The Weather Increasing cloudiness and Olightly warmer today, followed by showers Saturday. #41 t r1 aht Editorials Regarding Hell Week ... Semesters And Quarters.. . VOL. XLV. No. 127 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1935 PRICE FIVE CENTS Sen. Holt To Speak At Union Sp eech Will Be Given In Open Forum At 4 P.M.; Topic Not Disclosed To Tour Campus And Ford Plant Senator Spoke At Pontiac Last Night; Will Go To Adrian Tonight Senator-Elect Rush D. Holt (Dem.. W. Va.), arrived in Ann Arbor late last night to speak at an open forum to be held at 4 p.m. today in the ballroom of the Union. Senator Holt did not announce the subject of his speech. He will be in- troduced by Horatio J Abbot, local business man and Democratic Na- tional Committeeman from Michigan. Douglas R. -Welch, '35, recording sec- retary of the Union, will preside as chairman of the forum. The speaker will make an inspec- tion of the University buildings, par- ticularly the Law Quadrangle, this morning. Mr. Abbot will present him to President Alexander G. Ruthven. At the conclusion of the tour of the campus, Senator Holt will be taken to River Rouge to inspect the Ford Motor Co. plant there. Immediately afterwards, he will re- turn to Ann Arbor to address the forum. Senator Holt talked at a large ban- quet last night held in Pontiac, and tonight he will go to Adrian to speak at another dinner, according to Mr. Abbot. Although properly elected to a seat in the United States Senate at the November elections, Senator Holt must wait until his thirtieth birthday on June 19 to be sworn into office. Attempts have been made to deny him his position on the grounds that he did not fulfill the constitutional requirements at the time he was elect- ed, but his right to office was upheld. He has been granted most of the privileges of his position, including an office in the Senate building and ad- mittance to the floor of Congress, but he will not be allowed to vote until June 19. This is the third in a series of forums conducted by the student or- ganization this year. Sen. Gerald P. Nye (Rep., N.D.) and Sir Herbert Ames, authority on the League of Na- tions, have already addressed the students on similar occasions. At the conclusion of the speech by Senator Holt, the meeting will be opened to discussion for a limited pe- riod of time. House Shows Strong Favor For Bonus Bi1 Representatives To Pass On Final Decision After Discussion Today WASHINGTON, March 21.- () - Three times - by margins that grew steadily narrower-the House today ignored warnings against currency expansion and voted to issue $2,000,- 000,000 in new money to pay off the soldiers' bonus. But even with those three votes- the last a 202 to 191 ballot - a final decision was left over until tomorrow. Then, the House can reconsider its previous action and change its mind if it so desires. There was no question in the minds of both Republican and Democratic leaders but that a bill for immediate cash payment of the bonus would be passed. But considerable dispute re- mained, nevertheless, over whether the currency expansion methods would be approved. The House exhibited its overwhelm- ing desire to pay the bonus shortly after the Vinson-American Legion Bill, which would leave it to the Treasury to find the necessary $2,- 000,000,000, was presented on the floor by the Ways and Means Committee. Grill More Suspects In Streicher Murder More suspects in the murder of Richard Streicher, Jr., seven-year- Heads New Board -Associated Press Photo. Donald R. Richberg, director of the National Emergency Council, who was yesterday named chairman of the new NRA board in a thorough reorganiza- tion of the administrative set-up. He succecds S. Clay Williams, North Car- olina tobacco manufacturer. Reich Ignores Notes Sent By France, Italy Simon Tells Commons Of Plan To Visit Hitler; Meeting Is Sunday, LONDON, March 21. - (P) - A warning that Germany's rearmament leads ultimately to "war and the de- struction of civilization" echoed in the British Parliament today as the Reich spurned vigorous French and Italian protests against her treaty violations. Nevertheless, Sir John Simon, Brit- ish foreign secretary, told the House of Commons that his plans to visit Reichsfuehrer Adolf Hitler Sunday are unchanged. If the Anglo-German talks prove fruitful, Simon said, all Europe's ma- jor powers, Germany among them, I will be called into conference to work out an inclusive security system. Diplomatic complications arose to- night over an official announcement in Berlin that Germany had "refused to consider French and Italian pro- tests against asserted violations of the Versailles Treaty. Ambassadors of the two powers, Andre Fancois-Poncet, of France, and, Vittorio Cerrutti, of Italy, expressed great surprise when newspapers ap- peared on the streets with an official communique which intimated that Foreign Mipister Konstantin von Nerrath all but ejected them from the Foreign Office. This, it was pointed out, would have created an issue of great moment. It was recalled that the War of 1870 be- tweep France and Germany was de- clared when Wilhelm I refused to receive the French ambassador. While the German propaganda min-' istry insisted that the protests would; be rejected and no answer would be given, the two embassies