t The Weather Partly cloudy, colder in west portion today; tomorrow in- creasing cloudiness. L 4ILi.dgikw A6F 1FI.T M im Fm ,,,,-,tr4tgan. E ai1 In This Issue Gertrude Stein muses on the ways of the press. See (h'r special article co) Page 4. VOL. XLV. No. 128 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1935 PRICE FIVE CENTS House Votes For Payient To Soldiers From Boy-Prodigy To Senator Holt Attacks Honor Crane Is Story Qf Rush Holt's Lift Conservative With Colver s tudents' Jitters Push Hunt Set Back Budaet $700_erWekor Stang Decrees That Be Inflated In Pay Bonus Currency Order To Veto By President Is Seen As Likely Orthodox Appropriation Replaced By Bill For Money Expansion WASHINGTON, March 22.- (A') - A double blow of veto-overriding pro- portions was struck at the President today when the House voted not only to pay the $2,000,000,000 soldiers' bonus now but also to use the cur- rency inflation method of payments. Appl use and window-rattling cow- boy yells greeted preliminary deci- sions which led to final passage of the Patman Bill by a 318 to 90 vote. And the 207 to 204 choice of the Patman currency expansion plan against the orthodox Vinson-Amer- ican Legion Bill created an uproar that looked and sounded like a riot. The Patman bill now goes to the Senate, and no one knows what will happen to it there although polls have shown a majority in favor of cash payment. Even leaders concede that the House could muster the necessary two-thirds to override a Presidential veto. The Senate is another story. Months ago, the President ex- pressed hi opposition to paying the bonus now on the ground that it would interfere with his recovery pro- gram and at the same time give the soldiers something they were not due to receive until 1945. He informed party leaders he would veto it, al- though there have been sugestions of compromise. Only recently, Donald Richberg, the No. 1 Roosevelt spokesman, said that as long as President Roosevelt was in the White House there would be no inflation. Despite knowledge of the Presi- dent's position, the House went right ahead. When it met, its vote was on a motion to substitute the Vinson Bill, which would use the orthodox appro- priation method of paying the bonus, for the Patnan Bill, with its require- ments for the issuance of $2,000,000,- 000 in new currency. There was a wrangle over the par- liamentary situation that took half an hour. Then the roll call started. Frank N. Belgrano, Jr., commander of the American Legion who supported the Vinson Bill, and James E. van Zandt, commander of the Veterans of For-, eign Wars who backed the Patman Bill, both sat on the edge of their gallery seats to listen. But their tenseness was nothing compared with that on the floor. There was reason, too. At the conclu- sion of the roll call, the vote was tied -204 to 204. Speaker Joseph Byrns broke the tie by voting for the Vinson bill. Abelwhite Will Le a d Service Here Sunday Harry Dobsovege Also Is Featured In Programs% Of Local Churches Several guest speakers will feature the programs to be offered tomorrow by local churches. The Rt. Rev. Hayward S. Abelwhite, bishop of the diocese of Marquette, will conduct the confirmation service to be held at 11 a.m. Sunday in the St. Andrew's Episcopal Church. At the student meeting at 7 p.m. in Har- ris Hall, Albert A. Taliaferro, '35M, organist at the Methodist church, will lead a discussion on "Gregorian Church Music." Dr. Harry Dobsovege, former ex- ecutive secretary of the Jewish Pub- lication Society and translator of Graetz' "History of the Jews" and other works, will speak on "Romance of Jewish History" in the service at 11:15 a.m. in the League Chapel. At 8 p.m. in the Hillel Foundation Dr. Dobsovege will lead a student dis- cussion on the same subject. "The Future and Value of the Co- operative Farm" is the subject to be discussed by Harold Gray of the Sal- ine Valley Farms before the Liberal Students Union meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the Unitarian Church. In the twi- lh., cpmir S1 5 -n _ tn m n- h P~ Alr is th Rush elect here Fr( hisc cessit dent, letic and to sit "TI tion who "And it, I Eer hous guish state with the S tion Ser believ was p by y( tion, By FRED WARNER NEAL against the boss system in West Vir- most like a Horatio Alger story ginia," he declared. e spectacular rise of 29-year-old The youthful senator said that he D. Holt, United States senator- was "completely charmed by the City, from West Virginia, who spoke ; of Washington and the game of na- yesterday. tional politics." He stated that his om a small town boy-prodigy, opinions about senatorial politics were ',not changed much from those enter- unce ss inoluensoincrapi su- tained before his election. "After all," n, he ostios o cllee su-he smiled at the question - "I was college history professor, ath-hesidatheqsio-"ws coach, member ofthelegislature-in the state Legislature, you know." finally the youngest man ever Senator Holt denied that he was in the United States Senate. not received cordially by his elder in te Uite SttesSente. colleagues in