are now open to "ticket fixing" and other malpractices now swelling the total of traffic accidents and fatali- ties. Two sessions met in the afternoon, discussing the general subjects of "Highway Engineering" and "Traffic Control." A dinner was held for the entire conference last night at the Union. Prof. John S. Worley, head of the division of transportation engi- ne ring of the University, gave the main speech fo rthe occasion on the sutbject "Self Sufficiency." The Conference will close this morning with a general business meeting led by Allan M. Williams; prsident of the Michigan Associa- tion of Road Commissionrs and Engineers, President Greets Last Of Lincoln's Guard Olson Stresses. Importance Of Nursery School Sees Primary Education As Field For Persons Of Ability AndTraining Stressing the importance of nursery schools in the development of chil- dren of pre-school age, Prof. Willard C. Olson of the department of educa- tion discussed the duties of the teach- er of young children in his talk of the Vocational Guidance series in a broadcast at 2 p m. yesterday from Morris Hall over WJR. "Those actually in touch with the history and operation of nursery schools," Professor Olson said, "are convinced of their actual and poten- tial value and are of the opinion that larger provision for the pre-school years will be inevitable as society becomes increasingly conscious of the conservation of its human re- sources." He said that at present there ap- pears to be an actual shortage of per- sons of ability and training who have a preparation which qualifies them for the general area of nursery school, kindergarten, and primary education. Outlining the duties of the teacher of young children, Professor Olson mentioned that the nursery school teacher is a practitioneer in the field of human relations. "Her work," he said, "is as stimulating and many sided as the variable human material with which she deals. She is called upon for a range of information and skills concerning such matters as the proper food, clothing, habit train- ing, and sleep for the young child; the selection of suitable toys and play equipment; the development of in- tellectual interests and abilities; the handling of social and emotional problems in the child-child or the " parent-child relationship." According to Professor Olson, the programs of nursery schools often parallel those of the other school units both in the hours per day and in the length of the school year. Salaries, he further added, have us- ually been as good or better than those in other elementary units. S.CA. Cabinet SPlans Work Of New Semester The cabinet of the Student Chris- tian Association held its first meet- ing of the second semester last night and plans for the new semester wereE Summer Term Lecture Series Is Announced Prof. James L. Pollock To Give Opening Address; Many Faculty Speak He Sounded Verdict Newspaper And Church Seeking New Buildings Plans for the 1935 Summer Session lecture series and excursions were announced yesterday by Prof. Louis A. Hopkins, director of the Summer Ses-< sion.' The opening lecture, to be given in' the Natural Science Auditorium, will be delivered by Prof. James K. Pol- lock of the political science depart-. ment. His subject has not yet been an- nounced. Three other speeches will be given the first week of the session. Dr. W. B. Hinsdale, professor-emeritus :, .;: . of the medical school, will talk of :,t"}"> ' "Medicine and Surgery Among the Primitive Indians," Prof. A. S. Aiton . < of the history department will discuss} problems of Hispanic America, and Prof. Warren E. Blake of the Greek department will speak on "Pagan Worship." Dr. Frederick A. Coller of the med- ical school will open the second week's program with a lecture on "Cancer." He will be followed by Prof. Armand J. Eardley of the geology department,. who will lecture on "Niagara Falls,"-Associated Pres Photo. and Prof. Roy W. Sellars of the phil- This pescd picture of Keith Bar- osophy department, whose subject will rowcliff, undershelff f Hunterdon be "Rival Social Philosophies of the county, N. J., shows him as he ap- Present." peared when he rang the bell in the Prof. Lewis M. Simes of the law belfry of the courthouse at Fleming- school will speak on "Curious and ton, N. J., to signalize the return of Practical Aspects of Wills," and "Cel- a verdict in the Hauptmann case. Local Congregation Plans Move, Paper Options Present Site The Ann Arbor Daily News has received an option on the property occupied by the First Presbyterian Church at Huron and Division, and may build on the property, while the church trustees are considering erect- ing a new edifice on Washtenaw Ave., it was announced yesterday. The authorization to sell the prop- ertv which includes both the church and the ground was given to the board of trustees by the congrega- tion of the church. This congrega- tion is the oldest in the city, and has been considering a change from its old quarters fo01 some time. The site chosen at 1426 Washtenaw has been owned by the church since 1926. Building plans have not yet been completed according to the announce- mert of the board, but it is under- stcod that the new project would repiesent the joint efforts and pro- grams of the Ann Arbor congrega- tion and the University of Michigan Presbyterian Corporation. This