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March 16, 1935 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-03-16

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,H 16, 1935

Publication in the Bulletin is oonstructive notice to all members of the
Universitly. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:30 am. Saturday.

Stavisky's Widow Indicted In Bank Scandal

Hillel Foundation: Dr. Hootkins'
class in "Jewish Ethics" will meet at
the Foundation at 1:3. The topic
will be "The Development of the Bible
and Talmud."
Coming Events
Vocational Series: Students of the
College of Literature, Science, and the
Arts: A meeting will be held on Tues-
day, March 19, at 4:15 p., in Room
1025 Angell Hall for students in the
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts and others interested in fu-
ture work in Business Administration.
The meeting will be addressed by
Dean C. E. Griffin of the School of
Business Administration.
The next meeting of the vocation-
al series, designed to give informa-
tion concerning the nature of and
preparation for the various profes-
sions, will be addressed by Dean A. C.
Furstenberg of the School of Medi-
cine, on March 21.
Engineering Oper House Commit-
tee Heads: There will be a meeting
Sunday, March 17, 4:30 p.m., at the
Assembly: Important meeting at
the League Tuesday, March 19, at
Monday Evening Drama Section:
Will entertain the husbands of the
members of the group Monday, March
18, at 8 p.m. in the small ballroom
of the Michigan Union. The hostess
list includes Mrs. L. A. Baier, Mrs.
J. C. Palmer, Mrs. Shorey Peterson,
Mrs. G. Y. Rainich, Mrs. F. E. Ross,
Mrs. W. E, Bachman, Mrs. J. H. Sams,
and Mrs. A. L. Clark, Jr.
Michigan Dames: The Child Study
group will meet at the 'Michigan
League Monday, March 18, at 8 p.m.
Mrs. F. W. Peterson will speak onr
"Story Telling for Little Children."
All those interested, whether mem-
bers of the group or not, are cordially
Methodist Episcopal Church, Sun-
9:45 a.m. -A class for young men
and women of college age meets in the
balcony of the church auditorium.
Dr. Roy Burroughs leads discussions
on modern ideals of the church.
10:45 a.m.-Morning worship serv-
ice. "What Should I Do?" is the ser-
mon subject chosen by Dr. Charles
W. Brashares for the second in his
series of Lenten sermons.
Stalker Hall for Young Men and
Women of College Age, Sunday:
12:10-12:40 p.m.- Young people
meet at this hour for an exchange of
modern Christian and social views.
6:00 p.m. -Wesleyan Guild Devo-
tional Service. President Edmund D.
Soper of Ohio Wesleyan University
will be the guest speaker. He will
have a message of interest to every-
one. Fellowship supper hour - after
the meeting.
Harris Hall: On Sunday morning
there will be a celebration of the Holy
Communion in the Williams Memo-
rial Chapel in Harris Hall, at 9:30
a.m. Sunday evening there will be
the regular student meeting at 7:00
o'clock. Professor Raymond Hoekstra
will be the leader of the discussion.
The topic will be, "Value and Re-
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Services of worship Sunday are: 8
a.m. Holy Communion, 9:30 a.m.
Church School, 11:00 a.m. Kinder-
garten, 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer
and Sermon by the Rev. Henry Lewis.
Sunday will be the second Choir
Sunday and the men and boys choir
will sing special anthems. Sunday
afternoon at 5 o'clock the Young Peo-
ple's Fellowship will meet in Harris
Presbyterian Student Appoint-

ments, Sunday:
9:30 a.m. - Student classes held at
the Church House.
10:45 a.m.-Morning worship.

