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March 22, 1935 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-03-22

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FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1935

. . . . . .... . ....... . ............ ....................... - - ... .............. ....... . .... . .. ...................


Vocation Talk
Presented B y
Medical Dean

Darrow Recommends NRA Abolition

Cites Great Opportunities I
Open To Doctors In The
Modern World
Dean Albert C. Furstenberg yes-
terday discussed the vocation of medi-
cine in the fourth of the group of
lectures in the vocational series giv-
en for the students of the College of
Literature, Science and the Arts.
Professor Furstenberg encouraged
all those interested in the practice of
medicine to retain their ambitions,
saying that there was never a greater
opportunity for doctors than at theI
present time. As possible branches
of service to enter, he cited research
work, Army and Navy surgery, gen-
eral practioneering and specializing.
A possibility that entrance require-
ments, for the University School of
Medicine will be made less rigorous
was announced by the Dean.
"This does not mean that our high
standards of scholarship for appli-
cants will be reduced, but that per-
haps such requirements as Latin may
be dropped still, but still strongly en--
couraged for the student," he said.
Statistics prove that students of
medical schools possessing A.B. de-
grees are more successful than others,
even those having B.S. degrees, said
Dean Furstenberg.
In selecting his school, the student

--Associated Press Photo.
Clarence Darrow, veteran Chicago attorney, lashjed out anew at
the NRA before Senate investigaters, asserting the recovery plan was
"taking business away from little fellows and giving it to the big ones,"
and uig ng cmina-ion of the entire codle structure. lie is shown with
Dc cid Richberg, recovery administrator.
Driving Reaction Tests Aid
State Reckless Drivino War

Paris Hints At
Et onomine Fall
0f Germany
Frenchb Agency Pub] ishes
Note~ Allegedly Sent To
President Roosevelt
PARIS, March 21.-UtP)-The puby
licaticn, "Agenee Economique." c
leading French commercial agency
pubLshed a sensational and uncon-
firmed account today of a purporteĀ§
memorandum submitted to President
Roosevelt in which an early economk
collapse in G ,many was forecast an;
the advisability of closing all Amer-
ican business houses in that countro
The main headings of the memor-
andum were reported to be as follows:
1. No peaceful evolution is possible
in Germany.
2. The Nazi government; will las'
several year's.
3. The financial and economic col-
lapse of Germany is in sight.
4. The supply of raw materials wil;
beccme increasingly scarce.
5. Confiscation of industrial cap,
tal is to be feared.
6. .Should American business house,
in Germany be closed ?
7. The actual resoiurces of Ger-
ma"y are too small for her present
8. War in Central Europe is a pos-
"The financial situation of the
German government is desperate,"
the memorandum was quoted as say-
WASHINGTON, March 21 -(Aj)-
An increase of 200,000 workers in in-
dustrial employment from January
to February was reported today by
the labor department.
cated the conventional steering wheel,
clutch and brake pedals, and acceler-
ator. Directly in. front of the observer
there was situated a cloth tunnel
through which he was asked to look.
Run Small Auto
In the tunnel was mounted an end-
less revolving belt, and a small auto-
mobile was suspended just over the
belt. On its surface was traced a model
highway, winding from side to side
and crossing bridges and railroad
tracks as the belt revolved.
The driver was allowed to steer the
litle car over the road for a few min-
utes, during which time his, atten-
tion would become concentrated on
keeping the car on the road. Then
the stop light was flashed on, and
an electrical timing apparatus, with
an accuracy to one hundredth of a
second, recorded the time required
for the driver to move his foot from
the accelerator pedal to the brake.
It is hoped that the experiment will
be brought to the University as part of
the exhibition to be put on by the
Engineering Open House next month,
Professor Housel stated.

H iey's Kingmaker

Maurice R. Keyworth, Republican
candidate for state superintendent of
public instruction, will speak at 6:30
tonight at the Masonic Temple, Frank
B. DeVine, chairman of the Republi-
can County Committee, announced
,voet crday.
Mr. Keyworth is at present super-
intendent of schools at Hamtramck,
and is speaking under the auspices of
he Washtenaw County Republican
Scrvice League.



Royal Dai y
421 Miller Ave. - Dial 2-2645

-Associated Press Photo.
The Rev. Gerald K. Smith, who quit
his Louisiana parish to become na-
tional organizer of Huey Long's
"share the wealth" program, advocat-
es the "every man a king" platform
and predicted while in New York an
enrollment of 15 million under that
banner by Christmas.

