FRJDAY, MARCH 15, 1935
Striking Styles
Will Be Shown
In New Shoes
Low-Heeled Footwear For
Evening Will Again Be
Blue Popular Color
Cloth Weaves, Contrasts
Are Added Features This
Shoe fashions this season are
startling as they have never been
before. Trends illustrate the triumph
of comfort over any other consider-
ation in women's footwear, yet this
fact does not detract from the smart-
ness and beauty demanded by wo-
men to offset each striking costume.
One of the most outstanding fea-
tures in this revolution of shoe his-
t.ory is the model having both a
square heel and square toe, designed
by Palter De Liso. His display is
charming with the stepped-up lines
in both sandals and pumps, which
are'offered in calfskin, satin, or kid.
Low Heels Fashionable
Speaking of comfort and revolu-
tion, there is an unusual slipper of
Georgian inspiration, made of a sat-
in-like material that is as flexible as
a glove and with not so much as a
vestige of a heel. Taller girls will be
delighted to find that evening shoes
with low heels or with none at all are
just as promising this season as last;
very chic and naive.
For evening wear there is a vari-
ety of intricately cut sandals. One
pair in green and gold kid, with an
open-work effect but which does not
highlight the toes is exceedingly
smart. Contrasting shades, which
are most .popular in street and sport
wear, are also good for evening. We
find many combinations with gold
for formal wear, and similar tastes
in silver and contrasting shades to
blend with the costume.
For Conservative Tastes
For the conservative taste, satin
sandals and pumps are being shown,
promising their usual popularity.
Antelope opera pumps that were so
new and fashionable last season
promise a successful season again
this year.
One of the newest trends features
bows. Trim and jaunty is the slipper
in blue, brown, or black kidskin with
a contrasting stitching and bow of
silk grosgrain. Six bow looks decorat-
ing the front of sleek spring opera
pumps of blue or; black kidkin, or
patent leather are very distinctive.
Fabric pumps, a footnote for this
spring, with a trim in shiny patent
leather also boast the smart bow of
Perhaps the very high cut oxford
has caught your eye. It is shown in
navy blue gabardine with a six eye-
let tie. Perforations which go com-
pletely through the lining, and open-
work effects are accented in the high
cut oxford.
Contrasts Demanded
Animal And Bird Designs Are Latest
In Fashionable Spring Print Dresses
If you're one of those people who
has always avoided print dresses be-
cause you always thought they were
much too\ giddy, you're due for a
pleasant surprise this spring.
A baik-to-nature movement is being
shown by the new prints on display
in local shops, and although flower
prints have always been popular, a
new note is struck by animal prints.
One of the most unusual is a cape
ensemble with a starfish print in white
on a navy background. Maybe you
think starfish are a bit bizarre (we
did too when we first heard about
it), but when you see it you'll change
your mind. It's not only conservative,
but it is very good looking. Capes are
going to be the peak of style this
spring and this one is especially grace-'
ful. It gives a soft draped effect, and
is fastened at thet neck with an un-
usual white clip.
A bird in flight on a brown back-
ground is the design used on another
print dress we especially liked. With
this design you wouldn't want any
fussy details on the dress, and the
designers have' respected your wishes
by keeping the style very simple. The
only accent is a flattering ascot tie
of the same material.
College women are going to like the
new costume suit, which is being
shown by all the shops. It's one of
they turfrnt t'noI ' larw.e anid too
ra'i'i'v1 'wid'-nec; ,,we saw was our'
idea ofiti- t'f.c fl:i inthe 1use J
Sroolj t '1 JLl' 1. ' t"~ a loiflO j trim-
1 ~ 100k)1in.nay id\ p,' xvwihlapels, and
'Rumbana' Scarf Is
New Spring Novelty
Something new in scarves is the
"Rumbana," featured in Carole Lom-
:ard's picture "Rumba." It depicts
a "Map of Hollywood" and is a large
cotton handkerchief. It may be ac-
quired in a variety of color combina-
tions, such as red and white, brown
and white, or green and white.
raffetas are good for spring, as
are silk piques, crepes, linens, chan-
twugs and cottons. Gaiety is the last
word in style, so plaids, stripes,
Larger Checks
And Plaids Are
Seen In Coats
Coats are very versatile this spring,
so much so in fact that we are begin-
ning to have hopes that the feminine
population of the campus will not be
dressed with all the startling original-
ity of a regiment of soldiers this sea-
son and that there will be a little va-
riety in the college scene.
In materials as weil as in styles
there is a wide range. For sports wear
there are the ever-popular and de-
lightfully rough and ready English
tweeds, Strooks camelshair and Krag-
shire, a new pebbly cloth. Then for
sports purposes which are not quite so
sporty, a fine distinction, there are
flannels and sheer wools in waffle
cloth or ribbonette.
One of the most popular styles for
Asthin wool is the belted coat in;a
fine check, made with notched collar
and ornamented by huge wooden but-
tons. Larger checks and plaids are also
popular as well as diagonally striped
As for styles, the belted swagger is
exceptionally popular, but the fitted
style and the semi-fitted, which fea-
tures a half belt, are also good. In
keeping with the active life. of the
spring months the new coats are made
to give the greatest freedom possible.
