THE MICHIGAN DAILY Glee Club To JIn Stanley Chorus In Joint r Initiate During Past Week-End Alu nuji Are Present Fo Various Social Activities Banquets, Teas Over the week-end the activities ( several houses were concerned wit pledging and formal initiation. A lpha Epsilon Iota Alpha chapter of Alpha Epsilo Iota sorority held its formal pledgin Saturday afternoon at the chapte house. The following members of ti freshman medical class were pledged Leonora Nash, Alice Burton, Dori Whitney, Wilhelmina Van Dyke, An Kowaliszyn, and Elizabeth Kitchen. A tea followed the pledging. Tb table was decorated with jonquils an yellow tapers. Among the alumna present were: Mrs. L. W. Oliphan Mrs. D. Murray Cowie, Dr. Jearnn Solis, Dr. Gertrude Mitchell, Dr. Ra chel Stephens, Mrs. W. I. Mlvor, Di Evelyn Weeks, and Dr. Ruth Wan stroin. Djtai Sigma belta Delta Sigma Delta, national dents fraternity, wishes to announce th initiation of the following men: Rich ard Curtis, '37, Lawrence Bowles, '3. Louis Pinney, '37, Delos Kevin, '3 Tar Reader, '36, Paul Ridinger, '3. Furry Kittell, '37, John Muzzall, '3, and Chalmers Johnson, '37. A banquet followed the formal int ation. Delta Upsilon Delta Upsilon fraternity held it annual initiation ceremony Sunda afternoon. The following men wer initiated: Reeve R. Hastings, '36E Jery W. Gilfillan, '37E, Frederick A Collins, Jr., Lit., John E. Cornelius '38, Hugh L. Hayward, '38, William H Mathews, Jr., '38E, Richard A. May '38 Spec., James D. Ritchie, '38, Wil. liam S. Wilson, '38. Prof. Joseph H Drake officiated at the ceremony. A banquet for sixty active member and alumni was served after the cere mony, with Prof. Arthur L. Cross act- ing as toastmaster. Mr. Frederic Black, director of public relations fo: the Ford Motor Company, was the speaker. Delta Zeta Delta Zeta sorority held initiatior Saturday for three new members. Th women who were initiated are Janic Brackett, '36, Norway, Angelina Pirelli '36, Mt. Vernon, N.Y., and Marcie Mat- thews, '36, Muskegon. After the cere- mony a banquet was held at the chap- ter house. Barbara Whitford, '36 was in charge of arrangements. Bett3 Walz, '35, president of the chapter spoke for the active members. Mis Brackett for the initiates,. and Mrs Clarence Kessler of Ann Arbor for the alumnae. Alice Mahrike, '35BAd. awarded the sorority scholarship ring to Miss Pirelli. Kappa Nu The following students were initiat- ed into Kappa Nu fraternity Sunday afternoon: Arnold Friedman, '38, Da- vid Friedman, '38, Morton Jacobs, '38, David Klein, '38E, Norman Soodik, '38, and Stephen Stone, '38.' Professor I. Leo Sharfman of the Economics department was guest speaker at the initiation banquet, which was held after initiation cere- monies. At the dinner Jacob Weiss- man was awarded the scholarship cup for having the best scholastic average for four years work. A.A.U.W. Plans Yearly Meeting ForSaturday The Ypsilanti members of the Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti branch of the American Association of University Women will be hostesses to that or- ganization at a meeting to be held in Ypsilanti. As has been the custom at this an- nual meeting a musicale and tea will also be held, the program to be pre- sented by the Ypsilanti Singers under the direction of Mr. Frederick Alex- ander of the Michigan State Normal College conservatory of music. The Singers will present old English music, modern choral music to Shakespeare texts, and several old compositions for the recorder and harpsichord. The program which will be held at Charles McKenny Hall is being ar- ranged by Dean Lydia I. Jones, of the Normal College, who is second vice- presiident of the association. Dean Jones and Miss Maude Hagle, past president of the association, are in charge of the tea which will be held in the formal lounge of McKenny Hall. A large group of Ypsilanti wom- en will assist as hostesses. Prof. Worrell