TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 24, 1935 M Jla l.Aa 1 64lS A P}4 ! F4 - phets and Prophecy In Old Testa- nent." 3 T TTTTT T At5:45,;all students of Roger WVil- [AL BULLETINr iiA":o~oret l~i lin s Gu ild are requested to meet at uctive notice toal members of the the guild house to go in a body to the ce of the Assistant to the Preadent Zion Luiheran parish house as guests of the Lutheran League. Rev. Fred Cowin will speak on the hymn, "0 . L eve That Will Not Let Me Go." the 42nd Annual May Festival, to be Le a iN eMG given in Hill Auditorium, Ann Arbor,. May 15, 16, 17, and 18. Presbyterian Student Appoint- ments: First Concert: Wednesday eveningt : May 15. Artist and Choral Concert. 9 - S Helen Jepson, Metropolitan Opera vhe Church House. soprano, soloist. University Choral 10:45 a. m. - Morning Worship. Union, Chicago Symphony Orchestra. "The Survival of the Unfit." Dr. Wm. World premiere of songs from "Drum -Lemon. Taps" by Howard Hanson. Frederick 5:30 p.m. ---Social Hour and Sup- Stock and Howard Hanson, Conduct- ;; at the Church. :30 p.m.--Student Forum. "Prob- oi.lrnIMe In Collec e" Dr. Alden W. Second Concert: Thursday evening,.quires. May 16. Artist and Choral Concert. Part I. King David by Honegge. 8:00 p.m. --Fire-Side Hour at the Par I."Kig D~vi." y Hneger.Church House. desk, do so immediately. Those tending will be charged 30 cents. at- Classifid Directory L -C , ______________________________________ ______________ i . Ce ~rewgational Church: At 10:30 the minister, Rev. Allison Ray Heaps, will speak on "Samson, the Popular Athlete." The lecture at 11:30 will be given by Professor Preston Slos- son. He will speak on "The Congre- gatinal Church," giving the history ci its origin, the policy and tenets of the denomination. 6:00 - Student Guild Supper fol- lowed by a musical program by the Fellowship Symphony Orchestra - Mies Vlasta Podoba, bassoon, John Knell, flu e, and John Houdek, tuba. These young artists will play solos with orchestral accompaniment. A vocal solo will be given by Harriet Clark, '37. Kaura Simonen, '37, will preside at the piano.x Harris Hall, Sunday: Celebrating of the Holy Commun- ion in the Chapel at Harris Hall in the morning at 9:30. Regular student meeting in the evening at 7 o'clock. Achilles Talia- ferro, student in the School of Music and organist of the Methodist Church will lead a discussion on, "Gregor- ian Church Music." Sant Andrew's Episcopal Church: 'ervices of worship today are: 8 a.m. Holy Communion, 9:30 a.m. Church Schooi, 11:00 a.m. Kindergarten, 11:00 a.m. Rite of Confirmation by the Right Rev. Hayward S. Ablewhite, D.D., Bishop of Marquette, Morning Prayer and Sermon by Bishop Able- white. 5:00 p.m. Young People's Fellowship will meet at the Y.W.C.A. for a pot-luck supper. Lutheran Student Club: Rev. Cow- in of the Church of Christ's Disciples will speak at the meeting of the Club on Sunday evening. The Baptist Student Guild will be guests of the Lutheran students on this occasion. Those who plan to attend should note that the supper will be served prompt- ly at 5:45 o'clock instead of 6 o'clock as is customary. Rfermcd Students: Rev. John Minnena will conduct services in the Michigan League Chapel at 9:30 a.m. Unitarian Church: Evening service at 5:15 o'clock. "Asia - Mother of Religion" -- dedication service of eight flags of the historical religions. Liberal Students' Union meeting at 7:30. Harold S. Gray, of the Saline Valley Farms will speak on "The Fu- ture and Value of the Cooperative Farm." Sociology students will be especially interested. Orchestra, and Chorus Rehearsal: Rehearsal for Orchestra and Chorus for "A Midsummer Night's Dream" at 2:15 at Lydia Mendelssohn. Varsity Glee Club: The bus for Dearborn Inn leaves today at 5:30, and for Cranbrook on Monday at 5 p.m. Alpha Epsilon Mu: Regular meeting at League, 6 p.m. Candidates for spring initiation will be discussed. Phi Eta Sigma Members: If you plan to attend the informal dinner at the Union at 6:30, and have not already left your name at the Union Scalp and lade Society meetingi at 5 o'clock at the Union. Engineering Open House Commit- tee Chairmen: There will be a meet- ing at 5 p.m., Union. Appointments of the Disiples (Church of Christ) Guild: 10:45 a.m. - Morning worship serv- ice with sermon. The League of Micah," by Rev. Fred Cowin. 12:00 noon - Upper Room Bible Class taught by Rev. Pickerill. 5:30 p.m.-Social and tea. 6:30 p.m. -- Discussion meeting of the guild with Mrs. H. L. Pickerill,I topic, "Building Personality Through Worship." 