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March 13, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-03-13

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, MARCH 13, 1953



_ i



Pubiisaied every morning except Monday during the
University year and Sumnier Session by the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
c55Oiatd ot0leaiatt Tss
-a 134 f i$I't 1935 -
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CITY EDITOR........................JOHN HEALEY
WOMEN'S EDITOR ......................EI3ANOR BLUM
M1GHT EDITORS: Courtney A. Evans, John J. Flaherty,
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Mildred Haas, Ruth Lipkint, Mary McCord, Jane Wil-
John Strachey
And Free Speech...
T HE DAILY believes that if John
Strachey does not speak in Hill
Auditorium, as it is now quite certain he won't,
there will have occurred a violation of the right
of free speech. We believe that firmly, honestly,
after a more impartial and thorough survey of
the facts than any other group on campus has
conducted, and we believe that we have the right
to say it.
Free speech should depend upon a principle more
fundamental than a shaved face, Free speech
means that you are willing-to listen, and to permit
others to listen, to someone whose ideas you mor-
tally fear and hate; it means that, no matter how
disgusted you are with an individual's actions, and
no matter how fiercely you distrust his motives,
you will nevertheless grant him the right of talk-
ing. "I wholly disagree with what you say," said
Voltaire, "and will defend to the death your right
to say it." Free speech is not a theory of existence;
it is a reality of living.
The test of a man's bigness of mind and toler-
ance of outlook comes not when he enunciates the
ideals of freedom but when he acts in the free
spirit when confronted with some burning fact. It is
for this reason that the action of those faculty
m mbers who offered to assume the responsibility
f John Strachey's appearance in Hill Auditorium
is so commendable. In the long run of time the in-

fluence of their example will be greater, because
it was courageous and right, than the power of
numbers or the finality of authority,
The Value
0)NE ASPECT of educational advan-
tages offered by the University that
is greatly neglected is the study of languages.
It is doubtful if anyone can call himself "edu-
cated" without at least a reading knowledge of such
languages as French and German. The value of
this education would be greatly' enhanced by the
addition of Spanish and Italian.
There are very few subjects that.lend themselves
to advanced study without a knowledge of some
tongue other than English. It is obvious that a thor-
ough study of such fields as history, philosophy,
literature and psychology is impossible without a
knowledge of foreign languages. Nor can we ever
hope for world peace, involving the understanding

not forbid students to elect them, and many
advisors strongly urge them.
Communication is, without doubt, the greatest
factor in human existence. In view of this it
would seem that anyone trying to acquire an edu-
cation must give strong emphasis to this all-im-
portant item.
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to
be brief, the editor reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words.
Open .etter
To the Editor:
I have written the enclosed letter to President
Ruthven, and knowing it to be of great interest
at this time, I would request you to publish it in tb
near future, making it an open letter.
-Theodore Zbinden.
President Alexander Ruthven
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Mich.
Dear Sir:
I have been informed that the Board of Regents
has suppressed a lecture to be given by the great
English economist, John Strachey. I protest this ac-
tion, and demand that the Regents rescind their
order, and allow the man to speak. I am proud
to say that our city permitted Mr. Strachey to give
his lecture. I have read his book, "The Coming
Struggle for Power," and I am sure it is far better
than any book on economics used in your Univer-
I protest this action because it is contrary to the
American tradition, and to the policies and purpose
of the University of Michigan. The Declaration of
Independence states that it is every man's heritage
to have the right to life, liberty, etc. The word
liberty was explicitly stated to include freedom
of speech. Our country obtained its freedom by a
revolution. Thomas Jefferson wrote time after
time in defense of the rights of the common
citizen. Abraham Lincoln confiscated the property
of the Southern slave holders. He also stated that if
at any time the government did not meet the needs
of the mass of the people, the'public had an in-
herent right to change the government.
It happens that I am an alumnus of the Univer-
sity of Michigan, holding several degrees. My son
and daughter are sophomores in the University.
Of course I don't happen to be one who inherited
enormous wealth, nor have I made the acquisition
of wealth my chief aim in life. Consequently, I
would not be eligible to membership on the Board
of Regents. But I do belong to the great majority
of alumni and supporters of the University. The
University is almost entirely supported by students
and alumni and the taxpayers of the State of
Michigan. Vested wealth cannot and will not sup-
port the University, altgough they have a dis-
proportionate power on the Board of Regents. And
it is to the interest of vested wealth that such
men as John Strachey, Scott Neering and other
leaders of the common people, should be sup-
pressed. Such suppression inevitably leads to Hit-
lerism, the continual lowering of the standard of
living, the restriction of educational facilities, the
suppression of all freedom of thought and speech
in the universities and the muzzling of university
My study at the University led me to believe that
right makes might. New ideas must not be sup-
pressed, but must be allowed perfect freedom. I
thought that .no matter how unwelcome an idea
was, if it was right, it should be accepted. If it
turned out to be wrong, it would fall of its own
weakness. If it was right, we should welcome it;
if it was wrong, we need not fear it. That certainly
has been true in the field of medical science and
musical art -the two fields in which I am quite
In conclusion, I again repeat my demand that the
Regents rescind their rder. If Hearstism is going
to dominate the policies of the University of Mich-
igan, my son and daughter will go to other schools
where there is freedom, and not suppression. Inci-
dentally, I do not happen to belong to the Com-
munist Party.

