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March 26, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-03-26

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The Weather

Partly cloudy and slightly
warmer today,; probably show-
ers tonight and tomorrow.

CLl rr

iv iazi

~E ait

Congratula tions, Victors! ...
'Just Around The Corner' . . .
A Chance For Thinking Voters.



Doctor Says
Condition Of
PoolsIs Bad
Sanitary Probe Revea
That Swimming Pools
Are Unsatisfactory
Dr. Gates Condueis
Research Projects
Six of 24 Tests Show That
Intramural Pool To Be
Below Normal
Reports of the sanitary conditions
in the Intramural, Union1 and Bar-
bour Gymnasium swimming pools re-
leased yesterday by Dr. Lloyd R.
Gates, Universitary sanitarian, show
that they are generally unsatisfactory.
"For instance," Dr. Gates said, "out
of 24 tests conducted of the water in
the Intramural Pool since July, 1934,
six showed decidedly unsatisfactory
results, according to the standards
set by the American Public Health
Dr. Gates explained these standards
as follows: not over 200 colonies of
bacteria per c.c. in the temperature
groups of 20 degrees Centigrade and
37 degrees Centigrade, and no col-
onies ,of the B Coli type. The former
group includes those bacteria present
around the pool and in it, such as
ringworm; the latter consists of those
bacteria present on the human body
and transferred to the pool when the
swimmer has failed to wash properly.
Test Intramural Pool
"In the year July 1933 to July 1934,"
Dr. Gates stated, "the Intramural
Pool showed 10 unsatisfactory tests
out of 39 samples taken. Whereas in.
the year July 1932 to July 1933, the
same pool returned only three unsat-
isfactory tests out of 23 samples."
Dr. Gates said that since July 1934
the Barbour Gym Pool has shown un-
satisfactory tests in regards to the
temperature group colonies four times
out of 21 and shown B Coli colonies1
three times. In the previous year it
returned three unsatisfactory tests
out of 19, Dr. Gates continued, and in
the year 1932-33 two times out of 25.
"In the past nine months," the
physician remarked, "the Union Pool
has shown two unsatisfactory testsE
out of 26. In the year before seven
tests out of 37 were bad. In 1932-33
three out of 42 were unsatisfactory."
All three pools have conformedl
quite closely during the past three1
years to the standards set for thet
amount of chlorine to be kept in thee
water, Dr. Gates said, two-tenths to<
five-tenths parts per million parts of
water being recommended.
"In most instances up until this
year," Dr. Gates said, "the high counts
in the Intramural Pool were due to
chlorine resisting organisms which I1
haveebeen unable to trace, but do not e
believe were dangerous.''t
Suggests Improvements c
Dr. Gates said that in the case
of Barbour Pool, much should bet
done. "A filter should be installed
to get rid of precipitates of ironf
which filter out of the Ann Arbor
water and give a decidedly dirty
appearance to the water when stir-
iied up. A machine control for
chlorination should be installed
since the method of dosing by hand
is very unsatisfactory because there
is too much fluctuation of the chlor-
ine residue. Rubber footbaths have
been installed for the control of
Dr. Gates said that the Union in-
stalled footbaths in March, 1933,
which have quite effectively checked

He concluded with saying that the
Intramural Pool showed indications
of needing better care in so far asf
keeping excessive bacterial countsI
down were concerned, since three of1
the tests conducted this year showed
counts that were in excess of 1,000I
per c. q. of water.. "Barbour poolI
showed four counts in excess of 1,0001
per c. c., and definitely shows the
need of keeping the dirt produced byt
the iron precipitates out."<
Chicago Detectives
Start Crime War
CHICAGO, March 25. -(OP) - Rifle1
squads of the detective bureau were1
on the mark tonight awaiting orders
for what may be Chicago's greatest1
roundup of underworld hoodlums -l
the hunt for the would-be assassinsl
of State's Attorney Robert C. Court-
The eight bullets pumped into the
,rear seat of Courtney's automobile
were fired by a gunman less than two
feet away, and the prosecutor's 1