new church could easily serve the needs of both groups according to present plans. The estimated cost of the building is approximately $150,000. The Ann Arbor Daily News, while securing the 'option on the church property have made no announce- ment of any plan or program which wvould entail the erection of a new buildingyto house the staff and machinery of the presses, but it is believed that this is the ultimate pur- pose for which the purchase of the property would be made. To Continue Series Of Book Reviews A series of book reviews by members of the faculty of the journalism de- partment, begun some time ago, will be continued this semester, it was an- nounced yesterday' by Prof. John L. Brumm, head of the department. The next review will be given Mon- day by Prof. Wesley H. Maurer, who will discuss "Method of Freedom" by Walter Lippmann. The reviews are to be given every Monday at 4 p.m. in Room E, Haven Hall, and will be open to the general public. Our New Spring Stock has arrived. Shop for BARGAINS at Chas. Doukas, Custom Tailor 1319 South University 1 1 I i 11 -Associated Press Photo. Only survivor of President Lincoln's last bodyguard, William Henry Gilbert, 93-year-old Craley, Pa., Civil war veteran, was reveied at the White House by President Roosevelt. He is shown seated in one of Lincoln's cabinet chairs during his interview with the President. Former Webster's Dictionary Editor Joins University Staff Prof. Thomas A. Knott, for the past nine years general editor of Webster's New International Diction- ary, second edition, has joined the University this semester as professor of English and editor of the Middle English Dictionary now in prepara- tion. Professor Knott is primarily a language scientist and a student of the Middle Ages. Previous to his work on the new dictionary, Profes- sor Knott taught and wrote about English grammar, the history of the English language, and present day usage as well as Chaucer and "Piers the Plowman." Northwestern University, the Uni- was in charge of the collecting of new words such as "reflation," and newI meaning of old words such as "de- pression." He trained the editors who wrote the non-scientific and non-technical definitions as well as those editors in the dictionary office who reviewed the work of special editors such as Dean Roscoe Pound of the Harvard Law School, who, wrote the law definitions, J. S. Ames, President of Johns Hopkins Univer-! sity, who wrote the definitions in physics and aeronautics, and Dr. Heber Curtis of the Astronomy de- partment of the University, who wrote the definitions in astre-physics. Professor Knott settled most of j l 7 l r f 1 t 4 l 1 i< t t c I 1 i S i i versity of Chicago, and the Univer- the questions on compound words, laid. It was reported that a booklet sity of Iowa were the schools Pro- hyphens, and capitalization. As a had been published and 2,000 put fessor Knott was associated with be- in circulation for the purpose of ac- fore he began his work of the past. member of the editorial board he quainting students with the "aims nine years. PRofessor Khott re- assisted also in settling the policies and services" of the S.C.A. marked that he assumed his former about etymology and pronunciation. John H. Jeffries, '37, chairman of position with the intention of again; In cooperation with the resident the committee in charge of the S.C.A. returning to University work, an op- staff and scores of important Middle I Jamboree which is to be held on April portunity which his present position English scholars in America and Eu- 2 for the benefit of the Fresh Air will now afford him. rope, Professor Knott will direct the Camp, stated that students had begun As general editor of the new un- editorial policy of the Middle Eng- to work on the program for the jam- abridged Webster, Professor Knott lish Dictionary. The dictionary is boree and that next week-end a being produced under the auspices delegation would be sent to Chicago Exhibit Faesimilies of the University with financial sup- to obtain some national headliner for port from the American Council of the Jamboree. From Famous Book Learned Societies and the Rockefeller The Freshman Handbook, which Foundation. is published each year free of charge "The Middle English Dictionary," by the S.C.A. and sent to incoming Facsimilies of illuminations from said Professor Knott, "is like all students, is well under way, and Rich- the Grimani Breviary, a late fifteenth other great dictionaries, a record of ard S. Clarke, '37, editor of the hand- and early sixteenth century book of civilization and culture in the period book, announced that the book would church offices, now in the library of it covers, the years 1100-1475. This contain many new and original fea-L St. Marks, in Venice, are on exhibit period is of the utmost importance tures and that the printing contracts in the main library showcases in today because in it there appear for were being considered. the first floor lobby, the first time most of the social, A booklet showing many views of The Grimani Breviary is a famous political, and economic problems that the campus is also going to be re- Flemish book, containing the daily face the world today." leased in the near future. This book- offices or prayers prescribed by can- Professor Knott remarked that it let will