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February 13, 1935 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-02-13

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Assembly To
Entertain With
Bridge Party
Emiline Anderson To Be In
Charge Of First Project;
Dancing, Games Plannedl

Screen Star Weds

Benefit Parties Jose Iturbi Gives
To Be GivenBy Opening Concert
Of New Semester
_________ lJose Iturbi, internationally re-
snowned pianist, concluded the sev-
Students And Hospital TO enth concert of the 1934-35 Choral
Receive Profits; Local Union Concert Series last night be-
Homes To Be Used fore a well-filled house in Hill Audi-

The first large project to be
launched by the Assembly, organiza-
tion of non-affiliated women on cam-
pus, is the open bridge party to be
given from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. Satur-
day in the ballroom of the League.
Supplementing the bridge party will
le other entertainment, dancing and
games, planned by the League Coun-
cil. The party will take on the pro-
portions of an all-campus open house,
with an admission charge of 25 cents.
All proceeds from the affair are to
be given to the Undergraduate Cam-
paign Fund.
Prizes will be awarded for every ten
tables of bridge. These prizes, all
valued at $1.00, are being donated
by various Ann Arbor merchants.
Either auction or contract may be
played, and each table is asked to fur-
nish its own cards.
Emiline Anderson, '35, is chairman
of the bridge. Assisting her are Jane
Lambert, '35, properties, Kay Becker,
'36, hostesses, Ruth Clark, '35, posters,
Geraldine Ruff, '36, and Wilma Rat-
tenbury, '37, prizes, Bessie Curtis, '36,
telephoning, and Katherine Choate,
'36, tickets.
Ann Osborne, '35, social chairman
of the league, and her committee
will arrange the dancing. dames
are in charge of Sue Mahler, '35,
chairman of the house committee.
Marie Metzger; '35, and her recep-
tion committee will also be assisting.
Men and women are invited to attend,
and both sorority and non-affiliated

-Associated Press Photo.
Lois Moran, star of the stage and
screen, and Col. Clarence M. Young,
New York aviation expert, were re-
cently married in a surprise ceremony
held in Baltimore.1

Faculty, Alumni
To Hold Formal
Dinner Dance
A formal dinner dance, the fourth
in a series of five formal dances, will
be held by the faculty and alumni
of the University Thursday at the
Union. Departing from the usual
custom of ,holding small individual
dinner parties preceding the dances,
dinner will be served for the entire
membership at 7:30 p.m. in the main
dining room of the Union.
At intervals during the dinner and
also the dance, music will be furnished
by the League trio consisting of Max-
ine Maynard, '35, Jean Seeley, '36,
and Mary Morrison, '35. The Union
orchestra will supply music for dane-
Valentine colors will be used in the
decorations, which will be more elab-
orate than usual. The committee
in charge of the dance is headed by
Mrs. W. V. Marshall with Mrs. James
M. Cork, Mrs. Paul C. Wagner, Mrs.
James K. Pollock, Mrs. Charles L.
Brown, Mrs. Donal Hamilton Haines,
end Mrs. L. F. Rittershofer.
Y.W.C.A. League To Holdl
Bridge And Dance Party
The Blue Triangle League of the
Y.W.C.A. is holding a Valentine
Bridge and Dance Party tonight, Feb.
13, in the ballroom of the League from
9 p.m. to midnight. Music will be
furnished by the Union Orchestra.
Miss Flora Kempf is general chair-
man of the affair. Her assistants are
Miss Cora Green, ticket chairman,
Miss Florence Wurster, bridge chair-
map, Miss Elizabeth Schaible, invita-
tion chairman, and Miss Florence
Vurnhan, music chairman.
The public is invited to attend.
Tickets may be obtained from the
committee or at the door.
Brand New


Low, Flat Crowns
Are Seen In First
SpringHat Models
The tendency in the first of the
new spring hats is toward low and'
flat crowns.
One of these new hats is made of
black straw, with a severely rolled
rim and an extremely flat crown. A
large black bow in front increases
the "gay ninety" effect. It has a full
length veil and was designed by Moly-
neux. Another creation following
the same general lines is the Pill-
Box of basket weave black straw. It
flaunts an eyeline veil and two little
black bows. It is the perfect match
for a black crepe dress.
An interesting trimming found on
some of the new hats is metal-stem-
med turquoise wheat. This is espe-
cially attractive on a straight and
low breton turban of thin black
straw cloth and a draped veil that
softens the harsh lines.
A handstitched white felt trimmed
with grosgrain ribbon adds a gay
touch, while the forward tendency of
brims is perfectly illustrated in a
striking sports hat with the very low
crown. It is of forest green antelope
felt, banded in black belting ribbon.
W.A.A. Board To Meet
In Field House Today
The W.A.A. board will hold its
regular bi-weekly rieeting at 5
p.m. today in the lounge of the
Women's Athletic Building ac-
cording to Ruth Root, '35, presi-
dent, of the organization. The
heads of the various sports will
discuss plans for the new semester.

The Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti The distinguished Spanish virtuoso
branches of the American Associa- chose a program composed mostly of
tion of University Women will hold a
huge card party tomorrow afternoon classical numbers. He selected works
and evening. The playing will take from such composers as Bach, Beet-
place in many different homes. Every hoven, Chopin, and Liszt. Mr. Iturbi
woman in the city is invited to the played his first concert for an Amer-
afternoon card or thimble parties and ican audience in 1929. He has been
the men may attend the evening
parties.n mcalled back to the United States every
The card party is planned for the season since then. During this period,
benefit of scholarship funds for the he has played more concerts than
needy students and for University any other pianist with the exception
Hospital. The afternoon parties will
begin at 2 p.m. and the evening of Paderewski.
parties at 8 p.m. and tea will be The enthusiastic crowd of Ann Ar-
served. Each table hostess is asked bor music lovers responded to the
to provide cards and tallies for her pianist, calling him back for five en-
own table. cores. His first encore was a Mazurka
Reservations for tables should be by Chopin. After he had concluded
made through the hostesses, commit- his program, he returned to play
tee members or with Mrs. Albert Brahms' "A Flat Waltz," and "C Ma-
Reeves, president, Mrs. Edgar John- jor Intermezzo." -
ston, or Mrs. Wells Bennett. Mr. Iturbi has played in practically
To Give Parties every large city in Europe and Amer-
Afternoon parties will be given by ica, from Valencia, where he was
Mrs. Edward L Adams, with Mrs. R. born, to Paris, Geneva, London, and
B. Hall and Mrs Stephen Attwood New York. He is as well known in
assisting; by Mrs. Byrl Fox Bacher; South America, Canada, Mexico and
by Mrs. William T. Buchanan, with Cuba as he is in the United States.
Mrs. Theophill Klingman, Mrs. Earl He is as famed for his work as a
Cress, Mrs. Henry Lewis, Mrs. A. C. conductor as for his piano concerts,
Furstenberg and Mrs. H Seger Slifer; spndctom as hi gces -
by Ms. Fank e~ie, wth Ms.'spending some time as the guest con-
by Mrs. Frank DeVine, with Mrs. ductor of the Philharmonic-Sym-
Raleigh Schorling and Mrs. Edgar phony Orchestra.
Johnston; by Mrs. Henry W. Doug-
las, with Mrs. W. B. Pillsbury and The distinguished pianist was
'Mrs. John F. Shepard; and by Mrs. known to the public at the age of
Ralph Hammett, with Mrs. W. B. seven. His friends at Valencia made
Marshall, Mrs. H. J. Heneman, and up a purse to send him to the Con-
Mrs. R. Ray BaKer. servatory at Paris. There he studied
Hostesses Named all day, and played in cafes of the
Other hostesses for the afternoon boulevards at night to earn money
card parties, with their assistants, are for his food and room. When he was
Mrs. Homer L. Heath, with Mrs. Wal- 17, he graduated with first honors.
ter B. Reichart, Mrs. Ralph Aigler, A little later, he was chosen to fill
Mrs. Richard H. Kingery and Mrs. a post once held by Liszt, the head
George Moore; Mrs. Arthur B. Moehl- of the piano department at Geneva.
man of Barton Hills, with Mrs. Dean After four years he left Switzerland,
W. Myers and Mrs. Maude Wallace; and began his career as an interna-
l Mrs. E. W. Kern, at whose party tional virtuoso.
Mrs. William Giefel and Miss Con- Mr. Iturbi commenced his program
stance Giefel will be assisted by Mrs. last night with "Caprice" by Bach,
I S. Beach Conger, Mrs. S. D. Malcolm, and "Sonata in C major, Opus 53" by
Mrs. F. C. Kuenzel, Miss Hazel Sped- Beethoven. Continuing, he rendered
ding, Miss Dorothy Ogborn, Mrs. Ver- two selections by Chopin, "Fantasie-
non Dick, Mrs. H. N. Maynard, Miss Impromptu," and "Scherzo, B-flat
Alice Merrick, Miss Avis Brown and minor."
Miss Miriam Carey
Hold Evening PartiesAfter a short intermission, he
l Evening Parties givn played 'Plaintes, ou la Maja et le Ros-.
Evening parties will be given by signol" by Grandos; "Serenade a la
Mrs. Waldo Abbot, with Mrs. Victor poupee, Debussy; "Pavane," Ravel;
Lane, Mrs. Maynard Newton, Mrs. and "Fete Dieu a Seville,' Albeniz. He
T. Hawley Tapping and Mrs. John concluded his piano concert with
Wheat assisting; by Mrs. Horatio Ab- "Two Etudes d'execution transcen-
bott, assisted by Mrs. J. B. Edmo- dante," Liszt.
son, Mrs. Roscoe O. Bonisteel, Mrs. J. dane, L . -
J. Travis and Mrs. George Davis
Mrs. a. and s. George D ' by the following: Mrs. Henry E. Riggs,
Mr. A. Franklin Shull, assisted bywihMsT.HHldbnt, r.
Miss Dorothy Buckley, Miss Edith with Mrs. T. H. Hildebrandt, Mrs
Hoyle and Miss Jeannette Saurborn; Carl Guthe, Mrs. H. G. McClusky and,
and Mrs. Clifford Woody, assisted by Mrs. D. M. Seeley; Mrs. C. D. Thorpe,
Miss Edith Bader, Mrs. Thomas Dia- assisted by Mrs. J. B. Pollock; Mrs. C
mond, Mrs. Louis Keeler and Mrs. L. Alexander G. Ruthven, with Mrs. C.
J. Young.O. Davis, Mrs. Charles Washburne, I
J. ive Thimble Parties Mrs. Walter F. Hunt, Mrs. John L.
The afternoon thimble party host- Brumm, Mrs. Russell Malcolm and
esses will be Miss Inez V. Bozorth, Miss Elsa Haller; Mrs. William H.
who will entertain at the Lawyers ellew, assisted by Miss Edith Bar-
Club assisted by Miss Ethel McCor- ar, TennaHg andlman,an Ms.
mick; Mrs. Edson R. Sunderland, with Sarah Tennant; and Mrs. Max Win-
Mrs. Edward Bragg, Mrs. Wilbur R. kler, with Mrs. W. D. Henderson and
Humphreys, Mrs. Malcolm Soule, Mrs. Mrs. Walter Walz.
Filbert Roth, Mrs. Moritz Levi, Mrs.
Allen S. Whitney, and Miss Sara
Rowe; and Mrs. A. H. White, with
Mrs. Joseph Karkley. Mrs. Emil Lorch,
Mrs. James A. Woodburn and Mrs.
John N. Bradshaw.
Evening parties will also be held An Ext rdir

