The Weather
Mostly cloudy today and to-
morrow; possibly some light
rain. Warmer.
Sir 40
And In Adapting To
College Life..
Unsatisfactory Speech ...
Sire icher
'Bloody Mike' Steiger Is
Arrested By Police But
Later Released
Criminal Hunt Goes
Into Second Week
Rapp Calls Ypsilanti Case
Most Baffling Crime In
Local Annals
Police still sought a definite clue
to work on last night as the hunt for
the murderer of Richard Streicher,
seven-year-old Ypsilanti schoolboy,
went into its second week. .
Detroit police believed last night
that they had a clue when they ar-
rested Charles "Bloody Mike" Steiger,
a paroed life-termer, as a suspect
in the Streicher case. Steiger estab-
lished, however, that he was at Fisher
Lodge, Detroit home for the unem-
ployed, March 7, the day of the mur-
Steiger, who was sentenced to life
in Jackson State Prison in 1904 for
attacking a girl, was reported in the
vicinity of Ypsilanti to weeks ago.
There was no reason to connect him
with the case, other than the nature
of the crime, police said.
The search for and arrest of Stei-
ger, Prosecutor Albert Rapp stated
last night, "is indicative of our des-
perate hunt for a clue. We are fol-
lowing up every lead." The prosecutor
termed the Ypsilanti killing "Un-
questionably the most baffling crime
ever committed in Washtenaw Coun-
Prosecutor Rapp, together with the
concerted forces of th6 State Police,
Washtenaw County sheriffs, and Ypsi-
lanti police, admitted that they were
no further along now than they were,
the day the body was found.
Another known sex degaerate was
questioned here yesteday\ but wus
he had nothing to do with the Strei-
cher case.
A check is being made by State Po-
lice on the several hundreds of per-
sons who w re attending the basket-
ball tournagent games in Ypsilanti
the week of the murder. No results
have yet come of this investigation,
they said yesterday.
State Trooper Melvin L. Edwards,
of Detroit, yesterday shattered the
theory that a single man could not
have carried the body of the boy to
the Huron River bank where it was
found. He placed an 80 pound boy
in exactly the same spot and position
Richard's bodywwasfound in and
carried him away easily. The boy
weighed.. three pounds more than
First Freshman
Forum To Be
Held In Union
The first in a series of lectures
and discussions for freshman men
dealing with their experiences and
difficulties in becoming adapted to
the life on the University campus
will be held at 4:15 p.m. today in the
north lounge on the first floor of the
This project, which is being spon-
sored by the Student-Faculty Rela-
tions Committee of the Union and di-
rected by Prof. Bennett Weaver of the
English department, will deal chiefly
with the problems of proper methods
to study, choice of fields of chief in-
terest in intellectual pursuits.
William Dixon, '36, a member of
the Union committee, stated last
night that thus far no definite plans
for procedure have been formulated,
further than that the series will prob-
ably consist of three meetings for lec-
tures and discussions, more to be
added if sufficient interest is aroused.
This project is in accord with the
general policies adopted by the stu-
dent-faculty relations committee,
when it was first formed last year.
Vocational Lecture
TO Be Given Today
The requirements for admission to
the school of business administration
and the opportunities of that field
will be discussed today by Dean Clare
E. Griffin of the School of Business,
Turbulent European Picture Analyzed
Members Of History Department
By MARSHALL D. SHULMAN manner in which the Versailles treaty
While late dispatches last night has been lived up to; or this is a pre-
held out hopeful indications that text to enable him to put across a
peaceful negotiations might ease the military program."
tension in Europe that followed the The most satisfactory solution pre-
bombshell announcement of the Ger- senting itself is the British plan,
man intention to rearm and renounce thinks Professor Slosson. "According
the military limitations clauses of the to proposals set forth by Sir John
Versailles Treaty, members of the Simon, the British want: first, a com-
history department of the University plete disarmament program; second,
cooperated in an analysis of the sit- Germany in the League of Nations;
uation. third, general approval of an air pact;
A survey of the background of the fourth, settlement of the Eastern Lo-
action in Germany by Prof. Benjamin carno agreement, that will settle the
W. Wheeler, an analysis of the inter- frontiers of Eastern Europe as the
national situation as a whole by Prof. Western Locarno did for the western
Preston W. Slosson, and of France in frontiers; and in return, they will
particular by Rudolf A. Winnacker legalize Germany's action in rearm-
reveals a picture of turbulance grow- ing. It is a well-balanced program.
