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March 13, 1935 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-03-13

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.__. _ _ _ I

Roosevelt Calls
For Control Of}
Holding Firms
Special Message Asks For
Elimination Of Utility
HoldingCompanies j
Attacks Propaganda

Byrd Arrives In New Zealand On Way Home

Girl Confesses
To Arranging
Own KidnapingI
Helen Bannings Revealsr
Plan To Obtain $5,500s

Prof. Holmes' Research Offers

Freshmen Lose

Cross-Section Of Farmer's Life SicholasticZeal

By SHELDON M. ELLIS commissioners. Since that time the
A cross-section of the life of the number of correspondents has been
middle-western farmer is afforded enlarged by recommendations from
students enrolled in courses in rural the original group.
sociology by the unique type of re- Each new member is asked to write

In Senior Year
Only Part Of 'Phi Betes'
Fu nd T a 4va W." -h

Claims Value Of Operating
Companies Will Not Be
WASHINGTON, March 12 -P)-
President Franklin D. Roosevelt in a
special message to Congress called to-
day for regulation of public utility
holding companies and struck back
at "propaganda" flooding Capitol Hill
against the legislation.
"Except where it is absolutely nec-
essary to the continued functioning
of a geographically integrated oper-
ating utility system," said the Presi-
dent, "the utility holding company
with its present powers must go.
"If we could relate our financial
history in the light of experience, cer-
tainly we would have none of this
holding company business.
"It is a device which does not be-
long to our American traditions of
law and business."
The President wrote: "I've watched
the use of investors' money to make
the investor believe that the efforts
of government to protect him are de-
signed to defraud him.
"I have seen much of the propa-
ganida prepared against such legisla-
tion - even down to mimeographed
sheets of instructions for propaganda
to exploit the most far-fetched and
fallacious fears.
"I have seen enough to be as un-
impressed by it as I was by the simi-
lar efforts to stir up the country
against the securities exchange bill
last spring."
Mr. Roosevelt insisted the legisla-
tion "will ndt destroy legitimate
business or wholesome and produc-
tive investment.
"It will not destroy a penny of ac-
tual value of those operating compan-
ies which holding companies now con-
trol and which holding company se-
curities represent insofar as they have
any value.
"The disappearance at the end of
five years of those utility holding
companies which can not justify
themselves as necessary for the func-
tioning of the operating utility com-
panies of the country is an objective
which congressional leaders I have
consulted deem essential to a realistic
and far sighted treatment of the evils
of public utility holding companies.
"It is time to make an effort to re-
verse that process of the concentra-
tion of power which as made most
American citizens, once traditionally
independent owners of their own
businesses, helplessly dependent for
their daily bread upon the favor of a
very few, who, by devices such as
holding companies, have taken for
themselves unwarranted economic
Smith Outines
Chief Services,
Of University
(Continued from Page 1)
rent problems, classes given in var-
ious cities by the department of voca-
tional education, and FERA fresh-
man colleges were pointed out as be-
ing a part of the University's pro-
Answering the question asked by
Professor Abbot as to whether this
campus is a "Rah Rah" community,
Mr. Smith gave an emphatic "No!"
"Remember this," Mr. Smith told
his listeners, "nowhere is there a
finer group of young people, going
quietly but aspiringly about their
business than on the campus of the
University. The State should be
proud of them. They are a fair'
cross-section of the youth of the!
State, except they are well above the
'average' line."
Praising the University because it
is not a "rich man's" school, Mr.1
Smith said that he knew of no town,

anywhere.that rates its population so
little on a money basis as the Mich-1
igan student community. "There are;
snobs now and then," he pointed out,
"but we need some for entertain-l
Mr. Smith condoned the policy of
the FERA and the University in help-I
ing needy students obtain a living
while in school. "The money-needing
student here," he declared, "has not
only an interesting occupation to
engross him, but he has the satisfac-
tion of being in the great majority'
class of the community."
It was announced by Mr. Smith
that according to the students' regis-
tration cards, 52.9 per cent of the stu-
dents were either wholly or partially
self-supporting. He pointed out that
this was the case with 61.3 per centi
of the men and 28.5 per cent of the!
women on campus.