Gerber Charges Universities
With A rm-Chair' Liberalism

Peace Pledge
By Gerimans

Probably it is not stretching the
point to say that Serril Gerber, stu-
dent delegate to the Brussels World
Student Congress Against War and
Fascism, knows more about the anti-
war movement on the campuses of the
world than does any other student.
At the age of 21 already a veteran
of the peace drive, the broadly-smil-
ing University of California world-
anti-war tourist has been hailed as
the spearhead of a new evangelical
atteni pt - the attempt to stamp out
international hatred andusubstitute
world understanding of mutual prob-
lems. He is a member of the World
Committee Against War And Fas-
cism. Tonight he is to speak to Mich-
igan students in the Union on the
anti-war movement.
Midwestern campuses were de-
scribed by Gerber last night in an in-
terview as "liberal," but not "radical."
"Some day, though, the students of
these campuses will be forced to dis-
card 'arm-chair' liberalism and take
up 'out-in-the-street' liberalism,"
Gerber prophesied. "Here at Mich-
igan, and at nearby campuses, I find,
liberalism becoming an end in itself.1
This social-tea liberalism is dead or1
As a corollary of their "arm-chair"
liberalism, the Midwestern campuses
have lost their perspective, Gerber
stated. Their awareness of imminentc
economic problems is obscured by
"their investigations into vague gen-
eralities," he said, whereas the stu-i

dents of West Coast universities are
forced to react sharply each day to
the "bitter struggles" being waged by
capital and labor.
"Students in the Midwest can't
evade the issue forever," Gerber in-
"If they seem 'satisfied' now, it is
merely because they haven't emerged
from the trance of their high-school
days - or because they have been
lulled into a sense of security by their
professors and textbooks."
Some University administrations
are trying to pervert the intent of
the nation-wide student anti-war
strike in April, Gerber charged. They
are accomplishing this, he said, by
breaking the national unity of the
strike with offers of convocations, as-
semblies, and special programs not of
a strike nature. On some campuses,
Gerber admitted, the timidity of the
anti-war groups in fearing to offend
the student body with a strike has
resulted in a change in the anti-war
Gerber said he hoped to create
sentiment here in favor of the April
4 action. "Every time the April
demonstrations have come to a crisis'
the public has overwhelmingly shown
that it favored us," he stated. The
1934 strike, which called out 25,000
students, brought on the frenzied
Hearst campaign against student
radicals and an emergency conference
of R.O.T.C. officials, he maintained.
This showed, he said, that "these two
war makers" were frightened by the
mass protests against war.

Hitler Promises
Envoys Not To


Plan Proposed
To Safeouard
U. S. Citizens
Would Keep Them Home
During War To Prevent
'Lusitania' Recurrence
plan to keep Americans at home in
the event of war abroad in order to
prevent such incidents asnthe Lusi-
tania's sinking from arousing the na-
tion was attributed to the Adminis-
tration today by an informed source.
A senator, who declined to be quot-
ed by name, disclosed that a White
House anti-war profits conference
last week had discussed such a plan.
He said the Aaministration had
under consideration a virtual em-
bargo on passports and possibly muni-
tions for application in case the pres-
ent European crisis, or any future
crisis, results in armed conflict.
Only persons with compelling rea-
sons for travel, the senator said,
would be permitted to run the risk of
venturing into a belligerent country
or into a danger zone. If they re-
mained in the United States, it was
explained, there was little likelihood
that they could involve themselves
or their country.
The sinking of the steamer Lusi-
tania resulted in a heavy loss of
American lives and aroused intense
feelings against Germany.
Serril Gerber
Will Speak At
Anti-War Meet
Was Delegate To World'
Congress Against War
Held In Brussels
Serril Gerber, who was a represen-
tative from the United States to the
recent World Student Congress
Against War and Fascism at Brus-
sels, will be the featured speaker at a
meeting called by the Student Com-
mittee Against War to be held at 8
p.m. today in Room 116 of the Union.
Gerber, who is the national junior
college debating champion, will speak
on "The Student's Role in the Fight
Against War."
Delegates from 150 campus organi-
zations, including fraternities, soror-
ities and church guilds, have been
asked to attend the meeting.
This meeting will hear the report of
the Student-Faculty committee ap-
pointed to make arrangements for the
use of Hill Auditorium on April 4,
when an anti-war meeting will be
held. The Student-Faculty committee
has been independently constituted to
sponsor this meeting.
Tonight's meeting will also elect a
committee to make arrangements for
April 4 activities other than the Hill
Auditorium meeting. Each organiza-
tion present will be entitled to one