concerned 1 said the ambassadors' visits, two, hours apart, had been cordial with no indication whatsoever that the notes had been summarily rejected or that they would not be answered. Hold Students For Anti-War Activities; BERKELEY, Calif., March 21. - (IP) - Eight more 'University of Cali- fornia students, including five girls, were arrested today for distributing anti-war handbills. Like the four girls and five men students arrested on like charges yes- terday, they will appear in police court next Monday. All have been re- leased without bond. President Robert Gordon Sproul of the university issued a statement saying the institution was not and would not be involved in the hand-. bill controversy. The students made public a joint statement declaring "Enforcement of the (anti-advertising handbill) ordi- nance against us is a clear violation of our constitutional rights of free speech." Those arrested included Miss Andree Sapiro, 19, sophomore, from New York City. Ruthven To Speak At Guild Banquet President Alexander G. Ruthven will be the guest sneaker of the Roger Council Vote Favors New Constitution Student Government Plan To Be Submitted Again For Senate Action Was Formed From All-Campus Survey Revival Of Swingout Is Unanimously Favored By Council Members A definite change in the form of student government loomed last night as the result of a vote of approval given by the Undergraduate Council during its meeting yesterday in the Union to the proposed constitution which was drawn up from the results of the- all-campus survey conducted by the Council. The new constitution will be sub- mitted for the second time by the Council to the Senate Committee On Student Affairs. It had been returned to the undergraduate body with the explanation that the Senate com- mittee couldrtake no action without a definite recommendation by the Council. After it was agreed by Council members that inasmuch as the con- stitution required their recommenda- tion they should follow their own be- liefs in amending it as well as the results of the survey All but one councilman voted in favor of adopt- ing it. In explaining his adversetvote Allen McCombs, '35, president of the Union, made the following statement: "As a compromise measure the Undergraduate Council has done its very best. The plan is not a bad one, but inasmuch as the Union commit- tee is sponsoring a plan whih I think is better, I find myself unable to vote for any other one." As proposed in the new constitu- tion, the membership would include nine ex-offlqio members and eight members to be chosen from the va- rious schools and colleges in a direct election. Some discussion was made over the proportion of elective to ex- officio members, the present ratio be- ing chosen in order to include some juniors so as to give the new body representativeness and to give them two-year terms to provide continuity. Other action taken by the Council was the adoption of a resolution plac- iig the Council on record as being in favor of revival of Swingout and pledging its support in making it "a commendable occasion." Bonner To Speak On Lecture Series The next of the group of eight speeches on the University Lecture series to be given by members of the local faculty will take place Monday when Prof. Campbell Bonner, head of the Greek department, will speak on "Classical Scholarship - A Roving Commission." The lecture will take place at 4:15 p.m. in the Natural Science Auditorium. Professor Bonner's special interests are, according to Dr. Frank E. Rob- bins, assistant to the president, who arranged the lecture, the history of religions. In connection with this he has recently published a treatise on "The Shepherd of Hermas," an early Christian allegory of about 150 A.D., of which only a papyrus fragment re- mains. In addition, while an exchange professor in Greece several years ago, he visited the University's excavations in Egypt. Choose Vice- Presidents For League Betty Chapman, Virginia York Are Named To Women's Offices Brenda Parkinson Will Head W.A.A. Three Are Chosen For Posts As Members Of JudiciaryCouncil Betty Chapman, '36, was elected vice-president of the League from the literary college in yesterday's general elections. Virginia York, '36, was chos- en vice-president from the School of Education. At the same time Bettina Right- mire, '36, was elected senior member of the Judiciary Council, and Mary- anna Chockley, '37, and Mary Pa- tricia Potter, '37, junior members. Brenda Parkinson, '36, is the new president of W.A.A., with Jean Gour- lay, '37Ed., vice-president, Dorothy Shappell, '36, secretary, and Betty Howard, '36Ed., treasurer. The two vice-presidents are chosen to represent the campus at large on the League Council, with the other major League officers, president, sec- retary and treasurer, already named by the faculty-student appointing board. All the new officers will be offi- cially inaugurated at the Installation Banquet to be held Monday. Nearly 300 votes were cast in the election. Assistant Chairman cf J.G.P. Miss Chapman, affiliated with Gam- ma Phi Beta sorority, is assistant chairman of the Junior Girls Play. She was costume chairman for the 1933 Sophomore Cabaret, and floor chairman for last year's Penny Car- nival. She is also a member of Wy- vern, junior women's