Junior Women J
In Tryouts For
Remember the movie of the good'
old days in which the heroine, down
to her last dime and weak from lack
of food, stood in line for hours in a
waiting line made up entirely of
beautiful blondes, before she was fin-
ally admitted to the presence of the
director where she danced and sang
and was inevitably given the leading
role in the musical comedy which
was to panic Broadway?
If such a show was your favorites
movie fare, you would find something
very familiar about the scene being
enacted at the League these days,
where tryouts are being held for the
1935 Junior Girls Play. There is a
seething mass of femininity in the
little hallway outside the rehearsal
room, and if the peroxide-blonde ele-
ment is conspicuous by its absence
Sthere is plenty of that special type of
pulchritude which is associated withj
the Michigan co-ed. (And please 4
don't say, what pulchritude?)
Also, our heroine is not apt to bel
fainting from lack of food, unlessj
it is because she has missed her cus-
tomary afternoon tea, being engagedI
thus for the honor of the dear old
hours of 4 to 6 p.m. However, thereI
is the customary shuffling of feet
and the surreptitious touching up of
ecmplexions which is familiarto any'
movie addict.

Once inside the marked resemb-
'The Milky Way' Is
PlayighIn PetrQit
Drury Lane Theater of Detroit is
now presenting Miss Isobel Withers
of New York in the outstanding corm-
edy success hit of the season "The
Milky Way." The production is un-
der the direction of Nat Burns.
Miss Withers has played the lead-
ing role in "The Milky Way" for sev-
eral months. She has also played ir
"The Tavern" with George M. Cohan,
and has been featured in pictures
with Joe E. Brown. She is coming
to Detroit from New York as a guest
star for the production.
"The Milky Way" is a wisecracking
comedy about a timid milkman who,
by a series of amusing events, be-
comes the light heavyweight prize
fighting champ. This part is played
by Frederick Bell. Frank Allworth,
Nat Burns, and Arnold Daly also
have outstanding comedy roles.
Transferred Points To
Be Credited By W.A.A.
Transfer students are requested to
write to the athletic board of the col-
leges previously attended for a rec-
1 ord of their athletic points.wm
W.A.A. will credit these women
with their points thereby making
them eligible for board membership,
a small "M," a large "M," and other
athletic awards. A day will be set
aside next week for the transfers to
bring their athletic record to an of-
ficial of the W.A.A. board.

