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March 15, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-03-15

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Partly loudy aid warmer,S 1
shower s hinnorth lportion today;
toMovrrow showers. qp Mir~

vProblem From Ord .. .
sionary To China





Capitalist System

Calls Business Recovery
And Greater Purchasing
Power Incompatible
Granger's Packed
By Large Crowd
'Intellectual Conmnunis t'
Scores Arrest, Lecture
Committee To Report
The problem of reconciling business
revival with needed economic reforms
under the capitalistic system was de-
scribed as an "inescapable dilemma"
last night by John Strachey, British
Marxist economist, before an overflow
crowd of more than 1,000 persons in
Granger's Ballroom.
"Those measures which would re-
form the system absolutely prevent its
revival," he declared, "and those mea-
sures which would revive the system
absolutely prevent its reform."
Strachey arrived almost an hour
later than the announced time for the
lecture, having been forced to travel
from Chicago to Detroit by plane and
then to Ann Arbor by automobile.J
Arrest 'Pathetic'
Commenting on his arrest by United
States immigration authorities, Stra-
chey said, "It seems pathetic that the
capitalist class thinks it can save it-
self by deporting such humble per-
sons as L. If capitalists fear such
speeches as this one, the tenure of the
system must be even more precariousa
than Ithought."
In reply to a question as to whether
he believed capitalism must be over-
thrown by force, the tall, heavy-set
"intellectual Communist" said, "Ask4
the capitalists, not me."
"However," he went on, "I am forced
to -say- that, accordig to experience,
as soon' ° the workerse en encroach
on the power of the capitalists, they
unloose limitless violence o the la-
boring class."
The speaker asserted that an ex-{
panded distribution - of purchasing
power is the essence of any reform
of the capitalist system, but pointed
out that immediate revival of the
system involves a contraction of pur-
chasing power.
Ruin Rather Than Revival 1
He illustrated this contention by
quoting statistics from Donald R.
Richberg's official report of the New
Deal's first year to the effect that
while wages had been increased 8.5
per cent under the NRA, prices had
gone up 9.6 per cent.-
Because of this dilepnma, he wentl
on, the capitalist government mustI
sooner or later strike out directly for1
revival.. If the New Deal had at-
tempted in 1933 to raise wagesd ith-
out raising prices, he continued, ruin
would have resulted rather than re-
Declaring that revival of industry1
under capitalism can only be based
on a decrease in purchasing power,
Strachey predicted that the present1
depression would be followed by "farj
Worse crises which will make the
one of 1929 seem like economic sta-
The University Committee On Lec-
ture Policy, which refused requests
by the National Student League and
by a faculty group to sponsor Strach-
ey's speech in Hll-Auditorium, yester-
day said that a definite statement1
regarding the University's lecture pol-
icy was being formulated and would
be publicly announced within the next
few weeks.
Request Answered .
The committee's statement was in
answer to the request by 22 promin-
ent students asking specific infor-
mation on five points.

Strachey left for Detroit shortly af-
ter his talk. He will fill a lecture en-
gagement in the Wilson Theater there
CHICAGO, March 14 --A)- Eve-
lyn. John St. Loe Strachey bounded
away to Ann Arbor and another
speaking engagement tonight while
government officials deliberated their
next step in the deportation case
they have brought against him.
Accused of spreading subversive
doctrines, the Briton was both blithe
:and defiant as he packed his bags
for a flight to Michigan. He stated,
"I am not going to change the char-

John Gets His Wife I
After Sidetracking
London 'Phone Call
A peculiar telephone call from Lon-
don greeted John Strachey when he
finished his address last night in
Granger's Ballroom.
"Hello. This is Sidney Stanley,"
said a voice, speaking across 4,000
miles of ocean and land. "Do you
remember me?"
"Sidney Stanley?" asked Stracheyl
wonderingly. "No, I don't remember
you." Then suddenly the voice died
out, and any number of repeated
hellos failed to bring it back.
Strachey- then called his wife in
New York City. "Hello Betty," he
began. "This is John. How are
Then, instead of the feminine voice
of Mrs. Strachey, somebody said: "I
say, this is Sidney Stanley. Don't
you remember me?"
Strachey was perturbed.' "No, I
do not," he said emphatically. "I am
talking with my wife.",
"I know," came back the persist-
ent voice from Great Britain, "But
I am starting a paper here. I want
to know about that Dodge Credit
System." And then Mr. Stanley's
vocal chords were again drowned out
by the elements.
And this time the elements won,
for Strachey finished his conversa-
tion with his wife, talking with her
for 15 minutes.
"My word," he said when he had
finished. "Can you imagine such a
person? Calling me up from London
and wasting 10 pounds just to find
out if I remembered him."
Grill Parents
In Murder Of
Ypsilanti Boy