be distributed by the S.C.A. onical law for daily recitation by the was at this time that modern cities and was edited in order to give pros- clergy and monks in the Roman Cath- appeared, modern business, party pective students pictures of the vari- olic church. It consists of the abridg- politics, and the conflict of interna- ous University buildings. Announce- ment of services of the early church, tional interests. "To understand ment of the release of the booklet passages from the Old and New Test- { these problems today, it is essential will be made later and will appear inj aments, hymns, and psalms, and is that we understand how they began; The Daily. written in Latin. It is divided accord- and the Middle English Dictionary Several new members were added ing to the seasons, and further ac- will record and interpret the language to the cabinet and these include: cording to the church calendar. in which the earlier problems were William H. Wilsnack, '37, Eldon R. In its original form, the Grimani stated," Professor Knott concluded. Hamm, '38, Robert W. Johnson, '38, Breviary is made up of 831 large Justin Cline, '36, and Evelyn Maloy, iages, with forty-nine full page min- TALKS IN IMLAY CITY I '36. Other members of the cabinet iatures, besides the calendar, pictures are: Richard S. Clarke, '37, Walter and minor marginal decorations. The Prof. Shirley W. Allen of the School subiect'matter of the illustrations is of Forestrv and Conservation re- , estial Photography by the Motion Pic- ture Method" will be discussed by Prof. Heber D. Curtis of the astron- omy department. The tenth lecture will be delivered by Prof. Walter B. Pillsbury, head of the psychology de- partment, who will speak on "Bodily Types And Mental Characteristics." The first lecture of the fourth week of the session will be given by Prof. Paul Mueschke of the English de- partment. His subject will be "Recent Trends in Shakespearean Scholar- ship." Following his talk, Prof. Charles Jamison of the business ad- ministration school will speak on "Salaries and Services," and Prof. William H. Worrell of the Semitics department will discuss "An Old Bohairic Letter in the Michigan Papy- rus Collection." The lecture program for the fifth week includes "The Henry E. Hunt- ington Library"' by Dr. L. B. Wright of the English department, "Book Collecting and Book Collections" by Prof. Hugo Thieme of the romance languages department, and "State Parks of Michigan, Present and Fu- ture" by Prof. Harlow Whittemore, head of the landscape design depart- ment. Dr. James D. Bruce of the medical school will open the schedule of the sixth week. He will lecture on "The Modern Concept of Preventive Medi- cine." The eighteenth talk will be de- livered by Prof. G. P. Adams, visit- ing professor of the University of California, who will talk on "The Present Crisis in Philosophy." Prof. Henry Higbie of the engineering school will close the series with a lecture on "Residence Lighting." As in former years, and extensive program of University excursions has also been planned. The first trip will be a tour of the campus and Ann Arbor. Other ex- cursions will include a day in Detroit, an inspection tour of the Cranbrook .schools, a tour of the Ford River Rouge plant, a two-day trip to Niag- ara Falls, and others to the General Motors Proving Ground at Milford, Greenfield Village and Put-In-Bay. Pleiss, '37, Elizabeth Evans, '36, John H. Jeffries, '37, William O. Warner, '35, William G. Barndt, '37, Eleanor Peterson '35, Vernon Johnson, '36. BEBE MUM BOUQUETS GENERAL MARKET Flower Dept. 113 East Washington Phone 2-3147 Decided Swing Seen In Policy To Labor (Continued from Page 1) of powerful employers' associations. The NRA has provided the means by which both labor and capital may organize themselves in formal bodies, and there is a possibility that the lat- ter, through such groups as the American Manufacturers Association, might take advantage of its new technique to the harm of the work- ing and consuming public, he stated. Some gains for labor have been achieved thi'ough the NRA, especial- ly as a result of the statement made in the codes regarding the right of labor to organize, and compelling business to accept; this, but, contin- ued Professor Handman, "a good deal more than this is desirable." Greater recognition of the rights of labor by industry should be "ac- companied and predicated by a change in the present leadership of American labor which has shown it- self as an inefficient factor in the contemporary labor movement." of biblical and historical origin, relat- ing to miracles and stories of saints, disciples, and Old Testament episodes. The pages in the original breviary I I _the Telephone "can take IR!" Your telephone must work 24 hours a day. It must be immune to icy blasts of the frozen north -dry burning heat of the desert-heavy, humid atmosphere of swamp lands. And it is. For Western Electric-manufacturing unit of the Bell System-sees to it that telephones, switchboards and cable are prepared for life any- where. Through long experience and rigorous testing, telephone engineers have learned how to make apparatus which is not adversely affected by the whims of climate. Through pioneering and m one night ec producing such improved Week? ' " " -" ates apparatus, Western Electric .erse se charges I