The full back which hangs loosely,
the bi-swing with its pleats on each
I side, and the shirred back are all
ample enough for the most ardent
Fur For Fashion
For dress wear the same soft wools
are shown, usually fur-trimmed. Lynx,
squirrel, and fox dyed to shade into
the dark blues with which it is used,
form collars or border the short capes
, which are very popular.
/I,, - iI.
a pique c v ee. But what really rade
the dress in oui lestfimation was its
small polka dot bow tie and boaton-
Redingotes rn i revived this
splring (maybe we're wrong-maybe
'T i
checks, and polka-dots, large and
!;mall, are dominant in the newer
scarves now found in the shops.
the most practical ou Jits you can'
find, but just because it is practical
don't think they haven't lots of style.
We saw cne costume in a lovely
shade of rose that you'll like so well
that you may find it irresistible.
It had a three-quarters length
coat of rose wool with a tuxedo col-
lar faced with the rose paisley print
used in the dress itself. The dress had
those popular large sleeves, and a
frill of very feminine tucks at the
neckline. We can't pass cn without
mentioning the material itself-a
quaint paisley design in a soft shade
of rose.
We've always liked polka dots if
they were never cut ) but anyway
they're par sicularly attractive this
spring. We chose as our favorite one
which corribined a polka dot foulard
shirt-wains dress with a navy silk
coat. A demure navy moire bow
added a jaunty touch to the coat.
A natty ascot, about 18 inches wide,
was discovered, which is big enough
to wear as a vest under your spring
suit, and to loop under your chin as
a bow-tie. It comes in great checks
cf blue and white, orange and yellow,
or black and white.
, -----------___.,___._.
\ Is
\ ". ." . \it
Smart HATS
Make the
Costume !
At the Dillon Shop
.:_ % N
Springtime on the campus... whether you-re hurrying
to and from classes... or sauntering along planning
what to wear to the next dance... shoes are a
special consideration ... and you'll find the very
newest in our gloriously smart array of Spring styles.
>U UG U t) t) t) t) t3 O t) t) U t)
Connie C
In order to feel in the height of
fashion you want to have a pair of
shoes of contratsing shades, which
can be found especially in the ox-
ford that is so popular for campus
wear. Linen is best for this distin-
guishing feature if the toe and heel
are of calfskin. This combination is
popular in natural linen and brown
Another combination is the tweed
and a harmonizing calfskin. At last
we'can buy shoes with scuffless heels.
Heels with a pyroxylin plastic mater-
ial covering which is scuffless is the
answer to many prayers of those who
tramp around the campus all day.
What's more they will be inviting
this season in a beige and brown
Cabana tie with a kid lining to main-
tain the beauty of the original shape.
For campus wear a brown calf-
skin monk shoe with buckled straps
and a T-strap up the middle prom-
ises popularity. It is high cut, trimmed
with perforations and left unlined to
add comfort. With the warm weather,
a style that will have chic with
tweeds, blue suits or even suits of
natural linen is the sandal of red
python with a low, but built-up
leather heel.
Cloth Weaves Good
No one color will be as popular
as blue this spring, and shoes are
designed to satisfy the demand for
blue to blend with the costume. Gray
which can be worn with blue and
add a chic touch is particularly at-
tractive if made of gray cloth weave
with a heel and toe trim of gunmetal
patent leather. Besides Sandor cloth
in various shades, there will be a de-
mand for Caprea cloth and grenele
combined with calf or kid to add that
smart touch so necessary this spring.
Nothing is more attractive to the
eye than a tailored pump of gabar-
dine with a- tip and heel of spark-
ling patent in either blue, black or
brown. However, we must not over-
look the new models in tree bark,
that new swirling material that is
particularly attractive in the high
$145 $145
Regularly $16.95 to $29.75
d Featuring the famous Ellen
Kaye fashions at prices far be-
low regular! Styles are all new,
with the individual details you
yearn for: crepes, sheer wools
and taffetas; crepe frocks with
wool coats and swaggery Spring
suits in knobby tweeds.
Here ore the styles that young
moderns adore ... fascinating
new leather combinations ...
unusual stitchings and perfora-
tions...round or modified toes
... very high or the interesting
low heels . . . we recommend
Connie Shoe as the utmost in
youthful chic ... at prices that
are the extreC r H d 'c!' e.
I {
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i F+ .... .4.._ .- ---
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and many others
Jacqueline Modes
Sizes 11 -13-15-17
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Styles that have the fashion
endorsement of Vogue and
Harper's Bazaar...the two
leading style authorities.. in a
collection of the smartest new
styles of the season. .Jacqueline
shoes have the lightness and
flexibility of hand crafted shoes
and $V50
PRINTED CREPES ...... $11.45
NAVY CREPE . . . . . . . . . $11.45
TWEED SUIT, with taffeta blouse $14.45
CREPE with wool coat . . . . . . $14.45
No Approvals. ... No Exchanges
CONNIE and JACQUELINE SHOES Sold Exclusively in Ann Arbor at