Classified Directory
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
CLASSIFIED Careful work at low price. 4x
Place advertisements with Classified GOLD-RIMMED glasses ilk black case.
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214. Please return to Margaret Wind-
The classified columns close at five ham, 1501 Washtenaw or Call 2-
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no 3279.
e~xtra charge.
Cash in advance lic per reading line NOTICE
(on basis of five average words to
line) for one or two insertions. G.e.
10c per reading line for three or GOLFERS: Clubs rewound, refiished
more insertions. and reconditioned by experienced
Minimum 3 lines per insertion.
Telephone rate -15c per reading line expert. 25c per club, $1.00 for set of
for one or two insertions. seven or under. Phone 2-1717. 148
14c per reading line for three or
10% discousert fpaid within ten days WILL EXCHANGE one set of matched
from the date of last insertion.golf clubs, one pair of size nine
By contract, per line -2 lines daily, one ice skates and electric clock for a
month...........................8c canoe. Peterborough preferred. Box
4 lines E.O.D., 2 months ..........3c 13MihgnD ly14
2 lines daily, collegenyear 13, Michigan Daily. 149
4 lines E.O.D., college year ........7c
100 lines used as desired..........9c NEW AND USED CARS - Largest
300 pines used as desired ..........8c
1.000 lines used as desired ........7c selection in the country. Associated
2,000 lines used as desired.......6ce Motor Services, Inc. 31K W. Huron.
The above rates are per reading line,'
based on eight reading lines per inch. Ph. 2-3268. "Let's get acquainted."
Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add 10x
6e per line to above rates for all capital
letters. Add 6c per line to above for -__ ________
bold face, upper and lower case. Add WANTED
10c per line to above rates for bold face -
capital letters. STUDENTS with selling ability. Good
type above rates are for 7 point wages, steady employment. Apply
200 N. Main.
suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 dol-
STUDENT Hand Laundry. Prices rea- lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi-
sonable. Free delivery. Phone 3006. cago Buyers. Temporary office, 200
9x North Main . 7x


-Associated Press Photo.
With 18 other persons, Arlette Simon Stavisky, widow of the banker,
Serge Stavisky, whose suicide in 1934 started a national scandal in
France, was indicted in connection with her husband's operations. She
is shown with her .two daughters.
County Official Describes
Failure Of Old Age Pensions

A sidelight on the much-discussedI
Townsend Old Age Recovery plan was
given recently in a description of the
failure that has greeted the Michigan
old age pension plan as it has been
put into effect in Washtenaw County.
Mrs. Blanche Seabolt, member of
the county old age pension commis-
sion, and the county clerk recently re-
leased figures showing how the plan
is functioning. With the complete in-
adequacy of the head tax to supply
funds, according to Mrs. Seabolt, the
county commission has been able only
to continue payments on the few pen-
sions that were being paid last year,
and has been able to conduct no fur-
ther investigations into the number of
undoubtedly urgent cases which exist..
"There is no use in making further'
investigations when there is no money
"The Happiness of Misery." Dr. Wm.
P. Lemon.
5:30 p.m.-Social Hour and Sup-
6:30 p.m. --Student Forum. "What
Kind of a Utopian Are You?" Dis-
Congregational Church, Sunday:
10:30 a.m. -Service of worship
and religious education. Rev. Heaps
will speak on "The Charge of the
Three Hundred," continuing the ser-
ies on "The Old Testament and the
New Times."
Prof. Preston Slosson will give the
lecture at 11:30 on "Calvin and the
6:00 p.m. - Student Fellowship
7:30 p.m. -Address by Mary Belle
Oldridge, secretary of North Central,
Region S udent Volunteer Movement,
on "Toyh ko Kagawa, Social Reform-
Unitarian Church: Sunday evening
service at 5:15 o'clock. Rev. Marley's
topic will be, "Religion According To
The Masses," a review of the play,
"Within the Gates." Liberal Stu-
dents' Union meeting at 7:30. Eugene
Kuhne will talk on, "Adventures With
the C.C.C."
First Baptist Church and Roger
Williams Guild, Sunday, 10:45 a.m.,
Mr. Sayles will speak on "The Last
Discourse of Jesus." 12:00 noon, Stu-
dent group meets for study at the
Guild House. 6:00 p.m. Student
Forum in form of a debate participat-
ed in by four students.

to pay any pensions that might be
approved," Mrs. Seabolt said.
Yet Washtenaw county, she added,'
has led by far the rest of the state

Facts, Stories
Of 'Paris Gun'
T ldl B Miller

City's Milk Supply
Well Safeguarded

(Continued from Page 1)
to the dairy it is pasteurized.


