T H-E MICHI(G A N DAILY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1935 11 11 I'll! ! !Illim - -- -- , MtSOMM LATE WIRE NEWS Issue Warrants For 3 Boys For Kidnaping MUSKEGON, Feb. 13--UP)-War- rants charging kidnaping were issued for three Muskegon youths Wednes- day as Gerald Rycenga, 21 years old of Grand Haven, told police of a wild ride through Chicago's "loop" dis- trict as a prisoner in his own auto- mobile. The youths, accused as comprising the trio which Monday night ab- ducted Rycenga as he stopped his car for a traffic signal in Grand. Haven, are Albin Haubrich, 19, alias Bud Loane; Murray Sherman, 19, and Le- roy Williamson, 22. Williamson is married and is on probation from a breaking and entering charge. Bombs Wreck Truck Carrying New Autos TOLEDO, O., Feb. 13-(/P)-Two mysterious bomb explosions wrecked a shipment of new automobiles on an interstate trailel truck a mile north of here today. The blasts, which were about one minute apart, scattered fenders and parts of three new automobiles over a wide area. The drivers were rest- ing in a filling station after a trip from Detroit en route to Conneaut, 0. Witnesses said that an automobile sped down a side road soon after the explosions. Fred Schara and George Huns- berger of Bu alo, drivers of the transport, which is owned by the M. & G. Convoy, Inc., Buffalo,, said they .believed that labor troubles were the cause of the attack although they said they had experienced no dificulty so far this year. Negotiate Settlement Of Two-Day StudenStrike BOONE, N. C., Feb. 13. - P)- Negotiations looking to a settlement of the 48-hour-old strike of Appal- chian State Teachers College students called inprotest against socialrestric- tions at the institution were started tonight.+ Dr. B. B. Dougherty, president of the'college, presented a plan of settle- ment to the entire student body, as- sembled in the college auditorium. His plan would allow the student body to select two members from each class to meet at regular intervals with members of the faculty and decide policies concerning student activities. The striking students demanded that men students be permitted to have "dates" with co-eds two nights a week, and that men. and women students have the privilege of sitting together at athletic contests. Amercia's Richest Girl Weds James Cromwell NEW YORK, Feb. 13.-(P) -Amer- ica's richest girl, Doris Duke, was married today to James H. R. Crom- well, Knickerbocker scion, inflation- ist and writer on political-economic topics. They were bound- tonight, aboard the Italian liner Conte Di Savoia, for a honeymoon in Italy and Egypt. The tall, blonde, pretty daughter of the late tobacco magnate, James Buchanan Duke, is 22. Her husband is 38, the son by her first marriage of Mrs. E. T. Stotes-= bury, of Philadelphia. In 1928 he was divorced from the former Miss Delphine Dodge, of the Detroit auto- mobile family, whom he married in 1920. Federal Judge's Sonk On Trial For Murdrh PAWNEE, Okla., Feb. 13.-- Dapper Phil Kennamer, whose father. has passed out many sentences from the bench, saw the state launched in a drive for the death penalty today as the first witnesses were called in his trial for the murder of'his friend, John Gorrell. The state expects to waste no time in completing its case against the black-haired husky 19-year-old son of Federal Judge Franklin E. Kennamer. "We should have all our evidence in by Thursday," said Tom Wallace, assistant Tulsa county attorney. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all nebers of the Uiveisity. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:30 a.xn. Saturday. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1935 laboratory sections IV (M.F., 8 to 11) VOL. XLV No. 96 and V (T.Th., 8 to 12). Notices A. H. Stockard. Post Tests Suit For Stratosphere Flight Classifed Direet ry University Broadcasting: 9:15 to 9:45 a.m. Laboratory program for University Speech Class. 2:00 to 2:30 p.m. German Series- Topic: "The German People," John W. Eaton, professor of German and chairman of the department of Ger- man. 10:00 to 10:15 p.m. "Government by Bureaus and Commissions," Henry M. Bates, dean of the Law School of the University and Tappan Professor of Law. 10:15 to 10:30 p.m. "Dentistry as a Health Service," Paul H. Jeserich, assistant professor of Operative Den- tistry and member of the executive committee in the School of Dentistry. University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information: The Bureau has recently received no- tice of the following U. S. Civil Serv- ice examinations: Editorial Clerk, $1,800 to $2,300. Ap- prentice Fish-Culturist, $1,020 (both hatchery and mechanical experience asked for). Junior and Assistant Mic- roanalyst, Food and Drug Administra- tion, $2,000 to $2,600. Assistant