-Associated Press Photo.
After many months spent in the frozen wastes of Little America
in the Antarctic, Admiral Richard E. Byrd (right), is shown being greeted
by city officials of Denedin aboard the steamer, Jacob kuppert, as he
arrived at the New Zealand port enroute back to the United States.
Columbia Journalism School To
Become A Graduate Institution


Ar ..7_ - - "l~ll .3.l tI nY V PIR Aill
For 'City Clothes' search being conducted by Prof. Roy once each month for the first year. Eta' r
M. Holmes of the sociology depart- After that period, he writes only four E a urels
ment. letters a year, thereby making way
GRAND RAPIDS, March 12 -4)- Personal correspondence carried on for additional correspondents. "By (Continued lfrom Page 1)
Inspector of Detectives Frank O'Mal- with a select group of farmers carrying on an active correspondence, made Phi Beta Kappa, but 68 ended
ley announced today that Helen Jean throughout the state during the past we are able to record rapidly chang-
Banninga, 18 years old, returned thoughout ha d r ing w r bo rmord ral chang- their first year with scholastic hon-
homethi moringandadmitedshetwo years has provided Professor ing opinions among the rural people ors. Similarly in last year's graduat-
hom~e this morning and admitted she, Holmes with a detailed, accurate ac- of the state" said Professor Holmes. ciua atasga
had engineered her own "kidnaping." Homswt? eald cuaea-oftesae"si rfso oms ing class there were 37 golden keys
kcount of the condition and the atti- Mimeographed sheets with the dangling from watch chains or tucked
O'Malley said the girl, after some tudes of the Michigan rural inhabi- most interesting and unusual quota- away in drawers, but in that same
questioning, told them she had writ- tant. tions from the letters received are class there had been 62 who made
ten two notes to her parents demand- "Through the use of correspond- sent to the correspondents once each a freshman society.
ing $5,500 for her safe return be- ence with the persons to be studied, month and they are asked to com- The figures that have been pre-
cause she "wanted some city clothes." I believe we have brought the farm- ment on each statement. "In this sented do not include those students
She was detained while police and er right into the classroom for lab- manner, the students are provided who transferred to Michigan and who
Federal agents investigate her story. oratory study," said Professor Holmes with more than 100 views on the same could not, of course, have made Phi
Despite her statements that she in an interview yesterday. "Students problem," stated Professor Holmes. Eta Sigma or Alpha Lambda Delta
planned the hoax herself, O'Malley read and study the letters, providing "The farmers apparently consider here
said he was confident that she was themselves with first hand research," their correspondence worth while. Inregard to supremacy of the sexes
attempting to "cover up a young man he said. Most of the letters received are it is quite apparent from the Phi Beta
accomplice." Since Oct. 10, 1932, when he wrote lengthy and present very personal Kappa records that the co-eds have
Chis first letter, Professor Holmes has problems. From the letters we learn Kappasecory tat the oeds ha
CarF Speedsne A y sixd rt had a total of 280 correspondents a great deal concerning the farmer's'iteneft the the seifr
M. F. Glenn, one of six depart- , wt 0 ciea h rsn ie , o eiin cnmccni in the rear in making the senior so-
men o jutie pertieswhohae with 104 active at the present time. views on religion, economic condi- i. Tkn h 933 nol
ment of justice operatives who have According to Professor Holmes the tions, family life, morality, and other ety. Taking the 1933-34 enroll-
been working on the case, saw Helen original correspondents were recom- problems," said Professor Holmes in ment at the University as an average
Jean walking down the street near; mended to him by county school conclusion. t o with, per cent of the stu-
her home early this morning. A coupe!___________________ dent body consists of women, but on
was cruising along beside her but the the basis of three distinct set of fig-
car sped away as the detective drew Dr f A 11 To ures it was found by The Daily that
near. erw Oi. A-ien - I Huey Long 'My Hero' since 1924 46 per cent of the Phi Beta
F ToNewYor m'odel meberhiphas eenfemle.Thus,
As Helen Jeanhturned into her own a e Four-D ayoNew orkM elS one-third ofthebstudent body has
home, which she left a week ago to, " M ak~. I'jtaken for itself almost one-half of
take 'a little walk" Glenn joined her.
Takey"it walk"len oin.he. NEW YORK, March 12. -(p available scholastic honors.
They wama I've been kidnaped," Lecture Tour Senator Huey Long is the "ideal Back in the early post-war periods
the girl cried as her mother rushed sweetheart" of exactly 68 of 300 New they had an even more noteworthy
forward and embraced her. York mannequins, the Professional position. The aggregate for the three
While the girl drank a cup of tea Forestry Problems Will Be Models League of America announced years, 1924-1926, inclusive, shows that
she told her mother she had been C s'r in today. out of a total of 185, there were 103
held in Detroit for a week by a couple Considered nSpeaking Gertrude L. Mayer, president of the women in Phi Beta Kappa, or, ex-
she knew only as "Steve and Mamie." Trip Through State Ileague, asked 300 mannequins this pressed differently, Phi Beta Kappa
RpasSoy_____question: was 55 per cent female.
Repeats Story qeto. However, the men picked up ground
Glenn then took the girl to the Prof. Shirley W. Allen of the School "Who in the public eye today, whe- immediately. From 1927 to 1929, in-
police station where she repeated her of Forestry and Conservation will ther married or single, would you elusive, only 37 per cent of the Phi
story of the kidnaping. O'Malley start today on a four-day lecture tour select as your ideal sweetheart? Bete membership was made up of
described it as "wild and unbeliev- in four Michigan cities in which he Some of the reasons given by those co-eds, there being 72 women out
able." will discuss various forestry prob- choosing Senator Long: "He is so of a total of 194. Perhaps the Auto
As the officers found discrepancies, good-natured"; "he is very chari- Ban was responsible for the rise of
O'Malley said, the girl finally admit- lems and the "Stop Useless Fires" table," and "he is a he-man and a the male intellect, for while the num-
ted that she had written both kid- campaign. fighter and he has such nice curly ber of women remained about the
locks.' I ,-_ - _&_,


