The Weather Rain Saturday, turning to snow flurries at night; much. colder, generally fair Sunday. A6F Akoo fE~ait Editorials Tennessees Of Another Sort .. . America's Ballyhoo ... VOL. XLV. No. 122 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 16, 1935 PRICE FIVE CENTS Slayer Of Boy S till D4 Ili At Large: Officers Think Letter Sent To Streehers Is Work Of Crank Some Fingerprints On Sled Unknown Lose 'Possible Clue As Clothes Ae Destroyed Before Examination YPSILANTI, March 15. - (A) -The investigation of the mysterious slay- ing March 7 of seven-year-old Rich- ard Streicher, Jr., centered in this city again today after two officers returned from Elkhart, Ind., reporting they had gained no information of value in that city. The officers, Sergeant Ernest Kla- vitter and Trooper Clarkson of the state police spent the day in Elkhart, reporting when they returned here that a letter sent to Richard P. Strei- cher, father of the slain youth, appar- ently was the work of a crank. The letter offered valuable information about the crime. The Streichers lived in Elkhart three years ago. Fingerprints Found Fingerprints other than those of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Streicher were found, on the sled with which their son, Richard, 7 years old, was playing in the hour before he disappeared a' week ago Thursday, it was revealed late yesterday by Patrolman William Franklin, fingerprint expert of the Ypsilanti police. It was the first definite clew leading I to the detection of the. killer of the boy which the police have uncovered so far in a week of investigation. The fingerprints of the parents are not considered of significance, since both handled the sled after it was found leaning against the outs. wall of the Streicher apartment house, after Richard had vanished. .< Police at first paid little attention to the sled, or to the theory that it might yield a clew to the killer. Later William Franklin, Ypsilanti patrol- man and fingerprint expert, was as- signed to that angle of the case, and found more than 11 fingerprints on the sled. He took fingerprints of both the dead boy's parents and yester- day made his comparisons. The prints tallied in several instances, but not in all, Chief Southard revealed. Be- yond that, he refused to be quoted, except to say that investigation along thisrline would be pushed with new vigor. Clothes Destroyed Loss of a. possible valuable clew was revealed yesterday, when it was ascer- tained that the clothes found on the boy's body had been burned before police had examined them. Lynn Schaeffer, a partner in the J. C. Moore Funeral Home, said he held the clothes at the undertaking parlor for a day and a half after the body was brought there, then asked Mrs. Streicher what disposition to make of them. She told him that she did n want to see them again and he burned. them up. Schaeffer, said that while the hel- met of the lad had been cut by the instrument, presumably a knife, which had caused the boy's death, there were no knife cuts in the boy's jacket, a shirt or undershirt that he could re- call. Some of the buttons were fas- tened. It is believed that the killer had partially unfastened the boy's clothing before inflicting the fatal wounds. Prof. Bryson Will Speak On Lecture Series The addition of Prof. Lyman Lloyd Bryson of the Teachers College at Columbia to the University Lecture Series was announced yesterday by Wilfred B. Shaw, director of alumni relations, who arranged for the lec- ture. Professor Bryson will speak here Thursday on the subject, " An Ex- periment in Community Education." One of the leaders in the field of the adult education movement, Profes- sor Bryson lately led the discussion of a community forum conducted at Des Moines, Iowa, and will lead the first session of the recently organized local Community Forum, Sunday, March 24, on the subject, "Are We Strachey Says Overthrow Of Government Not His Purpose By FRED WARNER NEAL "There is a dictatorship of the prole- Leaning back in a comfortable chair tariat to be sure, but Stalin has no and sipping a toddy, tall, heavy, dark- dictatorial powers. He does only what complexioned John Strachey, British the Communist party allows him to radical economist, answered questions do." and talked freely afterheescaped In contrast with the prevalent be- from the mob that besieged him at lief of autocracy in Italy and Ger- the conclusion of his speech here Fri- many, Strachey stated emphatically day night. that "there are no absolute dictator- Asked if he believed it possible for ships in either of those countries. The the economic order of the United personal power of both Mussolini and Stats t chngeand til reaintheHitler is greatly exaggerated in the States to change and still retain the United States. Mussolini is bound to present form of government under the obey the capitalists in Italy, and constitution, Stracoey said: "From Hitler is but the tool of capitalists in what I know of your government, I Germany." believe it is