THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 17, 1935 IN THE WORLD OF BOOKS. DICKENS. By Andre Maurois. Harp- tation. The Ariel was forgiveable, ers. $2. the Disraeli was good, the Byron was By PROF. HOWARD M. JONES excellent, but the Dickens is distinct- (Of The English Department) ly poorer. There is a tendency among certain French writers, to treat the M. Maurois' book on Dickens hasAmrcneaigpbcasfitwe all the air of popular lectures. Two American reading public as if it were of the chapters are devoted to the a great cow for their milking. Can biography of the life of Dickens; and it be that M. Maurois has sunk to the in these, though M. Maurois has used level of a literary milk-maid? It is the new material about Dickens whichJmore charitable to suppose that these has recently come to light, he has elementary essays were originally really added nothing to our knowl- composed for a French audience un- edge of the novelist's life, and very familiar with Dickens and with the little to our comprehension of his facts of his like and works; and that, character. Perhaps the most notable in view of M. Maurois' popularity, fact about this portion of the book { his American publishers have insisted is M. Maurois' sympathetic discus- on translating the book. As an in- sion of Dickens' break with his wife. troductory handbook, Dickens may But that the creator of Pickwick had have its uses; but as a critical study a sorry childhood, that he was ambi- it is distinctly inferior to others tious of success, that an early love easily available. There is more affair was reflected in certain of his shrewdness in a short essay on Dick- female characters, that he loved the ens by George Santayana than in the stage, that he liked to read his works 206 pages of M. Maurois' book. aloud - these are all perfectly famil- iar facts. NEW PEPYS' DIARIES The last two chapters of the book A dispatch from London telling of are devoted to a discussion of Dick- the unexpected discovery of two more ens' art as a novelist. The first of volumes of diaries by that most fa- these chapters rehearses the familiar ---c ne M-nT3-7 -_ GUNN HIGHLAND NIGHT. By Neil M. fort Gunn. With illustrations by Frieda wes Bone. Harcourt Brace. $2.50. exis By DR. HAROLD WHITEHALL cor tea (Assistant Editor, Middle English ter Dictionary) sons Neither history nor literature has from favored the Gaelic Highlanders of wor. Scotland. As a racial minority, they der naturally suffered a dozen centuries of par petty persecution; found themselves the obliged to flee to glens and mountain depe corries; saw their ancient tongue and chie their ancient culture travestied by bac . 'Highland Night' Pictures The Real Highlander . . the first time in English literature, ers and a strong nationalist in senti- see the Highlander as he actually ment, he has yet never failed to un- ted: his daily tasks and simple derstand the inward logic of the munity merrymakings; his unal- events he is describing. Whatever may ble life-routine, based upon the be the resentment we feel towards ;hanging alternation of the sea- Heller, James, Falcon, and their .s: his superstititions, springing cronies (and he who can read this m the dim beliefs of the Pre-Keltic book without feeling both resentment Id; his bi-focal religious tradition, and blinding horror must be peculiar- ving partly from St. Columba, and ly stout of soul) we are continually tly from the stern Calvanism of reminded that they too are urged Covenanters; above all, that social, onwards by the implacable march of endency upon the hereditary great events. From this standpoint, eftain of the clan which was the the burned shielings of the Highland kbone of the clansman's creed. i crofters are as much the toll of war John Strachey's Newest Book Is Thoughtful And Meditative the progressive English-speaking Low-i For when the Highlander suc- landers who were their neighbors and cumbed to eviction, it was because of hereditary opponents. But other mi- the treachery of his own leaders. norities have undergone similar trials Whatever may have been the remote and still survived. The Irish, for in- causes - the stoppage in food imports stance, a kindred race, have lived to because of the Napoleonic Wars, the see Erse a national language and their consequent threat of food-shortage,I literature a world-influence, thanks to and the rise in the price of mutton such interpreters as Synge, Yeats, and and wool which made extensive sheep- Lady Gregory. By contrast, the fate of runs profitable- there can be no the Highlanders seems unduly harsh: doubt that the crofters submitted so' their literature has reached the outer tamely only because the long centuries world mainly through the tainted of unquestioning obedience to their channels of Macpherson's Ossian and chiefs had sapped their collective will. their mode of life through the wild- As long as their loyalty was recipro- ly romantic perversions of Sir Walter cated, the Gaelic