Freshman Will
Present Views
On Hell Week
Bursley Urges Modifying
Present System Used By
Freshmen representatives from al-
most every house on the campus will
meet at 7:30 p.m. today in Room 306
of the Union to present their views
on Hell Week activities.
The discussion will center around
three points, whether Hell Week'
should be abolished, modified, or con-
tinued as it is now.
According to Alvin H. Schleifer, '35,
secretary of the Interfraternity Coun-
cil, no upperclassmen will be allowed
at the meeting, except the officers of
the Council, and all opinions and
sentiments will be treated with strict
The meeting was organized, accord-
ing to Schleifer, in order that both
the views of the upperclassmen and
the men who were recently submitted
to Hell Week practices could be ob-
tained. If the freshmen disagree with
the modification plan drawn up by a
committee of upperclassmen, they
may present an alternate plan to the
general Council when that body meets
to decide on the question early in
Expressing his opinion of Hell Week
for the first time since an active
movement began to modify the prac-
tices, Joseph A. Bursley, dean of stu-
dents, said yesterday that he was
absolutely opposed to Hell Week ac-
tivities as they are now conducted
and could see no excuse, reason, or
need for the hazing period.
"What we want and have asked for
a number of years is that if there is
to be Hell Week it be modified so as
to eliminate three things: (1) All
physical mistreatment, (2) practices
which would interfere with the at-
tending of classes by both actives and
initiates, and (3) destruction of pub-
lic property and public disturbances,"
he stated.
Dean Bursley said the two sub-
committees of the Committee on Stu-
dent Affairs asked that these provi-
sions be abided by in 1927 and in
1929 but met with little success. He
also stated that the Interfraternity
Council took action against certain
Hell Week activities on several occa-
sions but did not accomplish their
He said that the freshmen would
probably not be in favor of modifica-
tion because they would be afraid of
being branded "yellow" and also be-
cause they will wish to inflict similar
treatment on future pledge classes.
Dr. Bishop To Give
Vocational Lecture
Dr. William W. Bishop, University
librarian and head of the department
of library science, will give the fifth
of a series of vocational guidance lec-
tures arranged by Dean Edward H.
Kraus of the Literary College, at 4:15

