'thleWeather Snow flurries 'Wednesday; Thursday, partly cloudy and somewhat colder. LL iv rgauF A iE~aiti Editoarial~s' John Strachey And Free Speech . The Value Of Languages.. VOL. XLV. No 119 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1935 PRICE FIVE CENTS ExplosionsOf Bombs Injure 21 In Havana Heavy Shooting Follows In Wake Of 9 P.M. Curfew Enforcement Terrorism Sweeps Bullet-Riddled City Fear-Torn Capital Desolate As Police, Soldiers Run Wildly Through Streets HAVANA, March 12. -(/P)-Bomb explosions injuring 21 persons brought immediate drastic enforcement of the military governor's 9 o'clock curfew last tonight in a story of bullets from sub-machine guns, rifles, and pistols in the hands of police and soldiers. The paralyzing general strike showed signs of breaking up; never in all its hectic revolutionary days was Havana in sch a state of deso- lation and fear. Not 100 civilians of the 600,000 population were on the street. Bent on nipping any new movement against President Mendieta's govern- ment, Col. Jose Pedraza, military gov- ernor, slapped on the curfew order. At 9:25 p.m. heavy ,shooting broke out in several parts of the capital. The city was startled, tense, and closely shuttered. Police, soldiers and sailors ran wildly through the streets. HAVANA, March 12. - (ifP) --A new wave of terrorism swept Havana late today shortly after Lieut.-Col. Jose Pedraza, military governor of the province, ordered all pedestrians and motorists off the streets after nine o'clock each night. An outburst of shooting followed the outburst of two bombs on Carlos Tercero St. The bombs wounded seven persons. A third bomb exploded in an- other part of the city. The body of an unidentified man, riddled with eight bullet holes, was found on the outskirts of the city, raising the death toll of week-end vio- lence to 13. Question Three In Attempt To Solve Murder Fingerprint Examination Of Ypsilanti Boy's Sled Yields No Clue Three men,wlho "may possibly have some connection with the case," were arrested yesterday by police in their so-far fruitless efforts to find a clue to the murder of seven-year-old Richard Streicher, Jr. Frank Gould, of Detroit, 32 years old, was nabbed by Wayne County authorities in Hamtramck yesteray afternoon. Now in Ann Arbor for grilling, Sheriff Jacob Andres ex- pressed the belief that Gould "was a little off mentally." Whether or not he was a degenerate, of the type defi- nitely sought for the Ypsilanti kill- ing, was not established. John Beyer, 44 years old, who ap- parently has no home, was picked up toward evening at the Shanghai grav- el pit, just outside Ypsilanti. He is being held here for questioning in connection with the case on the grounds that he is a "suspicious character." The third man arrested, Frank Hartwell, is charged with imperson- ating an officer. He was spotted by' sheriff's men just outside, Ann Arbor. A lie detector may be used on the men, it was indicated last night at Ypsilanti.0 Withthe exception of these ar- rests, Washtenaw County sheriffs, State Police, and Ypsilanti police were without definite clues to work on last night. "We are running down every possible angle," Sheriff Andres said. Prosecutor Albert Rapp des- cribed the efforts of his office to in- vestigate the many theories of the crime that hundreds of persons have phoned to him. "No stone is being left unturned," he stated. Because many of the authorities working on the case insist that the slaying was the work of a sex degen- erate who is still in the vicinity of the Streicher home, a warning to all Ypsilanti parents was issued yester- day to keep their children indoors at night. The extensive search of hiflaings and hideouts nnar the T-ur-a Gold Drop Seen As Eagle Descends On University Camp LAt least one "Gold Eagle" was cir culating yesterday in Ann Arbor - al congressional acts and supreme couri decisions to the contrary. But this eagle was not a $10 gol V piece, nor was it even distantly re- lated to the NRA bird. It was a real live golden eagle, enroute on its migra- tion to the north. The giant eagle, a bird rarely seen in Ann Arbor, was spotted by Eli A r Gallup, superintendent of parks, in the vicinity of Geddes pond, near the Huron River. He described the eagle's attack on a flock of wild ducks which were passing over head. "It swooped down upon the ducks and came so low I could see it plain- ly," Mr. Gallup said. A flock of crows then "mobbed" up on it, and it had to turn its attention from the ducks to them, he reported. After a brief r skirmish, the eagle gave it up and went on its way. The golden eagle, according to Mu- seum officials, wps probably on its way to northern Michigan. While the birds are not uncommon in that part of the state, they are very rare in and around Ann Arbor, the ornithol- ogists pointed out. While Mr. Gallup declined to esti- mate the wing spread of the eagle, he stated that it was a very large bird. Clenched Fists Bring To Close Arms Hearing Senator And 'Brass Drum' Shearer Near Blows At Turbulent Session WASHINGTON, March 12.