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March 17, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-03-17

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SUNDAY, MARCH 17, 1935




themselves and gaining an understanding of the
True, this procedure would tend to offer the
:student only a further smattering of many sub-
jects, a possession frequently belittled. But this
would not necessarily be the case. In fact it would
probably develop that one or at most a very few
subjects would command the student's interest suf-
ficiently so that he would center his attention on
It is a shame that the value of work offered
by members of the University's own staff is so fre-
quently overlooked in the glorification of what
comes from a greater distance.


Pubaised every morning except Monday during the
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CITY EDITOR .....................JOHN HEALEY
E:DrrORI .....ECTOR............RALPH G. COULTER
WOMEN'S EDITOR ......................EI ANOR BLUM
NIGHT EDITORS: Courtney A. Evans, John J. Flaherty,
Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas R. Kleene, David G. Mac-
donald, John M. O'Connell, Arthur M. Taub.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Western, Kenneth Parker,
William Reed, Arthur Sette.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara L. Bates, Dorothy Gies,
Florence Harper, 'leanor Johnson, Josephine McLean,
Margaret D. Phalan, Rosalie Resnick, Jane Schneider,
Marie Murphy.
REPORTERS: Rex Lee Beach, Robert B. Brown, Clinton B.
Conger, Sheldon M. Ellis, William H. Fleming, Richard
. Hershey, RaPh W. Hurd, Bernard Levick, Fred W.
Neal, Robert Pulver, Lloyd S. Rech, Jacob C. Seidel,
Marshall D. Shulman, Donald Smith, Wayne H. Stewart,
Bernard Wessman. George Andros, Fred Buesser, Rob-
ert Cummins, Fred DeLano, Robert J. Friedman, Ray-
mond Goodman, Keith H. Tustison, Joseph Yager.
Dorothy Briscoe, Florence Davies, Helen Diefendorf,
Elaine Goldberg, Betty Goldstein, Olive Griffith, Har-
riet Hathaway, Marion Holden, Lois King, Selma Levin,
Elizabeth Miller, Melba Merrison, Elsie Pierce, Charlotte
Rueger. Dorothy Shappell, Molly Solomon, Laura Wino-
grad. Jewel Wuerfel.
Telephone 2-1214
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, John Og-
den; Service Department. Bernard Rosenthal; Contracts,
Joseph Rothbard; Accounts, Canierbn Hall; Ciculation
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BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: William Jackson, William
Barndt, Ted Wohigemuith, Lyman Bittman, John Park,
F. Allen Upson, Willis Tomlinson, Homer Lathrop, Tom
Clarke, Gordon Cohn, Merrell Jordan, Stanley Joffe,
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WOMEN'S BUSINESS STAFF: Betty Cavender, Margaret
Cowie, Bernadine Field, Betty Greve, Mary Lou Hooker,
Hen Shapland, Betty Simonds, Marjdrie Langenderfer,
Grace Snyder, Betty Woodworth Betsy Baxter' Margaret
Bentley, Anne Cox, Jane Evans, Ruth Field, Jean Guon,
Mildred Haas, Ruth Lipkint, Mary McCo-d, Jane Wit-
Th e First
98 Years ....
T OMORROW marks' an important
anniversary in the long history of
the University, one of the oldest educational in-
stitutions of its kind in the country. It was on
March 18, 98 years ago, that the state passed an
act providing for the organization and government
of the University of Michigan, and two days later
in the same year a companion bill was enacted
which definitely located the institution at Ann
Although it has now been established that the
University had its first organization in 1817 at De-
troit, the original organization and authorization
of the University depended on the Organic Act
passed in 1837. It was not until that time that this
institution provided any instruction of collegiate
In that 98 years many changes have been ef-
fected. The University has grown from a few com-
paratively crude buildings to a huge plant including
dozens of the most modern buildings with modern
equipment. Its enrollment has increased nearly
10-fold because the people of the state have grown
to realize the importance and necessity of higher
These are trying years. Whether in the next 98 or
100 years there may be similar growth and im-
provement of colleges and universities, or a slow
disintegration of the educational system, is being

decided. As long as there continues to be educa-
tional opportunity for all -rich and poor alike -
the colleges and universities are fulfilling a most
necessary and valuable function. However, should
these institutions cease to operate to the advantage
of all, and become of benefit to a limited group
only, the educational system of the country will
have started on the way down.
Spare Time
T HE ACCUSATION is often made of
undergraduates that they are neg-
ligent in the taking of all the advantages that their
college community offers them.
Realizing that there are many Michigan students
who do use their spare time to advantage in at-
tending lectures, entering into extra-curricular ac-
tivities, and in many other ways, it is still true
that a great majority of undergraduates waste
cnnvra timest~ hat mright. hP ncurinied1 iiuuin v rnth-