& --------- -.-.- ,- _____________

should obtain a list of the Class A By RALPH W. HURD
medical schools, the Dean said, for The results of driving reaction tests
complete equipment and a large fac- obtained from approximately 5,000
ulty are requisites for a thorough people at the recent Detroit-Michigan
training. Exposition in Detroit were brought
yesterday to the Michigan State
Highway Laboratory located in the
First Of Freshman East Engineering Building, it was an-
nounced by Prof. William S. Housel,
Open Forums Held I research consultant of the laboratory.,
The tests were taken through ex-
perimental apparatus set up in the
More than 100 freshman men were State Highway Department's exhibit
present recently at the first of a series booth at the Exposition, which exhibit
of lectures and discussions dealing was prepared under the direction of
with the experiences and difficulties J W. Kushing of the research and
of new students ii becoming adapted testing division of the State Highway
to the life on the University campus. Department. The data which has beeni
Prof. Bennett Weaver of the Eng- derived from the 5,000 cases studied
lish department presided over the will be correlated and examined here
meeting, which after preliminary at the University.
announcements was conducted as an General results of the tests have in-
open forum. Professor Weaver was dicated that the average reaction timec
introduced by William R. Dixon, '36, of a driver, the time which he takes7
a member of the Union Committee on to move his foot over to the brakew
Student-Faculty Relations which is pedal after he has seen a red stop;
spCnsoring the meetings. ight, is three-fourths of a second. Thee
The group voted to conduct fur- average includes extremes of reaction7
ther meetings, and Charles M. Aron- times varying from one-half a seconde
sohn, '38, Frederick A. Collins, '38, to one and one-half seconds.
nd James Eckhouse, '38 were ap-Seen
pt dams aEckhommite'38eo reaThe importance of these reaction 7
poind as a committee to arrange times is seen in the fact that an
automobile moving at a speed of onlyi
Preliminary plans for the project 20 miles per hour will go 25 feet before1
include discussion of the proper the average driver can place his foot
methods of study, choice of fields of on the brake pedal to stop the car. At
chief interest and stimulation of 60 miles per hour the reaction dis-
interest in intellectual pursuits. tance amounts to 66 feet.c
When the reaction distances are
.is.M .coupled with the time it takes an au-
i'siting" Minister tomobile to stop, assuming perfect
braking conditions, total stopping dis-
To Give Sermons tances range all the way from 42 feet
at a speed of 20 miles per hour on
Rev. V. P. Randall of Detroit, direc- dry pavement to 1,266 feet at 60 miles
for of the Aquarian Fellowship of per hour on highways covered with
Prayer and editor of the Aquarian sleet and ice.
Prayer, will deliver a series of three Professor Housel pointed out that
lectures next Sunday, Monday, and obviously the last figure is entirely
Tuesday in Lane Hall. theoretical, since a car attempting
The lectures, which will be free, will to stop on icy roads at a speed of 60
miles per hour will leave the road or
begin at 8 p.m. and are open to the crash into something long before
public. the entire 1,266 feet have been tra-
The Rev. Randall, who has made versed.

reckless night driving, Professor Hou-
sel stated. Careful surveys have in-
dicated that a driver's limit of vis-
ibility, with headlights focused for
maximum visibility, amounts to only
100 feet. Since average driving con-
ditions at 40 miles per hour have
been shown to require a distance of
from 116 to 156 feet in which to stop,
the urgent need for greater caution
in night driving cannot be over-em-
Statistics cited by the State High-
way Department further show that
there are more than four times the
number of accidents and traffic fa-
talities during the rush hours between
6 p.m. and 10 p.m. than during the
rush hours between 6 a.m. and 10 a.m.
Many Cars Faulty
When this situation is associated
with the fact that the total stopping
distances for drivers is computed on
the basis of perfect automotive con-
ditions, while national surveys have
shown that in 3,200,000 automobiles
examined three out of four were de-
fective, 34 per cent in brakes, 48 per
cent in tires, and 69 per cent in lights,
the hazards of night driving are seen
to be greatly increased, Professor
Housel pointed out.
The unique experimental apparatus
used to take the tests was designed by
F. R. Olmstead, assistant research en-
gineer at the Highway Laboratory.
The person to be tested was asked to
sit in a chair similar to the ordinary
driver's seat, and before him were lo- t

_ _..

Excerpts from B Minor Mass
300 Singers
Pease Auditorium

Bach Festival
Normal Choir and
Guest High Schools Choir
ANDER, Conductor'
Friday, March 22 - 8 p.m.
No Reservations - Seats 25 cents

13 -13--J3
FOR ONLY $4.00!
Servers at the
1220 South U. - Between Chhrch and Forest - Dial 2-3517
Special Arrangements can be mdde
for just Dinners or Lunches.
$5.50 Value for $5.00
Satisfaction Guaranteed
paten ti srng .y . ding he, ne
We've garnered a grand lo of outstandng
patterns this sprmng . . . including the new
and very-much-in-demand SQUARES . .
Spring's smartest!
Pick any one of them . . . in any Varsity-
town model . . . and you won't go wrong
in style or value!

several other visits to Ann Arbor, has
given radio talks over Stations WJR
and CKLW during the past seven
years. He now speaks every Sunday
night over CKLW.
The subjects, in order, for the three
lectures will be "The Coming End of
the Age," "Foundation Stones of
Life," and "Prayer That Is Answered."
PITTSBURGH, March 21 - (P) -
Picturesque old St. Patrick's church,
from whose steps the Rev. Father
James R. Cox four years ago led his
army of unemployed "blue shirts" on
Washington, was destroyed early to-
day by a fire which suddenly broke
out in the roof.

Stopping Distance Figured
Taking an average speed, 40 miles
per hour, under medium driving con-
ditions in which the road is only
slightly wet, a car driven by the aver-
age man will travel a distance of 156
feet before it can be brought to a
stop, the data reveals.
These statistics are of the great- !
est importance in regard to the State
Highway Department's war against
New Cars for Taxi Service
E5 E

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