- () - Fists clenched, William G. (Bass Drum) Shearer, vociferous big Navy advocate, today brought an abrupt end to a turbulent Senate munitions committee hearing by advancing upon a committee member who had called him "cowardly." The name of President Roosevelt himself was included in a list of "anti- Americans" which were found in a pamphlet published by Shearer in 1928. This aroused Senator Homer T. Bone, (Dem., Wash.), who lashed the bulky Shearer and precipitated the outburst that ended only when Chair- man Gerald P. Nye (Rep., N.D.), crashed his fist on the table for order and shortly afterward brought the hearing to a close. As was expected, Shearer made a lot of charges himself, among them that Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, of Columbia, and Bernard Baruch, fi- nancier, were "anti-American." Bar- uch has been a favorite radio target of Father Coughlin and Huey Long. Nye said that Baruch, adviser to several presidents, would be called to testify. He is expected to appear on March 25 to testify as to his ac- tivities as head of the War Industries Board and will be given an opportu- nity to reply to Long and Coughlin. The committee expects tomorrow to question Patrick J. Hurley, former secretary of war; James A. Drain, past national commander of the American Legion, and James E. Van Zandt, pres- ident of the Disabled Veterans of For- eign Wars, tomorrow. LENT SUPPER TONIGHT Dr. W. P. Lemon will speak on Dante's "Divine Comedy," at a Lent supper to be given at the First Pres- byterian Church at 6 o'clock tonight. This is the second of a series of lec-i tures on world literature given at the church. Mr. and Mrs. William Laird will act as host and hostess at the supper. Rift Between Coughlin And 1 Long Widens t Senator And Priest Take IDivergent Vi e ws 0 Presidential Support I Smt dTogether In Attaek On Johnson Roosevelt Is Praised By Fr. Coughlin, Lambasted By The 'Kingfish' WASHINGTON, March 12. - P') - A widening cleavage between Father Charles Coughlin and Senator Huey Long was-seen today in the latest re- newal of the spectacular battle of epithets between them, on one side, and Gen. Hugh S. Johnson on the other. For the most part, the priest and the senator preach the same economic doctrines, but on one point, taking their words at face value, they were widely apart today. That point was the question of supporting President Roosevelt. Long has lost no opportunity to lambast the administration with ac- cusations of broken promises to re- distribute the nation's wealth. Cough- lin last night renewed and reaffirmed his 1932 slogan of "Roosevelt or Ruin." Meanwhile, Johnson, preparing to return to the attack in the immediate future, "with plenty to say," went into seclusion awaiting, as he said, a pop- ular call to lead a nation-wide cam- paign to exterminate the influence of the senator and the cleric. He denounced them jointly last night as: "Political termites" - "economic shysters" - "public enemies number one and two"- after Coughlin had assailed him as a"political corpse" - "braggart" - "chocolate soldier" - distorter of history" - perverter of logic." Additional Cash For HOLC Is Voted By House Measure To Aid Distressed Home-Owners Is Sent To Senate WASHINGTON, March 12.-(/P) - By a vote of 400 to 2, the House passed today the measure which provides an additional $1,750,000,000 for the Home Owner's Loan Corporation to help mortgage-burdened home owners. The bill was sent to the Senate after repeated attempts to raise the $1,750,000,000 to $3,000,000,000 were beaten. Members of the banking committee gave assurance again and again that the bill provided sufficient funds to help deserving owners in distress. Even so, the committee itself had added $250,000,000 to the $1,500,000,- 000 originally in the measure. It also wrote in a provision that new applica- tions for help might be filed for 60 days after the bill becomes law. Only eight of two score amendments were accepted. One of the last adopted boosted from $25,000 to $50,000 the limit on loans - insured up to 20 per cent by the Federal Housing Admin- istration --made by private lending agencies for repair and improvement of commercial structures. The Republican opposition to the bill dwindled down to Reps. Walter G. Andrews, New York, and Schuyler Merritt, of Connecticut. Strachey Arrested In Chicao On Charge Of False Entry Into U. S.; Deny Lecture Permlission Again University In Detent Ruthven S Not Involved ion, President States I Faculty Petition Is SignedBy Fifty Plan Speech At Granger's Following Refusal Of Professors' Request President Alexander