7:30 p.m. -Evening worship serv- ice and sermon, "Meditation On a Memorable Hymn," by Rev. Fred Cowin. All friends and members of the guild are cordially invited to attend these meetings.r Hillel Foundation: Dr. Harry Dob- sovege, former executive secretary of the Jewish Publication Society, willI speak on "Romance of Jewish His- tory," at the Hillel Foundation's regu- lar Sunday morning service at 11:15 - League Chapel. Dr. Dobsovege isf responsible for the English transla- tions of Graetz, "History of the Jews," and many other classics--every one, is welcome to attend. At 8 p.m. at the Hillel Foundation, Dr. Dobsovege will conduct an open forum on the same subject as his { morning service. Coming Events Vocational Series: Students of the College of Literature, Science, and the CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING P a C ci Place fad ert1 ; _: 2n tswith Cisosslied Ad. rti u~sinl Dpmtnent . huem 2-1214, The cia ;Ktied coluns close at five o'clock previois ), day o insertion. Box nunbzr may be reured at no extra c'hiar" Cash in advance 1ic per reading line ton bais of fiv average words to line) for one or two insertions. 10c per readin line for three or more insertions. Minimum 3 lines per insertion. Telephone rate -1.c per reading line im o or two Ileta l5 1r44 i line for three or O te i i n days from the date<°17 ast =nsetiona. i'rn tu ' e in per insertion. By contra'ct, per line - 2 i.s daily, one mionth...............c 4 lines ..D.2Io hs...........;1C 2 1! .e)ar........7c 4 !ine, __1 XO.. ,xigeN .......,.7c iO ere-al i r..........!7 300 d ....8as de d 1 .00(4 linesu-rd i=,dsired...........7Ic 2,000 line t ed as desired....... The aboveraus ore per reading line, ha:i on e rai ine., per inch. Ionic type, up per ad lower case. Add ac per line to abcye n:.i (' forall capital letters. Add 6c per lineto above for beld face, upper and lower case. Add IOc per li eto above rates for bold face capital letters. rhe above rates are for 7% point type. LAUNDRY PERSONAL laundry service. We take individual int rest in the laundry problems of our customers. Girls silks, wools, and fine fabrics guar- anteed. Men's shirts our specialty. Call for and deliver. Phone 5594 611 E. Hoover. 2x SSTUDEN'THand Launldry. Prices rea- sonable. Free delivery. Phone 3006. 9x WANTED WANTED: MEN'S OLD AND NEW suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 dol- lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi- cago Buyers. Temporary office, 200 North Main . 7x B U SI N E S S opportunity offering worthwhile income for capable, am- bitious girl who qualifies. Phone 2-3493 for personal interview. 163 WANTED-Good cook for small first class business. Reference. Box 38. 166 NOTICE RAGGEDY ANN BEAUTY SHOP, 1115 S. University. Specials on per- manents. Reg. $4, $5, & $6 value for $2.50, $3.50 or $4.00 End Per- mnanent $2.00. Soft water shampoo and finger wave 50c. Phone 7561. 13xj NEW AND USED CARS - Largest selection in the country. Associated Motor Services, Inc. 317 W. Huron:. Ph. 2-3268. "Let's get acquainted.' lox SUMMER RESORTS FOR RENT-3 modern cottages, ac- , comodate 2, 4 to 6, 5 to 6 people. Boats at Lake Michigan on beau- tiful Bass Lake. Views and rates on application. C. Parbs, Pentwater, Michigan. 165 MAY FESTIVAL j Six Concerts May 15,.16,17,,18 Soloists - ___a l i SIX "NEW" ARTISTS 1 MARY MOORE New Brilliant Coloratura Soprano of the Metropolitan Opera HELEN JEPSON TNew Sensational Lyric Soprano of the Metropolitan Opera MYTRLE LEONARD Star 'of the Metropolitan Opera whom Schumann- Heink calls "the other Contralto." RUTH POSSELT American Violin Virtuoso MAXIM PANTELEIEFF Stupendous "Boris" of the Russian Grand Opera Company W ILBU R EVANS American Baritone I . ___, I Arts: - - A meeting will be held on Tuesday, LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. March 26, at 4:15 p.m., Room 1025 Careful work at low price. 4x Angell Hall, for students in the Col- _LO AN O- lege of Literature, Science, and the T__A Arts and others interested in future LOST: Silver Deit a Gamma ring. In- work in Library Science. The meet- itials on back., F.J.W. Call Jane Wil- ing will be addressed by Dr. W. W. loughby at 2-2591. 