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March 15, 1935 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-03-15

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PubUided every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications.
Mehber of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.,;
Nsocite$dTolleg iat Vres
- 1934 f f,£ 135 -
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for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
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CITY EDITOR........ ..... ..JOHN HEAIY
WOMEN'S EDITOR............. .....EI4'ANOR BLUZ
NIGHT EDITORS: Courtney A. Evans, John J. Ylaherty.
Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas E. Kleene, David (. Mac-
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way will be open -for diplomatic action to open up
to the United States a rich and still comparatively
underdeveloped market.
By serving with this group Professor Remer will
be able to contribute to a constructive piece of
work of national importance that will be to the
credit of both the University and the government.
Leters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants Will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to
be brief, the editor reserving the .right to condense
all letters of over 300 words.
To the Editor:
Friendly request. Please publish in large letters
the names of the Lecture Committee for the edi-
fication of the readers.
-A Citizen.
NOTE; The members of the University Com-
mittee on Lecture Policy, first listed in Sun-
day's Daily, are Professors Robert D. Brack-
ett, Louis M. Eich, Paul A. Leidy, and James K.
Pollock. Carl G. Brandt is secretary of the'
committee. - The Editors.


New Problem
From Old...
T HE IDEA of letting students grade
the professors and finding out what
students really thing about their pedagogues has
caught the fancy of a remarkable number of col-
lege papers. If there, have been any professorial
ears burning of late, they have had good reason.
The Daily Maroon of the University of Chicago
offers a list of seven requirements for the teacher
which may be accepted as covering the matter
pretty well:
1. He must have a sympathetic under-
standing of the human personality, and must
bear in mind that his responsibility is not to
subjects but to human beings.
2. He must be a teacher, not a taskmaster.
3. His purpose must be to develop, not to
4. He must have knowledge, not only in-
5. He must be educated; he must see his
Speciality in the light of knowledge as a whole.
6. He must be intelligent; he must be im-
bued with a zeal for growing in knowledge.
7. As far as possible he must not feed his
students with rehashed mental food, but strive
to send them to the springs of knowledge, to
the great original minds of the ages, through
whom they may be inspired with the spirit
of learning.
With that question out of the way, the real prob-
lem is brought to the fore. Just how we will proceed
to measure compliance with these admirable prin-
ciples on the part of individual faculty men, is the
next issue to be taken -up by press and public.
To ChnMa..
R ECOGNITION for a record marked
by fine scholarship and clear think-
ing was awarded Professor Remer when he was
appointed economic expert and advisor to the
American Economic Mission to China, announce-
ment of which was made recently.
His extensive work in Far Eastern problems cov-
ering a period of more than 20 years qualifies him
well for his new job. As a member and advisor to'
the group that purposes to find out just what
chances the United States has to build up a more
prosperous Chinese trade it is certain that his
experience and knowledge of the problems involved
will be of the utmost value to the party.
The importance of the work of the mission itself
should not be underestimated. With the foreign
trade of the United States having fallen off to a

Self Preservaion
To the Editor:
In the argument as to whether John Strachey
and the National Student League have been refused
the right of free speech, may I point out that in
Political Science 1 students interested in govern-
ment are taught that personal rights and liberties
hold good only as long as they interfere with no
other citizen'strights or liberties? That the Federal
Constitution's free speech guarantee is not binding
on the states? That the same clause of the Mich-
igan constitution states: "Every person may freely
speak, write and publish his sentiments on all
subjects, being responsible for the abuse of such
Even were Hill Auditorium a public hall of ad-
dress, which it is not, but rather University prop-
erty, the University could still legally refuse Stra-
chey the use of it at its own discretion, constitu-
tionally basing its action on three outstanding
Supreme Court decisions on this matter, which I
quote below. The basis for such action, briefly
would be, that (1) Strachey's doctrines call for the
overthrow of the present regime, thus taking the
matter out of te field of personal rights (2.) the
state may suppress utterances or publications detri-
mental to the public veace and the stability of
gcvernment; and (3.) the state has, first of all,
the right of self-preservation. I cite the decisions:
Justice Louis D. Brandeis, in Whitney v. People of
the State of California, 274 United States 357:
"But, although the rights of free speech and
assembly are fundamental, they are not in their
nature absolute. Their exercise is subject to re-
striction, if the particular restriction proposed is
required in order to protect the state from de-
struction or from serious injury, political, eco-
nomical, or moral. That the necessity which is es-
sential to a valid restriction does not exist unless
speech would produce, or is intended .to produce a
clear and imminent danger of some substantive
evil which the state constitutionally may seek to
prevent, has been settled."
The late Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, in
Schenck v. the United States, 249 United States
"We admit that in many places and in ordi-
nary times the defendants, in saying all that was
said in the circular, would have been within their
constitutional rights. But the character of every
act depends upon the circumstances in which it is
done. The most stringent protection of free speech
would not protect a man in falsely shouting 'Fire'
in a theatre and causing a panic. It does not even
protect a man from an injunction against uttering
words that may have all the effect of force. The
question in every case is whether the words used
are used in such circumstances and are of such
a nature as to create a clear and present danger
that they will. bring about the substantive evils
that Congress has a right to prevent. It is a ques-
tion of proximity and degree."
The late Justice Edward T. Sanford, in Gitlow
v. New York, 268 United States 652:
"It is a fundamental principle, long established,
that the freedom of speech and of the press which
is secured by the Constitution does not confer
an absolute right to speak or publish, without re-
sponsibility, whatever one may choose, or an un-
restricted and unbridled license that gives immu-
nity for every possible use of language, and pre-
vents the punishment of those who abuse this free-
That a state, in the exercise of its police power,
may punish those who abuse the freedom by
utterances inimical to the public welfare, tending
to corrupt public morals, incite to crime, or dis-
turb the public peace, is not open to question.
And, for yet more imperative reasons, a state
may punish utterances endangering the founda-
tions of organized government and threatening its
overthrow, by lawful means. These imperil its own
existence as a constitutional state. Freedom of
speech and press, said Story, does not protect
disturbances 'of the public peace or the attempt
to subvert the government . . . In short, this free-
dom does not deprive a state of the primary and es-
sential right of self-preservation, which, as long1
as human governments endure, they cannot be
denied. -C. B. Conger, '37.

