HUDY, FERUARY 4, TT MEICHIGAN DAILY All Petitions For League Positions Must Be Filed By 5 P.M. 6 - -- - _ ________ _-------_ -_-__-_------------___-- Special Bo dy Will Announce Major Offieers Judiciary Will Meet With Applicants For All Other Offices This Weekend Interview Hours Set New League Council To Be Announced At March 26 Banquet All petitions for League positions for next year must be turned in by 5 p.m. today in the Undergraduate Office of the League. A box has been placed in the outer office for receiving petitions. Blank forms may still be obtained by applicants. For the second time the major of- ficers of the League will be chosen by the Merit System. According to this plan, applicants for the positions of president, secretary, and treasurer submit petitions stating their qualifi- cations, experience and plans. The choice of these three officers rests with the special student-faculty com- mittee, organized under the Merit System for the express purpose. In- cluded in this group are Dean Alice C. Lloyd, Dr. Margaret Bell, Miss Ethel McCormick, and the outgoing president and secretary of the League, Maxine Maynard, '35, and Barbara Sutherland, '35. The announcement of the new officers for next year will be made March 11. Interview Hours Announced Applications for other positions, in- cluding the three vice-presidents, the three members of judiciary, and the heads of all League committees, go to the present Judiciary Council for consideration. This Council will in-1 terview all women who have sub- mitted petitions during the course of the week-end. The hours for these interviews have been announced by Kay Carpenter, '35, chairman of Judiciary. Candi- dates for the chairmanship of the theatre and arts committee are to come betweena4 and 5 p.m. tomor- row, and between 5 and 6 p.m. can- didates for head of the reception com- mittee. The hours on Saturday are 10 to 11 a.m., social chairman appli- cants; 11 to 12 a.m., candidates for nomination to a vice-presidency and those wishing positions on Judiciary; from 1 to 2 p.m. Saturday, house chairmanship; 2 to 3 p.m., point sys- tem; 3 to 4 p.m., orientation chair- man; 4 to 5 p.m., publicity chairman; and from 5to 6 p.m., world fellow- j ship and student-faculty relationship, and any others who were unable to come at the stated hours. Chairmen To Assist Present chairmen of League com- mittees will meet with Judiciary dur- ing the interviews with candidates for their particular positions. Miss Carpenter asked that applicants come at the beginning of each hour, in- stead of waiting till the end, in order to allow sufficient time for the inter- views. Only juniors may apply for the ma- jor League offices, including the three vice-presidencies, and the chairman- ships of committees. Two sophomores will, however, be named to Judiciary Council, and any second-year women interested may apply. One junior woman will also be selected for Judi- ciary. The new president, secretary and treasurer will meet with the outgoing League Council on March 4, and the chairmen of committees will be chos- en on the basis of the recommenda- tions submitted by Judiciary. The an- nouncement of this selection will be made at the Installation Banquet, March 26. Vice-Presidents Elected Two women will be nominated for each vice-presidency, and two for each Judiciary Council position. These offices are elected by vote of all women on campus. The position of League treasurer is a newly created one. This officer will fulfill the duties of the former Under- graduate Campaign Fund chairman, in initiating money-making projects and managing the financial end. One vice-president is to be elected from the literary college, one to rep- resent the education school, and a third to represent the music school, the architectural college, the dental school, and any other schools. Petitions for membership on com- mittees will not be submitted until after the Installation Banquet has taken place. VALENTINE PARTY A Valentine party will be given by the Roger Williams Guild of thie Baptist Church at 8 p.m. Friday in the Guild House on Huron St. New members on campus are invited. 