Discusses Near Eastern Civilization The first in a series of three lectures was presented by Prof. William Wor- rell of the Oriental Language depart- ment last night at the Hillel Founda- tion. The subject chosen by Professor Worrell was "The Jew and Near East Civilization." Michigan's Varsity Glee Club will join with the Stanley Chrus to prcscPt their annual spring concert at 8:15 p.m. tonight in hill Auditorium. Prof. David Matlcrn will cciiduct the Glee Club in its song while Achilles Taliafferre will direct the Stanley Chorius. Ruth Pfohl, harp, and Fr'crick Bsicsr and Dcuglas Listen, horns, will .a 4t in aeccnirpanyijng the Stanley Chorus. The conceit will cclrbrate the 75th anniversary of th¢ founding of the Glee Club on thjs campus. New Styles, Color For Chic Footwear New styles, new color combinations, novelty materials, stitching, and trim, all combine to make this spring's footwear the most interesting of many seasons. For daytime and informal evening shoes the modern miss will wear sandals, pumps, or ties, as she prefers, but they will be a combina- tion of leather and one of the new woven materials such as, Palm Beach cloth, gabardine, sandor, or homespun. One very good-looking shoe is a tie of beige homespun trimmed with smooth brown kid. Patent leather is still good, being of- fered in blue, as well as brown and Propeities Committee To Attend Initial Performance Of J. G. P. When the Junior Girls Play, "Tune of primary importance in the pro- In On Love," is presented for the 1 duction. first time on the evening of March They will point with pride to the 20, there will be a large portion of New York skyline which is the back- the audience which will ignore the ground for the introductory scene plot, the dialogue, the music and the in Washington Square Park and to dances and will spend the evening the scenery which portrays Niagara gazing fixedly at a space above and Falls. The chef d' oeurvre of the behind the performers. Washington Square scene, by the way, They will also be marked by a care- is considered by those most intimate- 'Two Glee Clubs To Hold Annual Spring Concert Varsity, Stanley Chorus To Present First Joint Prograi Tonight Michigan's Varsity Glee Club and the Stanley Chorus will join in pre- senting a concert at 8:15 tonight in Hill Auditorium. Prof. David Mat- tern will direct the Glee Club in its numbers, while the Stanley Chorus will be conducted by Achilles Talia- ferro. Ruth Pfohl, harp, Frederick Baes- sler, and Douglas Liston, horns, will assist in accompanying the Stanley Chorus. The concert will mark. the first joint program to be given by these two music groups. This annual spring concert will celebrate the 75th year since the founding of the Glee Club on this' campus. The program has been ar- ranged to include a variety of selec- tions - from German, Russian and Scotch folk songs to purely classical numbers by Rachmaninoff a n d Brahms.1 Sing Russian Tune The Glee Club will commence the' concert with "Feasting By Watch," Elgar; "Devotion," Strauss; and a Russian tune arranged by Moussorg- sky. They will conclude this group with "O' The Joy Of Living, Loving," a German folk song, "Gute Nacht" and an English tune, "Sir Eglamore, arranged by William. The Stanley Chorus will continue with two numbers by Bach, "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring," and "Good News From Heaven." Next, they will sing "Cherubic Hymn," Bortniansky; "Now Is the Month of Maying," Mor- ley; and a Scotch tune, "Rantin', Rovin', Robin." Brahms To Be Featured The last group of songs will be divided between the two groups. The Glee Club will begin with "I Hear A Harp," and "Song From Ossian's Fingal," Brahms. The Stanley Chor- us will continue this group with "Voice of Spring," a Swabian folk song, Brahms; "To the Children" and "O Sing To Me, Fair Maid, No More," Rachmaninoff. The concert will be concluded with Glee Club