Free Speech
Issue Looms
At Pittsburgh
Pennsylvania Legislature
Investigates Policies Of
Charges University
With Suppression
First Lady Calls College
Investigations 'Rather
HARRISBURG, Pa., March 14. -
(P)- College liberalism stirred up a
turbulent debate in the House today
as members ordered an investigation
of policies of the University of Pitts-
Repercussions of the dismissal of
an instructor in the university more
than a year ago were heard as mem-
bers debated the resolution, which
was presented by Herman P. Eber-
harter, Allegheny county Democrat.
The resolution states "it has been
charged" that the University author-
ities "have followed a policy of tending
to discourage freedom of thought and
speech on the subject of economic
It directs a committee to ascertain
"whether .. . the institution is worthy,
of receiving further large appropria-
tions of public funds."
WASHINGTON, March 14. - () -
Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt thinks that
this country has had a "rather hys-
terical wave" of wanting to investigate
educational institutions with an idea
of finding "something subversive be-
ing taught."
A question 'at a press conference I
brought the expression of Mrs. Roose-
velt's views. She was told there was
a move toward investigation of "com-
munism" in camps held in California
last summer under the supervision of
Miss Hilda Smith of the Federal
relief administration.
"Teachers should never teach with.
bias," she said. "They must give the
facts and' the picture 'withbut t18ant
in any direction. It is very valuable
to get the whole picture, and students
should be allowed to get it without
any opinion being forced upon them.
It seems to me this is most important
in a democracy."
Seeks Uniform
Code Of"Traffic
Law's For U.S.
A strong plea for uniform traffic
laws was made last night by Prof.
Roger L. Morrison of the College of
Engineering in his radio talk over Sta-
tion WJR broadcast direct from the
campus studios in Morris Hall.
Professor Morrison pointed out that
when a marine disaster occurs and a
few dozen people are lost at sea,
boards of inquiry make the most min-
ute. examinations of all the factors
involved, steamboat inspection is
made more rigid, and frequently more
laws are passed in an effort to avoid
similar difficulties in the future.
But of traffic accidents - Professor
Morrison stated that when it comes to
the vastly greater loss of life on streets
and roads there is little public de-
mand that anything be done about it.
He advised cities and states to adopt

the model traffic ordinances and uni-
form motor vehicle laws proposed by
the National Conference on . Street
and Highway Safety.

Psychopathic Ward
Patient Skips With
Local Ambulance
Herbert Behn, 22 years old, a psy-
chopathic patient at the University
Hospital, had doctors all bawled up
yesterday when he decided to take an
ambulance and go to his home near
As to how he got out or how he got
to an ambulance, doctors only hazard
guesses, but they do know that he
did get out, that he did get to an
ambulance, and that he did drive as
far as Saginaw before he was caught.
As soon as the ambulance was seen
driving away at 11 a.m., medical au-
thorities attempted to find Behn, who,
they said, "had been acting queerly."
State Police were immediately no-
tified and a call to be on the lookout
for the ambulance was sent all over
the state.
Meanwhile, Mr. Behn, having "a
good time," was speeding toward
Saginaw. When the ambulance, siren
wide open, screamed into the city,
I the Saginaw County sheriff, with two
armed cars, was ready for him.
The ambulance was forced over to
the curb. Two deputies jumped to the
running board, guns in hand. They
jerked open the door. And out came
the slight, smiling Mr. Behn.
"Hello," he said. "I've had a good
time. I didn't like it down there, and
I just wanted to come home."
Thre e States
Are Flooded.
, 4
By Mississippi
6,000 Refugees Seeking
Safety As River Rises
To Crest