Demands Increase
In Army And Navy
Sir John Simon Reported
Pleased By Intentions
Of Nazis
BERLIN, March 25 -()- Adolf
Hitler and the British peace envoys
reached agreement on three impor-
tant points in a nine-hour session
in which Hitler demanded a bigger
army and navy to defend Europe
from Russian Bolshevism.
On Germany's part, Reichsfuehrer
Hitler gave solemn assurance to Sir
John Simon, British foreign secretary,
and Capt. Anthony Eden, lord privy
seal, that his nation does not have
the faintest intention of ever attack-
ing Russia.
Sir John was obviously pleased at
Hitler's assurance of intentions to-
ward Russia. Earlier he had insisted,
it was understood, on a big army and
navy for Germany in order to defend
Europe from communism.
Ready To Make Treaty
Hitler further stated, it was dis-
closed, that Germany is ready to enter
into a treaty of amity and friendship
with Lithuania, provided the country
lives up to the terms of the Memel
statute which guarantees certain
rights to German minorities.
These were the concrete results of
the first day of conversations which
diplomats agree may mean peace or
war to Europe.
Tomorrow the discussions will con-
tinue, focusing around the questions
of Germany's re-entry into the League
of Nations, German rearmamerrt and
the European air pact proposed in the
Anglo-French agreement reached in
Both sides were obviously pleased
with the results of the day's work.
Hitler was in such good humor that
he not only asked the British visitors
to have luncheon in the Chancellory,
but also invited Lady Phipps, wife of
Sir Eric Phipps, British ambassador
to Berlin, to join them.
Six persons were present during the
conversations. Besides Hitler and the
two men from the British Foreign Of-
fice, were Ambassador Phipps, Baron
Konstantin von Neurath, the German
foreign minister and Gen. Joachim
von Ribbentrop, Hitler's special dip-
lomatic expert.
Instead of going first into the broad
general questions, both sides agreed
to tackle first a problem in which
Britain is least interested territorially
-the proposed "Eastern Locarno"
pact. This is France's pet project.
Hitler Expounds Views
It was understood that Hitler ex-
pounded his views on this regional
pact and expressed his aversion to
anything that might engage Germany
in a military way.
The British foreign secretary unex-
pectedly asked the question:
"Are you expecting to take Memel?"
(Memel is a mandated territory in
Lithuania which was placed under the
League of Nations' control after the
World War.)
In answer to Sir John, Hitler frank-
ly stated Germany's readiness to enter
into a treaty with Lithuania. He stip-
ulated only that the rights of Ger-
many minorities as laid down in the
Memel statute be lived up to.
Another question in which Great
Britain is not primarily interested was
discussed, that of the proposed Danu-
bian pact. Whether an agreement was
(Cnntinuea on Page 2

Yost Named
On Board Of
New N.A.F.A.
Association Organized To
Promote Football Games
Throughout Country
Heston Is Named As
Tentative President
Bulk Of Funds To Be Used
To Assist Needy Students
Through College
NEW YORK, March 25 -(P)- The
country-wide popularity of football,
attested by the crowds attending col-
lege and professional games, has led
to the organization of the. National
Amateur Football Association.
The purpose of the organization
was explained today by its creator,
George W. Graves, of Detroit, presi-
dent of the Michigan A.A.U.
The association will have teams in
all important towns and cities of the
country, and as member clubs of dis-
trict associations of the Amateur Ath-
letic Unions of the United States,
compete for state and national cham-
The receipts of the games will be
shared by the state and national
A.A.U., the bulk to go into an educa-
tional fund to assist needy students
through college. Athletic proficiency
will not necessarily determine the se-
lection of the students who benefit
by the fund, Graves said.
The fund will be administered by a
board of trustees to which the follow-
ing have been nominated: Fielding
-H. Yost, University of Michigan;
Glenn S. Warner, Temple University;
Alfred Masters, Stanford University;
and Daniel E. McGugin, Vanderbilt
University. '
William M. Heston, of Detroit, for-
mer University of Michigan star, is
tentatively named as president of the
new association.
Duffendack To
Attend French
Museum Fete
Will Represent University
At Anniversary Of Paris
Prof. Ora S. Duffendack of the
physics department, now in Europe
on a sabbatical leave, will represent
the University at the three hundredth
anniversary celebrations of the found-
ing of the French National Museum
of NaturalaHistory in Paris, June 24-
29, it was announced yesterday.
The invitation came to University
officials here from the old French in-
stitution. Professor Duffendack, who
had indicated in a previous communi-
cation that he and his family would
leave London March 30 for the con-
tinent has been advised to represent
the University at the celebration.
The museum was originally estab-
lished in 1635 during the reign of
Louis the thirteenth. At first con-
cerned with medicinal plants, it was
later reorganized to include natural
history. The republic in 1793 con-
verted it into its present form and
Professor Duffendack, who left here
for Europe at the first of the semester,
is studying at great physics labora-
tories on the continent and in Great
Britain. He and his family will return

to Ann Arbor at the end of the sum-
mer, members of the physics depart-
ment said.

