THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 24, 1935 THE MICHIGAN DAILY I 7 ,J 71 T W wVoT[ i FM r TP N /tnln" nx'f.$ Pubtisaed every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Con- trol of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association n d the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER Assofartd outiatt * Ts 1934 1935 ,AISON ICNI MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatebes credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dis- patches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. *Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street. Ann Arbor, iclhigan. Phonie: 2-1214. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, New York, N.Y. - 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR...............WILLIAM G. FERRIS CITY EDITOR ............................JOHN HEALEY EDITORIAL DIRECTOR ............RALPH G. COULTER SPORTS EDITOR ....................ARTHUR CARSTENS WOMEN'S EDITOR ......................EILANOR BLUM NIGHT EDITORS: Courtney A.; Evans, John J. Flaherty, Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas R. Kleene, David G. Mac- donald, John M. O'Connell, Arthur M. Taub. SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Western, Kenneth Parker, William Reed, Arthur Settle. WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara L. Bates, Dorothy Gies, Florence Harper, nleanor Johnson, Josephine McLean, Margaret D, Phalan, Rosalie Resnick, Jane Schneider, Marie Murphy. REPORTERS: Rex Lee Beach, Robert B. Brown, Clinton B. Conger, Sheldon M. Ellis, William H. Fleming, Richard G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Bernard Levick, Fred W. Neal, Robert Pulver, Lloyd S. Reich, Jacob C. Seidel, Marshall D. Shulman, Donald Smith, Wayne H. Stewart, Bernard Weissman George Andros, Fred Buesser, Rob- ert Cummins, Fred DeLano, Robert J. Friedman, Ray- mond Goodmarn, Keith H. Tustison, Joseph Yager. Dorothy Briscoe, Florence Davies, Helen Diefendorf, Elaine Goldberg, Betty Goldstein, Olive Griffith, Har- riet Hathaway, Marion Holden, Lois King, Selma Levin, Elizabeth Miller, Melba Mrrison, Elsie Pierce, Charlotte Rueger. Dorothy Shappel, Molly Solomon, Laura Wino- grad. Jewel IVuerfel. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER ................RUSSELL B. READ CREDIT MANAGER.................ROBERT S. WARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER......JANE BASSETT DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, John Og- den; Service Department. Bernard Rosenthal; Contracts, Joseph Rothbard; Accounts, Cameron Hall; Circulation and National Advertising, David Winkwort; Classified Advertising and Publications, George Atherton. BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: William Jackson, William Barndt, Ted Wohgemuith, Lyman Bittman, John Park, F. Allen Upson, Willis Tomlinson, Homer Lathrop, Tom Clarke, Gordon Cohn, Merrell Jordan, Stanley Joffe, Richard E. Chaddock. WOMEN'S BUSINESS STAFF: Betty Cavender, Margaret Cowie, Bernadine Field, Betty Greve, Mary Lou Hooker, Helen Shapland, Betty Simonds, Marjorie Langenderfer, Grace Snyder, Betty Woodworth, Betsy Baxter, Margaret Bentley, Anne Cox, Jane Evans, Ruth Field, Jean Guion, Mildred Haas, Ruth Lipkint, Mary McCord, Jane Wil- loughby. NIGHT EDITOR: JOHN J. FLAHERTY Apathy Threatens The Opera.. . A COMMITTEE of the Board of Di- rectors of the Union is now engaged in helping interested students to write books to be submitted for next year's Union Opera. There are not a great many students profiting by this service, and those that are have not been able to give much time to it. Yet unless a book which has sufficient merit to satisfy the committee is submitted by April 15, there will be no opera next year. It may very well be that the total enrollment of this University is not sufficient to support all of the yearly dramatic and musical programs here. If this is the case, they certainly should be cut down. But if the Union Opera goes out of existence, the men of the University will have lost their only independent production-a fine tradition will have been ended through apathy. No Markets For Matanuska ... T HE UNITED STATES has sent 60 starving families from Michigan to supposed haven in the Matanuska Valley of Alaska. It sent them there to start farming on the fertile lands with the hope of eking out a living in great contrast with the former conditions of these families. The government, spending $100,000 in prepara- tion for the first settleemnt and planning to spend close to $1,000,000 more, saw a chance to send these and other farmers away from sub-marginal lands in this country into a land of comparatively fertile soil. Several members of the forestry school, however, point out that the government has apparently overlooked the prospect of a market for the new settlcrs in this remote region. Prof. Dow