ing out of the tragically inadequate If Hitler agrees, it may postpone
settlement of the World War 16 years trouble for years, but will he? Ger-
ago, many has taken rather ominous steps,
Had Nothing To Lose not only in rearming, but in reestab-
"Whatever results - an armament lishing the compulsory military serv-
raqe or a speedy agreement between ice.
the major powers, depends largely France Secure
upon France's reaction, and Hitler's "The French might conceivably be
willingness to cooperate," stated Pro- led to take immediate steps. If they
fessor Slosson. "The effect of Ger- do engage in a preventative war, they
many's action was merely to precipi- will, as Bismarck once said, 'be com-
tate the sentiment already existing mitting suicide from fear of death.'
and force more immediate action. France is in a comfortable position,t
She really had nothing to lose and so many of her allies are really scared
much Ito gain. by the German action, they could eas-
"One or -two possible motives may ily form a defense alliance."
be behind this action, and both spring Will the United States participate
from a feeling of national honor: in negotiations, or, if it comes to it,
either Hitler is making a sincere at- a war? Professor Slosson thinks not.
tempt to show the injustice of the "The skittishness of the Senate to-
ward European diplomacy will pre-
vent any sort of participation. I don't
believe the United States will agree in
any general security pact. It is too
bad - but if we were afraid of the
harmless World Court, how would we
react to something backed by military
force? In this case, the United States
is a negative quantity."
One foreign correspondent has re-
marked that if a war should follow,
the present situation, it would be "to
make the world safe for Communism."
A long disastrous war might conceiv-
ably have such an effect, coming up-
on the present unstable economic sit-
uation, agreed Professor Slosson.
Possible Line-up
What would be the line-up in caseI
of war? "Russia, France, Italy and
Britain might unite in case of German
aggression. If, however, France should
take the aggressive, it is likely the
other powers would stay out and
watch. If Germany struck now, it
Peace With Great Britain;
Washington Says Notin
American Government Is Hitler's Action Is Realmleader Asserts He Is
Silent On Future Course Willing To Confer With
Regarding Europe Heartily Approved Sir John Simon
Roosevelt Confers
With Norman Davis
jHigh Official Calls German
Move 'Major Milestone'
In World Events
Joeekel Given
Library. P o s t
At Chicago U.
Michigan Professor Will
Assume Graduate School
Position Oct. 1
Prof. Carl B. Joeckel of the library
science department will take a post in
the University of Chicago graduate
lLibrary Science School Oct. 1, it was
a nouiced yetterday.
the offer, made by Preident Robert
Maynard Hutchins, was announced in
Chicago at the same time that it
was made public here. Professor
Jocckel will take the rank of pro-
fessor of library science.
A recognized authority in the field
of library science, he has been presi-
dent of the Michigan Library Asso-
ciation and chairman of the Amer-
ican Library Association committee
on federal relations. For several
years before, he was a member of. the
executive committee of the Michi-
gan organization.
Professor Joeckel has been with
the University since 1927. He will
remain on the faculty here for the
remainder of the semester not assum-
ing his Chicago position until fall.
He was barn in Wisconsin, ob-
taining his A.B. degree from the
university of that state. His master's
degree was received here in 1928, and
his Ph.D. degree from the University
of Chicago. Professor Joeckel has held
librarian positions in St. Louis and
Berkeley, Calif.
Members of the library science de-i
partment here expressed their regret
about his departure from the Uni-
versity, and, in wishing him luck,
expressed the thought that "Michi-
gan's loss is Chicago's gain."
Savage Indians Are
Found By Explorer
In Amazon Region
BELEM Brazil -(P)-Howard M.
Rinehart, a wandering American
amazed to have -emerged from the
Amazon jungle alive, describes a tribe
of fierce Indians, fleet enough to
cvertake deer and brutal enough to
terrify neighboring jungle dwellers.
The Indians are the Chavantes,
tall, powerful and irreconcilable.
They are nude nomadic hunters and
?' y1#GQ mlaa b L alike.
Contemptuous of other tribesmen,
they are reported to be merciless,
leaving crushed skulls in their path.
The Chavantes, Rinehart said, slur
the Jacaras, the Jahavas, and other
tribes, among which are found "beau-
1iful womcn, consulted by their hus-
bands cn all subjects of importance."
The American, who recently went
to the banks of the Itaperape, a lost
affluent of the Araguaya, said he
saw the scalping of two Salesian mis-
sionaries at the hands of the Cha-
ROTC Objector
Resigns From
Dixie College
(By Associated Collegiate Press)
MORGANTOWN, W. Va. -Rather
than face expulsion because he
would not enroll in West Virginia's
University military corps, George
Lambert, a pre-law student, has with-
drawn from the university here.