G. Ruth- ven, when asked early this morn- ing whether the University had participated in any of the "com- plaints" cited by the immigration bureau as responsible for John Strachey's arrest, declared un- equivocally that "the University had absolutely nothing whatso- ever to do with it." The official voice of Washington yesterday at least temporarily sub- dued the local hubbub over the Uni- versity Lecture Policy Committee's rejection of two proposals for holding a lecture by John Strachey in Hill Auditorium tomorrow night. The second refusal, made following the agreement by four University professors to assume full responsibil- ity for the lecture, was announced yesterdayhafternoon by Prof.nLouis C. Karpinski, one of the applicants, and was later confirmed by Carl Brandt, secretary and spokesman for the lec- ture committee. No reasons for the committee's action were given. Professor Karpinski also announced that more than 50 members of the faculty have signed a petition, like- wise presented to the committee, which states, in part, "we the under- signed members of the University fac- ulties, earnestly urge the committee to recognize the apparently just claim of the National Student League that their contract for Hill Auditorium should stand, and that Mr. Strachey' be allowed to lecture there." Signers Of Request The signers of the request by the faculty group, in addition to Profes- sor Karpinski, were Professors John F. Shepard, Robert C. Angell, and Howard M. Jones.l After explaining the circumstances leading up to the offer, the request said, "We wish it distinctly understood that we are willing to do this, not ou of sympathy for Mr. Strachey's polit- ical and economic views, but out of a sincere desire that the University may not, however unjustly, be placed in theI position of seeming to deny the Amer- ican principle of free speech." The faculty committee originally included the Rev. Harold P. Marley of the Unitarian Church, Neal Staebler part-owner of the Staebler Oil Co., William L. Fisch, '37, Samuel Mag- duff, '36A, and Cyril Hetsko, '36L, but these all dropped from the committee "on the suggestion of a high adminis- trative official." Granger's Alternate; In accordance with the arrange-7 ments between the Strachey Lecture Committee and the faculty group, re- sponsibility for the lecture automa- tically reverted to the National Stu- dent League when no approval of the' latter's proposal was forthcoming by 6 p.m. yesterday. The Strachey Lecture Committee announced lat night that the alter- nate auditorium for the speech will be Granger's Ballroom. Davis Hobbs, '35L, will be the chairman of the meet- ing. In regard to the faculty petition, Professor Karpinski declared that "no attempt was made to reach any larger number." The text of the petition, addressed to the lecture committee, was as follows:j Text Of Petition "In view of the fact that Mr. John Strachey is a distinguished English author, a well-known commentator on social changes, a man whose views have received favorable recognition in Europe and America, and in view I of the further fact that the Univer- sity granted the request by the Na- tional Student League for the lecture by Mr. Strachey, and that the League has adequate financial responsibility and has completed a contract for the ,nn+-_ c I ... - it - E arr nigh men mos N biog Stra Mar of Str Hf and first fath 1925 Soc: Ind of ' ain' Fed Di two for eral' In men trachey Is Seco Succession For Title Of Baron velyn John Strachey, who was from the Astor division of Birming- ested and ordered deported last ham. He sat until the fall of the sec- ht by the United States govern- ond British Labor government in 1931. nt, is a member of one of England's when he resigned his affiliation with st prominent families. his party, "convinced that British ephew of Lytton Strachey, famous Social Democracy was the enemy and arapher, and son of John St. Loe not the friend of British workers." achey, English editor, the noted His most famous books are "The rxist exponent is the second in line Coming Struggle for Power" and "The succession for the title of Baron Menace of Fascism." Other works by achey. Strachey include "Revolution by Rea- e received his education at Eton son," "Workers Control in the Rus- Magdalen College, Oxford, and his sian Mining Industry," and "Litera- t literary work was done for his ture and Dialectical Materialism." His ier's paper, the Spectator. Between most recent book, "The Nature of th( 5 and 1929 he was editor of the Capitalist Crisis," has been widel ialist Review, monthly organ of the acclaimed by critics and economists ependent Labor Party, and later University library reports that there i, The Miner, official organ of Brit- a long waiting -list for his earlie] s largest trade union, the Miners' books, and local bookstores