0ordon String Quartet Group W.A.A. Board Ioasts .Rcognized Musicians Discusses New I t P1 By DAVID WIAC DONALD the viola. Mr. Robyn was born in The four members of the Gordon New York City and began his musical string Quartet, which will make its studies at the Institute of Musical At Transfers Holding Athletic Ain .Arbor debut in the eighth ChoralI with Samuel Gardner. After complet- TrnfrodigAhei Union concert Wednesday night, Feb. I ing his course there, he was awarded Points To Receive Credit 20, in Hill Auditorium, are among the a fellowship to the Juilliard Graduate H For youngest American musicians to reach School from which he was graduated ThereFor em superlative heights in ensemble play- with highest honors. ng lie was for a number of years a Several events planned for the new f+e d1v dtA invinIth WAA James V. Doll Bat Ties And Fur Speech Society Elects CDirect N wravats Make The ei To Dir ct Ne Adelphi House of Representativ'es Smart College Man announces a group ofco es Childay ByMDI WREelected last night. David Rosin,'36, By MEDWICK WARNER, JR. was chomitmembershchl lir, 'n Howard Meyers, '37, chairman, of the Final Production Of Year college men are going "batty" thisai mn of fur s a Is Chinese Fairy Tale season. What are we gadding about Quick, '38, publicity chairman. Bruce -nothing else but Johnson, '38, will be parliamentar- 'Emperor s New Clothes' the ultra-ultra in ian for the semester. styles, the bat ties. Next week's meeting, to be held at James V. Doll, Grad., assistant for!It would seem 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, will be a smoker -<.,o 1 P t , f Jacques Gordon, who was born in Odessa, Russia, was still a boy, 13 years of age, when he first came to he United States. In New York, under he tutelage of Franz Kneisel,he continued the musical studies which he had begun at the Imperial Con- mervatory of Odessa. In 1921, at an early age, he was appointed to the inportant post of concert master of the Chicago Sym- phony Orchestra. In that capacity he has appeared in Ann Arbor at nu- merous May Festivals. In thehsame year, supplementary to his orchestral duties, he organized a string quartet that won wide recognition. Debut Brings Ovations The first public performance of the Gordon String Quartet brought im- mediate favorable responses from press and concert audiences. The demand for his quartet soon grew to such proportions that Mr. Gordon was obliged to resign his post with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and devote his entire activities to the quartet.! It has repeatedly appeared under the auspices of the Library of Con- gress and was selected by Mrs. E. S. Collidge, the distinguished patron of chamber music, for recitals at Yale University, the Boston Public Li- brary and at the Congressional Li- brary Festival in Washington. It has presented many works by contempo- rary composers and at the same time has given great attention to works of the great masters. Robyn Fellowship Winner j David Sackson will be the second violinist, while Paul Robyn will play Teas, Dinners Honor Students In Dormitories Mosher and Jordan Halls enter- tained residents whose birthdays come during the month of February at din- ner last night. Angeline Maliszewski, '38, arranged the party in Mosher. The following were honored: Helen Louise Arner, '38, Dorothea Gerisch, i '38A, Lucille Hadley, '37, Betty Karp, '35D, Althea Lisle, '35Ecd., Kitty Jane Miller, '37, Clarabel Neubecker, '36, Jane Rudy, '38, Florence Salzman, '38, Priscilla Smith, '38, Elizabeth Tal- cott, '35, Katherine M. Taylor, '38, Martha Wise, '38, Catherine Bohrn. '38, Florette Lane, '38, Barbara Thom- as, '37, and Kathryn Ransom, '35. The guests at Jordan hall were: Sarah Cole, '37, Thelma Gardner, '36, Elizabeth Goutremont, '37, Marian Wiggin, '35, Alice Hayes, '36, Lucy Al- mand, '38, Mary Jane Frye, '38, Elea- nor Elm, '38, Leta Price Spec., Eliz- abeth Messenger, '38A, Kathryn Loo- mis, '338, Myrtle Mohney, Grad., Mar- ianne Smart, '338, Elizabeth Scofield, '38, Carol Rockwell, '37, Barbara Rob- erts, '37, and Leila Waldman, Grad. New residents in Jordan were en- tertained with a tea yesterday. Geor- gina Karlson, '35, Marian Brooke, '35, Helen Sprague, '35, Rebecca Greg- ory, '35, Ella Miller, '36Ed., Jane Ha- ber, '36, and Elizabeth thng, '36, as- sisted with the arrangements. J.G.P. TRYOUTS LISTED All dance tryouts for J.G.P. are asked to consult the bulletin board outside the rehearsal room in the League before 4 p.m. today. Ten- tative calls will be posted there. SOther names are to be listed later. member of classes direc played with taqua. Naoum B Russia afte: lowing the for a time, ally