Select Dates
For Dramatic
Season Here
Five-Week Schedule Will
Begin May 20, To End
On June 22
Plays And Artists
Not Yet Selected
Robert Henderson To Act
As Director For Sixth
Consecutive Year
The Ann Arbor Dramatic Season, to
be presented this spring for the sixth
consecutive year, will open Monday,
May 20 and continue through Satur-
day, June 22, at the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theater in the League, it was
announced last night following the
first meeting of the Civic Committee.
This committee, with Prof. How-
ard M. Jones of the English depart-
ment acting as chairman, in the ab-
sence of Prof. O. J. Campbell, and
Dean of Students Joseph A. Bursley
as treasurer, is now considering a
number of plays, from which those
to be produced in the five-week local
season will be selected.
The complete list of actors and
actresses who will appear on the
schedule here will probably be an-
nounced next week, Robert Hender-
son, director of the season, who ar-
rived in the city yesterday afternoon
after a season in the East, stated last
Three Other Festivals
Mr. Henderson also said that the
Ann Arbor season will become the
focal center for three other Festival
seasons in metropolitan cities. It will
be preceded by a similar schedule of
six weeks in both Minneapolis and
St. Paul, and a five-weeks' program
in Milwaukee.
The Minneapolis and St. Paul fes-
tivals have received financial back-
ing by the Federal government under
the FERA authority. This is the first
time that the professional theater
has been assisted by the United States
government, according to Mr. Hender-
Local Performances Last
With Ann Arbornstill as the climax
of each production, this means thata
local audiences will receive completely
polished performances, following the
preceding tour of the play in the other
three towns, Mr. Henderson said.
The first of the dramatic seasons
in metropolitan cities .will open Mon-
day, April 22, in Minneapolis, to be
followed by a similar festival starting
Monday, April 29, in St. Paul. The
Milwaukee program will begin Mon-
day, May 6, at the Pabst Theater
In addition to Professor Jones, Pro-
fessor Campbell and Dean Bursley, the
Civic Committee of the annual Dra-
matic Season includes Prof. James.
M. O'Neill of the speech department,
Mrs. A. C. Furstenberg, Mrs. Guy
Maier, Mrs. M, Rees Hutchins and Neil'
Staebler, local business man.
Senior Engineers Must
Pay Dues By April 15
Seniors in the -engineering col-
lege must pay their annual dues
of $1.50 or $2 before April 15, class
officers stated yesterday.
If they are not paid by that time
caps and gowns, invitations, and
senior pictures will be withheld.

Streichers Are
In Hope Of .
Definite Clue'


Mr. and Mrs. Richard Streicher,
parents of the murdered Richard, Jr.,
were grilled here for more than three
hours by police yesterday in an ef-
fort to establish a definite clue on
which authorities can work.
This was the second time in two
days that the Streichers had been
questioned. Sheriff Jacob Andres
gave as the reason for it the fact that
he hoped to discover some fact which
they overlooked in their grief during
previous questionings. Clinton I. Le-
Furge, Ypsilanti attorney and per-
sonal friend of the Streichers, was
also present at the interviews.
The fingerprints of the parents
were also taken, and it was found
that they did not compare with those
found Wednesday on their 17-year-
old son's sled. The fingerprints on
the sled are now being checked both
in Washington and Lansing.
Mr. and Mrs. Streicher state em-
phatically that they could recall no
one who had a grudge against them.
This strengthened the belief of the
sheriff's office that it was "probably
a degenerate" who killed the boy. No
possibilities whatever are being
turned away without investigation,
however, officials said.

By the Associated Press
Rampaging tributaries of the Mis-
sissippi spilled a vast lake over the
lowlands of Southern Illinois Thurs-
day night and battered through le-
vees in Arkansas and Missouri.
Six thousand refugees were counted
by the Red Cross in a survey of the
stricken counties of Northern Arkan-
sas and Southern Missouri, and more
thousands watched anxiously for the
crest, fearing other levees would burst
Rescue craft plied the murky waters
to remove marooned farmers from the
homes they had refused to leave until
too late.
Backwater of the Mississippi shoved
through a levee at McBride, Mo., and
the Black River boiled over the pro-
tective wall at Moark, Ark.
Despite the wideness of the inun-
dated area, no reports of death had
come to the. rescue headquarters and
in some sections the waters were al-
ready subsiding. Flood danger was
passing in West Virginia and Penn-
sylvania, and the Wabash at Mt. Car-
mel, Ill., was rising less rapidly.
At Poplar Bluff, Mo., 3,000 refugees
gathered, many of them billeted in the
courthouse. Five hundred took to high
land in Pemiscot County, Mo., when
the Mississippi backed up over farm7
Forty per cent of Saline County,
Ill., was reported under water and
highways were inundated in many of
the "Egypt" counties. Residents of
East Murphysboro, Ill., evacuated
their homes.
Hillel Players
Present Social
Drama Today
"Unfinished Picture," a three-act
social drama, will be presented by
the Hillel Players at 8:30 p.m. today
and tomorrow in the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre of the League.
The author, Theodore Kane Cohen,
'35, has received four awards in Hop-
wood contests during the past three
years. His latest work, "Unfinished
Picture," has not as yet been entered
in a Hopwood contest.
Harriet E. Kesselman, '35, has been
chosen to- play the leading role in
the drama. Other major parts will
be filled by Marguerite R. Merkel,
'37, Lillian R. Rosen, '36, William;
L. Soboroff, '37, Florence Chaikin,
'36Ed., Edith Folkoff, '37, Joseph Z.
Sudow, '35, Theodore Barash, '35,
and Ralph S. Bell, '37.
Robert K. Adams, Grad., is the di-
rector of the production. Adams is
a former director of the Comedy Club
and is at present a member of the
Nell Gwyn Players and of the Flint
Community Players.
According to Adams, the play at-
tempts to answer the question,
"Where is the youth of the country
going?" The drama is built around
the activities of the Richards family
and their attempt to survive the

