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March 12, 1935 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-03-12

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The Weather

Partly cloudy today and to-
morrow; warmer tomorrow.


ir4t an


The Educational Opportunity
Branch Postal Service...

VOL. XLV. No. 118



Say Revolt
Is Crushed
In Greecel

Government Announces
Complete Victories In
Macedonia And Thrace
Claims Cruiser Is
Flying White Flag
Unconfirmed Report Says
Venizelos Will Proclaim
Crete Separate State
ATHENS, March 11-(A')- The in-
surrection is definitely crushed in
Macedonia and Thrace and Gen.
George Kondylis, leader of the gov-
ernment forces, is returning to
Athens, the government officially an-
nounced tonight.
The rebels, on the eleventh day of
the revolt, have been blasted from
their pr' cipal strongholds in Seres,
Drana, Eavalla and Demirhissar,
Kotini, and Dede Heach, the an-
nouncement added.
It also was officially announced the
cruiser Hele is in government hands,
and, flying a white flag, is near the
harbor of Kavalla.
It was indicated, although not con-
firmed, that former Premier Eleu-
therios Venizelos, leader of the re-
bellion in Crete, has accepted the
defeat of his Macedonian and Thrace
followers and will proclaim Crete a
separate state.
More Reports Received
There were even reports here that
the retreating rebels had strewn flow-
ers in the path of the advancing vic-
torious government troops. The of-
ficial government casualty list in the
"grand push" was given as two dead
and four wounded on the govern-
Premier Payayoti Tsaldaris, indi-
cating the rapid 'disintegration of
rebel defenses in embattled Mace-
donia, issued a statement that as soon
as the rebel evacuation of Drama
was confirmed, the Macedonian re-
bellion would be over, adding that the
authority of the lawful government
would be quickly reestablished in all
the islands of Greece.(
Gen. George Kondylis, the War
Minister who took the field in Mace-
donia, wired the War Department
from Seres:
"We entered Seres at 9 o'clock. Rebel
officers fled after robbing the Bank
of Greece's local agency. They are
now at Kavalla, from where I am
informed they will sail on rebel ships.
I am sending garrisons to occupy
Drama, Kavalla, Xanthe and Alex-
Report Many Captured
The government announced that
3,000 rebel soldiers had been cap-
tured during the operations in Mace-
donia. Naval losses of rebel forces
were also reported by Greek authori-
ties, who claimed that the light cruis-
er Helle (originally built in the United
States for the Chinese Government),
was in government hands at Kavalla.
The Naval Ministry said that the
crew of the Helle'at 4:20 a.m. had
placed themselves under government
orders after all officers on the active
list had abandoned ship. (The gov-
ernment quoted the crew as saying it
had thrown the rebel officers over-
board.) The Ministry ordered the
vessel to proceed to the Gulf of Sal-
Bulgarian, Greek
Clash Is Averted
SOFIA, Bulgaria, March 11. - (W) -
An armed clash between Bulgarian
and Greek troops was narrowly avert-
ed when a group of fugitive rebels
sought refuge on Bulgarian soil, it
was reported here tonight.
One of the rebels who reached safety
w s identified as Gen. Demetrius Ka-
manos, leader of the insurgents in

The rebel officers were travelling to-
ward the Bulgarian front in four auto-
mobiles and got stuck in the mud
shortly before reaching the border.
All the officers except three left their
cars and passed over the frontier.
A small Greek government patrol
appeared on the scene and arrested
the officers still in the automobiles.
One of them killed himself. The
guards then dashed after the other of-I
ficers who had reached Bulgarian soil,l
where they were halted by Bulgarian
frontier guards.
Greek soldiers, the report said, in-

University Expedition Leaves
Last Outpost Of Civilization
By FRED WARNER NEAL was caused by their inability to se-
The Hubbs-Vander Schalie expe- cure air service The men them-
dition to Guatemala has left Flores, selves are going along with the mule
the last outpost of Central American packs.
civilization, and begun its long trek According to the first plans of the
through the unexplored jungle coun- expedition they were to start out from
try, a dispatch received yesterday at Flores and continue, exploring sev-
the University Museums said. eral rivers, going through British
The word received here is in the onduras to the coast. Now, how-
form of twodseparate letters, one from ever, the latest report stated they
Prof. Carl Hubbs, curator of fish in would return to Flores after "two or
the Zoology Museum, and the other! three weeks on the river," and then
from Dr. Henry Vander Schalie, as- sqt out exploring another river.
The purpose of the expedition,
sistant curator of mollusks. The dis- which is to get rare or unknown spe-
patches were dated March 2, illustrat-
ing, Museum officials pointed out, cies of fish and mllusks, is being
the extemey por mil ervce"accomplished "in fine shape," the
the extremely poor mail service' Hubbs and Vander Schalie letters
of the tropics. said. According to Museums offi-
The exploring party left Flores, the cials, the results of the exploration
island capital of the tiny province of will be especially valuable because
the same name, March 2, and are many of the rivers they are investi-
now well up the San Pedro River. gating are, as far as is known, with-
According to the letter from Profes- out outlets to the sea. The Lake
sor Hubbs, he and Dr. Vander Schalie Petin study, which they have just
expected to stop a day at Perdida, a completed, was "very fruitful," they
native village, and then continue reported.
down the San Pedro The expedition is the fourth one
They indicated that a part of their composed of University men sent in-
equipment was sent ahead by plane, to Central America by the Carnegie
and that the delay in their starting, Institution, of Washington, D. C.