report c eration of Great Britain. complete sell out of his latest book uring this period he °also made Among the American colleges whicl' visits to Russia and was arrested have heard Strachey speak are Co- participation in the English gen- lumbia University, Bowdoin College, 'strike of 1925. Dartmouth College, Middlebury Col- n 1929 he was elected to Parlia- lege, Bates College, New York Univer- tt as a member of the Labor Party, sity, and Bennington College. nd In Line Of 'Paris Gun' Will Be Described By Col. Miller' Gun Which Shelled Paris From 75 Miles Away Is Lecture Subject The "Paris Gun,"' used during the World War by the German forces to shell the city of Paris from a position behind the German lines, more than 75 miles away, will be described by Colonel Harold A. Miller of the de- partment of mechanism and engineer- ing drawing in a lecture to be given at 7:30 p.m. today in Natural Science Auditorium. The lecture is sponsored by the stu- dent branch of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and is open to the general public. No admission charge will be made. Colonel Miller was head of the heavy artillery forces of this country during the War. He is considered the greatest authority of the allied nations on this special and unique form of modern war implement. The German forces imposed a re- striction, punishable by death, on the spread of information concerning this gun. Colonel Miller gained his data through the facilities of the British and American intelligence corps. Despite the fact that no member of the allied armies has ever seen this Paris gun, or one of the seven guns of similar description made by Germany during the war, Colonel Miller has been able to obtain com- plete information on every part of the gun. A capacity audience is expected to attend the lecture, according to John Schmidt, '35E, president of the A.S.- M.E. student organization. 'ALL AMERICANS SAFE' WASHINGTON, March 12. -- ()) - Harry L. Troutman, American consul at Salonika, reported to the State department today that he had visited Seres after its occupation by the gov- ernment forces yesterday and found all Americans there unharmed. Michigan GeniiJ Character Of Yo By ARTHUR M. TAUB Union Planning Lecture Series Fore Freshmen Adjustment Program Will Be Under Direction Of Prof. Bennett Weaver A series of lectures and discussions for freshman men relative to their experiences and difficulties in becom- ing adapted to life on the University campus has been planned by the Union committee on Student-Faculty Relations. This new program, which is under the direction of Prof. Bennett Weaver of the English department, will at- tempt to gather information dealing with student problems with the idea of aiding undergraduates, particularly freshmen, in adjusting themselves to campus life. A general meeting of freshman men interested in the project will be held at 4:15 p.m. Tuesday, March 19, in the north lounge of the Union, at which time Professor Weaver will ex- plain the program. Closely paralleling the orientation program developed by the League, this project is the first definite step in the inauguration of a similar setup for men, which will probably be put into actual operation next fall, William R. Dixon, '36, a member of the Union committee, explained last night. Professor Weaver will conduct reg- ular meetings for the remainder of the semester to discuss with the fresh- man men their problems of adjust- ment and ways and means of making the shift to campus life easier. These discussions, according to Dixon, will deal chiefly with the problems of proper methods of study, choice of fields of interest, and stimulation of interest in intellectual pursuits. ARCHITECTS TO CONVENE The Michigan Society of Architects will hold its twenty-first annual con- vention in the Hotel Fort Shelby Fri- day and Saturday. Released For Appearance At 10 A.M. Today Before ImmigrationOfficials Speech Here Is Still Not Definite Possibilty Of International Incident Seen; British Consul Noncommittal The possibility of John Strach- ey's lecturing here tomorrow night depended entirely upon the outcome of his meeting with im- migration officials in Chicago at 10 a.m. this morning, dispatches from. Associated Press offices in Chicago, Washington, and New York revealed. No definite in- formnatioif as to whether Mr. Strachey would be released in time to appear here tomorrow night could be learned by The Daily at 3:30 a.m. this morning. CHICAGO, March 12 -()- Eve- lyn John St. Loe Strachey, British au- thor here on a lecture tour, was ar- rested by immigration authorities to- night after issuance of a warrant charging he entered the United States "by means of false and misleading statements." The prominent writer, son of the late publisher of the conservative Spectator and nephew of the well- known