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March 20, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-03-20

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ubiisaed every morning except Monday during the
versity year and Summer Session by the Board in Con-
1of Student Publications.
[ember of the Western Conference Editorial Association
1 tht Big Ten News Service.
Asociated 'oleiate ras
1934 1935=-
he Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
lished herein. All rights of republication of special dis-
ches are reserved.
nteredratrthe Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
rnd class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Ord Assistant Postmaster-General.
abscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
0. During :egular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
Ifices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street.
a Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
epresentatives: National Advertising Service, Inc. 11
t 42nd Street, New York, N.Y.-400 N. Michigan Ave.,
cago, Ill.
Telephone 4925
'Y EDITOR ............. ..JOHN HEALEY
RTS EDITOR ....................ARTHUR CARSTENS
MEN'S EDITOR ......................EI|ANOR BLUM
xHT EDITORS: Courtney A. Evans, John J. Flaherty,
rhomas E. Groehn, Thomas E. Kleene, David G. Mac-
lonald, John M. O'Connell, Arthur M. Taub.
IRTS ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Western, Kenneth Parker,
Villiam Reed, Arthur Settle.
MEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara L. Bates, Dorothy Gies,
?lorence Harper, mleanor Johnson, Josephine McLean,
Margaret D. Phalan, Rosalie Resnick, Jane Schneider,
Marie Muivphy.
?ORTERS: Rex Lee Beach, Robert B. Brown, Clinton B.
"onger, Sheldon M. Ellis, William H. Fleming, Richard
3. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Bernard Levick, Fred W.
Veal, Robert Pulver, Lloyd S. Reich, Jacob C. Seidel,
Marshall D. Shulman, Donald Smith, Wayne H. Stewart,
3ernard Weissman. George Andros, Fred Buesser, Rob-
,rt Cummins, Fred DeLano, Robert J. Friedman, Ray-
aond Goodman, Keith H. Tustison, Joseph Yager
)orothy Briscoe, Florence Davies, Helen Diefendorf,
laine Goldberg, Betty Goldstein, Olive Griffith, Har-
let Hathaway, Marion Holden, Lois King, Selma Levin,
lizabeth Miller, Melba Morrison, Elsie Pierce, Charlotte
lueger. Dorothy Shappell, Molly Solomon, Laura Wino-
;rad. Jewel Wuerfel.
Telephone 2-1214
ARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, John Og-
.en; Service Department. Bernard Rosenthal; Contracts,
roseph Rothbard; Accounts, Cameran Hall; Circulation
nd National Advertising, David Winkworth; Classified
Wdvertising and Publications, George Atherton.
INESS ASSISTANTS: William Jackson, William
arndt, Ted Wohlgemuith, Lyman Bittman, John,. Park,
'. Allen Upson, Willis Tomlinson, Homer Lathrop, Tom
flarke, Gordon Cohn, Merrell Jordan, Stanley Joffe,
iichard E. Chaddock.
MEN'S BUSINESS STAFF: Betty Cavender, Margaret
owie, Bernadine Field, Betty Greve, Mary Lou Hooker,
ieln Shapland, Betty Simonds, Marjorie Langenderfer,
trace Snyder, Betty Woodworth, Betsy Baxter, Margaret
entley, Anne Cox, Jane Evans, Ruth Field, Jean Guion,
Jildred Haas, Ruth Lipkint, Mary McCord, Jane Wil-

ing corrupt political interference
with relief administration in Ohio and in plac-
ing relief in that state under Federal direction,
has affirmed the non-political nature of his per-
sonal administration.
If the governor of Ohio were a Republican it
would have been a grand political coup to prove
him implicated in a "shakedown" of men and
business firms who had sold goods to the Ohio
Relief Administration. The fact that the governor
is a Democrat, however, shows that the President
is disregarding party organization in'an attempt
to see that the public of Ohio and the nation is
dlone justice.
While this may lose the President some votes
among Ohio Democrats and badly upset the party
organization in that state, it will surely gain him
support among many other groups and in the
country at large. It frequently happens that the
fairest treatment of any political problem, though
it alienates a strong faction, will, in the end,
react favorably.
The failure of many of our Presidents to see
beyond a party organization has branded them in-
competents. President Roosevelt has apparently
learned that the Chief Executive of the United
States is the leader of the whole country, not
merely the head of a political party.
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to
be brief, the editor reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 vrords.
Bluebook Phobia
To the Editor:
I have been on campus two years and it is just
growing upon me that I am not learning a hell
of a lot. Looking back on my three semesters,
all I remember is the constant threat of bluebooks.
I think I am developing a bluebook phobia. My
whole academic experience has been a continual
cramming for bluebooks. If I memorize enough of
what the instructor has said that that I can give it
back to him on a bluebook, I pass a course and
I am said to be learned. As for real knowledge,
I believe that I have since lost all I had before
I came here. I begin to think that maybe the
system of education is not what it is cracked up3
to be. I do not consider myself wise enough to of-
fer a substitution for the present system but I do
suggest that the element of fear be removed. In-
stead of the scare of examinations, we should
try to instill a love for learning. The present sys-
tem is too much like beating a child to make
him learn, and, at that, to make him learn some-
thing that is of no value.
Disappointed Student.

