T HE MICHIGAN IAILY FRIDAY, MARc t 2, 1 935 Semesters A.u Quarters. . . A TRAVELLER once asked a deck steward which was the more beau- tiful harbor - Rio de Janeiro or Sydney? The reply was "Hobart." And that, according to a history professor at the University of Minnesota, is about the best one van do with anyaargument as to the relative merits of the quarter and semester systems of dividing ,he college year. Considering the confusion that would be in- volved in any change either way, the issue seems to be pretty definitely of the academic sort. At Ohio State, Chicago and Minnesota, which are devoted to the quarter system, however, the ques- tion must have appeared quite timely during the past week as students there underwent the extra period of examination torture that must be faced as part of their plan. Minnesota, having had the four-term system since 1918, had a chance to check up a few weeks ago as to how well the campus was satisfied with it. More than one of the faculty men questioned agreed with the history professor that of the quarter or semester systems they preferred the whole year system, or that there is not much to choose between the schemes, the advantage cited for either being more theoretical than substantial. After all this had been said, students and faculty joined in voting by an overwhelming 5-to-1 margin for the existing quarter plan. Boiled down to the essence of the thing, there are about two arguments of any weight to be ad- vanced for the adoption of a quarter system. One is that it affords a more frequent check-up on students and compels them to keep up in their work. The other is that it affords a more logical and regular administrative division of the year. But in most quarters it seems pretty well settled that until faculty men need a new excuse for.meet- ings, speeches, resolutions, conferences and read- justments, those who have quarters will keep them and those who have semesters will do without the change. COLLEGIATE OBSERVER By BUD BERNARD With the spirit of Spr ng surrounding us, noth- ing could make as mere cheerful than the fol- lowing letter: "Dear Bud: I have been a faithful reader of your column for more than two issues and I want to tell you how much it has helped me in my work. After sending the COLLEGIATE OBSERVER around to my customers I had a great increase in business. Thank you, B.N.O. Funeral Parlor." Here's a way to stay awake in that warm lec- ture class these Spring days as recommended by a student at the University of Chicago: 1. Sit by a co-ed who drops books. 2. Hold a pencil tightly in your hand; when you start to relax, you drop the pencil. 3. Give the co-eds on either side of you a stick of gum. 4. Sleep nights. With these spring days affecting the rea- soning of many co-eds we print this contribu- tion by "Angleface" as a warning. FOR WOMEN ONLY Don't ever trust a blonde man He'll break your heart in two. He's fickle and he's careless He never could be true. Don't ever trust a redhead You're not the only one. He'll go with you just long enough To have his share of fun. Don't ever trust a dark man His passion will not last. You'll still be loving him When his love is past. Don't ever trust a one, my dear, They're brothers under the skin; Their love is only deep enough To talk you into sin. * : , The following is an extract taken from a report on Hackett's "Henry the Eighth," which was writ- ten by a student at the University of Illinois: "Henry the Eighth was a very fascinating man, being a book which Francis Hackett wrote. He ended feudalism by killing those of the opposite feud and thus became a great dictator. Henry mar- ried eight wives and even though a Spanish prin- cess told him she had only one neck he sent for her. Catherine bored Henry and would have me too. So he married, and disposed of others by losing his head. Henry's chief advisor was Wolsey, who was a butcher's son, but who later turned Pope. Wolsey couldn't speak Spanish though and so his head was cut off. Without a doubt Henry was the greatest magnate of all times." 't. i i t wJwY.w-,w~ I_ 1 ~.--- R EA t T H E M C GA N DAILY I I r1 r11 4 I I The SOAP BOX a Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarde as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief. the editor reserving the right to condense all letters of over 300 words. Smash The 'Sedition' Bill To the Editor: Sponsored by little groups of willful men influ- enced by Red scare journalism and super-patriotic pressure groups, a rash of anti-Communist and anti-liberal bills has broken out in the state legis- latures. These bills, ostensibly aimed at "seditious" and "subversive" propaganda and activity, constitute a threat to American ideals of democracy and po- litical and economic freedom since they can be interpreted by capricious governments in such a way as to stamp out all forms of disagreement with the group in power. Such a bill has at last found its way into the Michigan State