. . .... ........
_ ._ ____
Prof. MeClusky
Ends Series On
1 nta1 Hvgiene
r1>Mem Of Choosing A
Ve ion Is Discussed By
A o Speaker
Broadcast Over WJR
Yzung People Must Know
'* eselves, Ile Claims
In FinalSpeech
Not London, But Kansas City In The Dust Storm
Permanent Beneft Is Objective
I Of University Fresh Air CampMAY
The probme of choosing a voca-
tion was analyzed by Prof. Howard
Y. McClusky of the educational psy-
chelogy department yesterday in his
last talk of the radio series on Mental
Hygiene of Adolescence broadcast
over Station WJR and originating in
the campus studios in Morris Hall.
"First the youngster must know
himself," said Professor McClusky as
he outlined the combination of fac-
tors entering into the choice of a
suitable vocation. "He should know
the nature of his talents," Professor
McClusky continued.
The second point that Professor
McClusky stressed was the fact that
the youngster should know his in-
terests; such as, does he enjoy physi-
cal activity, being outdoors, or hand-
ling concrete things; or does he pre-
fer the world of ideas, words, and
"Next," said Professor McClusky,
"the young individual must know his
outstanding traits of personality."
After the young man knows some-
thing about himself, he further as-
scited, he then must become informed
about the opportunities for work. He
must know not only what kinds of
work are available, but what kinds
of qualities and preparation the
work demands.'
Professor MClusky pointed to self-
guidance as the first principle which
should be observed in the vocational
guidance of young people. "Upon the
boy or girl themselves," he asserted,]
"must always rest the responsibility
of vocational choice. An outside ad-I
visr can only counsel and help, buti
he can never decide for another per-'
son what he should do with his life."
The explanation of the prblem of1
mental hygiene of the adolescence
was closed by Professor McClusky
with a dcussion on the struggle of
the adoescent to work out a philos-
ophy o life. "In the first place," he1
pinted out, "the boy and girl in the
years of adolescence reaches the
heght of his native capacity to be-..
come intelligent."
He tempered that statement by say-
inging that it did not mean that he
will not increase his fund of knowl-
edge, or the skill of his thinking, or1
extend the depth of his wisdom, but1
that the innate power of mind givenl
to him by nature will have reachedt
its peak sometime during adolesence.
"it1 takes intelligence," ProfessorP
McCluky r-tated, "to have personal
problems. And it requires inteli-
gence to seek a philosophy of life
whereby to solve those problems."
Vincent Seeks
New Method Of
Research Physicist Hopes
To Shorten Time For
Laboratory Work
Harvard B. Vincent, research phys-
icist in the engineering college, has
been working recently on a new
method of chemical analysis of feric
alloys in which the spectrograph is
With the completion of his ex-
periments Mr. Vincent predicts that
he will be able to make analysis in
a matter of minutes which formerly
took hours in the laboratory. This
new method of analysis will be given
a trial in a state foundry when the
experiments have been completed.
Another member of the physics
department, Prof. Ernest Barker, re-
cently received a sample of pure am-
monia as a gift from Prof. O. 0
Taylor of Princeton. This gas is
unique in that pure ammonia has
never before been made from heavy
hydrogen, a gas which was discovered
but three years ago.
The pure ammonia will be used in
spectrum measurment, the purpose
of which is to discover the shape and
size of the molecule and the forces
that bind the atom together.
1old Services For
henry H. Karpinski
Funeral services were held Wed-
nesd, iay in Oswego for Henry H. Karp-
lski, former Ann Arbor resident and
ather of Prof. Louis C. Karpinski of
the mathematics department.
Mr. Karpinski died Monday after
a lingering illness. He was a native
of Poland and traveled extensively
before locating in Oswego and since
-Associated Press Photo.
It looks like a scene in London during one of the British city's typical fogs, but it's only the Union Station
in Kansas City as it appeared behind a screen of sand during the choking dust storm which swept over the
Midwest and cut visability to zero in many areas.
Abelwhite Will
Lead Service
Here Sunday
Harry Dobsovege Also Is
Featured In Programs
Of Local Churches
(Continued from Page 1)
Dr. Alden Squires of the medical
school will speak on "Problems I Met
in College." William G. Barndt, '37,
will lead the devotional service.
"Why Fear Sin," third in a Lenten
series of sermons will be the subject
for the sermon by the Rev. Charles
W. Brashares at 10:45 a.m. in the
First Methodist Episcopal Church. A
guest speaker will give the sermon at
the Wesleyan Guild Service at 6 p.m.
in Stalker Hall. A discussion on
"Keeping Up With Our Intelligence"
will be led from 12:10 to 12:40 p.m.
by Prof. John L. Brumm of the jour-
nalism department.
The Rev. C. A. Brauer will deliver
a sermon on "Marah's Waters Sweet-
ened" at 10:45 a.m. in the St. Paul's
Lutheran Church. An illustrated lec-
ture, second in a new series, on the
subject, "The Life of Peter," will be
given at 7 p.m. by the Rev. Brauer.