singing, "Maiden Fair" from Sullivan finale from The Gond- oliers, arranged by Hadyn. The gen- eral public is invited to attend. W omen' s Clubs To Hold Benefit IProgram Tea The Washtenaw County Federation of Women's Clubs will hold an inter- national relations program tea at 2:15 p.m. today in Mosher Hall for the benefit of the Triennial Convention of the General Federation of Women's Clubs which will be held in June in Detroit. Cooperating with the Washtenaw County Federation of Women's Clubs in arranging the tea are the Ann Ar- bor and Ypsilanti branches of the American Association of University Women and the Sarah Caswell Angell group of the Daughters of the Anier- ican Revolution. Mrs. Julio del Toro, president of the Washtenaw Federation of Wom- en's Clubs and finance chairman of the State Triennial Board is in gen- eral charge, She will be assisted by Mrs W. D. Henderson chairman of arraignments and Mrs. H. S. Curtis, chairman of international relations of the Women's Club of Ann Arbor. Mrs. Laura Waples McMullen, chairman of international relations of the General Federation of Women's Clubs, will speak on the subject of "Interpretations of World Events." Additional hostesses to the list al- ready published are Dean Lydia I. Jones of Michigan State Normal Col- lege, Dean Elizabeth Conrad of Mich- igan State College, Mrs. Charles Sink, Miss Ethel McCormick, social direc- tor of the League, Jean Seeley, '36, president-elect of the League and Maxine Maynard, '35, president of the League. PrI) Jowes Gives Piscussion Of I'i fiislied Phire', Hillel Play "Ufinished Picture." the Hillel issued yesterday. "The meaning of the Play for thi, season. is an honest at- new, the unusual, and the radical will tempt by a Uniesity student to de- naturally vary as circumstances pict "the new, the unusual, and the change; but it is a phrase which cer- radical" in accordance with the pur- tainly cannot be made to mean the pose of the Hopwood bequest, in the conventional or the commonplace," opinion of Prof. Howard M. Jones he said. of the English department. "Cohen's play, "Unfinished Pic- The three-act social drama. "Un- ture," is neither convention nor com- finished Picture," written by Theodore monplace. It is the story of an or- Kane Cohen, '35, will be presented dinary, middle-class urban American March I. and 16 in the Lydia Men- family caught in the network of a. delssohn Theatre. The author has changing world. In it, the younger been awarded four Hopwood awards generation, more aware of a change during the past three years. than the elder, faces the elder gen- "When the University accepted the eratien with questions to which the Hopwood bequest, it accepted also parents have no very satisfactory an- the obligation that the new, the un- swer." usual,4and the radical should be en- "On the other hand," explained Pro- couraged among campus writers," fessor Jones, "Cohen has held the said Professor Jones in a statement balance even'; all righteousness is not with the youngsters, and the experi- ment in living of at least one of them D orm itory To has only dubious results."Unfinished Tea/ Picture," of course, is not a perfect 0 play,' but it is a production that de- Give O pen Tea"serves"everyencouragementanglad that a campus group has been cour- This Afternoon Joe g to produce the work of an uderMaduae,"stated Professor 1 Jones. The residents of Helen Newberry Rehearsals for "Unfinished Picture" will be hostesses at an informal St. ( are being directed by Robert X. Patrick'shtea this afternoon from 4 to Adams, Grad., former president of 5:30. According to Harriet Wojtow- Comedy Club and at present a mem- icz, '35, chairman, no formal invita- ber of the Nell Gwyn Players and tions have been issued. All faculty the Flint Community Players. members and students are cordially Tickets for the production are on invited to attend. sale at Wahr's, Ulrich's, and elater's