the Senate. "On the he Senate was always an ambi- contrary," he asserted, "they wel- of mine," the West Virginian, corned me in a fine manner." He said will be 30 June 19, said boyishly. he is "perfectly satisfied" to wait un- * now-that at last I have gained til his 30th birthday, June 19, to be don't feel so much different." sworn in, "because that is the con- nator Holt praised the upper stitutional way." e of Congress. "It is a distin- Nevertheless Senator Holt told some ed and an intellectual body," he very amusing experiences that have d. "I am particularly impressed occurred to him on account of his the great freedom of speech in age. Senate - contrary to the situa- He laughed as he described the time in so many other places." he was refused use of. the official nator Holt said that he did not elevator in the Senate Office Build- ve the trend in national politics ing. It was shortly after the seventy- particularly toward participation fourth session of Congress opened. ounger men. "I owe my elec- He walked to the .elevator to go up rather, to the complete reaction m-+tn do nr5 CauseIdeas Lectureshi .. ,...... .... ....,. .... x ......, .........,...... p (Vontixnuea on rage a) 1 4 i Educators I n religion To Meet Today Judoment O n Accident Is Handed Down Delegates Of The Michigan Chapter To Assemble At Union The annual convention of the Michigan chapter of the Religious Education Association of the United States and Canada will be held today in the Union The convention, like others being held in every state in the United States, will discuss particular aspects of religious education in this state, and will forward its findings to the central convention to be held April 26-28 in Rochester, N. Y. The delegates to the convention are representatives of directors of reli- gious education in churches, college and university profesors engaged in religious education, officials and teachers in junior and senior high- schools who are interested in char- acter education, and social service and community leaders engaged in character, educational or camping eaneiprises. Artman To Speak Joseph M. Artman, executive sec- retary of the international associa- tion, will speak on "The Function of Religion" following the luncheon to be held at 12:30 p.m. in the Union. The speech will be followed by dis- cussion from the Rev. Edward Rams- dell, of Ypsilanti, Prof. Leroy Water- man, head of the Department of Oriental Languages and Literature, and others. "Problems of Belief on the Part of Seven Hundred University Stu- dents" will be the subject of a talk by Mrs. Mary Van Tuyl of the psy- chology department at 3 p.m. Prof. J. W. Wells of Hillsdale College and others will offer discussion after- wards. Committee business and discussion groups will constitute the program from 4:30 p.m. until dinner at 6:30 p.m. Hold Discussion After dinner a panel discussion will be held on the subject "Comunity Cooperation and Character Out- comes." Those who will take part are Dr. Kenneth A. Heaton, of the State Department of Public Instruc- tion, Dr. Artman, Prof. Lowell J. Carr of the sociology department, Rabbi Bernard Heller, director of the Hillel Foundation here, E. H. Cha- pelle, Ypsilanti school superinten- dent, N. J. Quickstad, Royal Oak school superintendent, a n d Fr. Luther, dean of men, University of Detroit. Dr. Wendell Vreeland of Wayne University will be the chair- man. Delegates will also have an oppor- tunity to attend the mental hygiene class conducted by Prof. Howard Y. McClusky of the education schcol at 10 a.m. in University High School or the meeting of the educational com- mittee of the Michigan Council of Religious education led by Prof. Wells at 10 a.m. in the Baptist Guild House. Soviet Withdraws From Manchukuo TOKIO, March 22 -(')- The Sov- iet bowed its way off the Manchur- ian stage today as ceremonies mark- Prof. Dunham, Ann Arbor Transportation Company Held JointlyLiable A judgment of $14,500 was handed down yesterday in Circuit Court in favor of Miss Pearl Ward, 1938 Wash- tenaw Ave., against Prof. Arthur L. Dunham of the history department and the Ann Arbor Transportation Company. The jud:ment was handed down jointly against Professor Dunham and the Transportation Company, and under Michigan law can be collected against either individual. Suit was started by Miss Ward as a result of injuries she sustained in a collision between an Ann Arbor bus in which she was riding, and an auto- mobile driven by Professor Dunham. The accident occured at the inter- section of Baldwin and Cambridge avenues at 12:45 p.m., Nov. 12, 1934. She asked $15,000 damages each against Professor Dunham and the transportation company. The court held that the transporta- tion company was liable and that Professor Dunham may have been contributory to the immediate cause of the accident. The defense claimed that a student, Arthur Miller, '38,1 who was riding on the outside of the bus, obstructed the driver's view, and that this relieved Professor Dunham of any contributory action. Roscoe O. Bonisteel, attorney for the defense, said last night