V. Bax- ter, who has made two recent trips to the site chosen by the government, says there is no town of more than 3,000 within 1,500 miles of the Mata- nuska Valley. All these two towns are now amply supplied so that the market will be very limited, he says. Furthermore, high rail rates to the near- est fair-sized market, Vancouver, will make it impossible to compete with the nearer Canadian farmers." The condition in Alaska would not be so un- favorable for these newcomers were it not for.theI fact that the number of crops which can be grown in this territory is exceedingly limited. It is neces- sary, then, that these farmers find a market for their limited crops in order to obtain the other rBecessities of life if they are to live in this region. Alaskahas great possibilities for lumbering, fish- Ing and mining, but short seasons and limited riarkets greatly lessen the agricultural outlook. It was natural enough that the transported farmers should have grabbed at any ch'ance which might possibly bring them relief. They do not know much Ibout the conditions of the land to which they vre going. They were desperate. If the transplanting of families from stricken areas is necessary and desirable, as it may be, the government will have to plan more wisely than this in the future. COLLEGIATE OBSERVER By BUD BERNARD B.W.O.C., '35, sends in this contribution: DESIRE, NO LESS "I dined one night with AKL'S; I've smiled at Sigma Nu's, I've flirtfd with all the Lambda Chi's And studied with D.U.'s. I've coked with boys from Alpha Delt, And danccd with all the Betas. I've gone to shows with ATO's, And laved Phi Delta Thetas. I've dla.ed bcys from SAE, Andy'. nk ,' Igma Chi's, I've ie uhd with Phi Gams too, Awldr! eked with Theta. Xi's. But ocwthat senior year has colle, l";i:Frtv- my leE on, well- I want.a: :dependent man The Greeks can go to li---." Contrary to the aims of collegiate schools of business administration, recent surveys and com- putations show that only one or two out of every five college students can become successful bus- iness men. The other three or four are doomed to be misfits, mediocrities or failures. BUD BERNARD'S LESSON NUMBER ONE I. Taking A Shower Step one: Turn on water tap marked "hot." A thick jet of steam will pour out followed by a rush of. ice-cold water. Step two: Leave water running while you go for a towel and soap. By this time the water should be farily tepid. Step three: Turn on "cold" faucet. Shower will stop running entirely. Step Iaur: When water starts running again you will find it the exact temperature. Do not be alarmed. Merely step under the shower and the water will (a) stop running; (b) turn cold; (c) turn hot; (d) turn a darkish brown color and seem full of dirt. Step five: Get out of shower and wash face and hands at wash basin. Go to your room and dress. Just before leaving the house, turn off the shower, which has been running perfectly since you left it. Wasn't it rather an odd way for members of the freshman basketball squad at Indiana Uni- versity recently to show their appreciation at the basket ball banquet by presenting their coach with a traveling bag. While papa Huey goes about the nation with a bodyguard of a score of husky gorillas, his daugh- ter Rose, a student at Louisiana State University hurries from class to class with a worried look and does not dare to leave the campus alone for fear that some enemy of her dad's might see that the sins of the father are visited upon the children. Sunday Nights at the UNION TAPROOM ' 4- Chicken Dinner 50c Steak Dinner 50c Other Specials .Rang- ing from 25c to 50c Sales Tax Included in Prices TheMichigan Union I [AsOthers SeeIt_ Peace And Propaganda (From The Oregon Daily Emerald) SOME TIME AGO we suggested that the efforts of the peace societies would prove unavailing unless they found some way to strip war of its glamour, its excitement and adventure. To begin with, it would be necessary for the group to have an advertising appropriation as large as that of any major cigarette company, for this is primarily a propaganda proposition. Second, the group must have a corps of lobby- ists fully as large and active as the munitions men, and a director who is clever, unscrupulous and persuasive. They should begin with an illustrated billboard, magazine, and newspaper campaign. Not the dig- nified, restrained matter printed heretofore, but headlines that shriek their message, pictures that burn it on the brain. Make the horror, waste, and insanity of war LIVE for everyone able to see or read. Show them broken, mangled men across a field gun; fire-gutted houses; the horribly smashed wreckage of war planes; cold, mute bodies piled like faggots; sour, shell-pitted fields and a sky- line of mutilated trees. Associate every branch of the Army, Navy, and air force with some scene of horror, and hammer it home, day after