An extension of the deadline to
the end of the week for the pay-
ment of senior class dues was an-
nounced last night by George Law-
ton, president. The dues are $1
and are payable in the lobby of
Angell Hall at 11 a.m, or 2 to 3
p.m. daily.
Campaign For
City Elections
Nears Finish
Mayoraty Race Expected
To Be Close; Sadler To
Seek Council Post
The race for the offices of circuit
court judge, school commissioner,
and a number of city, township and
state positions accumulated interest'
yesterday as the campaign entered
the final week. The elections will be
held next Monday.1
The campaigns have been con-;
ducted in a manner similar to the
pre-election work of the primary
when little interest was apparently
created until the last 10 days. It was,
not until almost the last week thats
the candidates began to make effortsr
to reach the voters.
While a national question such as;
the bonus is generally considered un-
important in a local election, this
problem has been among those most
often brought to this year's candi-
dates. All incumbent officials are re-
ported to be relying strongly upon
their records of office to gain them
re-election. Although faculty mem-
bers who entered the primaries ast
candidates for mayor of Ann Arbort
have all been eliminated, interest is
centered.on the race between MayorI
Robert A. Campbell and John A.
Conlin, Ann Arbor attorney. This is
expected to be one of the closest1
fights of the elections.f
Two faculty men, Prof. Orlando4
W. Stephenson of the education
school, and Prof. Walter C. Sadler
of the engineering college, will be
battling Monday for the presidency1
of the City Council.I
'World Today'
To Be Topic Of
Alumni School
Eleven Professors Will
Lecture In Graduate
"The World Today" will be the sub-
ject of the sixth annual Alumni Uni-
versity to be held here from June 17
to 22, it was announced yesterday by
Wilfred B. Shaw, director of alumni
According to Mr. Shaw more than
100 persons are expected to attend
the school. Enrollment is opened to
all University graduates and their
friends. Classes will consist of hour
and a half periods and will commence
at 9 a.m. daily.
Eleven professors have been secured
to lecture during the course. The com-
plete list of lecturers and their sub-
jects include: Prof. Arthur S. Aiton,
"Current Problems in Hispanic Amer-
ica"; Dr. Carl E. Guthe, "American
Archaeology"; Prof. Max Handman,
"The New Deal"; Prof. Walter B.
Pillsbury, "Recent Development in
Prof. DeWitt Parker, "Philosophy
of Modern Art"; Prof. Roy Sellars,
"Science of the Modern World"; Prof.
Paul Mueschke, "Aspects of Modern
Literature"; Prof. Preston Slosson,

"Europe In Ferment"; Prof. John B.
Waite, "Law Enforcement Today";
Prof. Harlow Whittemore, "The Mod-
ern City"; and Prof. Jesse S. Reeves,
"International Problems in the Far
East," complete the list.
Bicycle Accident Is
Fatal To Local Girl
Margaret H. Weiner, 11-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph
Weiner, Ann Arbor, died Sunday of