164 Bishop, Librarian of the University __--------- and Head of the Department of Li- DOBSOVEGE SPEAKS HERE brary Science. Dr. Hary Dobsovege, former execu- The next meeting of the vocational tive secretary of the Jewish Publica- series, to be addressed by Professor tion ociety and translator of Graetz' Emil Lorch of the College of Archi- 1 "History 0 the Jews" and other tecture, will be held on March 28. woxks, will speak on "Romance of Jewish History" at 11:15 a.m. today! Physics Colloquium: Prof. J. M. in the League Chapel. Dr. Dobsovege Cork will speak on "A Review of Re- will also lead a discussion on the cent Experiments On Disintegration same subject at 8 p.m. in the Hillel of Aluminum," at 4:15 p.m. Tuesday, Foundation. in Room 1041, East Physics Bldg. All --- ---- - --- ---- interested are cordially invited to at- l tend.1 L INSTRUCTIONS II? -- Today - Monday - Tuesday - 15f UNTIL 6 - EVERY DAY SHOW STARTS 1:30 TODAY EDDIE CANTOR a1, "KID1MILLION S" LAUREL & HARDY "TIT FOR TAT" Walt Disney's Silly Symphony "TORTOISE AND THE HARE" Technicolor Novelty L i i, i ,.'', i ( I Psychology Journal Club meets Tuesday, March 26, 8:15, Room 3126 Natural Science Building. Dr. Wood- burne will discuss some experiments bearing upon the mechanics of de- velopment. All interested are invited to attend. Acolytes: Meeting Monday, March 25, 7:30 p.m., Room 202 S.W. Dr. I Bernard Heller will speak on "Mai- monides, and His Reconciliation of Philosophy and Religion." Electrical Engineers: There will be a meeting of the Detroit-AnnArbor section of the A.I.E.E. at Ann Arbor,1 Tuesday, March 26. The meeting will be held in Room 348, West Engineer- ing Building at 7:45 p.m. E. W. Spring, Research Engineer of the Detroit Edison Company, will speakI on, "High Voltage Cables." All elec- trical students, including sophomores and freshmen, are urged to attend this meeting. A dinner will be served! at the Union at 6:30 for those who desire to eat with the group. Make reservations for dinner with Professor S. S. Attwood. Student Branch A.S.M.E.: C W. Lighthall, General Manager of the Hoover Steel Ball Company, will speak to the group at the meeting to be held in the Union, Wednesday evening, March 27, at 7:30. Mr. Lighthall will speak on the manu- facture of ball and rolle'r bearings. (Continued on Page 6) Every form of dancing. ' Open 10 to 10. Terrace Garden Studio. Wuerth Theatre Bldg. Ph. 9695 11 I - k7!P HIS PU98ER CEMENT! DAWGONE STKK-UM Doesnt wrinkle paper. CURLS THE PAGES and ft's the ceanest ALL TO HECK !neatest adhesive you TOP-X Sold by ULRIC HS BOOKSTORE East University Ann Arbor Michigan A SIX "OLD" FAVORITES GIOVANNI MART INELLI Leading Tenor of the Metropolitan Opera ETHYL HAYDEN American Oratorio Soprano JOSEF LHEVINN E Distinguished Piano Virtuoso PAUL ALTHOUSE Leading American Tenor of the Metropolitan Ope a THEODORE WEBB Favorite American Oratorio Baritone PAUL LEY$SAC Narrator of the New York Civic Repertory Theater 11 Organizations CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA .UNIVERSITY CHORAL UNION YOUNG PEOPLE'S FESTIVAL CHORUS Choral Works BORIS GODUNOF (in English) KING DAVID by Honegger Also WORLD PREMIERES of DRUM TAPS - Hanson JUMBLES -- James I1 The MOTH WORRIES which seem to be increased when thinking of laying aff Furs, etc., need not be s, disturbing, for we have secured a number of extra helps, amcng flhen- Every quart can of FLIT brings a large moth bag for 89c to 79c. There are several others at the same low prices. See for yourself THE QUARRY, INC. DRUG & PRESCRIPTION STORE Ccrner State at N. Univ. 7616 -PHONE -7611 NOW PLAYING III I Haven't You Heard? The Majestic has lowered Prices!!! 25C 'A SUDD1 1. All week-day matinees 2. Evenings in the Balcony 3. All Seats bcfore 2 P.M. Sun. 35C 1. Evenings on the Main Floor 2. All Seats Saturday evening. 3. All Seats after 2 P.M. Sun. Shiows Continuous 1:30 - 11:00 And we offer you a delightful ccmedy spiced with alluring romance. A MA flib flT- } I ? I i iIi ji t i 4 Ii f Betty Ann ' Assorted Chocolates 39c lb. Freshly Roosted Mxed Nu ts 69c b. man rar - - & ,r- . - I Wj is S LA V A HERBERT iIArSHAi in Fereiic Molziar's Maslerpi i Conductors Earl V. MOORE Musical Director Frederick STOCK Orchestra q4onductor Eric DeLAMARTER Associate Conductor Juva HIGBEE Young People's Conductor Howard HANSON Guest Conductor I 1k Special Notice Season Prices Reduced The prices of season tickets have been reduced $1.00 each to the levels of $2.00, $3.00, and $4.00 (former prices: $3.00, $4.00, and $5.00) for holders of Choral Union "Festival Cou- pons," and to $5.00, $6.00, $7.00 (former prices, $6.00, $7.00 and $8.00) for others. Subscribers of record to pa- trons' tickets will please mail in their orders promptly on special blanks mailed to each such sub- scriber. Orders from others will be 14 TOOLS FOR EVERY GARDENiNG NEED! _ _---- - ._dd "SHOE STRING FOLLIES" Iusical Brevity FI 11 II I I I. ~ ~ ~ ~ , b.*I *~ U