He issued the following statement
upon his withdrawal: "Before mak-
ing my decision to withdraw, I
is doubtful if it could get any allies, WASHINGTON, March 18-(I)-
except possibly Hungary. An imor- The American Government today
tant factor would be the attitude of carefully surveyed the situation grow-'
Italy, and the assurance it could have ing out of Adolf Hitler's defiance of
of the safety of its Austrian border." the Treaty of Versailles, but neither
Hitler's announcement is some- the White House nor the State De-
higthatr' surenoncmen sume-partment would hint at the course,
thing that was sure to come and sure to be taken
to be startling when it came, says President Roosevelt and Norman
Professor Wheeler. "There is no evi-'Dreis ercRs a dor-a-
dence that an attitude of agression
is behind the move. It is merely an large and disarmament expert, con-
attempt to rectify the unjust and un- ferred during the afternoon, presum-
'Continuea on Pave 2) ably upon the Reich's move to re-
arm. The roving diplomat is familiar
with the ramifications of involved
Student Jailed European politics and with the re-
action and developments which may
On Disorderly Neither Davis nor Secretary of
y-' State Cordell Hull, who accompanied
Cd t he him to the White House, would com-
Conduct Charge ment on the conference. It was
learned authoritatively, h o w e v e r,
that this country has not yet been
60-Day Sentence Given in formal communication with other,
H. W. McCraney, '37L, governments on the situation. It was
added in the same quarter that Davis
By Justice Of Peace has no immediate plans to return to
H. Wesley McCraney, '37L, was sen- Meets Diplomatic Officials
tenced to serve 60 days in the county Before going to the Executive Man-
jail yesterday on a charge of disor-) sion. Davis was closeted for hours
duly eotduyt, wn ch was made, police with Secretary Hull and other diplo-
y ,de, wch.as . md mati officials
Althbugh officially the Govemn
obscene pictures to small children. ment's attitude was one of silence,
McCraney was arrested Saturday cne high official said privately that
night and held incommunicado until the German move undoubtedly con-
yegtrdaafternommuniepleadguiltystituted a "major milestone" that
yesterday afternoon. He pleaded guilty would profoundly affect Europe and
before Justice Jay H. Payne, in the the world.
magistrate's court, and was sentenced A frank expression -that America
to serve 60 days or pay a $57.45 fine. should keep out of the European
He was not able to pay the fine and muddle until a change is evident'
Hea hsntbeceplast night. meanwhile came from Chairman
began his sentence ne . l.1Key Pittman, Nevada Democrat, of
It is probable that McCraney will the Senate Foreign Relations Comn-
be turned over to the psychopathic t teFo
ward either today or tomorrow, Pros- mitte sm
ecutor Albert Rapp said last night. "hr is nothing, in my opinion,
Ad g that we can do to alleviate the situa-
McCraney was also questioned in tion," he said, "and therefore inter-
an effort to determine whether he vention on our part would only tend
had any connection with the Streicher to aggravate a very serious if not
murder at Ypsilanti, but police said threatening condition
they were convinced he had not Wants Action Postponed
been outside Ann Arbor in several "It behooves our Government, in
months. imy opinion, to postpone all action
MeCraney's Ann Arbor residence i with regard to Europe, either of an
at 427 S. Fifth Ave. He told policei economic or monetary nature, until
that he is from East Rutherford, N.J., a better mental and moral condition
although the Student Directory lists is established in Europe.'
his home as Ann Arbor. Both his par- In one quarter, at least, Germany's
ents are dead, he said. decision was attributed to the influ-
ence of manufacturers of steel and
JOHNSON 'POOH POOHS' REDS munitions makers.
CHICAGO, March 18 - P) - Gen. "Thyssen, the German steel maker,'
Hugh S. Johnson held his answering is backing Hitler," said Senator Ben-
fire to the Huey Long-Father Cough- nett Champ Clark, Missouri Demo-
lin broadside tonight but promised crat. a member -of the Senate Muni-
to unleash a salvo when he is certain tions Committee; "and so is Skoda
"They have shot their whole wad." (munitions maker in Czechoslovakia)
Guest lecturer on a northwestern which is owned by Schneider-Creu-
university series, the former adminis- zot." The latter firm is a French mu-
trator of the NRA took a verbal slap nitions manufacturer.
at "dogmatic braintrusters," pooh- Chairman Gerald P. Nye, North
poohed fears of college reds, and par- Dakota Republican, said that mem-
'or pinks, predicted new pioneers in bers of his Senate Munitions Inves-
"economic migration," said of the tigating Committee had been asked
Roosevelt program "I know of no to confer with the President tomor-
better policy." row. He said he did not know the
------------_ _ matter to be discussed, although he
indicated it might be related to the
sues Decree German developments.
