THE MICHIGAN DAILY upon a sum as magnitudinous as the present na- tional budget. President Roosevelt was swept into office on the top of a Democratic wave that promised to re- member the Forgotten Man. The Chief Exec- tive immediately began a program of public spending that aimed to bring back the memory of the Man in the Street. The program was supposedly an attempt to alleviate a temporary crisis. Its life was defi- nitely limited. That was as it should be. Some- thing needed to be done. The President is doing that much and should be commended. The cost was great, but the results were more than worth it Two years and more have passed, and the orgy of public spending goes on. Despite executive promises when the measures were railroaded e through Congress in the spring of 1932, the na- tional government still finds a market for its millions. Such a lavish display of public spending cannot go on forever. The day will come when it must be paid - paid out of the pocket of the Man in the Street. The Forgotten Man may be remembered too well. Insanity is reported to be less prevalent among primitive groups than among civilized nations. We knew the white man had been shirking his burdens lately. [The SOAP BOX Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded ase onfidentiai upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the. editor reserving the right to condense all letters of over 200 words. Normal School'Facts' To the Editor: In your editorial of Sunday, Jan. 27, on the sub- ject of "Normal School Retrenchment" you at- tempt to bring out some facts. For instance, you say, "There is no other field of education in the state where retrenchment has not already gone the limit." Where did you get that "fact"? Michigan spent during the year 1934 over $13,000,000 for the construction of new highways. Furthermore. since 1930 the operating revenues of the teachers colleges have been cut 40.5 per 'cent, while the operating revenues of none of the other state insti- tutions of higher learning have been cut more than 32.2 per cent and one institution was cut only 16.4 per cent. The limit that you speak of has apparently been approached more nearly by the teachers colleges already than by some other in- stitutions which cost the state far more. You say in your editorial, "A large percentage of the students in Michigan normal colleges come from other states." Where did you get that "fact"? Actually there were enrolled in residence in teach- ers colleges of Michigan last year 4,673 students, and of that number exactly 135, or less than three per cent, came from outside the state. You say that "A large percentage of normal school students come from all parts of the state and do not necessarily attend one school simply because it happens to be in the vicinity of their home." Where did you get that "fact"? An actual survey of sources of students made for Western State Teachers College in 1929 showed that of the entire student body 35 per cent came from within a radius of 25 miles, 70 per cent came from within a radius of 50 miles, and 85 per cent came from within a radius of 100 miles. You say that "No Michigan normal college is crowded with students," and that appears to be the only one of your "facts" that is a fact. But it is also a fact that the University itself is not crowded wih students. Would you advocate closing the University temporarily because its attendance, is slightly under what it has been in other years? Since the fourth normal school was established in Michigan some 30 years ago the population of the state has doubled and the number of public school teachers has more than doubled. It takes many years to develop an organization like a college, and to close one, or more, of them even temporarily would mean that its replacement would necessarilyI take a long time. We do not question your right to campaign against the teachers colleges, if that seems to you to represent a proper editorial policy, and we do not know what arguments the governor has for closing some of the teachers colleges, but we submit' that fair play toward the teachers colleges, and also toward the constituency which The Michigan Daily serves requires the presentation of facts which are more authentic than those which appeared in your editorial. I am an'alumnus of both Western State Teachers College and the University of Michigan. -Franklin L. Everett. Sen. Carter Glass is lecturing to the Senate to abolish the "and/or" in legislative documents. He is right, and what's more, we think the Senate should have to listen to the Virginian and or agree with hin. IAsOthers I Professors Local No. 00 PROF. LOWELL J. CARR, University of Michigan sociologist, recently urged the unionization of all professors and affiliation with the American Federation of Labor. "The place of the teacher, as well as everyone else who works for a living, is with his fellow-workers and friends -in the union of his craft, affiliated with the A.F.L.," he said. The need for organization among college pro- fessors may be a problem of great moment, but the natural reaction to Professor Carr's suggestion is one of amusement. It would be difficult to imagine professors with union cards or going on strike: for a six hour day or in sympathy with the steam fitters. If there is to be a union of college professors, it must