"Holiness: Its Possibility and Neces-
sity" will be the Rev. E. C. Stellhorn's
subject in the service at 10:30 a.m.
in the Zion Lutheran Church. The
Rev Fred Cowin will speak on the
hymn, "O Love That Wilt Not Let
Met Go" at 6:30 p.m.
The Rev. Cowin will also deliver
the sermon at 10:45 a.m. in the
Church of Christ on "The League of
Micah." At 6:30 p.m. Mrs. H. L. Pick-
erill will lead a student discussion
on "Building Personality Through
Solution For Unrest Between
Nations Is fered By Bryson
Use your imagination with what his farmyard invaded, while the Eng-
you read to help you learn to know lishman sees a good customer, Ger-
many, lost by any moves to suppress
your international neighbor, is the !her.
advice offered by Prof. Lyman L. Bry- F
son of Columbia Teachers College as For a real understanding of inter-
a solution to the great international national problems, then, the nature of
unrest and fear now prevailing. a country and its people must first
Addressing an audience at Univer- be studied, he said.
sity High School yesterday morning He suggested as a next step that we
on "What the American Citizen Ought realize that each nation believes that
to do About Foreign Affairs," Profes-
sor Bryson, a former journalist and its own way of doing things is best.,
Red Cross official in Europe and Asia, and looks upon us as the slightly in-
and at present an educator expert in sane race we may think they are.
adult education, pleaded first of all With this accomplished, the last step
for an attempt at a better under- of his solution is the overcoming of
standing and knowledge of foreign the great fear now existent between
races. nations.
As an example, he pointed out that "It is a great instance of the prog-
"a lot of us think France is just a ress of civilization in the last 200
bunch of Frenchmen in Paris. As a years that we now can walk the streets
matter of fact, the Russian sees a unarmed," Professor Bryson con-
Greek in Paris, and says, 'Gosh, these tinued. "In the great city of London
French are funny people!'" The typ- about that long ago a man had a
ical Frenchman, who in the end dic- torch ahead and a bodyguard behind
tates what his statesmen shall do, is a when he went abroad at night." From
farmer, just as the typical English- the cavemen on down, he said, it had
man is a laborer. been the custom to brain a stranger
Thus, he said for example there first and ask questions afterwards.
are here expressed two different atti- In the uncivilized countries today the
tudes toward Germany. The French word "stranger" is still the same as
farmer is in constant fear of having the word "enemy."
- -- - -- But between nations of the world
FAIR IN BLACK this fear still exists, and is the one
great factor responsible for the inter-
CHICAGO, March 22.-(~P)-Sixty- national unrest. Only when it has
one millions of dollars, $61,368,226 been overcome will the nations see
to be exact were spent in Chicago's their way clear to real world peace, he
A Century of Progress exposition. The said in conclusion.
financial reports which announced
that Chicago's fair had paid all its
debts and had money in the bank MAINE GETS PENSIONS
ricler th tal~it a l% ^fl A~"TCm ef & --n M
More than 5.000 underprivileged'
boys have been able to enjoy the aC-
vantages of the University of Mich-
igan Fresh Air Camp in the 13 years
of its existence. The one function of
the camp, as George G. Alder, camp
director for the last few years stated,
is to give each camper a new grasp
and outlook on life which will be of
permanent benefit.
The Fresh Air Camp was first
founded by Tom Evans, who left his
job as secretary of the Christian As-
sociation at Pennsylvania University
to take a post here at Michigan. He
interested several others in the proj-
ect, similar to the one which had
been founded in Pennsylvania.
The first period of the Fresh Air,
camp opened in 1919. The following
year the present site of the camp
was bought and 180 acres were set
apart for the camp. For the first few
years the camp had a hard struggle
for existence. No permanent equip-
ment was erected and the campers
slept and ate in tents. In the words
of Mr. Alder, "camping in those days
was no bed of roses." Finally, in 1925,
cabins were built to provide sleeping
quarters, and at the present time a
new "main building" is in the process
of being constructed.
The sanitary and other facilities of
the camp are well summed up in the
rating given it by the Michigan State
Board of Health, which in 1933 gave
the camp a rating of 96 per cent.
Thorough health examinations are
given each boy upon arrival in camp
by Dr. W. E. Forsythe, director of the
University Health Service, and the
camp health counselor, who is a stu-
dent in the Medical School. M4ost of
the boys are underweight when first
arriving in camp, and the average
gain in weight for a two-week period
is three pounds.
All the work of the camp is done
by the boys, and a well-balanced pro-
gram is provided for the campers.