culture itself stood Scott. They themselves were evicted. firm; when loyalty failed, the whole from their ancestral homes a century social structure, with all its simple, and a half ago and replaced -by grace and essential integrity, was in- -sheep. evitably doomed. Highland Night etches the life of a It is a tribute to Mr. Gunn's ar- small clan community, during the tistic perspicacity and balance that eviction movement and the years im- he continually emphasizes this fact. mediately preceding. Here, perhaps Himself the descendent of Highland- b I p. STERN 'Shining And Free' Is A New Performance In An Old Setting SHINING AND FREE. By G. B. Stern. Knopf. That versatile G. B. Stern has taken out some of her old props, and is giv- ing a new performance in an old set- ting, using some familiar and well- beloved characters. Best of the old characters is, of course, the Matriarch, that incredible and nerve-wracking beldame who al- ready has flung herself through three of the Stern novels. The three are, should anybody not remember: The Matriarch, A Deputy Was King and, Mosaic. These were spoken of as a trilogy; it doub'tless will become a tet- ralogy today. . G. B. Stern can write the most en- tertaining novels in the world when she wishes. Her The Shortest Night has been recommended by this de- partment to countless friends as the most amusing mystery yarn of the sophisticated sort it knows - far more amusing than the corner-of-the- mouth Dashiell Hammett school. And she can do other and quite different things as well - witness Bouquet, which certainly is among the two or three most winning books on wine tours. It is a record of a motor tour through the wine country of France, set down by a woman who knows good wine and has an eye for the small but telling incident. When she goes serious, as in Shining and Free, the elastic and swing of her light work is not quite all there. The Matriarch clatters through and over everything just as usual, her two sticks beating a nervous and demanding tat- too. Truda and the others are their usual exasperated selves. The picture of Jewish life is just as accurate as in the past, but a little too familiar. And in order to set aright the reader who may not have met the Matriarch before, Mrs. Stern has had to tell a good deal that has gone before. Never- theless, Shining and Free has its* points. Lending Libraries, Etc. NEW FICTION: Three cents, five cents a day. Francisco Boyce, 732 North University. NEW YORK TIMES: New York Her- ald Tribune. All famous newspapers, daily and Sunday. Miller Drug North University at Thayer. RUSSIA: Books in all languages: Books on Russian History, Eco- nomics, Literature and Drama. Old and modern. Complete mail order service. K. N. Rosen, 410 Riverside Drive, N.Y.C. THE SCREEN "ROBERTA" A Radio Picture adapted from the musical comedy of the same name, sta ring Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers, Irene Dunn, featuring Randolph Scott, Helen Westley, Victor Varconi and Claire Dodd. Directed by William Seiter. The excellent musical picture prece- dent set by RKO's "Flying Down To Rio" and "The Gay Divorcee" which' featured the terpsichorean talents of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers is lived up to in this, their latest extrava- ganza which presents, besides the the new versions of the old stuff, the songs and story of the successful New York hit. "Roberta" is packed full of gay, re- freshing, light entertainment of the best sort. The setting is Paris and Roberta herself is a Parisian coutour- iere, aged and charming, whose Amer- ican nephew inherits her business when she dies. The nephew is a foot- ball coach and would be the last per- son to run a dressmaking business successfully if he were not helped by his late aunt's assistant, a Russian princess with whom he eventually falls in love. With this story much in the background, Ginger Rogers, as a red hot tdrch singer disguised as a Polish Countess, and Fred Astaire as an American orchestra leader dance, sing, and wise crack their merry way through one of the most sparkling pictres of the year. If you like dancing - tap, ballroom, exhibition, hot, rhythmic dancing - you are bound to tingle and delight in this picture. And if beautiful, extrava- gant, preposterous clathes worn by luscious, alluring mannequins are right down your alley, you will gasp, with joy at what Roberta has to offer. Also, you will probably like Irene Dunn's singing and beauty. The rest of the show is incidental, but every- thing in it goes under the head of fun and comic foolishness mingled with heart-warming and appealing sentiment. Some will not like "Roberta" as well as its predecessors, because it has a different flavor -every bit as good as the others, but not as snappy. It is more mellow. And it is not as well organized as the others. But who cares? It doesn't matter in this sort of show. You take what it's got and like it-I mean, love it! What is probably the