possible. However, I would estin. say it is improbable that such a thing Questioned point blank, "Do you could come about. sadvocate the overthrow of the United coul com abot."States?" the English communist re- "I'll have to be a little evasive here," turned emphatically, "I do not." he replied when asked whether he When asked "Did you enter the would prefer communism under a dic- United States under false pretenses," tatorship to, capitalism under democ- he said, "No sir." The "inside" of his racy. "I can only say that communism arrest in Chicago, he said, was merely is never a dictatorship and capitalism an attempt of the United States gov- never a democracy." ernment "to prevent me from speak- "But, Mr. Strachey," he was asked, ing. They were denying the right of "Is there not a dictatorship under free speech. And I can prove to them, Stalin in Russia now?" I think, that it is not a deportable of- "I should say not," he retorted. (Continued on Page 6) Ohio Wesleyan President Will' SpeakSunday Dr. Edmund D. Soper To Feature Local Church Program Tomorrow A k by Dr. Edmund D. Soper, presi- nt of Ohio Wesleyan Univer- sity, will feature the program of Ann Arbor churches tomorrow. Dr. Soper will be the guest speaker at the Wesleyan Guild Service to be held at 6 p.m. Sunday in Stalker Hall, In the morning service at 10:45 a.m. in the First Methodist Episcopal Church the Rev. Charles W. Brashares will deliver a sermon on "What Should I Do?" as the sec- ond in his Lenten series. A series of Sunday night illus- trated lectures will be inaugurated tomorrow when the Rev. C. A. Brauer speaks on "Jesus, The Light of the World" at 7 p.m. in the St. Paul's Lutheran Church. The subject for the morning sermon at 10:45 a.m. will be "Faith Triumphant." Mary Belle Oldridge, secretary of the North Central Region Student Volunteer Movement, will discuss I "Toyhiko Kagawa, Social Reformer" at 7:30 p.m. in the Congregational Church. The Rev. Allison Ray Heaps' series on "The Old Testament in the New Times" will be continued at 10:30 a.m. with a sermon on "TheI Charge of the Three Hundred." The educational feature of the service will be a lecture by Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the history department on "Calvin and the Puritans." The Rev. William P. Lemon has chosen "The Happiness of Misery" as the subject of his sermon to be delivered at 10:45 a.m. in the Pres- byterian Church. At 6:30 p.m. a stu- dent forum will be held on the sub- ject, "What Kind of a Utopian Are You?" "Religion According To the Mass- es," a review on the Sean O'Casey play "Within the Gates," will be the subject of the Rev. Harold P. Mar- ley's sermon at 5:15 p.m. in the Uni- tarian Church. Eugene Kuhne, '35, will speak to the Liberal Students' Union meeting at 7:30 p.m. on "Ad- ventures With the CCC." Rabbi Bernard Heller will discuss "From Shushim To Munich, a Prime Analogy," in the service to be held at 11:15 a.m. in the League Chapel. Actives Are Badly Upset As Pledges Make Plume Calls Active members of one of the local tongs had just settled down after sending the pledges out on the Hell Week scavenger hunt at midnight Thursday night, when the phone rang, and a very authoritative voice asked to speak to the house presi- dent. When the house president answered, he was told, "This is the desk ser- geant down at the police station, and we have picked up a man who claimsI to be a pledge at your house, for dis- turbing the peace. Please come down and see about it." The president gasped, and turned to tell the rest of the brothers the bad news, but before he had a chance to get a cab and go down, one, more sus- picious than the rest, phoned the po- lice station for verification. He was told that no such call had been made. The house had no sooner settled dow tha th phn agaan This time it was one of the cab com- panies calling to verify an order for five cabs- to take several sick mem- bers to the Health Service. When he had been told it was a mistake, the members sat around for an hour, ner- vously awaiting the next waggish call from the now suspected pledges. An inquisition at lunch yesterday brought out the fact that the pledges had held a rendezvous at the police station the night before, where the plot against the active chapter's sleep and peace of mind had been hatched. Relief Amendment AdoptedBy .Senate WASHINGTON, March 15 -(/P)- I The Senate today adopted the Admin- istration compromise amendment to the $4,880,000,000 relief bill allowing lower than prevailing wages on all except permanent public building projects so long as they do not "af- fect adversely" the going private scale. The action came after rejection, 50 to 38, of the McCarran amendment requiring payment of prevailing wages on all projects. The two votes broke the long dead- lock over this issue between organized labor and the White House and as-} sured the final passage of the $4,880,-1 000,000 bill by early next week. Both Michigan Senators, James Couzens and Arthur H. Vandenberg, voted in