Beginning next fall the Columbia
SUniversity School of Journalism,
founded in 1903 by Joseph Pulitzer,
will become exclusively a graduate
school, according to an announce-
ment made recently by Dean Carl W.
The transition from an undergrad-
I uate school to a graduate school has
been under way since 1932, according
to Dean Ackerman, and is the result
of experimentation in the curriculum
which has focused the objective of
the school on journalism in its rela-
tion to foreign and domestic public
The evolution from the educational
"mass production" policies of the
nineteen twenties to the policy of in-
dividual instruction and development
is important from the student stand-j
point, the announcement states, andE
because it provides the student with
the background and proficiency nec-
essary for advancement in the profes-
sion and because it enables him to
prepare himself for a selective field.
Men and women between 20 and 30
years of age who hold the bachelor's
degree in arts, letters, philosophy orI
science from a college or university'
approved by the director of admis-
sions of Columbia University, and who
are interested in journalism as a ca-
reer or as a preparation for public
service, are eligible to apply for ad-
mission. All prospective students are
required to pass an entrance exam-
ination. Tuition and University fees
for the one year amount to $400.
The three fundamental courses of
study in the new school will be re-
porting and copy-editing; editorial
writing, policies and research; and
research in publishing policies. Stu-
dents willbe required to register for
eight hours of work per day, five days
Bates Talks On
Opportunities In,
Law Profession
Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law
School opened the new series of voca-
tional guidance lectures yesterday
afternoon in Angell Hall explaining
the functions and obligations of the
legal profession. The lecture was at-
tended by nearly 100 students.
Dean Bates spoke on the legal pro-
fession in general, saying that the
American Bar Association is now