A freshman plan for the control of ence CooK Littie) wil tena to give tne
Hell Week will be drawn up at this opportunity for a survey of the suc-
meeting and will be presented to the cess or failure of the younger members
Council along with the rules and of the staff at regular intervals."
regulations for modifying Hell Week. Effect Of Plan
B One active principle which will be
By comparing the plan of the up- inaugurated by the plan is that the
perclassmen and the freshmen, it is post of associate professor will be re-
hoped that if one or the other or both garded as an.intermediate stp before
are refused, that some form of a a full professorship, and not as'an
compromise plan ca'n be effected, honorary post to reward long and
Schleifer stated. faithful service, for which the position
The meeting will be held strictly of assistant professor will serve. Both
in confidence and names of freshmen associate and full professorships are
participating in the discussion will indeterminate posts, since no lifetime
not be revealed. "In this manner," positions have been granted by the
Scnleifer said, "we will be better able University for the past several years.
to get honest opinions of Hell Week Another effect of the proposal is
practices by the men who so recent- that it will abolish the present title
ly have submitted to them." of "junior instri'ctor," and substitute
for it the title "teaching fellow," which
-w1 rervi~yv~n <]+ ai, o+ n TVi nv '

Asks Abandonment Of Isolation
For International Cooperation

The abandonment of the present
policy of economic isolation in favor
of technical as well as political co-I
operation between nations was urged
yesterday by Dr. John B. Condliffe, di-
rector of the economic intelligence
service of the League of Nations, in a
speech given in Natural Science Au-
ditorium as a part of the University
Lecture Series. His subject was "The
Planning of Internptional Trade."
As causes for the present low ebb of
prosperity, he gave, in addition to the
creation of the economic "islands of
security," the breakdown of the deli-
cate international price system of pre-
war prosperity, the absence of any

local security have surpassed 'all
bounds, he said.
International trade, he asserted, is
'rapidly disappearing, and, in quan-
tity, is at least 25 per cent lower
than the pre-war level, "but may re-
turn when the world returns to eco-
nomic sanity." Among the restrictions
which hinder trade, he mentioned pro-
hibitions on goods, quarantine re-
strictions, and such matters as mill-
ing regulations and quantitative sys-
tems with definite quotas on imports,
and restrictions on the flow of cur-
Touching on the war debt system,
he said that the short loans between
bankers in different countries had
been fairly well settled, but pointed
out that an eqiitable settlement of the

Dangers Of Chemical Warfare
Are Exaggerated,,Report Shows
The violent and deadly results of This report shows also that those
chemical and bacteriological warfare men who were gassed and recovered
as pictured by feature writers and proved no more susceptible to tuber-
arofsional jiingristaureshwtoa culosis or other lung diseases than
professional jingoists are shown to be those who had never encountered gas.
largely false by the report of the Sur- Following along the same lines,
geon General of the U. S. Army, and other reports of the government show
the results of investigations by au- that thousands of tons of gas sent
thorities. over by shells and all the other meth-
The report of the Surgeon General, ods of projection, were required to
made after the cessation of hostili- disable one man. The expense of pro-
ties in the World War, is an accurate ducing a gas offensive was dispropor-
record of the casualties in the war, tionate to the results as far as the
and the percentages of wounded men military objective was concerned.
who died as a result of wounds re- In addition to the direct effect of
ceived from any of the various weap- gas, much has been made of the pos-
ons of destruction that were em- sibility of wiping out great cities by
ployed in the war. a single gas bombing attack. This
The report shows that out of all is refuted by authenticated figures
the casualties those caused by gas re- which show that to cover a town of
sulted in the fewest deaths. The per- approximately the size of Ann Arbor
centage of deaths is as low as 4.7 for almost all the airplanes in the United
gas as compared to more than 11.9 States would have 'to be pressed into
for those wounded or disabled service as gas carriers. And, as a
through other means. final blow to the aspiring bombers,

will require at least a master's degree
and will be granted for one year pe-
oriods only. All instructor's posts will
continue to require the doctorate and
will be granted for one and two-year

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