Among the steps this country might
torsts To 'H onk interested powers, c"representations
to Germany might bh2 made over the
article probably can remember the virtual scrapping of the military
andemoiumof nis encounere clauses of the American-German
pandemonium of noise encountered Peace Treaty.
in every Italian city. The din of Secretary Hull said today he had
horns as the automobiles wound their not discussed the German situation
way through narrow streets and a with envoys of any of the Allies, and
maze of undisciplined pedestrians that no foreign government had com-
was appalling. Sleep in many of the municated with the State Depart-
large hotels was possible only from ment on the subject.
a~ou twoto ue ococK n L'
By Former PrinceF
_____France May Also
BERLIN, March 18.- (AP) - Former Send Protest N
Crown Prince Friedrich Wilhelm
broke a self-imposed silence of many
months today to tell America that f Kalinin Warns Red A
Saturday, the day Hitler announcek
re-introduction of military conscrip- TO Be Prepared; R
tion, was one of the happiest days of Arms Plants Busy
his life.
"I know myself to be one with the Adolf Hitler said last nightt
entire German people," he said in a he is willing to discuss Euro
statement written for the Associated peace with Sir John Simon,
Press, "in rejoicing that the honor ish foreign secretary
and independence of our fatherland Thisreply of the Reichsf
have been recovered." Ti el fteRihf
rer to Great Britain's protes
He said emphatically that "the his enlargement of the Ger
Third Reich unconditionally needs asthe highligt of
peace for the completion of its great European situation last nigh
cultural and economic tasks," and The situation in France
gave praise to "Our Fuehrer." the also eased, and Premier P1
former Austrian corporal who holds Etiene and irtmae
more power ta i h rw Etienne Flandin intimated t
moe owrthan did the Crown h plans to send a protest -to
Prince's own father, former Kaiser herman t siilar to
Wilhelm II. Gra aia iia o
In a written statement the Prince of Great Britain.
declared: Another surprise statem
'All responsible European govern- came from an unexpected q
ments must in my estimation more tier yesterday when at Mos
and more come around to the view- Michael Kalinin, president o
point that old Europe simply cannot All-Russia Central Execu
afford another war but that on the Committee called upon the
contrary its future depends solely army to be prepared, saying "
upon the closest co-operation of all may break out unexpectedly.
its nations and the defense of Euro-
pean cultural achievements." BERLIN, March 18-(P)-
He looked upon German conscrip- German arms plants working
tion as a new hope for the youth of' ally "on a war footing" accord
Germany, saying "our underlying the government's own adm
thought is that the great school for Reichsfuehrer Hitler replied to:
training of youth which our Prussian- ish protest on the armament
German army had been for centuries, that he is still willing to talk
is again being set in motion." with Sir John Simon.
Immediately after answering
don's flat charge that Hitler
Strac ey Tdl - arm ament is "calculated serioi
d I increase the uneasiness of E
Spropaganda minister Joseph G
At Yale; Scoresto
Attitude Of U.S. "Germany already posses
1 powerful, well-equipped army
st at
f the
- With
ding to
a Brit-
rs re-
.tiSly to
sed a
y with
Hitler Prepared To
excellent artillery and huge reserves
of trained men
Ridicules F alsif ic atio n He said material was b
Charges Launched At from German arms fac
ever-increasing volume.'
Him By Government
PARIS, March 18 -
NEW HAVEN, Conn., March 18. -; plans to make a protest
(A') - With humor and sarcasm that British one against Geri
sent laughter through a capacity au- ion to create a conscript
dience at Sprague Hall, Evelyn John learned tonight.
St. Loe Strachey referred to the "little Terms of the protes
incident" in which he was involved patched through And
at Chicago last week in the course of Poncet, ambassador to
his lecture on "the menace of fas- not be definitely fixe
cism" tonight. Wednesday's cabinet ses
The British author, facing possible Premier Pierre Etienn
deportation because of charges of il- a long talk this afterno
legal entry, said: "Officials in the Maurin, minister of w:
American government have come to visited President LeBru
the conclusion that I hold communis- sed Prese n u
tic views. This is very encouraging to see palace. Flandin ax
me because it shows that if you go was understood, discus
on speaking and writing long enough erment's attitude to be
it makes people understand finally Wednesday's debate in
what you are saying." of Deputies.