that the decision against the history professor will undoubtedly be appealed to a higher court. This is to determine whether or not Professor Dunham is liable for any portion of the judg- ment handed down. Miss Ward sustained a broken shoulder and head and face injuries and was taken to .St. Joseph Hospital following the accident. The bus was over-loaded with a noon-day crowd, a majority of whom were University students. Miller was the only stu- dent seriously injured. He recovered after a six-week hospital confinement but did not return to school until this semester. Virginia Senator-Elect Is Advocate Of Progressive Liberalism Terms American Business 'Blind' Challenges Youth In Talk At Third Union Forum Yesterday A vigorous indictment of the so- called conservative cause and a ring- ing challenge to the youth of Amer- ica to set out on "new and uncharted fields" was delivered by Sen.-Elect Rush D. Holt (Dem.-Va.) at the third Union Forum held yesterday after- noon. Describing himself as "a liberal and progressive always, a radical some times, but a conservative never," Senator Holt declared that the re- sponsibility for driving out of politi- cal life the old conservative bosses lies with American youth. "There are too many of these old mossbacks and conservatives," Sena- tor Holt stated. He emphasized the necessity of liberal progressive ideas in order for any party to continue in power. Discusses New Deal "Changes in American life have come because radicals have lived," he said. "We have never had a pro- gressive change which was not started by a progressive, a liberal, or a radi- cal." Discussing the New Deal, Senator Holt stated that "Judges like Judge Nields, who rule against the New Deal have been mentally dead for years, and progress is coming and business reforms are coming whether the conservatives or Wall Street Tor- ies want to stop them or not." He described American business as a "few leaders who should be on the political garbage wagon." Business has been "blind" following a few would-be leaders, Senator H o 1 t charged. "I indict American business for its own blindness," he declared. Senator Holt protested that the danger of America is not the com- munist or the bolshevist, but the American Liberty League, which op- erates secretly with wire pulling and string pulling. Approves 30-Hour Week The speaker heartily endorsed or- ganized labor as responsible for the progress of American industry. It has enabled the working man to pro- tect himself through mass organiza- tion. The 30-hour week was also ap- proved by Senator Holt, because "it will spread employment all over the country." He decried the utilitie and hold- ing companies and stated that "No American citizen is going to lose by their regulation." "Utility companies gave us a hypo- dermic of propaganda, the American public went to sleep, the utilities went out and got drunk with power, and now the public has awakened and wonders what to do," Senator Holt said. "Thirteen of the thirty members of the West Virginia legislature are con- trolled by the utilities companies and are on their payrolls," he said in completing the denunciation of his "favorite subject." . History Professor W ill Deliver Talks During Easter Vacation! Will Lecture At f Brown University Previously Unidentified Writing Of Franklin Is Subject Of Series Prof. Verner Winslow Crane of the history department has been awarded the Colver lectureship for 1935 at Brown University, it was announced yesterday. The lectures are to be given during Easter vacation. Professor Crane will reveal the results of his investigations of previously unidentified writings by Benjamin Franklin during his resi- dence in England in the years before the American Revolution. His general topic will be "Benjamin Franklin: Englishman and American." On April 8 Professor Crane will speak on "The Education of Benjamin Franklin;" on April 12 his subject wil be "Benjamin Franklin as Social Philosopher;" and on April 16 the concluding lecture of the series will be entitled, "Benjamin Franklin's Po- litical Ideas and the American Rev- olution." Professor Crane's recent studies of Benjamin Franklin have aroused much interest in historical and bi- bliographical circles here and abroad. These investigations were begun in the William L. Clements Library, and have also been pursued in eastern libraries. A number of essays iden- tified by Professor Crane as Frank- lin's in London newspapers and pe- riodicals by the use of the elaborate methods of the historical detective, throw much light upon Franklin's po- litical ideas and his activities as a propagandist. Te Colver lectureships, which have been given annually at Brown since 1915 constitute one of the most dis- tinguished lectureships in the East, according to members of the history department. The terms of the founda- tion require that "lecturers eminent in scholarship, or of other marked qual- ifications shall be chosen, and that the lectures shall be distinctive and valuable contributions to human knowledge." They are always pub- lished in book form under the aus- pices