Not Strong Enough

To the Editor:
May I commend you and your enterp'rising re-
porter for the timely article on Huey Long in the
Daily of March 9. The Louisiana Kingfish is a real
menace to what little freedom we have left in this
country, and he can only be stopped by exposing
him in the American press.
Long is a great orator. Professor Peterson is
quite right when he says that he appeals to the
emotions rather than reason. The Long plan, with
all its grandiose ideas, sounds good. Particularly
is this so with regard to the poor man who, as a
result of the depression, is completely down and
out. These unfortunate people will flock to the Long
standard unless it is explained to them, in the
clear-cut language of your interview, the fallacies
of the proposal. Until it is pointed out that Huey
Long fails to consider really practical problems,
that his plan is but an aery dream that is a menace
to ordered society, he will continue to attract per-
sons to his side.
The comparison of Long with Hitler was a good
one. It is true without question that Long is tak-
ing advantage of the hard times to capitalize for
himself just as did the German dictator. And
it is also true, I believe, as was pointed out in the
article, that once put into power, Long would seek
control for himself in the same manner as Hitler.
Huey Long must be exposed. If there could be any
possible criticism of your reporter's handling of the
interview, it would be that he did not make it de-
nouncing enough and that he did not bring out
enough flaws in the Long scheme. If America
is to retain any vestige of democracy and if it is to
escape the clutches of such obvious demagogues
as the Kingfish, the press must act.
-An Approving Reader.
Too Soong
To the Editor:
The interviewing of various members of the
political science and economics departments on the
subject of Huey Long's recent radio address was a
commendable procedure on the part of your re-
porter. However, the meager results of the inter-
views were disheartening. Inasmuch as these al-
leged authorities in their respective fields have the
background to analytically discuss the economic
and political implications of Mr. Long's address,
one would expect more than the mouthings of the
Hearst Hacks and- Hugh S. Johnson bombast .
I am not a Long advocate. I believe that any
change is bigger than a one-man job. Long knows
that, too, I am sure. Rather am I concerned with
the principles involved in the controversy of which
Long is a symbol. I undertake to write only that
the fundamental issue of the redistribution of
wealth be not obscured by the utterances of these
professors who leave the deceitful impression that
any man who urges a redistribution of wealth is
a "demagogue" and that such a redistribution is
per se "unworkable." The attack on Long took two
forms and I shall consider each one separately.
1. "Long Plan Termed Unworkable." The worthy
professor admits that he has not read the plan,
knows nothing of any considerations Long might
have given the technical workings involved in such
a plan, and seems to make no effort to find out
before giving a statement to the press . . . But the
authorities evidently have a prerogative of judging
a plan without considering it carefully and then
terming it "confused," "distorted," "evasive." And
that on the garbled accounts of a 45-minute ad-
dress which I heard and thought contained as
much as any man could humanly consider in so
short a time.
But downright distortion is committed by the
professors themselves. One of them states: "He
(Long) aims for the control of wealth himself."
Where did he get that notion? Surely not from
the address. There were no statements in it
which could possibly be a basis for such an infer-
ence.. .
I believe this same professor in showing the
unworkability makes the profound statement that
"If you take away ownership you take away con-
ti ol." Obviously, he wishes to leave us with the
impression that all will be at a standstill. To take
away private ownership, professor, does not mean
that public control is also taken away ...
2. "Kingfish Is Called Demagogue." Although I
would not condone some of the things I hear about
Long -if they are true, we cannot conclude that
he is a demagogue because he appeals to emotions.
When Herbert Hoover exclaimed, "Two cars in
every garage," to what was he appealing? When he
later said "Grass will grow on the city streets if the

Democrats are elected," to what was he appealing?
When Roosevelt in his inauguration address
promised that he would drive the money changers
out of the temples, to what was he appealing?
When Johnson ranted for two years over the radio
to what did he appeal? When Roosevelt makes
"fireside talks" I defy any man to deny that 90
per cent of it is general "mush."
My conclusion is this. If promises are made with-
cut any plan nor reason to believe that they are
possible, that is cold analysis. But let any man
make promises and have an idea as to how to
accomplish his aims then he is a demagogue. And
the fact that such a vicious and expensive atack has