day, month after month, year after year. Film talkie shorts with martial music as their background, and for their .scenes havoc, destruction, and death; so that the thrill is gone even from the bugles and the drums. As for the legislative bodies, congressmen can be bought, threatened, or persuaded until legisla- tion with teeth is enacted, taking away all the profits from munitions manufacturing, and apply- ing the same penalty as treason bears to any per- son convicted of inciting war for personal gains. But this burden cannot be assumed by one nation alone. Every important nation must inaugurate it at the same time, for under the present system of balance of power, the United States or any other nation that attempts to proceed alone would be 1?enalized severely, and perhaps disastrously, by the more greedy and self-centered countries. First an agreement must be reached between nations, and then the campaign can begin. Student Government High (From The Daily Texan) rfHE FIRST STEP of the Alsup bill for state- owned, non-profit-making book stores will be had next Wednesday night (Feb. 20) when it is considered by the House committee on education. Appearing before that committee will be John Bell, president of the Students' Association, end cther interested students. For the first time in many years the students have shaken off their lethargy and are determined to make a satisfactory settlement of their own affairs. This is student gov- ernment at its best. This is a glowing example of the advantages of a democracy. What is essential now is the cooperation of the rank and file of the student body. Your student officials have acted, and acted in a most praise- worthy fashion. Now it is your turn to help. You can do this by giving to President Bell and any member of the Assembly your suggestions, your information, and your sentiments in regard to this problem. Remember that the bookstore problem is a vital one with you. It affects your pocketbook. Its satisfactory solution will depend in large measure upon the interest which you take in it and the influence which you exert to make a reasonable settlement of this age old question. Washington Off The Record Recognition Of Sc.olarsl*p 0 - By SIGRID ARNE WASHINGTON, March 23. THE FACE of Sen. J. Ham Lewis of Illinois assumed a "Puck-ish" smile as the two other senators tangled on the work-relief bill. Sen. Royal S. Copeland of New York, who is a physician, and Sen. Henry F. Ashurst of Arizona vere discussing whether work- elief money would be used to nlarge military cemeteries. "Cemeteries will need enlarg- ng," said Copeland angrily, "for hose who die of starvation be- .ore we pass this bill. "The senator," grinned Ash- 'rst, "knows more about ceme- a weintrod S...' 'Y.4- 4 IIO x/ ~'~' ~BeIlle-Sharrr K,1-N4 0 E E -: lE ?LEN f s. ;..rS TO C K 1 N -r-, I Just one way of saying the famous Belle-Sharmeer Stock- ings now have a shorter sister. Meet Belle-Sharmeer Knee- Lengths ... a fetching and fitting wisp of a stocking made-to-fit in leg size as well as foot size. Featuring an exquisite band of Lastex Lace to garter you smartly just below the knee. Its elasticity won't wear-out or wash-out ... yet it never interferes with the circulation. A special construction sees to that ! Wear Belle-Sharmeer Knee-Lengths and forget about W G S luce leer G T H THE AWARD of the Colver lecture- ship for 1935 at Brown University to Professor Crane of the University history de- partment represents the recognition of another of Michigan's many distinguished scholars. Pro- fessor Crane now takes his place with other schol- arly lecturers, including Dean ,Roscoe Pound of Harvard, former President Frank J. Goodnow of Johns Hopkins University'and Prof. Frederic L. Faxon of the University of California, all of whom have been awarded the Colver lectureship in re- cent years. This lectureship is recognized as one of the most / distinguished awards in the East. The terms of theĀ° foundation stipulate that "lecturers eminent in scholarship, or of other marked qualifications, shall be chosen, and that the lectures shall be distinctive and valuable contributions to human knowledge." Professor Crane will deliver a series of three addresses on the general topic "Benjamin Frank- lin: Englishman and American." These lectures will climax several years of intensive research. His recent studies have aroused much interest in his- torical and biographical circles both in this country and abroad, and he is now recognized as an "oustanding authority on the subject of garter bumps and garter runs. Lift your well arched eyebrows at twisted seams and wrinkled ankles. And think of the money you'll save on Knee-Lengths' mite of a price and mighty wearing qualities. Slick spring colors. .. no rings. Here ... exclusively ! $1.00 and up, the pair BeI leSharmer K NE E-LE NGTH STOC K I NGS with the Lastex Lace Garter C, A