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March 15, 1935 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-03-15

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FRIAY, MWARCH 15, 1935

English Nobility Introduces New Double

Breasted Jacket Model Suit

Single Button Care Of Clothing
Jackets Model That Studied
Wins Approval o ev that air of studied
carelcssne. s in otr dress, that is to
Has Rolled Lapels;Some y i yO want to be the type of
H,_ae ; sn that "Vaketwo h3urs to dress
Models Carried In New ind Lock; as i he toog ten minutes,"
Side Vent Effects :hen talk care of your cloches.
ent=4_ aile the gen ral fashion tendency
is to steer clear of specific rules and
Nobility, English and American, {egaions, chem aic nevertheless
started this new idea on the double- 1ertairn pin iples as applied to the
breasted jacket model, for it was I ac of fhe wacrd3_b which any man
first worn in Eng- Iu ,t kinw and oo. erve if he would
land by the Duke 'z;ore p:ar in :nait appcarance.
of Kent and Doug- Beginning at the top of the en-
las Fairbanks, Sr., :emblj, the first point irlates to the
Lt a swanky affair .are ao hats. Ha-s should be placed
nLondon's swanky a a helf above the clothing in a
West End about a wardrcie cioe.. 'o rota.n the ap-
year ago. Featur- pjaan e anad cri inal shape of felt
! ing a long rolling hat-- and drie-, they should be
lapel that buttons dace d on the shell in an upsidej
on the lower but- :own po-ition w h the hat r=sting onE
ton, the jacket is being carried on the c° vwn and n e side of the brim.
to national ponularity at a speed )pera hats should always be placed
that has not been experienced by n a )ox and left "sprung." Felt hats
any style that has made its appear- Ihcqtld be brushed regularly before,
ante in the last few years. -ind after wearing.I
Describing it in detail, the lower i Par icular vae should be cxercised,
button comes up a bit higher, about I with retpect to sack dress, in the
level with the pocket line, thereby choice of hangers for the jacket and
eliminating any, ne-- _ ___


Necessary For
Carelessness Air
trousers of suits for buisness and
lounge wear. The best hanger is one
of w ihbone type with an attachment
for hanging trousers by the cuffs.
When su-pended from the cuffs, the
ull weight of the trousers is brought
to bear in retaining an unbroken
eie .Oad rrouse;.s and flannels
should be held in place by small
trouser hangers suspended from the
Suits, too, should be brushed reg-
ularly before wearing and before
hanging away. A whisk broom is
preferable to the ordinary clothes
brush for this purpose. Contrary to
general opinion, *oa frequent press-
ings should be avoided for the sake
of preserving the vitality of the ma-
terial. When pressing becomes neces-
ary, steam-pressing is best since it
does not produce a shine.
Formal clothing commands the
most exact.ng atten ion and care of
all. With the exception of the silk
trim, however, the treatment ac-
oorded is the same as that for bus-
iness clothes. Formal clothes should
be brushed regularly with a whisk
broom before wearing and before
hanging away. Again, they should
not be pressed too frequently nor
should they be cleaned except when
necessary. A hot iron should never be
applied directly to the surface of
silk facings but the przessing may be
accomplished by pressing the reverse
side of the material.
As for the accessories, the best
suggestion is to establish your own
special system for "filing" your shirts,
collars, ties, studs, socks, and hand-
Not the least important in a well-
ordered wardrobe are the shoes. They
may conveniently be arranged in
the bottom of the closet on two
shelves, placed at an angle with a
thin strip of wood at the top to allow
the shoes to rest in place by support-
ing them at the heels. All shoes and
boots should be kept in trees when
not in use, and should be polished
every time they are worn.
LANSING, March 14.-(A) - The
Legislature Wednesday ordered an
investigation of oil and gasoline mar-
keting practices in Michigan.

It's A Shirred Back

Some Timely Recommendations
R e gar ding A Few Odds & Ends


It is a little early, we admit, to
talk about accessories for spring
wear. bqt the time has come when
we must speak of many things.
As long as we are giving you a
hit of spring and summer fashion
pep talk on these pages--just to
help you while away an hour or
two--we will pause to F
tell you t h a
trend to both bi Urw
buckskin 'h,' , .and
all-whit c hs orrt
the w ay ow 1a r n'c -
iery of other white with s rong col-
5in (aC(. de Pti1or definite col-
:s that will go well along with the
st of (,m', eirseible. The former
pa±'t.1I'1y desirabl for wear
= h the v 1-white :ho::. For the
Syp s f shoes described, hosiery
nted 1i pastel shades will no longer
'.) accep table
Ansther Httle tip, as long as we
re dwlling on imen's accessories, is
the ever-3rowing popularity of the
ailed pol, shirt.
It has attarled such popularity
during The past two years that
many new ideas, some good and
:ome not so good, have been taken
from it, or add.ed to it. The latest
of these seems to be one that should
meet with general approval, and it
has already been
a ecce p'ted by
those who are
'lo w i n th e'-
-warmer climates.
it is a polo shirt
model cf flan-
ael or sanforized
cotton flannel
plaid.with quar-
ter - length
sleeves and three-button opening
at the neck. The collar itself has
been made so that it may be worn
with a'tie-either a four-in-hand or
a bat bow. The latter innovation
should give it added utility, and cer-
tainly make it more acceptable than
the ordinary polo shirt. It will prove