favor of the McCarran amendment. DefenseFund Is Refused ByStrachey Interrupts Detroit Lecture To Halt Collection By Judge Candidatej Refused New Haven School For Letirei Chicago Dean Says Fuss About 'College Reds' Is Highly Overworked DETROIT, March 15 --()-Evelyn John St. Loe Strachey, British lectur- er and Communist advocate, whose deportation is being sought by the United States, interrupted his lecture before a packed audience tonight to halt a collection of defense funds. Maurice Sugar, candidate for judge of Detroit's Recorder's Court, whose campaign card designates no party, took the stage as Strachey closed the first part of his discourse on "The Coming Struggle for Power" and asked an audience of 1,109 persons to contribute to a fund to fight Stra- chey's deportation case. The British lecturer stepped for- ward and denied that he had author- ized such a collection. "Well, if Strachey needs no collec- tion," said Sugar, "there is an urgent need to fight Fascism in Detroit." Collections proceeded but behind the stage curtain Strachey censured Sugar before returning to the stage to answer questions. In his main discourse, the British lecturer reiterated the opinions he expressed before a student audience in Ann Arbor Thursday night, that, "the capitalistic system was doomed to destruction." He characterized the deportation proceedings in Chica- go as evidence that the capitalistic system was in "a decidedly precarious position." Earlier Strachey told interviewers that he found points of similarity be- tween the doctrines and methods of the Rev. Charles E. Coughlin and Adolph Hitler. He said the only tend- encies of Fascism he had observed in this country were the movements sponsored by Sen. Huey P. Long S(Dem.-La.). Strachey said he considered the immediate political situation in; America to be the clash between Gen-. eral Johnson, representing the ad- ministration adherents, Fr. Coughlin, and Huey Long. NEW HAVEN, Conn., March 15. -. (M)-Education officials tonight re- fused to permit the use of the New Haven High School Monday night for an address by Evelyn John Strachey, British Communist, but his sponsor, the Social Problems Club of Yale, said he would lecture anyway. The refusal to permit Strachey to lecture in a school was said by the Board of Education Committee / on School Buildings to have resulted from the economist's arrest on charges he entered the country illegally. The Yale News assailed city officials editorially for their action. CHICAGO, March 15.-(P)-George A. Works, dean of students at the University of Chicago, thinks the fuss about "college reds" is a "tempest in I a teapot." "There is a great deal more to fear," he said today, "from Huey Long and his ideas." Although a University of Chicago professor furnished bond for Evelyn John St. Loe Strachey, communist lecturer, at his recent deportation hearing, Dean Works declared that therewere no communists on the fac- ulty and that radicals comprised only about one per cent of the student body. As for a popular notion that colleges breed radicals he said: "Education tends to make one con- servative. Universities have many times as many conservatives as they do radicals. He stated only two of 125 student organizations, the National Student League and the Socialist Club, had radical leanings and that less than a' dozen communists roamed the cam- pus. But the minority gained notice. 3 Pass Hauptnan On Way To Chair TRENTON, N. J., March 15 -(I)-- Walking one by one past the cell of Bruno Richard Hauptmann, three convicted murderers met death in the Post Forced Down When Oxygen Fails Lands Safely At Cleveland On Second Attempt To Better Record Plane Carried No Radio Transnitter Of Revenue For University Looms O fficials Estimate Averaged 340 In Last 2 Hours1 Plane M.P.H. Up CLEVELAND, March 15. --(P) -I Wiley Post, round-the-world flier, seeking a new Los Angeles to New York airplane record by a strato- sphere flight, landed safely at Cleve- land airport at 5:20 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, today. Post was forced to abandon his flight when his supply of oxygen for him to breath ran too low for him to continue. He made a good landing and a few minutes later was engaged in the task of getting out of his stratosphere suit. Airport officials said that during the last two hours of his flight Post had made a speed of approximately 340 miles an hour between Los Angeles and Cleveland. He had hoped to make the 2,447-mile distance from Los An- geles to New York in eight hours or less. Today's failure was the second time recently that the Oklahoma flier had fallen short of his hope of breaking the transcontinental record of 10 hours and two minutes, now held by Col. Roscoe Turner. Only a few weeks ago, he attempted a similar flight but was forced down in a Western desert by engine trouble. He consequently charged that some- one, unidentified had put steel filings or emery dust in the motor of his pow- erful plane, the Winnie Mae. At his destination, Floyd