How true, how true. "I am delighted to meet
you," Laid the father of a Cornell student
warmly shaking hands with the professor.
"My son took mathematics under you last year,
you know."
"Pardon me," said the professor, "He was ex-
posed to it, but he never took it."
From way down in Texas, we get a collection of
sorority regulations. We often wonder what they do
at sorority houses. Here is what they don't do.
1. Girls will please wear BOTH stockings
when entertaining gentlemen callers, except
on Sundays and Holidays.
2. Girls are ABSOLUTELY NOT to date
ditch diggers, college boys, or other riff-raff.
3. Do not run your hand through your boy
friend's hair then wipe your hands on the wall
paper. Even dogs have pretty hair.
4. Always turn out lights at 9 o'clock every
evening, even if your visitor doesn't leave. We
must cut down expenses.
Here is news. The boys at Colgate University
have gone anti-social. The Winter house parties,
which were to be held recently at that institution,
were called off by officials. The reason: Fifty Col-
gate men were in bed with the measles.
This is a rumor coming from officials of
General Motors in Detroit. It seems as though
the only comment of the Ford family, when
they get up from the dinner table is "V-8."
We have long been acquainted with the various
idiosyncrasies of an outworn anti-co-edism system.
(How is that last expression?) Recent develop-
ments at the Appalachian State Teacher's College
have brought up an entirely new angle on the
whole situation. The president of the North Car-
olina institution has announced a new ruling
whereby men and women students will not be
allowed to sit together during athletic contests.
His ultimatum has aroused the budding teachers
to such an extent that a strike has been declared.
They say they will fight to the end on any re-
striction on their accustomed freedom.
Add these to your list of famous last lines:
Gosh, I'm all out of gas."
"Really I'm not very hungry, but-"
"Isn't it stuffy in here?"
"What five dollars I owe you?"
"Let's play for some stakes, just to make it
more interesting."
*Y*? * *
Here's an idea for you budding generals in the
R.O.T.C. When a freshman entered the R.O.T.C.
at Wichita University he called for a uniform with
a bi-swing back and pleated trousers.
Off The Record
REP. MARTIN KENNEDY of New York grinned
broadly as another New Yorker, Rep. Joseph
Gavagan, engaged in the ribbing in which their
state delegation delights.
"Did you vote for that bill giving an extra clerk
to each congressional member?" asked Gavagan.
Kennedy had.
"What for?" asked Gavagan, "your secretary
and you should be able to handle your two letters
a day."
"Ah," said Kennedy, "but a third would be nice
for pinochle."
The opinions of Gen. Hugh S. Johnson and

Sen. Huey P. Long of Louisiana may be at
poles' ends, but when they sit down to write
their speeches both men have a fondness for
the same kind of big, yellow scratch-pad.
rHE "BABY" of senatorial hostesses is a pretty,
but level-headed girl of 21 years, Jane Holt,
sister of the youngest senator, Rush D. Holt, of
West Virginia.
She receives many compliments but the best,
to her mind, was given her by an old West Virginian
who came in to see about a law case pending since
"I'm sure you remember the case, Miss Jane," he
said, adding apologetically, "although you must
have been quite a kid then."
EXCERPTS from FERA's mail-bag include:
"I am a former vaudeville contortionist. Have
been without work for a year and don't know which
way to turn.
"Is it true that our cow is in distress? A man has"
a mortgage on her."
"The mother is intelligent. She speaks several
languages and has even writen a poem no one will
Rep. Caroline O'Day of New York went to
a large dinner serenely aware that her case
of laryngitis would make it impossible for her
to speak.
But when she rose to explain her predica-
ment she tumbled into a worse one. Her voice
was quite clear. She gasped and launched into
an extemporaneous talk.
V TAN( MNT in'.TC.'hp +c~home of RP. ~iTshll. Irh

You will certainly be ERIN if
you don't pay that Daily sub-

A Study In Green 000

and thereupon St. Patrick
armed himself with his trusty
shilalah and proceeded to drive
the snakes from Ireland.. *


. .
This line is devoted to Philip.
Philip )who?
Philip Space.
If anyone told you that unpaid
Daily subscriptions aren't due
it's a lot of BALARNEY.

"Ha, ha, that's a yolk on me,
said the Swedish lady (quite
near Ireland as she dropped an
egg on her chest.


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