excepionally smart for golf, cruise,
and general "knocking about" wear.
And then there is the question of
a belt. After all you can't very well
wear the old brilliant hued galluses
of high school clays.
3ut you can be
?.art and "bright" f
, in order to get
'cat needed touch 4
color with grey
lannel slacks or
!nen beach suits,
e recommend in A
>e form of an ad- 4
-nce bit of irn-
mation for the

Best For Golf
re of th ? a Striki*; 7 nd Int-t
7olf outfits sponsored by the Prince
Wals, i; made utp of roomy con-
"tvi. loosely- ut gray flannel
rousers, a rwd and white plaid flan-
nel polo shirt, brown buckskin golf
hoes, and red and white horizontal
iped IL 1, hase.
Golf wear, in general, has tend3d
oward the sla ok-shirt combination,
nd sma: ly deessed men have en-
irely given up knick-:rs and sock-
c~rt~f-i nnh-rtinC t!lnt chPr

.varmer season, briohtly dolored .w e UimnIU.AI'ns. oU1U sLLIL111s*
'adder print foulard puggaree belts. svhile bright, are more subtle and
'hey serve a dual purpose and arc :tudied, but the primary ccnsidrera-
really smart fashion. Lion is flexibility and comfort. Polo
shirts are offered in plain colors,
PAROLE 30 PRISONERS 'notably navy blue and maroon and
LANSING, March 14.-{AP) -_Jo- in many combinations and designs.
se1h C. Armstrong, pardons and pa Reds, blues, greens, yellows, tans, and
roles commissioner, released 30 pr off shades are blended and contrasted
d pisonin plaids, checks, stripes (both solid
:nmates today on parole as a result of color wide stripes and pin stripes),
jobs offered following his statewide and cross weaves. Variety and inter-
plea for employment for 300 prisoners. Iest will prevail on the links.

Would you wear a bow tie? Re-
gardless of what you might say now,,
the chances are ten to one you will
before school's over for the year,
because they're really getting a big
boost. Better colors than you'd ever
imagine possible. Rep stripes are on
top, though foulard is coming up
strong. and also cashmere wool in
Indian prints. You may give in re-
luctantly but it's going to be hard
.o resist the new color ideas that
you'll see. Wash ties, although the
bane of the clothing world, have
been taken to the public's heart, and
manufacturers have swallowed their
pride long enough to come out with
excellent color schemes in this in-
cxpensive neckwear. Plaids and
check effect, with stripes bidding for
a look in is the story. Chances are
you'll want some of the lighter col-
ored, softer knits, too. Diagonal
stripes are the top notch thing there.'

Shirred Back Is
Current Favorite
The pleated, or rather shirred back
as it is properly called, shown in this
picture is the absolute zenith in men's
sports wear for spring and summer.
You will notice that the coat is
more fitted at the waistline than in
previous year's models and the drape
is also longer.
Although you can't see the front,
the style is a three-button affair with
the lapels being a cross between a
notch and pointed style. This model,!
of course, is shown mostly in the
very rough but soft tweeds and is
good in any kind of a design from a
herringbone to a salt and pepper.
We warn you now that, although
the bi-swing backs are still on thes
market, they have lost much of their
prestige, especially the double-breast-
ed bi-swing which we believe defi-
nitely passe for this season.



- u a\- m* -





That's Smooth"
That's what you'll say about our
new Spring Suits. You'd never
believe you could get such hon-
est, authentic styling and tailor-
ing in reasonably priced clothes.
s are tops both in Style and Value.
n there's a lounge suit with a smart,


The new

\Mf l



that will interest meii
There's quality that is
Styling that gives n
to the masculine figu
that keeps the style th
rics selected for their
and serviceable qualit
will surprise all.

you'll like.

Six different collar

styles and dozens of new patterns in ARROW shirts. Unusually fashionable
bow ties. Brown buck shoes. By all means have a look at these fine fashions.

There's always "one coat" that definitely stands
out each season. For Spring '35 . .. it's "Malibu"
... because it's different. . . the most original
the smartest!
"Malibu" with its lounge, soft front . . . with the
square cavalry patch pockets... with the inverted
pleat blouse back . .. and of course, "Malibu" is
$27.50 to $35.00


2 AND $2.50 TIES $1.

We invite you to come in, try them on if you'

care to...and compare. We are certain they
are unequalled.



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