of Brown University. An honor- arium of $400 is awarded with the lectureship. Among the lecturers in the past have been such scholars in various fields as Frank J. Goodnow, former president of Johns Hopkins; Vernon L. Kellog; Dean Roscoe Pound; and Baron Meyendorff of the School of Slavic Studies in the University of (Contnuea on Page 2) Death Comes To P a s t President Of Notre Dame Father Cavanaugh Served As Head Of University Until 1919 SOUTH BEND, Ind., March 22- (A)- The Rev. John Cavanaugh, for- mer president of the University of Notre Dame, died in the Community Infirmary on the university campus at 5:30 p.m. today. He was 64 years old. Father Cavanaugh served as presi- dent of Notre Dame from 1904 through a period of great expansion for the university until 1919, when a change in canon law forced his re- tirement. He then became professor of English at Catholic University in Washington, but after two years re- turned to Notre Dame. His health had been failing for the past month, and his condition be- came acute four days ago. He had been moved from the Community House to the infirmary shortly before last Christmas. He was nationally known as a writ- er, orator and educator. Doctors Say Howe Has Slight Chance WASHINGTON, March 22.-o)u- All hope for the recovery of Louis McHenry Howe, first secretary of I Pr '0 ".CPoI a handone 1. 7 i None of these statistics include fra- gene Gehringer were in Detroit early ternity houses, which, if taken into this morning investigating license consideration, would at least boost the plates. Police here are definitely cer- coffee-drinking figures. tain that they know the first three It is also reported that a quite numbers of the plates. The letter considerable quantity of water is used was said by a local taxi cab driver in Ann Arbor each week, although in-Ito be "Y." It is believed to be a De- vestigation shows this is mostly for troit license. watering lawns and fighting fires. Detectives West and Gehringer re- turned yesterday afternoon from To- ledo where they investigated possi- Hu l Spur n s bilities of the black Ford V-8 sedan, which carried the murderers away " from Ann Arbor, having an Ohio Circum vention license. The 1935 automobile tags of Ohio and Michigan are similar in fA re mcolor. Several plates were run down in reemlents .Toledo, but no definite clue was found. Police still believe the car had Sanctity Of Treaties Is a Michigan license. Police Abandon Theory Upheld By Secretary Of At first it was thought that the State automobile was stolen, but police in- ________timated last night that they are in- clined to abandon this theory. WASHINGTON, March 22-A'- The detectives arrested two men in Secretary of State Cordell Hull in an Detroit. early yesterday morning, but interview today expressed disap- they were released when witnesses proval of nations which circumvent failed to identify them as the bandits. treaties. However, he avoided specific One of the holdup men was described mention of Germany. by Herbert Weatherbee, partner in the Hull's comment came not long after l Conlin and Weatherbee clothing store the chairman of the Senate For- where the killing took place, as toll, eign Relations Committee. Senator dark-complexioned and about 40 years Key Pittman, Nevada Democrat, had old. The other was short, light-coin- expressed a personal opinion that plexioned, and about 35 years old, he "our government should not inject said. A third undescribed man drove itself directly or indirectly into the them away in a waiting car. controversy" in Europe over the The hunt for the killers is being German move, pursued in all parts of the state. 'Espe- In this connection, a usually well- cially near Ann Arbor and Detroit informed Washington figure who pre- was the search for suspicious char- ferred not to have his name used, acters, cars, and license numbers in- described President Roosevelt as be- tensive.f' Cie f ig frml deermnedto tayoutof In making a plea for clues, Chief ing firmly determined to stay out of of Police Lewis Fohey said last night: the European argument and having "We are anxious to obtain any in- no present intention of sending any .formation whatsoever that would in- protest notes to Berlin. dicate the route taken by the bandits Breaking the silence which he has from Ann Arbor. We are asking maintained since Reichsfuhrer Hit- everyone for clues and depending on ler's dramatic announcement of "the everyone to be on the alert and to Fatherland's" military rejuvenation, report any suspicious circumstances. Hull today staunchly upheld the All abandoned cars especially should sanctity of treaties; deplored pre- be reported. We hope to catch the vailing tendencies of nations to cir- men." If the University's nerves are not jittery it is not the fault of the stu- dents. The surprising sum of $7,769 restaurants, taverns and stores on such neurone ruffing beverages as' coffee, beer, liquor and coca cola. Search Concentrated The largest single item is the $5 Ann Arbor And D 000 spent weekly in the local State Liquor Store. This is not all student Areas business