honorary so- ciety. Other members of the Judiciary Council, named simultaneously with League appointments two weeks ago, are Winifred Bell, '36, chairman of the Council, and Ruth Rich, '36, sen- for member. Active On W.A.A. Board Elections were held n accordance with the merit system. Applicants submitted petitions, and the Judiciary Council made recommendations to the League Council, which named two candidates to run for each office. Miss Parkinson, has been active on the W.A.A. board, being point re- corder, a member of the house and constitutional committees and chair- man of the W.A.A fall party. She par-; ticipated in hockey and basketball for three years and acted as manager of the basketball team this year. She is affiliated with Phi Tau Alpha, class- ical honor society, and Alpha Gamma Sigma sorority. Miss Gourlay, athletic manager of Betsy Barbour House, has played on the hockey, basketball, and bseball teams for the last two years. She is chairman of the booth committee for the Penny Carnival. Miss Shappell a member of the board, is the author of the Junior Girls Play. She has worked on the' women's staff of the Daily, the Soph- omore Cabaret, and is affiliated with Delta Delta Delta sorority. Miss Howard is manager of the Swimming Club and has been a mem- ber of that organization for three years. She was active in Freshman Lantern Night and Sophomore Cab- aret and is now acting as an usher in the Junior Girls Play. She is treas- urer of Kappa Phi, Methodist soror- ity. These women were nominated by a committee consisting of the senior members of the W.A.A. board. or Fu gitive Slayers Of Patrolan Clifford Stang Victim Of Bandit's Bullet In Local Hold-Up PATROLMAN CLIFFORD A. STANG * * * WheA ryBluecoat Meets Death; A StoryOfAnger And Grief Launch State-Wide Hunt By MARSHALL D. SHULMAN Epigrams, epithets, and a touch of ironic drama attended the murder of a police officer yesterday afternoon. At the scene of the murder, curious1 spectators heard over and over again many versions of how Clifford Stang had surprised two thugs robbing a' clothing store, how he had been shot and was carried to an ambulance after the murderers had escaped. No one who had seen the wounded patrolman clutching at his breast in mortal agony, late arrivers were assured, would ever forget it.; Hate -"Sid" Stang's buddies on the force couldn't find strong enough words to express the way they felt. The station was a galvanized mad- house: telephones, orders shouted, mad rushing in and out, Chief Fo- hey calling for a network of state police to find three men in a car of vague and conflicting descriptions, while in the cuter chamber patrolmen paced back and forth and jerked their visors down over their eyes. Someone had to tell "Sid's" wife. A tough patrolman, tearing his hat in nervousness while he did it, broke the news. Worlds shattered and broke over her head as Jewel Stang learned the news, and pressed her hand to her mouth to keep from screaming, until she collapsed hysterically into the arms of her mother. Her brother took Stang's wrist- watch, wallet, and change that was in Stang's pockets when he died. Mute, he heard his friend, Sheriff "Jake" Andres, vow grimly, "By God, Jim, if I ever get my hands on those -, they'll get just as good as they gave. They never even gave him a chance." Sgt. Norman Cook, waiting for Lan- sing to check license numbers, mut- tered to himself, " . . . but he died a Name Finalists In Oratorical Contest Selection of those to take part in the finals of the University Oratori- cal Contest the week after Spring Vacation was announced last night by 'Carl G. Brandt of the speech de- partment. Those named by members of the speech department, who acted as judges, were Edward T. Downs, '35, real policeman, right up to the last minute. He fought with them, and never gave up. But they shot him down without giving him a chance, those yellow-" and here the Ser- geant's vocabulary broke down. Mayor "Bob" Campbell mumbled, "And they don't want capital pun- ishment, do they" At which Chief Fohey recalled how Stang was the crack shot on the force, and how he had done his duty for six years faith- fully. Meanwhile, crowds gathered in the station to hear the announcer of the state police give all cars a description of a car seen by a child, a woman who was brushed by it as it sped away, an excited housewife, and many, many others who saw hun- dreds of cars of all kinds speeding in every direction, in one of which was the man whose trigger finger squeezed and sent a bluecoat to oblivion. And all because Stang happened to think, as he passed a clothing store, that he neded a tie-clasp. Education Of uIts Lauded 0 I Adult education as a means for keeping the public in touch with the rapidly increasing amount of knowl- edge was praised by Prof. Lyman Lloyd Bryson of Columbia Teachers College, who spoke yesterday on "An Experiment In Community Educa- tion" on the University Lecture Se- ries, "Education is no longer simple or static," he explained, adding that no one can now consider himself com- pletely educated, since the term 'edu- cated' would by necessity imply a continued addition of knowledge. in the past 150 years, Professor Bryson said, not only the extent of knowledge but the speed by which it is growing have been steadily