For no reason at all, a marriage involving
one of the professors at Cornell University
and one of the foremost families in Ithaca
was receiving an inordinate amount of pub-
livity. So great was the furor indeed, that even
the Cornell Daily Sun, ordinarily indifferent to
such marital ventures, felt constrained to give
some publicity to the event.
And so en the day of the ceremony one
of the tryouts was let loose with instructions
ft turn in a story that was full of color and
interest. The night editor was just about to
tear out lhis hair at the lateness of the hour
when the neophyte reporter walked in.
"Well," shouted the editor, "where is it?
Where's your story? And by gosh, you'd bet-
ter pray it's a good one."
"Oh," said the budding young journalist,
"there isn't any story. The bridegroom never
even showed up."
So many students in the colleges of Vienna,
Austria, were committing suicide rather than go
home with poor marks that the department of
education volunteered to organize a group of in-
dividuals to take the reports home and break
the bad news gently. Here at Michigan we have
the doubtful privilege of having our marks mailed
to whatever location we choose to select. It seems
hard to imagine despondent and discouraged
Michiganders jumping into the Huron river, or
off the observatory by the hundreds merely be-
cause of bad grades.
Voice over the phone at the University of
Mississippi: "Is Mr. Rockefeller there."
"Tsk! Tsk! And you told us rushees he was
a member of your fraternity."
Coach Dick Harlow, new mentor of the Harvard
University football squad, has a new slant on
the great game, and the alumni, to judge by their
cheers, love it. While other coaches plead that the
game be kept "clean" and "unprofessionalized,"
Mr. Harlow says, "Keep it rugged."
"When the legs of our youth are only developed
by pressing on an accelerator," he says, "let us do
al] in our power to keep the game rugged. It is
the only game now which a lady cannot play."
Add this to your list of definitions coming
from the Carnegie Tech Puppet:
A vacuum is a conversation between a
bridge fiend who dees not play golf and a
golf fiend who does not play bridge.
A young attorney recently graduated from the
University of Indiana, pleading his first case, had
been retained by a farmer to prosecute a railway
company for killing 24 hogs. He wanted to impress
the jury with the magnitude of the injury.
"Twenty-four hogs Gentlemen. Twenty-four,
twice the number there are in the jury box."
A Washington
HERE APPEARS to be no good reason why
President Roosevelt should not go fishing
off Florida whenever the spirit moves him. The
legislative kettle is boiling vigorously; but with
small prospect of producing anything but a steam
of words at an early date.
Unless Mr. Roosevelt contemplates far more
active and direct personal intervention in the legis-
lative debate as to issues to come than he has yet
resorted to at this session, his absence from Wash-
ingtcn this month for a week or two hardly would
delay any important measures.
The Senate's slow-motion show on work-relief
resolution is an object lesson. The variety of rea-

sons for all that delay runs the whole gamut of
conflicting viewpoints in Congress, economic, social
or just plain political, If there ever was a political
Pandora's box, that is it.
UST TO ADD to the rough going, Mr. Roose- !
velt tossed his anti-holding-company message
into the legislative pot. In a good many ways it
was the most stingingly-worded Roosevelt message
to date. There is a good deal about it to suggest
that whatever his fishing plans, he expects to be
right on the job when that particular bill is on
it: passage. That will not be until long after the
Florida fishing excursion.
Exactly what moved the White House to time
the anti-holding-company blast exactly as was
done does not appear. At a guess, however, it was
the publicity mobilization of opponents of the
pending bill. To that extent, these opponents ap-
pear to have chucked a boomerang. They not only
brought presidential wrath down on their heads,
but face a Federal Trade Commission investiga-
I tion of their publicity activities.
SENATOR CLARK estimated that half a million
letters had been dumped on congressional
desks in a matter of weeks due to that activity.
His own one-day mail - and a "dull" Sunday bag
at that -included 6,000 letters, he said. In a week
he received 15,000. Senators McKellar and Bach-
man of Tennessee were so swamped that they re-
sorted to a joint statement in the Congressional
Record to promise ultimate answers to their con-
The press gallery well could believe Clark's esti-
mates. For weeks, a rain of holding company
handouts had been pouring on newspaper desks,
much of it from the Washington headquarters
of the utility investors federation.