have a professional, sounding title. its motives, however mundane. must annear T } COL LEGlATE OBSERVER 11 I By BUD BERNARD Here is an interesting story concerning the well- known poetess (?) Gertrude Stein. It happened on a balmy spring day years ago at Johns Hopkins during final exam week. Miss Stein and the phi- . losophy professor were the principal characters. On the date of the philosophy examination our heroine merely handed in a postcard on which she scribbled: "Dear Professor James: I am so sorry but, really, I do not feel a bit like an examination paper in philosophy today." She then left the room. The following day Dr. James sent her a postcard saying: "I understand perfectly how you feel. I often feel like that myself." Here comes the surprise. Underneath this note he gave Miss Stein the highest mark in the course. Out of the n,:aelstrom of final exams comes a story that will go down in history at Cornell University. It concerns a certain freshman in a chemistry lecture course. The yearling worked diligently for his final exam. He took it and then to his horror noted that his pro- fessor was giving another one the next day. There seemed to be nothing to do but take it- which he did. Not until later did he learn that the professor had two sections in the same course. The freshman scored an 83 on the first examination and 54 on the second. Which one counted on his final grade is still un- known. In one of the English courses at Ohio State University in which an ultra-sophisticated co-ed monopolizes class discussion on trivial matters every day, the neglected ones grew weary of such performance and when she began saying that Webster agreed with her, the class (except for the co-ed of course) walked out in the middle of the hour. Congratulations, you walker-outers, for your spirit. Down with apple polishers! A professor of mathematics at the Univer- sity of Oklahoma had lost his slide rule and put an advertisement up on the bulletin board to the effect that he would like to have the thing back. The next day the following note appeared beneath the professor's note. "Dear Sir: Please throw five dollars over the ceme- tery fence and you will get back your slide rule. There will be further details later." A course in elementary fishing was recently add- ed to the curriculum of the University of Califor- nia. Practice is held in the university swimming pool. THINGS I'D LIKE TO SEE MAE WEST singing in a church choir - An exchange dinner between the KAPPAS and the THETAS - FLOYD GIBBONS and STEPIN FETCHIT finalists in a speech con- test - WALTER WINCHELL being the father of triplets and the time of the event breaking against his deadline. A Washington BYSTANDER THE IDEA of providing an official source for put- ting the "administration" stamp on bills sent to Congress does not seem to have made much progress. It was one of the little side jobs Donald Richberg was to undertake as New Deal coordina- tor. Maybe the auto code ruction kept him too busy; or maybe presidential stategy in dealing with Con- gress makes a considerable degree of mystery desirable. Or maybe it is just that house and senate Democrats do not fancy going to the Richberg feed box any more than some cabinet members seem to go. For whatever reason, the first major job of Con- gress, the multi-billion dollar works bill, got through the House under a drastic gag rule and was battered about long in a Senate committee without the actual writer of the original draft becoming known. Similarly, the next highly con- troversial draft bill to carry out Roosevelt stated "principles," the economic and social security measure, got before both houses with nothing to show Roosevelt attitude on its details. NEXT AT BAT was to come the highly inflam- matory and voluminous banking bill. Hardly a line of it was not filled with controversy. The draft sent up to the hill was the product of assorted government financial experts. And again, no one knew where the White House stood on even major details. The President himself called it "tentative." It would be well enough, perhaps, to have an official "administration" stamp and stamp wielder in minor matters. It would tie the president's hands too tightly for his comfort if applied to really big bills. WHAT is much more important is that the House discloses increasing restiveness over the fact that most of the administration "trading" has been done with -the Senate rather than the House. House Democrats, under gag rules or otherwise, frequently have been dragooned into voting down ideas they would have liked to have sponsored for personal political advantage only to have the White House yield on the point in the Senate. Senate sponsors got whatever benefit there was. As an illustration, House Democratic command- ers talked of the necessity for a strict gag rule on the security bill to prevent a Townsend plan rider in the House. Yet, not even the most optimistic Townsend plan booster in the House would predict favorable action on it in either house at this ses- sion .or by this Conngre. Thev talke1 hanut wha+ (or ARE NOW BEING TAKEN FOR THE SECOND SEMESTER Phone 2-12 14 Student Publications Building A Fevw Copies of the J-Hop Extra containing the Grand March Picture still are available at leading drug stores and newsstands, or call The Michigan Daily, Dial 2-1214