Bennett Field, New York, a huge crowd which had gathered to watch Post land was disappointed. Post's forced landing is "no dis- couragement," Frank Phillips, Bar- tlesville (Okla.) oil magnate and spon- sor of the flight, said in New York. He added, "We will continue our ef- forts to perfect stratosphere flights." Post left Los Angeles at 9:15 a.m., carrying no wireless sending appara- tus. As costume for the flight, Post had a sixteen-pound oxygen and pressure suit, "fearfully and wonderfully made." It included a rubber "inner tube" and an outer garment of heavy cloth with accessory to match - a visored- aluminum helmet, all for protection against intense cold and ultra-thin air of high altitudes. Post's specially made suit, resem- bling a deep-sea diver's apparatus, was necessitated by stratosphere tem- peratures of around 60adegrees below zero, Fahrenheit, and air pressure of about one-third the sea-level normal of 14.7 pounds to the square inch. In such thin air, he could not breathe long, and the hypo-pressure would cause his nose, ears and possibly eyes to bleed. To forestall such con- tingencies, a generator in the cabin of his plane feeds his helmet with oxygen under pressure. NAME NAVY CHIEF WASHINGTON, March 15.--(P)- President Roosevelt today nominated Rear Admiral Adolphus Andrews, former aide to President Coolidge, to be chief of the navy bureau of navi- gation and Capt. Harold G. Bowen as chief of the bureau of engineering with the rank of rear admiral. Shamrock From Erin Is A Rarity In U. S. WASHINGTON, March 15 -OP)-- Irishmen in America will find it prac- tically impossible to buy a shamrock from the ould sod for this St. Pat- rick's Day. Luchien Memminger, American consul general at Belfast, in an arti- cle in the American Foreign Journal, said that though many Irish folks send sprigs of the plant here each year, the plant itself can not be ad- mitted unless roots have been washed and plants and packing materials are free from soil. This is because of government rules on plant imports. Flood Drives 600 Families From Homes National Guardsmen Give Alarm In Time -To Save Farm Livestock (By Associated Press) The turbulent St. Francis River tore a gap in the levee at Kennett, Mo., Friday and surged over a mile- wide area, driving 600 families from their homes. Four National Guard companies that had been patrolling the wall gave the alarm in time to save most of the livestock, and army tents were as- sembled to shelter the refugees. Before the Kennett levee was washed away the Red Cross had esti- mated the flood homeless at 5,000, and it was feared the number might be doubled by Saturday. Backwaters of the Mississippi inundated 3,000 acres in Perry County, Mo. The danger was lessening in Illi- nois, and the Ohio River Valley for the most part, although forecasts of rain held - a threat of rising waters again this week-end. A crest of 52 feet was expected at Cincinnati, where the stage yesterday was 50 feet. West Portsmouth, O., was isolated by the Ohio and Scioto Rivers, and at Mays- ville, Ky., 50 miles east of Cincinnati, residents of the lower parts of the city were moving to dry land. At Beardstown, Ill., the Illinois river had reached the 16.2 foot stage - highest since 1933, but the seawall built after the disastrous flood of 1927 protected the city. At Shaw- neetown, just below the juncture of the Wabash and Ohio, the river was rising rapidly and menacing the countryside, although Shawneetown itself was not in danger. The stage was 35.2 yesterday and a crest of 45 feet was predicted by rivermen. Saline County, Illinois, which was 40 per cent water in mid-week, was drying speedily and residents were moving back home. Resorts in Southern St. Louis Coun- ty, Mo., were under 10 feet of water from the rampage of the Meramec River, but the crest had passed last night. Cottages in the area were un- occupied and damage was probably small. Abolition Of Mill Tax Is Likely; May Use General Fund For Appropriation Ruthven Approves Proposed Change Appropriation Would Be Increased $64,000 By Legislative Move LANSING, March 15.- ()- Mill taxes which have been the princial support of the University of Michigan and Michigan State College for many years were voted out of existence by the Legislature today. With them went the $3,500,000 state property tax, which is levied solely to meet mill tax appropriations, and the way was paved for abolition of the state tax commission A technical mixup will delay for a few days final enactment of the mea- mures repealing the mill taxes. The Senate previously had passed almost identical bills. Instead of concurring, the House passed bills of its own origin. The Senate next week will re- mall its measures and pass on the House bills. Despite scattered opposition, the University bill went through the House by a vote of 75 to 16. The vote >n the Michigan State measure was almost the same. Opponents contend- :d nothing would be gained as money for the institutions will have to come from some other