Just recently wve came across some of those
quaint phrases that waiters once used to yell
in our orders. Remember the shouting waiter?
Just like the American Indian, just like the
shaggy buffalo, with all his picturesque
phrases, is fast becoming just a memory.
But those were the hearty old days.
"Two fried eggs; don't fry them too hard,"
"Adam and Even in the garden," shouted the
waiter, "leave their eyes open.
"Mutton broth in a hurry," said the cus-
tomer. "Baa-baa in the rain! Make him run,"
shouted the waiter.
"Where's my baked potato?" asked a cus-
tcmer. "Mrs. Murphy in a sealskin coat,"
shouted the waiter.
"Beefsteak and onions," said a customer.
"Jehn Bull! Make him a ginny," shouted the
"Frankfurters and sauerkraut," said a cus-
tomer. "Fido, shep, and a bale of hay," shouted
the waiter.
"Hash," said the customer. "Gentleman
wishes to take a chance," shouted the waiter.
"I'll have hash, too," said the next cus-
temer. "Another sport," shouted the waiter.
"Chicken. croquettes," said the customer.
"Fowl ball," shouted the waiter.
Washington and Jefferson College declined re-
cently to participate in Louisana State University's
7 th anniversary celebration because that school
appears "subordinated to the political objectives
of Mr. Huey P. Long."
Here's a good crack coming from a junior
at the University of California: "The co-ed
looked at him coyly -like a snake."
In a questionnaire circulated at Iowa this ques-
tion appeared. "Do you want your husband to have
handsomeness, class, poise, wealth, social stand-
ing, or would you be willing to marry an average
college man?"
Well there is nothing like drawing a fine line
of distinction, is there?
Here's what I get for trying to be nice. Yes-
terday three Martha Cook lassies asked for
publicity and now this letter:
"Dear Bud:
I don't see why you have to give such places
as the Martha Cook dormitory publicity. They
are popular enough - perhaps too popular.
Why don't you go scouting around and help
out these places which are not known. Remem-
ber the saying, "Full many a flower is born to
blush unseen and waste its sweetness on the
desert air." Why not help out those in this cat-
"Two Fading Roses."
Again I repeat. Am I a publicity agent for the
co-ds on this campus?? ? ? ?
At North Carolina State College a contest for
the most popular professor had to be kept open for
an additional week - the number of ballots cast
was too smal lto be considered a representative vote
of the student body. Such popularity must be de-
A Washington

TIo g Spri ng is




around the corni~er, I really
haven't given a thought to
clothes. I know the weath-
er isn't so nice right now,
but you really can't tell
what's going to happen to-
morrow. 4nywaty, I thlnI
I'll look at the Fashion
Supplement Friday and see
what the authorities fore-
cast for warmer months,

Look to the Fashion Supplement
ckhigan Dl

r[HAT OLD WISE-CRACK about the

March 12.
first hun-


Sincerely yours,
--Theodore Zbinden.
412 Colton Building
Toledo, O.
NOTE: The recent action in regard to the
Strachey lecture was taken by the University
Committee on Lecture Policy, not by the Board
of Regents, as Mr. Zbinden erroneously con-
cludes. The lecture committee is composed of
four faculty men from the speech, English and
political science departments and the Law
School.-- The Editors.
Courthouse Steps
To the Editor:
Upon examination, the virtuous quoting of free
speech guarantees on page one of Sunday's Daily
will be found groundless, since as yet the Uni-
versity Committee on Lecture Policy has in no
way abridged the right of free speech.
They have made no move to stop Strachey from
speaking. They have not stopped frim from speak-
ing on the east steps of the Courthouse, in such
fitting surroundings, from a soap-box on the
library steps, a la Gropper, or from a platform
in any one of the numerous public parks.
They have merely refused him the right to speak
in Hill Auditorium, University property under their
control. If they feel a lecture by Strachey would
not justify the expense involved in the use of the
auditorium, if they feel that the N.S.L. is not cap-
able of assuming the responsibility of promoting
such a lecture, it is their right to refuse, as much
their right as it would be for a caretaker to refuse
Strachey admission to his employer's home.

Mdred years being the hardest does not apply to
presidential terms even if each year for some pres-
idents must have seemed to them like'a hundred.
It is the home stretch of every administration, the
last two years, that tries the souls of chief execu-
There is a striking illustration of this in the swift
change New Deal prospects underwent so soon
after President Roosevelt rounded the half-way
mark of his term in January. There was every
reason for administration rejoicing as it made that
turn. Setbacks in Congress or the courts for admin-
istration policy had been so rare and so relatively
unimportant until then that they had little or no
significant meaning against the background of the
unprecedented party sweep at the polls in No-
rUHE BACKSETS on the St. Lawrence treaty or
the World Court, even the Supreme Court
frown on the constitutionality of "hot oil" control
measures, hardly foreshadowed what was to come
sr soon. The New Dealers lost little sleep over all
that. They could discount any loss of presidential
prestige implied against the confidence with which
they planned to expedite recovery with a final,
gigantic business pump-priming and also sweep
through Congress' permanent social security proj-
ects of a .reform nature. Only the gold cases ser-
iously disturbed them.
In a matter of weeks the situation was com-
pletely changed. The gold cases had been won in
every essential respect; but elsewhere the New
Deal was faced by the gravest crises. The Senate
had bolted White House policy on new recovery
plans, stalling legislative machinery for days. Rus-
sian debt negotiations had broken down. With
them, prospects of revived commerce with Russia,
the reason for Russian recognition, went a-glim-
mering, at least for the time.
THE WHITE HOUSE had clashed with organized
labor leaders over the automobile and cigarette

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