After ridiculing the charges of falsi-
fication levelled against him in con- LONDON, March 1E
nection with his entry into the United amn's flat warning to
States, Strachey said that the issue Hitler that his army
at stake in his arrest is "vastly im- law increases the unea
portant," and pointed out conse- rope brought an imm
quences which he feels may result if it from Germany todayt
becomes established that it is a de- willing to talk Europea
portable offense for an alien to hold Sir John Simon as sch
communistic views. The result here was
lieved atmosphere. The
TYTrv _. TJ _. . ___given to the German foi
being supplied
tories "in an
(iP) -France
similar to the
many's decis-
army, it was
t, to be dis-
re Francois-
Berlin, will
d until after
e Flandin had
on with Louis
ar, and then
n at the Ely-
nd Maurin, it
sed the gov-
taken during
the Chamber
8 -(A')- Brit-
siness of Eu-
ediate answer
that she was
an peace with
a vastly re-
e British note,
reign minister
weighed very carefully .the possibili-
WELFARE FAMILIES GO NORTH ties of carrying on the fight within
LANSING, March 18 -{P)- Sixty I the university by remaining here and
Michigan pioneers and their families enrolling for military. I decided,
will start for a new frontier in Mat- however, that this would be to much
anuska Valley, Alaska, April 28. of a compromise with principle and
Rosewell G. Carr, director of the! that I could not conscientiously take
rural rehabilitation division of the! military training, even if, by doing
State emergency relief commission so I could better aid the final cause'
returned here from Washington to- of' the permanent abolition of com-
day to complete plans for the migra- pulsory military on the campus."
Gargoyle To
Tomorrow I
Imagine the dog-in-the-class-
room-situation reversed and all
the brieg that would bring, and
there you have the cover design of
the March issue of the Gargoyle,
which will happen tomorrow.
This issue also marks the inau-
guration of the Gargoyle's official
blackball department, in which
several would-be-shots are handed
a nice dusky sphere. This feature
will be continued as long as the
supply of eligible seekers-for-cam-
pus fame lasts.
The women's candid camera
page, proving that photographers'
cameras do lie or at least flatter,
will show professional photographs
Italian Cabinet Is:
Forbidding Mo
ROME - - Silent t r a f f i c
throughout Italy is proving a great
success, not only in the production
of an orderly movement of vehicles
and pedestrians but also in the dimi-
nution of accidents.
The silent traffic, wherein motor-
ists are forbidden to sound their
horns except in cases of greatest
emergency, began as an experiment
in Rome. After a week it was ex-
tended to all big cities in Italy by
a cabinet decree.
At theconclusion of the first
month's trial, the mayors of all the
bi- cities rveported to the central,
War Protest rorm
Will Be Discussed
An open discussion on the form of
action for the student protest against
war on April 4 will be held at 8 p.m.
tonight in the Union, it was an-*
nounced last night by the April 4
Those organizations which have al-I
ready signified their interest in suchj
a project, according to the announce-'
ment, include the Student Christian
Association, the Wesleyan Guild,
Mosher Hall, the Congregational
Guild, the Presbyterian Guild, the
Roger Williams Guild, the Disciples
Guild,theNational Student League,
and the Unitarian Guild.
Student speakers from various re-
ligious groups will lead the discussion
and a definite decision about action
here on April 4 will probably be
reached, it was said.
through the British ambassador at
Berlin, had asked whether Hitler
still wanted to hold the conversations
once postponed because of "Hitler's
white paper" cold.
The British foreign secretary and
Capt. Anthony Eden are leaving Sun-
day for the German capital. The
German reply assured that the con-
versations will be carried on- within
the scope of the Anglo-French pro-
posals, on the original basis.
The discussions in Berlin will in-
clude general settement of European
problems - a mutual air pact, an
eastern Locarno treaty, general dis-
armament, Germany's return to the
League and a pact of powers mutually
guaranteeing the independence of
MOSCOW, March 18.- (P) -Mich-
ael Kalinin, president of the All-Rus-
sia Central Executive Committee,
warned the Red Army that war "may
about two to five o'clock in the
Imorn ing.
The same American would now be
amazed by the change that one sim-
ple but sweeping order from the
cabinet has wrought. Traffic now
proceeds through the same narrow
streets but without a blare of horns.
Warrant Is Issued
To Arrest Venizelos
ATHENS, March 18. -A warrant
was issued today for the arrest of