source. Companion bills are pending providing that ap- oropriations be made from the general funds, with the mill taxes as a yard- stick to fix the size. By THOMAS H. KLEENE The Reed Bill, which was intro- duced into the State Legislature on February 18, will, if enacted, definite- ly establish the general fund as the Source of income for the University. This measure is reported to be under consideration by a committee at Lan- sing. The University was formerly sup- ported principally by the mill tax, the abolition of which was virtually as- 3ured by the action of the State Leg- islature yesterday. A continued "measured" appropria- ion for the University equal to .73 of a mill on each dollar of the assessed valuation of the taxable property of :he state is proposed in the Reed Bill. Such a shift in the source of the U~niversity income has the approval , President Alexander G. Ruthven, who stated recently that he believed t better to take the money for the appropriation from the general fund rather than from any particular tax. It was also predicted at the same ime by President Ruthven that the Jniversity would annually receive, under the proposed set-up in the neighborhood of $4,064,000, an in crease of $64,000 over the annual in- ,ome of the University at the present time. It was explained by President Ruth- ven that these estimates are based on ;he present assessed valuation of tax- able property in the state. The figure which was sent to the ;tate director of the budget as the amount necessary to operate the Uni- 7ersity for the next year was $4,080,- )00, $16,000 more than the appropria- ion would be under the Reed bill. Federal Agents Open Drive Against Crime WASHINGTON, March 15 -(A)- More than 1,500 in jail, and contra- band valued in the millions were the rewards tonight of a swift and gigan- tic campaign which linked all the agents of the treasury in a concerted offensive. Secretary of the. Treasury Henry Morgenthau, Jr., today expressed himself as extremely pleased with the result of the first day's crime drive which had netted 1,747 prison- ers just before nightfall. Narcotic peddlers and addicts, smugglers, counterfeiters, liquor tax evaders, violators of every law for which the Treasury, holds enforce- - -- -:~nrs..:ii--< rv. - A-, , rs _:.: . " Shift In Source Many Safeguards Guarantee Purity Of City's Milk Supply, Studies Take Back Seat When Spring Comes To Ann Arbor By WILLIAM H. FLEMING Down in the basement of the City Hall is a combination office and lab- oratory where Harold J. Barnum, City Milk Inspector, does the work of en- forcing the City Milk Ordinances and protecting the public from poor and unsanitary milk. Mr. Barnum's records show that there are on the average 250 farms producing milk for the Ann Arbor market. The ordinances provide that those farms must keep their cattle free from tubefculosis, otherwise healthy, and free from dirt. The stables must be adequately drained, proper ventilation maintained and a proper water supply available both to determine its purity. At least once a month tests are taken of the milk of each producer, and straining tests are made to determine the amount of dirt in it. Methylene blue tests are also made to determine the keeping quality. A record is kept of each producer on these points, and he is given a rs~ting. Mr. Barnum said that the keeping quality of milk is directly related to the number of bacteria present. "The more bacteria present in the milk, the faster the blue indicator disap- pears," Mr. Barnum explained. "By the addition of methylene blue to a sample of milk and the application of heat, the number of bacteria pres- ent can be determined." Mr. Bar- num added that if the milk remains It appeared yesterday that Ann Arbor had become just "a leetle tetched in the haid." People were going around doing the darndest things: taking "Ask Me Another" tests, playing marbles, whacking away at "bean porridge hot" and, oh yes, studying, some of them. Although our investigators report that snow will probably fall in abun- dance soon after this paper is in your hands, the robins - fat little har- bingers of spring -, bless their feath- ers, were momentarily in abundance.- The childhood pastime of stamping one's left palm with the moistened thumb of one's right hand, and then whacking' the left palm with the right Street, a practice customarily depre- cated at Michigan. Although the arboretum was adhe- sive with large quantities of thick mud, experts agreed that if spring stays for three or four days Ann Ar- bor's favorite skiing place will be a suitable background for more ro- mantic activities. Officials at the University Hospital reported no heat prostrations yes- terday, but predicted a brisk business today and tomorrow should the mer- cury continue its stratospheric aspira- tions. With March 1, traditional break-. the-ice day, past without the cus- tomary observance, Barton Pond ob- servers are, however, still waiting for the first swimmers. In the local taverns (the proprie-