engage America in was selecte member of Prof. Disc Cl Asserts Of Co In Eco Declaring of the Sup Iclause woul the quartet andi violin cted by Hans Letz and also Albert Stoessel at Chau- semester were izscussea ac ne . i.n. two years in the depar men yr board meeting at 5 p.m. yesterday in Play Production, will direct the third the lounge of the Women's Athletic production of the Children's Theater. Building. Miss Ethel McCormick, head of the enditzky, violoncellist, left Ruth Root, '35, president of the or-' r the difficult period fol- ganization, requested transfers to war. He settled in Syria write back to their colleges for a and later was profession- record of their athletic points. Stu- ed in Paris, coming to dents credited with the equivalent of 1921. Soon thereafter he 50 points will become active members d by Mr. Gordon as a of W.A.A., those holding the equiv- the quartet. alent of 300 points will be awarded a small "M," those holding the equiv- alent of 600 points will receive a W atkins W.A.A. pin while women with the equivalent of 1000 points are entitled Gold to a large "M." Miss Root will transfer the points . from 3 to 4:15 p.m. Monday in the ause Action' Undergraduate Office of the League. Brenda Parkinson, '36, will record points from 1 to 3 p.m. Tuesday. Adverse Decision Check-up on the W.A.A. point sys- )urt Would Result Item will be made by a committee r composed of Lavinia Creighton, '35, nomic Hardship Betty Evans, '36, and Miss Parkin- son. This same committee will re- that an adverse decision view the W.A.A. constitution, noting reme Court on the gold clauses that need revision. project. announced yesterday. triple ultra, what- "The Emperor's New Clothes," a ever that may be. Chinese fairy tale from Hans And-I While we are erson, will be presented by the group about it we can't during the middle of March. Tryouts' forget thase so-called "bunny fur" will be held from 4 to 6 p.m. today cravats that local merchants are so in the League and Mr. Doll suggested prominently displaying now. To the that men as well as women students uninitiated they may be described should try for parts in the play, since as cilia hairs of an amoeba in some there is a large number of male manner attached to soft knit. roles.m Thev're the thing to wear with a Miss Charlotte Ch is in charge of the in the Goodman Th go, has arranged thi fable of the "Empero Doll, aside from Y sistant to Valentine played with the Mic. Players for two sump the Lake Charlevoix and has been in cha: pageants presented Church. He worked on thes da Gabler," and ha scenery and costu harpenning, who Ispring or fall sport suit (without the children's plays bi-swing back please) and if you ieater in Chica-I haven't one of those in your wardrobe s version of thei it goes equally well to brighten up an r's New Clothes. x us work a oxford gray. his work as as--_ B. Windt, has ners, directed at Dramatic Camp rge of plays an Ch ch To Be at St. Andrew' scenery of "Hed- Concert s designed bothS e mies for "The j yed roles in "See Rendition Of Strigfield's outward Boundi o H e'T y, and "Uncle Ballad, John Henry,' To the work of the Be One Of Features r Heck, Grad., or H A choir of 32 voices, a 45-piece or- final production chestra, and a soloist will feature heater this year. the elaborate musical program to be Tom Sawyer," presented at 7:30 p.m. Sunday at re the first two the Congregational church in con- nection with the regular weekly services. I Id effect a maximum of Miss Creighton proposed a house injustice and economic hardship, party for the new board members at Gondoliers." He pla: Prof. Leonard Watkins of the eco- which time they will become ac- Naples and Die," "C nomics department spoke yesterday quainted with the responsibilities of "The Royal Family noon at a graduate luncheon held their offices. Discussion on such sub- Tom's Cabin." at the League. The subject of his talk jects as the origin of W.A.A., suc- Assisting Doll with was "The Present Monetary Situa- cessful leadership, the time required play will be Elean tion." I!of board members, will alternate with and Jenne Allan, Gr Professor Watkins explained that various activities. This will be the the question as to the constitutional- Patricia Woodward, '35, announced of the Children's Tr ity of the resolution of Congress deg- that the intercollegiate riflery tour- "The Adventures of laring null and void all clauses