Installation Banquet Held
At League Is Attended
By Many Women
W.A.A., Panhellenic
Officers Installed
New Chairmen Of League
Committees Announced
By Jean Seeley
Climaxing the annual Installation
Banquet, held last night in the League
Ballroom, seven junior women were
tapped for Mortarboard, senior wom-
en's honorary society. The group
chosen includes Jane Arnold, Grace
Bartling, Winifred Bell, Dorothy Gies,
Margaret Hiscock, Julie Kane, and
Jean Seeley.
At the same time Miss Seeley, new
president of the League, announced
committee chairmanships for next
year. Miss Kane will head the house-
reception committee; Miss Hiscock
the orientation committee; Ruth Son-
nanstine, '36, merit system commit-
tee; Louise French, '36, theater and
arts committee; Martha Steen, '36,
social committee; and Marjorie Mor-
rison, '36, publicity.
Delta Delta Delta sorority was
awarded the silver cup for the highest
number of League activity points. In-
dividuals in the house averaged 6.06.
Alpha Omicron Pi, Alpha Xi Delta,
Zeta Alpha and Gamma Phi Beta
sororities rated in the order named.
Georgina Karlson, '35, this year's
chairman of the merit system com-
mittee, made the presentation.
W.A.A. Cup Awarded
Dr. Margaret Bell awarded the W.
A.A. cup for Intramural basketball to
Gertrude Morris, '35Ed., captain of
the winning team, Zone VIII. The
group competed with 35 other teams
for the championship.
The theme of the program centered
about a contrast of the old and new
League. Maxine Maynard, '35, re-
tiring president, acted as toastmis-
tress, introducing the various speak-
ers and the guests of honor.
Dean Alice C. Lloyd in her talk
emphasized the important status of
the independent women on campus.
"If this new form of government is to
be permanent and satisfactory," she
stated, "it must do more to attract
non-affiliated women. The organi-
zation of the Assembly this year has
assisted a great deal along this line,
particularly in a social way. Few in-
dependent women however petitioned
for offices." Miss Lloyd urged fresh-
man and sophomore independents es-
pecially to enter activities, pointing
out the opportunity offered for a close
cooperation of sorority and non-affil-
iated women on the campus.
President Alexander G. Ruthven,
the other guest speaker on the pro-
gram, stressed in his talk the need for
developing group consciousness "Un-
less you can develop a group spirit,
your activities and your influence
in later life will be much impaired.
Democracy is a struggle against self-
ish individualism."
Students Speak On Program
Student speakers .on the program
included Billie Griffiths, '35, retiring
vice-president of the League, who
who gave a summary of the financial
strides made by the League since its
founding in 1890. Of the League
building debt, originally $50,000, only
$672.64 remains to be covered. Mary
Sabin, '35, chairman of the Under-
graduate Campaign Fund, stated last
night that the pledgerwould probably
be completed this year.
In addition to Miss Seeley, the
other new officers of the League were
officially installed. Seated at the
speakers' table were Betty Chapman,
'36, vice-president from the literary
college, Virginia York, '36, vice-presi-
dent from the School of Education,
Betty Scherling, '36, secretary, and

Laura Jane Zimmerman, '36, treas-
urer. The members of Judiciary
Council for next year include Miss
Bell, chairman, Bettina Rightmire,
and Ruth Rich, senior members, and
Mary Patricia Potter, and Maryanna
Chockley, junior members.
The new League chairman, who
will make up the League Council to-
gether with the officers named, were
selected by Miss Seeley on the basis
of recommendations from the Judic-
iary Council.
Miss Kane, affiliated with Collegiate
Sorosis, was general chairman of the

Seven Women Are
Tapped For Senior
Honorary Society

Fire Department Dons Overalls
To Start Usual Spring Cleaning

Along with the last of the first
robins, the breaking up of icebound
lakes and the coming of spring fever
to the campus, the positive token of
the actual arrival of spring was much
in evidence downtown yesterday when
the fire department put on its over-
alls and started the season of outdoor
The first car to emerge from the
fastness of the departmental hall,
was, of course, that of Fire Chief
Charles Andres. While it is not as
gorgeous in brass and silver as the
trucks, the fire laddies found oppor-
tunity to put forth much effort on its
shining red surface, at least while the
chief was looking on.

The cars run from the latest and
most approved models of what the
well-informed fireman will drive to
certain antiquated crates that appar-
ently date back to the age of snorting
fire horses and bewhiskered "fire
eaters." While denying that these
were part of the original equipment
of the department with motors super-
imposed, it was confessed that per-
haps 'they ain't quite modern.'
Even the firepole down which the
firemen are expected to slide in case
of fires of gigantic proportions at one
or two o'clock in the morning, camef
in for a workout. A suggestion, how-
ever, to the effect that, if the polishers
attached cleaning materials to their

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