in number of pensions granted out of -IL . N-7±Y.1 Y,
those eligible, and was the first
county to grant a pension under the Before a near-capacity audience in
legislation which passed in 1933. Thus
Washtenaw county, she said, is one the Natural'Science Auditorium Wed-
of the "better off" counties as far as nesday night, Col. Henry W. Miller,
the pension situation goes. Even with i head of the departmnt of mechanism
that standing, only 180 residents are and engineering drawing, considered
on the rolls out of an indefinite but In ngineerinredrawingtconsidered
far larger number of eligible persons,
F sbCAllied nations on long range artillery,
Figures supplied by C. E. Critten-dsridth md"Pr u"th
den, county treasure, show that the described the famed "Paris gun" that
last payments made under the head shelled the city of Paris from awvan-
tax law in this county were on Jan- tage point more than 70 miles away
uary 14. Collections reached a high during the last year of the World
point in February 1934, then dwindled -War.
away to almost nothing until August, Over a period of 44 days the seven
when under threat of civil suits, the "Paris guns" built by the German
delinquents paid up to reach a peak forces rained shells on Paris, Colonel
of $2,754. Miller brought out. More than 250



Pension Rate Low
Approximately $1,800 of the $10,-
034 collected so far is used in the
distribution of monthly payments to,
those persons over 70 years of age
whose applications for pensions have
been granted. The average sum going'
to each of these persons, and on
which they are presumably expected
to subsist for a month, is $10. This
affords an interesting contrast to the
$200 a month which the Townsend
plan proposes, and shows clearly why
that plan is becoming very popular
in this county.
When in addition it is taken into
consideration that the Washtenaw
county group has been credited by the
Michigan old age pension commission,
according to Mrs. Seabolt, with ren-
dering highly efficient service and
having an extremely low overhead,
the situation in other parts of the
state and the corresponding amount
of popular sentiment in favor of such
an at least apparently plausible plan
as the Townsend scheme is easily
Funds Exhausted
The state appears to be at a dead
loss as to where the pensions they
have legislated shall come from. The
poll tax was proved economically
sound and the problem of funds was
considered unimportant as compared
with administration at the outset of
the program, but now, while in some
places the administration costs more
for a county than the amount of pen-
sions issued, no alternative solution
has been considered, she said.
Mrs. Seabolt's suggestion as to

people were killed, approximately
$10,000,000 damage accrued, and for
the only day during the entire war,
on Saturday, March 23, 1918, the
City of Paris completely shut down
its business activity - all as a result
of these "Paris guns."
With the tubing on these guns
measuring 98 feet, powder used cap-
able of 70,000 pounds pressure, shells
weighing 228 pounds shot out by a
force of 2,000,000 pounds pressure,
these "Paris guns" have never been
equalled by any of the Allied pow-
ers, according to Colonel Miller.
where money was to come from to
continue the present system of pen-
sions when the head tax fund runs
out, as it inevitably will, having no
income, is to divert a certain portion
of the liquor tax money to the sup-
port of the aged. Turning some of
these funds from the support of the
schools to the payment of old age
pensions would, -she believes, solve
the problem, and cause no further
difficulty in so doing. The head tax,
she says, is absolutely dead, and
something must take its place.

iect pasteurization calls for heating
the milk to a temperature of at least
142 degrees Fahrenheit for not less
than 30 minutes. After heating, an
ordinance provides it must be imme-
diately cooled t not more than 50
degrees and held that low until deliv-
ery to the consumer.
Mr. Barnum explained that all op-
erations after the milk has been put
into the heater are mechanical, in-
cluding cooling, bottling and capping.
An automatic temperature recorder
is attached to the heater and the
charts checked regularly by the City
Milk Inspector.
Samples are taken from each
dairy's supply after it has been placed
on the wagons and bacteriological
tests made to determine the efficiency
of the dairy. Records of the tempera-
ture charts and the bacteriological
tests enable Mr. Barnum to prevent
contamination of the milk supply once
it has reached the dairy's hand.
Will be treated fair and square.
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