Super- visor of Elementary Education, In- dian Field Service, $3,200. Junior Medical Officer (Interne), St. Eliza- beths Hospital, $2,000. Engineering Draftsman (Highway), $1,800. Kindly call extension 489, or stop at the-office, 201 Mason Hall, as early as possible to make appointments. Office hours, 9 to 12, 2 to 4. Notice: There are calls at the pres- ent time from some of the summer camps asking for educational coun- selors in various fields. Those who are interested will please see Mrs. Dobson in the Bureau of Ap- pointments and Occupational Infor- mation, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours 9 to 12,' 2 to 4: Johnson O'Connor: Mr. O'Connor, of'the Human Engineering Laborator- ies of Stevens Institute and Boston, will conduct a two-day testing pro- gram here on February 21-21. Only nine' appointments are available. These vocational tests are given per- sonally and individually. No prepara- tion is required. Any student may apply for appointment. The testing period is two hours, and the fee is ten dollars. For appointment, call Miss Post, Dean Sadler's office, Univ. 575. For other information, call Prof. A. D. Moore, 576. Tau Beta Pi: All members interest- ed in attending the formal initiation at Lansing, Wednesday, February 20, please notify Henry Merker before Friday night. Telephone 7017. Attention Women Students: Will any new students of non-affiliated women on campus, not already in a zone get in touch with Lavinia Creigh- ton - Phone 2-2591. Academic Notices English 190: The class will meet on Wednesday in Room 402 Library; on Friday in 3212 Angell Hall. Englisi 150 (Playwriting). The first meeting of the class will be the second week of the semester, Tuesday, Veb. 19, 7:30 p.m., 3212 A.H. English 293: The course in Bibliog- raphy will be offered for one hour's credit on Saturday mornings from 9 to 11 o'clock in 2235 Angell Hall during the first half of the semester. English 232, Studies in Elizabethan Literature: There will be a meeting for organization in 2213 Angell Hall, Thursday at 4:30. French 202: Students intending to elect French 202, Methods and Tools,' will meet on Thursday at 4:00 p.m. in Room 110 R.L. to arrange for tile hour. History 11, Lecture IV: M.F. at 2, willmeet in Room B Haven hereafter, instead of Room G. History 12, Lecture 111twill meet in Room 231 A.H., Tu.Th. at 2. History 140 will meet M.W.F. at 11 in 1025 A.H. Mathematics 356: Those who are interested in the seminar in Algebraic Geometry are asked to meet in room 3001 A.H. at 3 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 14, to discuss details and hours. Psychology 33: Students absent from the final examination will be examined Saturday, February 16, at 2 p.m., Room 1121, N.S. Zoology 56: Seats are available in Aero. 6 --Experimental Aerody- namics: The lecture in this course will' be held today at one o'clock in Room 445 West Engineering Building. Lectures University L e c 't u r e: Professor Dwight L. Dumond, of the Historyi Department, will speak on the sub- ject "Abraham Lincoln, Militant Abol- itionist" at 4:15 p.m., Thursday, February 14, in the Natural Science Auditorium.j Thisis the fifth of a series of Uni- versity lectures by members of the University faculties, which faculty! members, students, and the general public are cordially invited to attend. Burton Holmes Lecture: The mo-I tion picture travelogue "We Look at Vienna and Austria" will be presentedj in Hill Auditorium, Monday night, February 18, at 8:30. Tickets are nowG on sale at Wahr's. Dr. Aga-Oglu will give a lecture with slides on Islamic Miniaturej Painting in connection with the pres- ent exhibit, Friday, February 15, at 41 o'clock. Alumni Memorial Hall, West Gallery. For faculty members. Exhibitions Exhibition of Persian Miniature Paintings sponsored by the Research Seminary in Islamic Art. Alumni Memorial Hall, South Gallery. Feb. 14 to March 14. Open daily from 2 t, 5 o'clock. Gallery talks to be an- nounced. Events Today Landscape Design Club meeting in Room 403 S. W. at 4:30 for the pur- pose of discussing plans for the spring trip to the Great Smoky Mountains in Tennessee. Everyone interested in going is urged to be present at this meeting. CLASSIFIED A DVERISlN(, Pla(c ;rtionis. 1cp r 'line for three or niore 1iseli'tioli. Minim umu 3 lines per insertion. Telephone rate - 1Sc per reading line for one or two insertions 14e per reading line for three or more insertions. IW*; discount if paid within ten days from the date of last insertion. inimum nhree 1 nes per insertion. Wy cntract, per line -2 lines daily, one onth ..........................8c 4 lines E.O.D., 2 mnonthis .......... 