per week, for one academic year.
The degree of Master of Science will
be recommended for all students who
pass the course.
Scholarships totaling $12,000 are
available for the school. These in-

clude the three Joseph Pulitzer grants
of $1,500 each, awarded at the end of
the academic year for foreign study.
Women of superior ability will bec
admitted to the school in numbers'
proportionate to the opportunities'
which shall develop for them in theC
future in profesional work. Studentst

who are primarily interested in the naping notes herself to get the money
novel, short story, photoplay, or simi- for clothes.
lar specialized fields, are not encour- With the discovery of the girl,
aged to apply for admission. Inspector O'Malley disclosed for the
first time that her parents had re-
ceived a second kidnaping note.
j New Textbook The first was pushed through the
door of the Banninga home shortly
after the girl left the house last Tues-
Com pleted By day. It demanded $5,500 in bills of
small denomination under pain of
Prof. Campbe lldeath to the girl.
The parents were driven to the
verge of collapse. Mr. Banninga, an
A new textbook, entitled "Th'e insurance salesman, said he did not
Working, Heat, Treating, and Weld- have that much inoney and both par-
ing of Steel," has been completed re-en might haveridiculed the theory that she
cently by Prof. Harry L. Campbell Receive Second Note
of the metal processing department In the f f p keptic.
of~~~I the UnfriyBeace of police skepticism,
of the University. Mrs. Banninga said she was sure
The book has been prepared to cov- Helen Jean had been kidnaped. She
er the introductory principles and described her daughter as so "shy and
practices included in the subject, and timid" she was afraid to go on the
is being used this semester in Metal streets alone after dark.
Processing II, a course which is, The Banningas received the second
scheduled for all students in the Col- note through the mail Friday. The
lege of Engineering, letter bore a Detroit postmark and
Professor Campbell's new text con- repeated the previous demands. It
tains a large number of illustrations ordered the parents to tie the money
of modern equipment for the manu- in a white cloth and leave it on the
facture of steel products. Many charts steps of a house in Franklin Park at
and diagrams are also included to aid midnight Monday. The carrier of
the reader in understanding the sub- the money was directed to "cough
jects discussed in the book. loudly."
In the first few chapters, the read- rounded the rendezvous Monday
er is introduced to the steel-making night and waited for the "kidnapers"
processes and to the classification of: to appear. At 11 p.m. a girl and a
steel. Since the properties of steel I man appeared, looked at the building,
are dependent to a large extenthon but walked away. At midnight no
the mechanical working and the heat one appeared.
treatment to which the metal has Shortlyafter the girl appeared
been subjected, these topics are dis- near her home.
cussed fully in the text.
The welding processes are alsogiv- Inspector O'Malley said he was
en considerable attention. On ac- convinced the girl who was seen at
count of the ever increasing uses of !convi.cedsthelnhJeas sndntat
steel products, and the tremendous 11 p.m. was Helen Jean and that the
waste due to the corrosion of steel, ma w sa er " oiie."
methods for protecting this metal O'Malley said she insisted she alone
from atmospheric corrosion are re- had engineered the plot; she wrote
viewed in the last chapter. both letters on her own typewriter
and that she spent the intervening

Outlining recent conservation prog-
ress, Professor Allen will address the
Northwest Kiwanis Club tomorrow'
night in the Lee Plaza Hotel in De-
troit. In the afternoon he will show
a forestry film, "Forestry and Log-
ging in Michigan" before students of
Northwestern High School.
Professor Allen will make three
speeches on Thursday in Muskegon,
talking in behalf of the "Stop Use-
less Fires" campaign, the Michigan
effort to do away with useless fires,
which will have its state-wide open-
ing Friday. At noon Professor Allen
will address the Rotary Club at the
Occidental Hotel, the Muskegon Jun-
ior High School in the afternoon, and
a general meeting of the Muskegon
Garden Club in the evening in the
Hackley Art Gallery.
On Friday Professor Allen will stop
in Grand Rapids where he will speak
on the vocational opportunities in
forestry before the Junior College
Forestry Club.
Ypsilanti will be the fourth city'
visited by Professor Allen in his tour.
He will talk there Saturday before
the Ypsilanti Garden Club on "Forests
and Prevention of Useless Fires."
Editor Announces Staff
For '35 S.C.A. Handbook