in- creasing. Accordingly educators have tried to make changes necessary for the changing world by working with the plastic mind of youth. It has, however, been found necessary, he said, to go back to the parents, the Bandits Shoot Ann Arbor Officer As He Walks In On Store Robbery Killers Use Black Sedan In Getaway Search Centers Around Detroit; Definite Clues Are Missimg By FRED WARtNER NEAL A state-wide hunt was launched last night for the murderer of Patrol- man Clifford A. Stang, 35 years old, who was killed shortly after 3 p.m. yesterday when he walked in on a hold-up of the Conlin and Weather- bee clothing store, 118 East Washing- ton Street. Ctang went on duty at 3 p.m. After his wife drove him to a nearby police phone, he called in to headquarters, and then proceeded to the clothing store to purchase a tie pin. As he ntered, Herbert Weatherbee, one of the proprietors warned him of the holdup, but seeing him with what ap- peared to be three customers, Stang thought he was joking and advanced into the store. He grappled with one of the thugs and was fatally wounded when one of them shot him in the back, the bullet going into his right lung near the fifth rib. He was rushed to St. Joseph Hospital, but died before he got there. Asks For Cash Register According to Weatherbee, two men came in his store shortly 'before 3 p.m., and asked to see topcoats. He described one as being short, light- complexioned, and about 35 years old, and the other as tall, dark-complex- ioned, and about 40 years old. They had both been drinking heavily, Weatherbee said. Another customer, James Akers, 20 years old, 905 For- est Ave., was also in the store. All were at the rear. As the taller one tried on a tan plaid topcoat, he turned to Weather- bee and John Conlin, his partner, and said, "Stick 'em up. Where's your cash register." The store own- ers, covered by guns, told him. Just then Stang entered the door. "Look out, Sid. It's a holdup," cried Weatherbee. Stang, thinking it a jest, continued towards the group. The larger of the holdup men walked to the front of the store, placing him- self between the policeman and the entrance. As the shorter man at the rear pointed his gun at Stang, the taller one ran up in back of him, grabbing his revolver out of its hol- ster. Rush To Automobile Stang wrestled with the man, and the thug fired two shots, one fatally wounding Stang, the other striking a table. While the bullets were .38 calibre, it was not known whether they were fired from the patrolman's gun or that of the holdup man. The two men rushed to a waiting car and were driven off by a third, undescribed man. The car was a black 1935 Ford V-8 sedan. The li- cense number was identified in part by a taxi cab driver who had seen it in town earlier during the afternoon. The letter was "Y," and the first three figures were believed to be known. The cab driver claimed he last saw the car at 2:30 p.m. A nearby candy store informed police that a car very much like the one described stopped in front of it about that time, and that a tall, dark man purchased a package of cigarettes. Well Liked On Force The car headed east, and police believe Detroit was its destination. Detectives Eugene Gehringer and Clifford West and Mr. Weatherbee were in Detroit all last night in a fruitless effort to find some clue to the killing. State police, Detroit police, and sheriffs of all surrounding coun- ties are aiding in the search, but early this morning had found nothing defi- nite to work on. Stang was well-liked on the police force and in Ann Arbor generally. Chief Lewis Fohey called him "Un- questionably one of my best men, brave, able, courteous and neat." Va- rious policemen mourned the death of "one swell guy." Weatherbee stated that "I would rather have lost my entire stock than have had Sid killed." Ducks And EagleSparring In Fight For Huron River Crown By ROBERT B. BROWN The battle of Geddes Pond for the championship of the Huron River is being staged practically every day for the edification of several interested spectators between a pair of eagles and the very large fish duck popula- tion of the place. A really hungry eagle, according to local authorities, would experience little or no difficulty in dispatching a fish duck, but this particular pair seem either singularly lazy, or very well fed, for no casualties have as yet been reported from among the ducks. The pond, which is really a long backwater of the Huron, caused by dams further down the stream stretches over nearly a mile in a cres- cent shape. The ducks have apparent- a duck in a straight chase, according to the estimates that have been made by a prominent naturalist of the speed at which birds fly, and so far no bad results have been proved in this case. The catch is that, when an eagle really has a yen for a duck dinner, he doesn't bother to start a tail-chase, but flies almost straight up, and drops on the victim, talons outstretched. The ducks, the same that have re- cently been publicized in "Stardust" and a Detroit paper, are mainly mer- ganzers, a variety of fish duck. Each spring the pool has been a favorite feeding ground, having been baited by, a farmer who owns land adjoining the! pond end, but never before, so far as is known, have eagles frequented Ann Arbor. The bird has become