best payoff of the year is- pictured in the current news reel at the Majestic. First, Fa- ther Coughlin has a round. Then Huey Long gets his turn. And finally Gen- eral Johnson comes through, and everyone in the audience roars. Don't miss it! -C.B.C. The Most Complete LENDING LIBRARY in Ann Arbor This Week's Feature- ''SHINING AND FREE" as the burned Kremlin in Moscow. To summarize the virtues of Mr. Gunn's great novel would not be an easy task. for his is the art which con- ceals art. At the first reading, the magnificently articulated plot, the profound characterization, and the poetic but restrained style seem to be! so subtly fused together that the total effect is single and complete - swift, sure, tragic, and elemental as a Greek tragedy. Only at a second reading do the finer details emerge: the use ofl the Drover as commentator and" chorus, the interplay between per-' sonal relationships and the broader tragic movement, the symbolism, and the sheer poetry. Highland Night is not Everyman's' novel, but for those who recognize the older literary virtues of balance, clar- ity, immediacy and form, it should prove a particularly illuminating ex, perience. Mostly About -Books And Their Authors A biography of the late King Albert of Belgium by Emile Cammaerts will be published by Macmillan in the fall. The author, a Belgian who now lives in England, has writen the story with the cooperation of the Royal Family of Belgium; the Queen Mother went over the manuscript personally and supplied much of the material. The tentative title is Until The End. Ten Years Before The Mike is the title of a book being written by Ted Husing about his radio experiences. It will be published by Farrar & Rine- Dart in the Fall.! A biography of Dwight Morrow is being prepared by Harold Nicolson, who is in this country at present col- lecting his material. The book will be published by Harcourt, Brace & Co. in the fall. THE NATURE OF THE CAPITALIST CRISIS. By John Strachey. Cov- ici-Friede. By JOHN SELBY After writing two books which lapse noticeably from the high intellectual level of The Coming Struggle For Power. John Strachey again ap- pears on the scene with a thoughtful and meditative volume under his arm. When he is at home, in England, Strachey is one of the leading intel- lectuals of the British communist party. At present he is lecturing in the United States. Starting his po- litical life and thinking in the pas- tures of middle-class England, he has completed a hegira that ended in the fields of Karl Marx. The object of The Nature of the Capitalist Crisis, the sense of the, final page, which he foresaw when he wrote the first page, is the same as that of his initial publication. But .he material, from start to finish, isl different. The difference lies in two methods! Local Best Sellers GREEN LIGHT. By Lloyd C. Doug- las. Houghton Mifflin. $2.50. HEAVEN'S MY DESTINATION. By Thornton Wilder. Harpers. $2.50. THE FORTY DAYS OF MUSA DAGH. By Franz Werfel. Viking. $3. GOODBYE MR. CHIPS. By James Hilton. Little, Brown. $1.25. THE PRIMROSE PATH. By Ogden Nash. Simon & Schus- ter. $2.50. THE AMERICAN DIPLOMATIC GAME. By Drew Pearson & Con- stantine Brown. Doubleday, Doran. $3. WHILE ROME BURNS. By Alexander Woollcott. Viking. $2.75. PORTRAITS AND PRAYERS. By Gertrude Stein. Random House. $2.50. of presentation: the first book was a review of the history and contradic- tions of capitalist society; the new book is a review of the history and contradictions of capitalist economic thought. The volume opens with an intro- duction to the two capitalist eco- nomic schools: the "over consump- tionists" and the "under consump- tionists." After presenting the argu- ments of those who maintain that all will be well if we find a means of distributing our surplus production through increased purchasing pow- er, he uses the arguments of the orthodox economist to refute their theories. He then goes forward to present the picture of the present capitalist society and the'nature of the capital- ist crisis as they are understood by the "under consumptionist" theorists. These, he believes, have by far the better case. That the contentions of both schools lead to the restora- tion of profits, the one by raising prices, the other by cutting wages, is pointed out. He concludes: that capitalism leads to fascism, barbarism, or communism; that the workers would be able to find this out for themselves only through trial and, error methods; that the explanation of Marx and his followers will save them that trouble. Macmillan will soon publish After Hitler's Fall, by Prince Hubertus Loe- wenstein, who is now in the United States on a lecture tour. C. LEIDICH TRAVEL BUREAU, Inc. 150 West Lafayette, Detroit (No Branches) Student Tours to Europe Independent or Conducted. $3.2 a Day and Up Ask for Mr. Decker! He can save time and money on any itinerary. He knows all about Summer Schools abroad. 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