Lace centerpieces will cover the two bookstores. Reserved seats may be ob- tea tables, and flowers will be ar- tained at the Lydia Mendelssohn The- ranged in green hats in the center ater boxoffice. Seats are priced at 35, of each. Green tapers in crystal 50, and 75 cents. holders and shamrocks will also be used. Tables will be set up for cards and games. The dormitory directors will pre- side at the tea tables. These include Mrs. George Codd of Martha Cook, Motin Piotures: Wverthi " Sll sMiss Edith Barnard of University Anything" with Pat O'Brien and aHouse, Miss Ann Vardon of Betsy "Lottery Lover" with "Pat" Paterson; Barboun, Miss Isabel Dudley of Jo- Majestic, "David Cpperfleid" with dan Hall, Mrs. Mira Smith of Alum- W. C. Fields; Michigan, "After office nae House, Mrs. Alta Schule of Adel-Hor"wt jalGbe;Winy ia Cheever, and Miss Ruth Pfohl and" H ors" with Clark Gable; Wisney, Mis Vea Iowad drecor ndbusi- "Dr. lV~oniea" wilh JKay F'rancis and Miss Vera Howard, director andb -"She 4ad To Choose" with Buster nes manager respectively of Helen Crabb Newberry Residence. The list of assistant hostesses con- Exhibitions: Exhibition of Persian sists of Mary Elizabeth Porter, '38, miniature paintings open from 2 to Marion Field, '38, Carla Weimar, '37, 5 pm. daily except Sundays, South Jean Lillie, '38, Elizabeth Ebersbach, Gallery, Alumni Memorial Hall. Col- '38, Betty' Woodworth, '37, Dorothy lection of fabrics showing modern White, '38, Barbara King, '38, Gerald- trends in textile design, open from 9 ine Lehman, '37, and Mary Ellen Mc- a.m. to 6 p.m. daily except Sundays, Cord, '38. Architectural Buiing. Exhibition of worn appearance and by several large patches of peculiarly covered paint on various and sundry portions of their anatomies. These peculiar spe- cimens will eagerly assure you that they are not a group of Indians on ly concerned to be a large sign which urges the spectators to "Join the Navy and See the World." Other sets which are extremely un- usual are those in which the audience is led from one room to another in the dream home of the hero and hero- ine through an arrangement of cur- tains which block out one set while opening to reveal another. Another clever scene is the ironic one which presents the kitchen of the bride at one side of the stage black. Processed leathers are featured thembers pfth, buopartes m itly tee in the new street shoes, grenele, swirl, members of the properties committee and treebark, being most popular. who have spent the past several weeks, Blue dominates the color field, beige painting the scenery which is to them and the two-color styles running close seconds. Black, brown, and blue with white are being shown very early this J. .G . SUs eS spring. The college girl has a wide choice Are A nnced of campus footwear. The ever popular nnounced1 - ghillie is still featured, especially inj buckskin. The zipper type oxford B STm combines style with convenience. Two1 e jew shoes are the monk's oxford, a - built-up sandal with a large side Sue Thomas, chairman of ushers buckle, and the bike .pattern, a six- j for the Junior Girls Play, "Tune in hole tie. In sport wear the new pro- On Loce," has named the women whoI cessed leathers are featured alone or will usher for the various perform-l as trim on buckskin and soft kid. ances. They are Audrey Anderson,l Leather soles have taken the place of Jane Biddle, Jean Kelso, Myra Hil-1 rubber and crepe. pert, Margaret Cowie, Irene McCau- Sandals and pumps of white satin sey, Bertine Lehman, Jane Peter, Doi- or crepe are the most popular for othy Schwarze, Elizabeth Todd, Louise evening, but many are being dyed to Stevens, Jean Royce, Edith Forsythe, match the new pastel formals. Formal Jean Grosberg, Emma Schmid, Elea- wear in sandals will also eliminate the none Workoff, Betty McClure, Mar- toeless fashion to a great extent, garet Spencer, Hazel Hanlon, Jean; stressing