Legislature. It should be smashed at once, by the united protestingaction of the liberal element among the student body - the liberal element which deplores the subverting of freedom -and by the protests of liberal-thinkers among the faculty, the towns- people and labor. The aforementioned liberal groups, by letting the Hearst-driven legislators who sponsored the bill know they will not coun- tenance such repressive legislation, can aid in the drive for those civil liberties which are being en- dangered more and more every day. Voices raised in protest to the "sedition" bills in other states have been successful in killing them. The Michigan bill can be killed, too. It must be. The country is not now at war. Reds are not scrooging under every bedstead. The be-bearded "'tiger men" whom the legislators envision as ham- mering on the door of America and "Americanism" are pipe dreams. This fake "Americanism" which demands the suppression of liberal and radical thought and action is in itself more seditious than the "sedition" it seeks to attack. Let Sen. Miller Duckel, author of this tawdry bill, and his fellow legislators, hear the protest of thinking citizens! -Guy M. Whipple. As Others See It Undesirable Juveniles (From The Chicago Daily Tribune) W HAT IS CALLED higher education in the United States has the use of a great deal of money every yea', contributed either by the citizens in the form of taxes or by the gift of wealthy persons who think they are doing the public and themselves some good in supporting education. The results of these expenditures should be found in the graduates of the institutions, who, it happens, are displayed for public view most frequently and in largest numbers at the college competitive :ports. It is true that a minority of these exhibits of higher education can give a tone to the entire assemblage and judgment based on the exhibited phenomenon may be inconsiderate of the less dem- onstrative residue, but the natural inquiry after the exhibition would ask why the money is being spent. Is it to produce overprivileged juveniles of adult years whose sportsmanship is yellow, whose loyalties'are childish, whose manners are boorish, and whose character apparently has been unaf- fected by any discipline? The affliction is one which seems to seize the children of the universities after they have en- tered the life for which their education was sup- ci I 11 A Washington BYSTANDER @00a y Higgins and Ils Orchestra featured over sta- tion W J at the -u nio B all ooin . By KIRKE SIMPSON WASHINGTON, March 21. THERE are symptoms of impatience in some groups in the country with delays in Amer- ican legal procedure that make it so long a time before an act of Congress, duly approved by the President, can be accepted as final. Just how far that feeling goes, or whether it will find response in Congress in proposals to expedite court pro- cedure, does not appear. At least one such group, however, already has bombarded the White House, Congress and the press with a specific proposal to lift out of court reach entirely the veto power now exercised over acts of Congress through findings that they are unconstitutional. 'HEPROPOSAL comes froni Fenn College in Cleveland. It is based on an argument that the Constitution authorizes Congress "to remove from Federal courts, even the Supreme Court, the power of judicial review of the acts of Congress." So far as the Supreme Court goes, that may be a dubious construction of the constitution. At least it challenges a famous opinion of Chief Justice John Marshall and his statue stands in lonely majesty as the only one yet authorized to be placed on the west terrace of the Capitol, the real front of the great building. Congress long ago was at issue with the court over the claimed power to upset any of its acts on constitutional grounds. There was a time when Congress balked to such an extent as to use its un- doubted authority to prescribe the terms of the high court in such wise as to prevent it from sitting. for a considerable period. Yet, for Con- gress now to say, as the Fenn College idea pro- poses by simple statute, that no statute or treaty duly enacted shall be subject to judicial review, would seem to upset the whole govern- mental system. Even its sponsors recognize that some sort of compulsion might be required to get such a move by. They add a clause to permit appointment of "one to 10 additional associate justices" to the Supreme Court. That looks like a wholesale court "packing" threat. Q UITE likely no one in authority would do more than laugh at this suggestion. A country that has endured so long a Senate all but incapable under its rules of keeping its legislative wheels turned against a small group of talkative senators of great physical endurance, would be slow to ap- prove such a suppression of the judicial branch of government as is proposed. Frid~ty,. till 1; Satudy 9 till 12 Infor r14 e price @5 10 per couple I