British biographer, Lytton Strachey, was apprehended as he concluded an address at the Jewish temple in suburb Glencoe. He was taken into a private office in the temple by Federal and local authorities after an extended confer- ence was freed without bond to make his appearance before immigration authorities tomorrow. Warrant Issued The warrant on which he was ar- rested was issued at Washington and charged that since Strachey entered the United States last Dec. 25, he had declared himself to be a Communist, and his detention, looking toward de- portation proceedings, was based up- on that matter. s- While some observers saw a pos- sibility of an "international incident" in Strachey's arrest, Lewis Bernays, British consul in Chicago, said: "I will take no steps regarding the matter until I receive instructions to do so." 'Semi-Radical' Address Strachey spoke tonight on the sub- ject, "The Coming Struggle for Pow- er," an address termed by listeners is 'semi-radical.' Several immigration, officials under A. M. Doig, assistant director of the immigration bureau here, accompa- nied by Glencoe police, made the ar- rest about 10:30 p.m. (C.S.T.) and took the prisoner at once to the of- fice of Rabbi Charles Shulman in the temple. An extended conference was held in the office before the announce- ment of the arrest was made. WASHINGTON, March 12-(P)- The government ordered the arrest of Evelyn John Strachey, British au- thor, on the claim that he had en- tered the United States "by means of false and misleading statements" and since arriving here had "de- clared himself to be a Communist." The Federal bureau of immigration announced that circumstances it mentioned rendered Strachey's de- portation "mandatory under the im- migration laws." Whether the immigration bureau's move foreshadowed any further ac- tion against those of Communist leanings was not immediately made clear. NEW YORK, March 13.-(AP)-W. Colton Leigh, who directs a lecture tour bureau for which Evelyn John St. Loe Strachey was speaking, tonight said, "It appears like a lot of fuss over nothing at all," when informed Stra- chey had been arrested on orders of the U.S. Bureau of Immigration. Strachey had been arrested at Glen- coe, Ill., on a warrant which charged him with making false statements to enter the country and since declaring himself a Communist. Leigh began hastily to check on what the arrest will mean to the lec- ture tirn, nhpacNIPA ohnupr in nn- Major Services Of University To State Described By Smith Prove'Fleetino' uthful Precocity work but were more consistent in the Giving an outline of some of the# services which the University pro- vides for the State of Michigan, Shir- ley W. Smith, vice-president and sec- retary of the University, pointed out that they were evidences of the Uni- versity's "of the people and for the people" policy, in a radio interview conducted yesterday over Station WJR broadcast from the campus studios in Morris Hall. Mr. Smith, who was interviewed by Prof. Waldo Abbot, director of the Morris Hall studios, mentioned the University Hospital as the chief direct service contact with the people of the State. "In point of numbers," said Mr. Rmith "+the nninaetintsexceed pointed out, was the extension courses of study. "About 2,500 people," he said, "are annually enrolled in courses conducted off the Ann Arbor campus by the extension division." Engineering research was another service enumerated by Mr. Smith. "The department of engineering re- search, at the expense of its clients, not the University," he stated, "in- vestigates fundamental technical problems for industrial concerns and manufacturers, giving these business- es the benefit of the University's ex- pert personnel in all scientific branch- es and the advantages of its librar- ies, laboratories, and equipment." A course on adult education, Mr. Rmitanoc.+cart a , onnm,lly haenrnd The story about the youthful wiz- end. ard who graduated from high school In 1931, for example, out of 49 Phi Betes only 20 had made Phi Eta Sig- at the tender age of 11, received his ma (for men) or Alpha Lambda Delta B.A. at 15, his Ph.D. at 17, and then (for women). In 1932, 26 out of 52 was found by a curious reporter, who of the scholastically glorified had was interested in what happened to been honored in their freshman year. precocious people after maturity, to In 1933 and 1934, 16 and 17, respec- tively, represented the very meager be clerking when he was 35 in an number who finished as they had obscure publishing house for $15 a started, out of a total of 46 and 36 week, is paralleled on the Michigan for the two respective years who were campus at least in regard to the blessed with the senior key of schol- .petering out of scholastically-minded arship. students by the time they have Tn norr n +angP the nmharw hha