more the intertwining straps fShaw, Margaret Norcross, and Eliza-: seeming to spread out from the toe. beth Stimson.c One type of toeless sandal that will be Others are Katherine Yaw, Mary. popular will be that which has three Adamski, Lois Trigg, varybelle Bou- narrow straps running across the foot chard, Marion Saunders, Winifreda which will be studded with vari-col- Bell, Mary Bursley, Dorothy Utley,l ored stones. This shoe is shown in 'Mary Robinson. Jane Servis, Doris gold and silver. Vatee, Jean Taylor, Barvara Miller. i i i while at the other the groom is eat- ing his breatfast at a typical lunch- wagon and hamburg stand. All the scenery for the production was designed by Oren Parker, Grad., and his plans we e carried out by Grace Bartling, prbperties chairman, and her committee. There are ap- proximately 14 sets, done in the mod- ern manner, and making up the most pretentious backgrounds which have been seen in a campus production re- cently. Dr. Ilai hi Ti Address Wojuen's Organization' Dr. Cameron Haight of the Medical School will speak on "Developments in Thoracic Surgery" at the meeting of the Ann Arbor junior branch of the American Association of University Women at 6:15 p.m. today at the League. Dinner will be served at 0:30 p.m. The lecture which will be illustrated, is one in the series of addresses held in the course of study Cof the organi- -ation on modern t ends in the tech- nics of the arts and sciences, At the meeting to be held in May, Miss Ruth Meirick will speak on "The Charm of Chinese Design." op To Meet Today The publicity committee of the League will meet at 4:30 p.m. to- day in the Und~cergraduate Office, All members must b. present. GAMAiA PhI BETA Gamma Phi 'Beta announces the pledging of Caroline Beltramini, 38,1 Birmingham. There will be a W.A.A. board meeting at 5 p.m. today at Wom- en's Athletic Building. All mem- bers must be present. r ! II Phi Tau lpha TIo Featurei Latin Drama In Program Phi Tau Alpha, classical honorary Elizabeth Miller, Janet Peabody. Ruth White. Elizabeth Dormer, Eileen 1\/c- I Manus, Betsy O'Dell, Cora Neilson, and Louise Stone. Still others include Virginia Zuid- erhock, Eleanor Young, Catherine society, will present "Dulcitius," a Hall, Mildred Shapley, Caroline medieval Latin drama, as the feature Woodford, Dorothea MacGregor, Dor- of their regular meeting which will othy Brown, Evelyn Neil , Helen be held at 7:30 p.m. today at the Brandt. Emma Cadney, Iorothy Hart,' League, according to Miss Elizabeth Mary Patty, Margaret Cutler, June Lawry, '35, general chairman of the Rosenblum, Betty Rich, Elizabeth Ni- program. col, Gerda Stanger, and Laura Ziin- Members of the cast are Miss Mary merman. Edwards, Grad.; Miss Virginia Kirk- Miss Thomas will meet with this' wood, '35; Mis. Maiy Raft; Edmond group Thursday at the League to make Borgioli,''37; 1elvin Beaudette, '35; a schedule of ushers for the perform- Manuel Levin. '36; Bernard Etkind. ances which will be held March 201 '30; and Henry Russel, '36. Miss Cpl- to 23.1 lin Wilsey, '35, is director of the play. Preceding the play, Robert Acker- man, Grad., will present a discussion on medieval drama. Refreshments will be served after the meeting. 11 , , A11 I FRENCI PJ FESSR HQNOIRED I Prof. Eugene E. ERovillain of. the French department, has just be en named Oflicier d'Acad mie in recog- nition of his publications in the field of research, an honor bestowed upon' him by the French Minister of Ea- tional Education, it was learned yes- terday. bul. ot01C CCIIf, r defl-ttse! Anyway, that's Franklin D 's statement in the Junior Girls Play itne In In aLove" I1 SCHOo OF NURSING of YALE UNVERSITY A PIROFJSSION FOR 'rE COLLEGE WO 4AN The thirty inonlhm' course, pro- viding an intensive and variel expexienc through the case study method, leads to the de'gree of AMaster a f Nursin gi I TICKET SALES beginning Monday, March 18th cI 22, 23 fl 1 it