Tryouts For Junior
Girls Play Are Today
Tryouts for the Junior Girls Play
will be held again today from 4 to 6
p.m. in the rehearsal room of the
League. Junior women are urged to
tryout for speaking parts or for sing-
ing or dancing choruses. It is advised
that they have a song prepared, but
parts will be provided for the readings.
CALLENDER, Ont., Feb. 12 -(P)
- Fire today destroyed the North
Hinisworth Township Hall and three
residences across the street from the
home of Dr. Allan Roy Dafoe, and
disrupted electric and telephone lines
to the Dafoe jIospital, where the
Dionne quintuplets live, two and a
half miles away. The loss will not
exceed $10,Q4Q.

sudden acclaim of a budding genius
in our midst, only a steady stream,
of applicants leaving with a "thank
heaven it's all over" expression. The
central committee just sits there,
alternately wondering at the hidden
talents being displayed and cursing
the composer of "I Love You Truly."
U versity Club'
To Be Hosts At
Memorial Hall
The University Club will be hosts
to the Faculty Women's Club from
4 to 6 p.m. Friday in Alumni Memo-
rial Hall.
The meeting will be held in con-
nection with the current art exhibit
of the work of local artists. Refresh-
ments willb d3 ~rni i hn 11

- e serve n e clubroom.
At intervals during the long hours Prof. Louis M. Eich of the speech
of waiting the door at the end of the department is the University Club
hallway is opened and a trembling chairman for the meeting.
applicant is ushered into the august f All wives of University Club mem-
presence where Director Russell Mc- bers and all husbands of Faculty
Cracken and the members of the cen- Womens' Club members are invited.
'tral committee sit, trying to assume The work of 52 local artists is
the proper professional attitude and 'represented in the "exhibition, which
hoping and praying that they will has een open since Fab. 8 and will
never, never again hear, "I Love You continue until March 1.
Truly, Truly, Dear." ar_ _ . _

sideration. Blanks for the purpose
may be obtained in the League.
Only juniors may apply for the
major positions for next'year. These
are League president, secretary and
treasurer, to be chosen by the fac-
ulty-student committee under the
Merit System. Also from the junior
class will be selected the heads of
League committees, Nominations will
be made on the basis of the petitions
for the three vice-presidencies and
the junior member of Judiciary Coun-
cil, all four positions being elected
later by general vote of the women
on campus.
Sophomore women may petition for
the two remaining positions on Ju-
I diciary, which are also chosen by vote
from the nominations of the League
Committee chairmanships open in-
clude reception, theatre and arts, so-
cial, house, point system, orientation,
publicity, world fellowship, and stu-
dent-faculty relationship. Any woman
interested in the leadership of any
,committee is urged to submit an ap-
plication for the position.
Alpha Phi sorority has elected the
following officers for the coming year:
Betty Wunsch, '35, president; MVar-
garet Grant, '35, vice-president;
Barbara Coventry, '36, recording sec-
retary; Margretta Kollig, '36, corres-
ponding secretary, and Jane Reed,
'36, treasurer.
The thirty months' course, pro-
viding an intensive and varied
experience through the case study
method, leads to the degree of
Master of Nursing
A Bachelor's degree in arts, sci-
ence or philosophy from a college
of approved standing is required
for admission. A few scholarships
available for students with ad-
vanced qualifications. For cata-
logue and information address:
New Haven Connecticut

01 play Talents Petitions For
1935 Production; League Work
lance to the old melodrama disap- D ue Thursday
pears. There are no spotlights, no
scanty rehearsal costumes, no hand- The deadline for petitioning for
some heros lurking in the wings, and, e eadlin ritoning for
horrible break with tradition, the di- League positions is to be 5 p.m.
rector does not swear at the aspiring tomorrow. Applications must be filed
chorines. before that time in the Undergrad-
Also to date there has been no uate Office in order to receive con-


The March 1st Edition of
Features Brims that Shade your Brow


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