Boating, swimming, nature study, and
handicraft are among the numerous
things included in the program for
the day. Campfire programs are one
of the features of the camp's activ-
ities each night,
In the past few years special at-
tention has been given those boys who
are "court campers," or who are de-
linquent. It is with this group that
the experiment in "human engineer-
ing" is being conducted. The case of
Griffin Addresses
Alumni Association
Dean Clare E. Griffin of the bus-
ness administration school addressed,
the Grand Rapids Alumni Association
Thuoday in Grand Rapids. Dean
Griffin spoke on the many opportun-
ities in the business world afforded
students following their graduation
from a business college.
In connection with this Dean Grif-1
fin discussed the changing economic1
system and the place of the modern
business man in it. He will return tor
Ann Arbor today.
each boy is considered separately and r 11V
every effort is made to help him per-
sonally and to aid him in such a way Six Concerts
as to build his confidence and restore
his sense of right and wrong. May 15, 16, 17, 18
The counsellors and leaders of the
camp are for the most part University i
students or members of the faculty, all
of whom are banded together to give Soloists
a small group of boys "a more health-
ful and abundant life." SIX "NEW" ARTISTS
Shiner' Is FoundMA MO
Ot Latest Museum I New BrilliantColoratura
Soprano of the Metropolitan
Mastodon Skeleton i ' pr
"Who hath woe? Who hath sor-H E E
row? Who hath babbling? Who hath New Sensational Lyric Soprano
redness of the eye?" of the Metropolitan Opera
Thus quoted Prof. Ermine C. Case,
director of the Paleontology Museum, MLO
from Proverbs 23:29, Thursday as he Star of the Metropolitan
saw the skeleton of the gigantic mas- Opera whom Schumann-
todon he unearthed last fall with a Heink calls "the other
huge red eye, set in a milky white Contralto."
background. t
How the gaunt, bony skeleton, RUTH POSSELT
which is being prepared for exhibit
in the University Museums soon, got American Violin Virtuoso
the "shiner," really some flaming MAX IM
cellophane in some cotton batten,
nobody seems to know.PANTELEIEFP
W. H. Buettner, Paleontology Mus- PANTELE! EFF
eum curator, refuses to talk. Profes- Stupendous "Boris" of the
sor Case refused to talk at first also. Russian Grand Opera
But when he was asked if the skeleton Company
of the prehistoris mammal were REV N+
drunk,his eyes twinkled, and he quot- WILBUR EVANS
ed the passage from the Bible about American Baritone
having woe, sorrow, red eyes, etc.
Just who had woe, sorrow, or bab-
bling, nobody seemed to know for SIX "OLD" FAVORITES
sure. Maybe it was the members of YR_
the Museums staff who were startled
to see the fantastic sight, peering out G I OVAN N 1
at them from the curator's room.G V
But even Professor Case and Mr. MARTIN ELLI
Buettner agreed that it was the mas-
todon's jaw that "hath redness of Leading Tenor of the
the eye." Metropolitan Opera
Method Of Relief Fund American Oratorio Soprano
Distribution Is Attacked JOSEF L H EV I N N E
CHICAGO, March 22. - (R)- CuIr- Disti hed Pi Virt
rent methods of distributing Federal inguis iano uoso
relief funds to the State were accosted PA U L ALT HOUSE
as a "poker game" today by Prof. Leading American Tenor of
Sophonisba P. Breckinridge, Univer- LedengoAmeitan Tera
sity of Chicago social scientist, writ- the Metropiltan Opera
ing in the Social Service Review. THEODORE W EBB
The publication is edited by a Grace
Abbott, former chief of the children's Favorite American Oratorio
bureau of the Department of Labor. Baritone
CLEVELAND, March 22. - (P) - Narrator of the New York
Petitions asking a special election Civic Repertory Theater
on a proposal to oust Mayor Harry
L. Davis were requested today by Gil-
bert J. Simpson, a member of a non- Organizalions
partisan committee.
Simpson attempted to file an affi- C H ICAGO
davit with City Clerk Fred Thomas SYMPHONY
to compel the clerk to issue the peti-
tions but, Thomas refused on grounds
that the city does not have funds for ORC HESTRA
such' an election. The affidavit
charged the mayor with misfeasance, U N IVE RSITY
malfeasance and criminal neglect. r U A D A I I I M I
aisciosea1iat amount as the totaLI
Wrecking crews are demolishing thej
AUGUSTA, Me., March 22.-(OP)
The Maine House of Representatives
today voted 74 to 71 for a state lottery
to provide funds for old-age pensions.
Back of-/0 million deposiors
there is otter 20 billion dollars on
deposit in the United Sa/es - a
tremendous reserve for the future.
... and back of Chesterfield there
is more than 85 million dollars
mild ripe tobacco ...
Because you cannot make a good cigarette
from just one year s crop there are today 42
miles of warehouses filled with cigarette tobac-
cos from the crops of 1931-32-33-34-most of
it for Chesterfield cigarettes.
Just as money accumulates interest, two
and a Ilf years of ao-eincr makes thesP tnnrrc