Runner-up to Senator Long was
Johnny Weismuller, of "Tarzan"
screen fame. He received 24 votes.
Clark Gable got six.
Two Remaining
Alumni Lectures

same, the total increased measurably
- from 53 in 1927 to 75 in 1929, the
difference being made up entirely by
An interesting characteristic of the
figures representing the number of
students who were awarded a Phi
Beta Kappa key in their junior year'
is that the percentage of women coin-
cides exactly with the figure repre-
senting those who needed four years

- 46 per cent. Out of -a total of 41
Are Announced who received their keys in their jun-
ior year from 1930 to 1934, inclusive,
18 were women. There is little con-
The two remaining lectures in the sistency in the total from year to year,
Alumni-University lecture series were the number varying from 8 in 1930,
announced yesterday by alumni rela- 11 in 1931, 6 in 1932, 6 in 1933, to
tions officials. 10 in 1934.
Dean Clare E. Griffin of the School;
f Business Administration has been WINS VERDUN MEDAL
scheduled to speak March 20 to the COLDWATER, Mardi 12 - VP) -
alumni groups in Grand Rapids. His John Cochrane, disabled World War
subject has not as yet been announced. veteran, learned Friday that he had
Prof. Theophile Raphael of medical been awarded the French Medal of
school will speak on May 6 at Midland. Verdun. The decoration is for con-
"Mental Hygiene for Students" is the spicuous bravery in defense of Verdun
title of his lecture. in 1918. He remained in the front lines
The series of talks have been spon 24 hours, although half of one foot
sored by the University in the interest was shot away by shrapnel.
of providing a closer relation between
the alumni throughout the State and Adrian, Midland, Grand Rapids, Bir-
the University. Among the groups to mingham, Pontiac, Owosso, and Mt.
which speakers have been sent are Clemens.




Artur flodzinski

working to improve conditions in the
profession by seeking new laws to fa- APPROVES AIR PL
cilitate the disbarment of undesirable WASHINGTON, MarchI
members. Although this movement is Secretary Swanson today
being opposed by a number of outside plans for concentrating all
interests, among them the realtors, navy lighter-than-air ac
trust companies and banks, Dean Lakehurst, N. J.
Bates asserted that there has never The dirigible base at
been a time when one could enter The irigibe baseat
the American Bar with better pros- Calif., is to be converter
pectsofleading a good,euseful life airplane training center p
and at the same time making a fair cision on the future of airs
New fields for lawyers are now being
opened up with the activities of the
Federal government, Dean Bates said #
and cited the cases of several recent
graduates of the Law School who are
now working in Washington.
The student who plans to enter'
the Law School would do well to
make a careful and, as far as possible,
an objective examination of his abil-
ities and qualifications for work in
the legal profession, according to
Dean Bates. In this connection, the
speaker emphasized the fact that the Great Works of Art
profession now has very little' use The Mansions of Phi
for the old-time oratory, but that con- Modern Painting -
centration and imagination are very The Pageant of Civili
important. The Romance of Arc
R. V MaoAffn.

week in Detroit alone.
CANS Credence was given the kidnaping
12. - P)-- theory at the outset because Miss
approved Banninga testfied against a bank rob-
remaining ber gang three years ago. Two sus-
tivities at pected members of the gang still are
at large and the parents expressed:
Sunnyvale,; the fear they had seized their daugh-
d into an ter either for revenge or to prevent
ending de-i her from testifying should there be
ships. - another trial.


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