3c 2 lines iaily. college year.......7c 4i lines E.O.D., college year ........7c 100 lines used as desired ........9c 300 lines used as desired .........8c 1.000 linies used as desired ........7c 2,000 lines used as desired .. ..6c The above rate re per reading line, based on eight reading lines per inch. Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add >c per .ine to above rates for all capita] letters .Add 6c per line to above for bcld face, upper and lower case. Ad 10c per line to above rates f'or bold face capital letters. Tie above rates are for 71 point type. FOR SALE: New, Unused set o' draw- ing estruments. Very reasonable. Phone 5573. 87. NOTICE NEW AND USED CARS -. Lrgest selection in the country. Associated Motor services, Inc. 317 W. Huron. Ph. 2-3268. "Let's get acquainted." lox TYPEr T1UG TYPEWRITING AND MIlMEO- GRAPHING promp!y and neatly done in our own shop y eperi- enced operators at mod:c rates. O. D. Morrill's Typewriter and Sta- tionery Store, 314 -. Suite Street. lIx r FOR SALE LAUNDRY. LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price. 4x ^-A'Ociated Press PhOtO. Wiley Post (LOft) is shown examining the iof v, xyg'n pressure suit he wilv wear in his mcp d tratospherc flight from Los Angeles tv New Yrk. The air-tigi suit, equ' ipped with an aluminum helmet, will k*,cep a n rnal air rsiore on Pes s bedy up where the atmnesphere is oly foo rde s e to he squ-re in ,. t I - A merica L ac ks Sense f Value *,) M VT'U9U * 'Ur I'T ° STUDENT Hand Laundry. Prices rea- sonable. Free delivery. Phone 3006. 9x Will Place Plaques In School Of Music Three bronze plaques sammemor- ating the late Professors Albert Au- gustus Stanley, Albert Lockwood, and Francis Willey Kelsey, of the School of Music within the next few days, will be placed in the front corridor of the School of Music. These plaques describe the accomp- lie-hmt of fthnc Mr nd Cii th DINE AND DANCE tr kete' Sug- ar Bowl Ballroom (,-,Vy W dne'say, Friday, Saturday and Sunday night. 94 LOST LOST AT J-HOP A long ,bla k velvet evening wrap. Another short black velvet wrap was procured from ('heck room by misl alke. Kind- lv communicate wih Dean Ra or Ed Eckert. Phone 4850 93 LOST - On campus. silver rimmed glasses, black case wi tih name of Leo G. Weiss inie. Phone 5139. Reward. 97 LOST FROM LOCKER 76 in Union --Woman's expensive wrist vatch. Finder phone 8977. Reward. 96 FOR RENT TWO SINGLE ROO S-(, - Very de- sirable for men or ladies. Private home, no other roomers. Good. location. Call 5416. 92 WANTED WANTED: MEN'S OLD AND NEW suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 dol- lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi- cago Buyers. Temporary office, 200 T1hrnks I on (( ntited from Page ) the bread would be food for his body,' and the rose food for his soul. So it is in Tibet, everyone, even the lowliest beggar, has his ring or bracelet, and has in his house some form of arz. Nor do Tibetans show off their wealth, as Americans seem to do. When some- one gets a new painting or rug, he does not display it or boast about it Junior Mathematical 6ociety meet- lest his neighbors be envious." ingat 8 p.m. in Room 3212 Angell The government and learning in inga 8 pm. i Rom 322 AnellTibet, which is the highest country in Hall. Professor Kazarinoff will talk on the world, is all managed through "The Soiric Sections of Perseus." All Buddhist monasteries, says Surzha interested are welcome. Dawa. Most people speak several lan- guages, and those who want to write Meri-t System Committee: Impor- may learn from the llamas. One-third I doesn't last long. His home, in the northern Himalayas on the western part of Tibet, is more than 11,500I feet above sea level. Tibet has always been one of the littl1e-hnon, out of the way places for Westurnors. Very few white men, and no Americans had been about his hom-e until he found Dr. Koelz wan- der'ing about lost one day. That began a friendship that has lasted more than four years. His stay bete is part of a two-year trip. Nono Surzha Dawa has learned to drive a car, and is going to drive himself through the cotton belt of the South, and then will visit Wash- ington, D. C., London, and most of Europe before he returns to tell those Tibetan neighbors about a world of wonders. ReceIve Notice Of Civi Service Test Notices of various United States Civil Service examinations have been received by the University Bureau of Appointmn cnts and Occupational In- formation. P)itions which are open include: editorial clerk, apprentice fish-cul- tust, assistant supervisor of elemen- tary cdu'eation in the Indian Field Sc vice, engineering draftsman, jun- jor medical offlcer at St. Elizabeths Hospital. and junior and assistant samencs of iese men ana give hne NrhMan7 Ii11IilOU I~I LU i~~'North Maln 7 'x positions that they held on the Uni- TW E versity faculty. Stanley, one bronze all medic formal on share expense plaque says, was the musical