ies may come arid go, but we think this
one takes the cake. Two students at Michigan
State were arguing about strength and one of
them said; "Why, my brother is so strong that.
he plows the land on our farm without the aid I
of a horse. He just pushes the plow through
the ground." The other then retorted:
"Is that so? Well my brother is so strong
that he holds himself out at arm's length."
* * * *
A professor at the University of Colorado has
been doing a little osculatory figuring. It all started
when the rumor got about that one kiss will shorten
a person's life three minutes. Many of the students
were afraid that they already were dead. The re-
sults obtained by the extensive research which was
carried on are as follows: 175,200 kisses will shorten
one's life just one year. If one wants to attain the
age of 70 he must kiss only 2,503 times each year.
The following contribution was sent in by L.O.O.:
Koledges are skools ware one-tenth of the stew-
dents go 2 akwire noledge & the other nine tenths
go 2 tell the teachers a few thiugs abowt wats
Ther are several, cowrses at kowledge such as
football, gud times, etikette, and noledge. Nobody
ever gradewated from the last one with oners.
The football cowrse incloods lessens 4 girls
in how to akt at the gaims, such as never akt in-
telligent. The fellows not on the teem find this
cowrse very helpful in explaneing how they cood
have made the touchdown. The gud times cowrse
has the most starr pupils 4 obvious reesons.
A slightly new angle was evolved recently on the
time-honored practice of dropping courses. A cer-
tain professor at Oklahoma A. & M. perhaps a
little jealous of those students who were dropping
courses right and left, announced out of a clear
sky that he was dropping his course. His only
comment was, "This class is lousy."
Perhaps such fan mail should be deserved:
"Dear Bud:
You may as well turn your columnu into a
publicity agency. It would be a lot better than
anything you've used it for yet.
-A Constant Admirer.
P.S.: "Such attempts at humor really shouldn't
be encouraged, tho."
A Chinese student visited Boston and was taken
by a student at Boston University to one of the
winter carnivals. When he returned to his school he
was asked by his friends to describe the sensations
of a toboggan ride. To this he replied: "Zip, walkee
back three miles."

A Washington



'I I
WITH ABOUT 90 days to go before NRA's ex-
piration, a Senate committee finally got down
to trying to figure out what to do about this most
controversial creation of the New Deal.
Two years ago, when the New Deal was young,
that would have been ample time for anything.
Seemingly as good an evidence of progress made
out of the depth of the depression in those two
years as could be asked, is the utterly confused out-
look as to what Congress will be able to do as to
NRA by that June 16 deadline. The momentum,
of the banking crisis scare that swept the original
act through, has been lost. Whittling NRA into
a new tentative and experimental form must be
done under such a crossplay of conflicting interests
and views as to make 90 days seem all too short
for the job.
ONLY TEMPORARY continuance of NRA is
under discussion. The question of its perma-
nent place in future national economic and social
policy, against which there was mucH outcry during
the last election contest, has been shoved off two
years. Another presidential election will take place
before that comes up, if the White House has its
President Roosevelt indicated such a decision in
his brief message to Congress. Lacking details of
the modifications to be made under a two-year
extension of lNRA, however, it was not clear exact-
ly what the administration program would he.
Donald Richberg, making his first congressional
bow as administration policy spokesman, left no
doubt about it. In the hurly-burly of discussion
over his specific suggestions and the immediate
labor reaction against proposed abandonment of
small and service codes this significant part of
his 17-point presentation was rather over-looked:
"The act should be extended in the present form
for two years so as to allow ... for clarification of
the entire problem prior to enactment of such
permanent legislation as may then seem desirable."
* * * *



As Others See It

Thoughts On Liberty
Infringement upon the right of free speech
means that that right no longer exists. When a man
is told that he may say this but not that, he no
longer enjoys free speech. If we suppress the free-
dom of the extremists today, what is to prevent the

t C

THAT, plus the corrective modifications in NRA
Richberg otherwise outlined, presumably is as
far as President Roosevelt could get toward shap-
ing recommendations for adaption of NRA to the
permanent economic and social scheme of things
The babble of conflicting advice within his own
limited official family circle which compelled re-
course to another two-year experimentation with
the basic idea of business self-government, is easily
The conflict will be many times amplified as con-
gressional handling of the NRA problem proceeds
It is complicated by Federal court findings in NRA
cases that cast legal doubts over some of the things




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