orau n + i

Do you have typing to be done,
or do you want typing to do?
Or, have you lost anything
In any case, your pest medium
is Theichi gan Daily
Classified Column





(Short term charge advertisernents accepted),
Pace your ad now and your
resul s l COme i mi ately


lie Hopwoods**
an unusual opportunity for the
.versity to attract a class of students not ex-
ssly solicited up to the present time. Instead the
pwoods have remained a contest indulged in
a large extent by students who happen to be at
University. This certainly should not be the
e with the largest college literary awards in
y the will of the late Avery Hopwood the Uni-
sity was bequeathed a considerable sum of
ney and the Regents in accepting this money
'e empowered "to invest and keep the same in-
ted and to use the income therefrom in per-
uity, as prizes to be known as 'The Avery Hop-
>d and Jule Hopwood Prizes' to be awarded
iually to the students in the department of
toric of the University of Michigan, who per-
rn the best creative work in the fields of drama-
Writing, fiction, poetry, and the essay."
'he will itself implies, and the circular issued
the Hopwood committee states, that the pur-
e of the awards is to stimulate and encourage
ative writing. The simple fact that the contest
being held yearly and that sufficient entries are
ularly being received to warrant the awarding'
the prizes shows that the contest has stimulat-
interest here.
3ut should not a contest of this size-whose
jor awards this year total $8,000 - be able to
mulate interest outside the University? In
se times particularly it should, and if the proper
ps are taken it can draw students to Michigan
o are interested in developing their creative
rary talents.
Ehe Hopwood Awards need publicizing abroad,
ether by the University itself or by the Hopwood
nmittee. A contest of this size should be one of
ire than local interest. The Hopwoods are not
either purpose or scope a contest of the kind
)nsored by a campus magazine, but one which,
rough the proper efforts should make the Uni-
sity known as a place for the "encouraging
creative work in writing." The University has
e chance to gain a national reputation as a
ater for young writers.
[t .is doubtful whether any of the winners of
e year's freshman awards came here primarily
th the intention of entering the contest, and no
ubt most of the entrants in this year's major
ntest, each of whom stands the chance of win-
ng a prize of $2,000, had heard nothing of the
Tar is before they. came to the University. This
a situation that can easily be corrected by the

We'll Take .Your Word
To the Editor:
There's one department on this campus that
does much, yet is mentioned so little. That depart-
ment is the Health SERVICE. I've capitalized the
word service because that is just what you receive
here. (I'm writing from a bed in the infirmary.)
Everybody from the doctor down to Bob (the
porter) serves the patients-excellently.
The nurses are splendid, efficient, smiling and
immediately come to your bedside when you press
the buzzer-and they come without a grouch. I've
been in hospitals before, many times and in dif-
ferent places, and therefore immediately appre-
ciated the fine service of our nurses.
The only trouble with the Health Service is
that it's a little small. We really need a bigger
(not better-it's perfect now) Health Service to
avoid crowding during the rush sick season.
Maybe you won't print this letter-maybe you'll
fill the space with some other letter dealing with
some campus antics, but that's all right. Yet I
think it should be published because it carries a
message which should interest everyone. You your-
self may be up here in my bed when I leave.
-Joseph P. Andriola.
Bought By The Capitalists?
To the Editor:
We give you credit, as the editor of a well-
balanced college news-organ, for reprinting, last
week, an editorial "Freedom of Speech," from the
Chicago Drovers Journal, via the Chicago Trib-
une. We are certain that your sole purpose was to
give your readers a glimpse at the magnificent
intelligence characteristic of Tribune editors in
choosing such a far-seeing and analyzing viewpoint
from the Drovers' columns, and using it for their
"editorial of the Day."
We are, however, satisfied that, now you have
enlightened your readers and convinced them to
be content with the sincere efforts of your own
writing, you will be averse to further search for
startling facts about the Washington administra-
tion, as set forth in the Tribune pick-up.
If, however, you should at any other time feel
the need for copy, similar to last week's editorialI
- that is, if it is impossible to make a tight editor-
ial page by letting out type and inserting leads
-please let us know. We have access to an excel-
lent joke book. Not one, we regret, which will
bring such outright murmurs of surprise and
amusement as Chicago Tribune editorials, but
which can be almost as effective.
If we thought there were any of your readers
incapable of marking that particular bit of prop-
aganda, referred to above, for what it was worth,
we might easily expose it. But we are crediting
your readers with at least the capacity for think-
ing -Geoffrey McPhie.
"Huey Long Calls New Deal St. Vitus Dance',"

. ..... ....

Someoe Shuld ear of This


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