in nament lasting through February and d "Cinderella" we contracts which specified that pay- March will get under way next week. plays of this season. ment must be made in gold, had arisen Frances Odell, '37, and Jean Jack- because it impaired the fulfillment of son, '37, tied for first place in the ~ contracts. However, he said, because intramural contest. University I the tionC o t gol do I March 26 has been set aside as the Students L by recent acts of Congress, creditors'date for the intramural swimming The program is a combined offer- !1 oreig~j ing of the Congregational Student Fellowship and the Bethel African eave To IMethodist Episcopal Church. The arvimes will h conducted by the Rev. 1 7 1 , would be obliged totpay 169rper cent I contest. Practices for theuevents willP s on their debts if they were forced be held at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday and! Fill Home Positions to pay in gold. Thursdays in the Union pool. All par- If an adverse decision is rendered ticipants must be timed. Many of the foreign students who courses of action would bedopen to I Miss Evans made known the plans have been completing work in various the government. A constitutional I formulated by the outdoor sports fields in the University have been amendment might be rushed through committee for week-end parties dur- called to fill positions in their native the state legislatures, or Congress ing the next six weeks. lands. Two of the first to leave will might again revalue the dollar, or Dance Club according to Julia Wil- be Doris Yin-ming Hsu, Grad., and as a last resort, Congress could pack son, '36, is occupied with rehearsals i Peter Nga Lim, Grad., in whose honor the Supreme Court with judges fa- for a demonstration May 1 in Lydial the members of the Alpha Lambda vorable to resolution. Mendelssohn Theatre. fraternity gave a dinner last night in v_ _the League. Miss Hsu, having concentrated in Graduate Dance To Be Nan-e Committees botany, is returning to China to fill WTAI)it a position on the faculty of Hwa-# Held Saturday in W.A.B. For Frosh Frio ICNan College at Foochow, where Miss The first Graduate Dance of the I Lucy Wong an alumnae of the Univer- new semester will be held from 9 to Walter True, '38, chairman of the sity is president. Lim has fiished 12 p.m. Saturday in the lounge of the Frosh Frolic committee, last night work in engineering. Women's Athletic Building. Miss named the heads of the various com- Among others to complete their Jeannette Perry, assistant dean of j mittees serving under him for the work here is Dr. Sias-sung Djang, who women, and Miss Marie Hartwig, in- annual underclassmen's dance. is to take her place on the faculty structor in physical education, will Edward Foote will be in charge of of Jung-Ling College at Nanking act as chaperons. the music committee; Louis Hoff- where she will teach psychology. Ye The Munson Orchestra will furnish man will handle the tickets; S. Mar- Yum Chen, another native of China, the music. Tickets are priced at 35 shall Smith and Francis Ready are will leave early in April to take up cents per person. co-chairmen of the publicity com- her work at home. mittee; and Margaret Curry will be Kao-Ru Hayashi, who attended the in charge of decorations. University last year as a guest student The dance will be held March 15 and was an attache of the foreign W here o O at the Union and, tickets will go on embassy in Washington, D. C., for a sale early next week. Final selection while, has recently been named vice- of the orchestra will be made later consul at the Japanese Consulate in1 Motion Pictures: Michigan, "Sweet this week, True said. Chicago. Adeline" with Irene Dunne; Whit- ney. "Girl of the Limberlost" and arl Yl6,Co Will N.r. 4VL1Ll l1L VVLi NJ' 4.L la. LuLY. I _ "King Kelly of the U.S.A." with Guy Robertson; Wuerth, "The Band Plays On" with Robert Young and "Bach- elor of Arts" with Tom Brown; Ma- jestic, "The Lives of a Bengal Lancer" with Gary Cooper. III III Davis &F Olilinger PROMPT -PRINTERS 109-111 E. Washingtot Dial 8132 HAVE A DEY PORTRAIT MADE SOON 1 i . I I VV N EW T R IC KS IN Y3 - , Cloth and, leather get together in the smartest shoe you can put foot into. 1 SHA D Ow Tie -Blue ribbed fabric combined with Clipper Blue.'calL.White underlays.-. 131 o$ 5 -A eV BURTON'S n - -., lii 11 ARBOR SPRINGS WATER IS JUST PURE SPARKLING SPRING WATER !1 i III lii iI I