but when the quantity sold in the State Street Drug stores$i2 Plea For Clues is considered it appears that a least $2, 000 a week is spent by students on Issued B the more potent beverages. ssy Fo Nine hundred and fourteen dollars a week is the sum spent for coffee in I Ex campus restaurants. Aiding old man Eperts Establish Tj coffee nerves in his undermining at-1 Bullet Was Not I tack on students is coca cola, for From Victim's Gun which $437 is paid each week. FrVim'__ Keeping student beer drinking sep- arate from that of the good towns- The bandits who killed Pat( people is hard, in fact keeping track Clifford A. Stang Thursday aft of student beer drinking alone is hard ,were still at large last night, but weeks of sleuthing reveal that Arbor police, sheriffs thror men of Michigan spend in the neigh- Michigan, and State Police con borhood of $1,418 a week for their efforts to bring them to justic hops and barley. Detectives Clifford West an e~r On etroit hey h a t Fired rolman ernoon as Ann )ghout mbined le. td Eu- Strachey Claims He Is No More Radical Than New Deal Cabinet CHICAGO, March 22. -(OP) - Ev- from the book, "Statesmanship and elyn John S. Loe Strachey, fighting Religion," by Secretary Wallace: deportation as a Communist, sought "I am inclined to agree with Taw- th o t hw 'w ney and Weber that Capitalism is a to show today that his writings were rather natural outgrowth of Protes- no more radical than those of New tantism; and that Socialism, Com- Deal cabinet members. munism and Fascism are in turn The British author's Civil Liberties rather natural developments from Union attorneys, Arthur Garfield Capitalism." Hays and Edgar Bernhard, introduced Strachey made this comment: quotations attributed to Secretary of "I notice that Wallace is coming the Interior Harold L. Ickes and Sec- around to my point of view. I point retary of Agriculture Henry A. Wal- out he is not advocating but stating lace, as well as to British Prime Min- facts." ister Ramsay MacDonald and Cana- Bernhard submitted the following dian Premier R. B. Bennett, to bul- quotations which he said was credited wark his contentions. to Secretary Ickes in the book, "A As a parting shot in the two-day Primer of New Deal Economics": hearing before immigration author- "Government has to go a new way ities, Strachey declared that he had because the old way is closed for- never advocated overthrow of the ever.I "Mr. Ickes," Strachey observed, cumvent the letter or spirit of inter- national obligations; and expressed the hope that conciliatory moves now in progress would greatly lessen the tenseness of the European situation. Hull's observations were in response to queries by newspapermen con- cerning the attitude of the United States with reference to the Euro- pean crisis, and the possibility of action by this country. While declining a direct answer as to whether the United States plans to follow Great Britain, France and Italy in protesting Germany's action. Hull declared that the State Depart- ment was maintaining constant touch with rapidly changing events in Ger- many. Hoover .lans Comeback As G. 0. P. Chief WASHINGTON, March 22-(A)- Strong intimations that Herbert Hoover intends to become increasing- ly active in a steadily formulating two-fold Republican campaign into 1936 were available in the capital to- night. While quarters in touch with him said it was too early to talk of such speeches, it was added that the for- mer president certainly would speak out on more than one issue hence- forth. The titular chief of the G.O.P. was disclosed to be planning to travel east from his Palo Alto, Calif., home 'again Examine Gun Bullet Ballistics experts at Lansing estab- lished yesterday that the bullet which killed Stang was not fired from his own gun. The riflin s or grooves in the gun that fired the bullet were found to turn to the left. Colt revolvt- ers, which are carried by all local policemen, have riflings turning to the right. Stang was killed when he grappled with the taller of the band- its. Two bullets were fired, one go- ing through his chest and punctur- ing his right lung, and the other striking a table. Stang is survived 'by his wife, Mrs. Jewell Stang; four sisters, Mrs. Ger- trude Lutz, Mrs. Luther Briggs, Mrs. R. W. Ewing, and Miss Edith Stang; and two nieces. Private funeral services for Stang will be held at 2:30 p.m. Sunday from the Muehlig Chapel, with the Rev. Bertram Ede, of the Saline Methodist Church officiating.. Burial will .be in the Oakwood cemetery. Six of Stang's closest friends - all members of the police force or sher- iff's office - will be active pallbear- ers. They are Sheriff Jacob B. An- dres, Deputy Melvin Alber, L. D. Taner, Sergt Normal Cook, and Pa- trolmen Clark Earl and Herbert Kapp. City officials, police commis- sioners, and members of the police and fire departments will be hory1r- ary pallbearers. No Action Taken On New Government No final action was taken on the nrned constttion for mens' stu uitea v esgovernmen o orce. Leaving for New York, with the "seems to be going a new way and 0117 . , v'"7