director plan. Call A or B at 6284 after 6. of the University Musical Society until 98 his death in 1932. He was also the - founder of the Ann Arbor May Fes- STUDENT desires single room in tival. quiet private home. $1.50 a week. Lockwood was head of the piano- Box No. 36. forte department of the School of Music until he died in 1933. Kelsey, WHERE'S THE OPPOSITION who died in 1927, was president of The Rifle Scholastics, a high school the University School of Music and basketball team, fired 56 field goals the head of the University Musical and one free throw through the Society. hoops in a 32-minute game, taun meeting at 5 p.m. Undergraduate Offices of the League. Varsity Glee Club: Regular' meet- ing, 7:30. Attendance imperative. Hillel Foundation: Doctor Isaac's class - the Jew in Science -will meet at Hillel Foundation at 8:00 p.m. The topic will be Arabic Science. 'Ensian Tryouts: There will be work this afternoon for editorial tryouts. Report at the Student Publications Building any time after 2 p.m. of his income is given to help beggars, and hospitality demands that help be given to whomever asks. Agriculture istcrude; only one crop of potatoes, barley, or turnips, is planted a year; plowing is done behind a yak, which is a cross between 4n ox and a cow. and, contrary to common beliefs about hybrids, is fertile. Slim, boyish, dressed in the leather jacket and rough woolen breeches of his native Tibet, Surzha Dawa was vigorously chopping a hole in the ice of a lake so that he could fish. "We don't eat or even catch fish in Tibet," he explained. He spends his time walking about the farm, or vis- iting the neighboring farmers. From one neighbor, he learned to knit, and has knitted a baby sweater and a pair of gloves. It will be a useful thing to take back home, he says, for al- though they have intricate looms, they ought to know how to knit. Quick in repartee, lively and alert, Dawa speaks English fluently. He gained that readiness of mind in the strenuous country where anyone whoj doesn't keep his wits about him Hillel Foundation: There will a minyan everyday at 5 o'clock the Foundation. be at Contemporary: Meeting of the poetry department at 4:30 p.m. in the Student Publications Building. All members must be present. Tea for Graduate Students In Mathematics at 4 p.m., Rdom 3001 A.H. Faculty - Aluni Dinner Dance at 7:30 o'clock at the Michigan Union. Reservations must be made by today with the Union or with Mrs. W. V. Marshall. Cominig Events English Journal Club: Regular meeting will be held in the League, Friday, Feb. 15, Important business meeting at four p.m., involving a question of policy. Program open to the public at 4:15. Subject: Contem- porary Literature and the College Curriculum. Leader, Mentor Williams. Aeronautical Engineers' Division of A.S.M.E.: There will be a meeting on Monday, Feb. 18, Room 316, Michigan Union, 7:30 p.m. Professor Thompson will talk on "From Wind Tunnel to Full Scale." High speed exposure films will be shown and refreshments will be served. Black Quill will not meet this week but the next meeting will be on Thursday evening, Feb. 21, at 8 o'clock in the Michigan League. All members must be present. Beta Kappa Rho members and in- itiates are reminded that initiation is mit'roanalyst! istration. of food and drug admin- I, NISTRUCTIONS Everyforn of dancing, Open 10 to1 . Terrace GirdenStudio, Wuerth 'Theatre Bldg. Phi. 9695 is Saturday evening, Feb. 16, at 8:30j o'clock, Michigan League. Presbyterian Students and their friends: A post-St. Valentine's Party will be held at the Church House Sat- urday, February 16, from 8:30 to 11:30 p.m. Enteitainment, dancing, refresh- ments. We'll be expecting you. International Relations Supper sponsored by the A.A.U.W. League of Women Voters and the League of Na- tions Association Sunday evening, The M chigon Wolverine n'~ It 'n'Oilnl. its N EW PO L CY Any student may eat at the club for a trial week without fulfill- ingl' membership requirements. 20 -sfor $3.80 Located in Lamne Hall I Bausch & Lomb a. ..._ _._ Feb. 17, at 6:15, ballroom of League. the -1 ____ ENDS ONIGdh "THE BAND PLAYS ON" "BACHELOR OF ARTS" JACKIE (OOPER ---DA ^ At'R" -- "PECK'S EAD BOY" -_,VEAHEART" JAI\ES DU'N c MA ' EST IC T ODAY andi TI0) ZROW S7 jobs start i,,t 2 - .,::)0 - 7 -9 ~A n Imzing Speclt~acle of Swvasl- mmu id. s adventare a s exciting 1i on RICVAD CROMWELL S~eR 0G1YhSTANDNG aK}I49LEFN BURPKE "TWO GUN MCKEY" ""I Ii-2 ~JEET roM IC H I GA N The LXusica. Romance That fHeld Bros EW2,7I Its Enchanted Spell for 6Capaity Wecks Now Immortalized onthe Smeg,,byWarner Bros Master Producers of Musicalsl , . xf I t "'7 lRN I II ART CINEMA LEAGUE presents "f .........._... I1 "THE GOOD From the Novel by J. B. PRIESTLY Friday, Saturday, 8 P.M. At the LYDIA MENDELSSOHN i 11