Tony Sender
Sees End Of
Nazi Regime
Exiled Reichstag Member
Discloses 'Facts' About
Hitler Is Denounced
In Vigorous Terms
Miscellaneous Group Of
Radicals, Fascists Hear
Talk In Socialist Hall
Miss Tony Sender, exiled member
3f the German Reichstag, foretold
the downfall of the Nazi regime in
Germany, and disclosed the "facts"
about the underground 'revolution
which is now being prepared, in a
speech before a mixed audience of
:ocialists, Communists and Americar
Fascists in the SocialistaHall.
Virulent and fiery in her denuncia-
tion of Hitler and his government.
he characterized Germany today as
"the last chapter of Germany history."
She added the qualification that Ger-
many is now "in a period of utter bru-
tality, barbarism, and tyranny."
Tracing the history of the post-war
German republic, she called the rise
of the National Socialist Party a phe-
nomenon due to the inability of the
workers of the country to form a
united front. The Communists were
blamed for an apathy towardstcondi-
tions, and an unwillingness to unite
in opposition to Hitler with the Ger-
man Socialists. She described them
as waiting their turn in power. and
discovering too late that that turn
was not coming.
-!Mass Lacks Initiative'
Today, according to Miss Sender,
the mass of the people of Germany
has simply stopped thinking. They
allow themselves to be led by popular
demagogues without any independent
thought. The idea of personal liberty
has been lost, and with it all free-
dom of thought and action, particu-
larly in the case of the German

Murder Hunt

At Standstille General Johnson
As Clues Fail!

Degenerate Is till Sought
As Slayer Of 7-Year-Old
Richard Streicher, Jr.
Free Boy's Uncle
After Long Grilhing1
Questioning Of Parents Is


iadl o !peech1

Coughlin Attacks

Strachey Affair
Quiet, Pending
Decisive Action
Latest Indications Point
To Refusal Of Faculty
Group's Request
The Strachey affair was compara-
tively quiescent last night pending an
official statement from the Univer-
sity Committee on Lecture Policy in
regard to the request by several facul-
ty members to take over the responsi-
bility for the lecture March 14.
Although it was originally an-
nounced that the proposal would be
left before the authorities only until
4 p.m. yesterday, the time was later
shifted to about 6 p.m. today. If no
decision has been announced by that
time, the original Strachey Lecture
Committee will again be active and
the faculty group will be dissolved.
Committeemen Pessimistic
Indications early this morning,
however, were to the effect that the
request would not be granted by the
committee. Efforts to reach Carl F.
Brandt, the committee's spokesman,
for, an official pronouncement were
unavailing, but comment from the
other members exhibited only a desul-
tory interest in the new plan.
Of the two committeemen who were
contacted one was extremely pessi-
mistic about the chances of the facul-
ty group's proposal and the other ex-
pressed complete ignorance of it. One
of the other members was out of
town and the fourth could not be
Rumor Spiked
An early rumor that the lecture
committee had received no official,
signed request from the faculty group
was spiked when Prof. Louis C.. Karp-
inski declared that he had personally
given the petition to Mr. Brandt at
about 4 p.m.
The first committee member spok-
en to intimated that there had been
several petitions from faculty mem-
bers presented during the day, but
repeatedly expressed the belief that
the' matter had been "completely
closed" as far as the committee was
Meanwhile a detailed, notarized
oath was submitted to The Daily by
William L. Fisch, '37, a member of
the Strachey committee and execu-
tive secretary of the National Student
League, enumerating, all the events
leading up to the official refusal by
Mr. Brandt Friday.
University Willed
$30,768_By Hesse
The University has .been granted a
fourth of the $123,073 estate of the
late Bernard C. Hesse, '83, noted New
Yorkrchemist, it was announced here
The- University's portion, amount-
ing to $30,768, was determined yes-
terday when the New York State
Transfer Tax Department appraised
the estate of Mr. Hesse, who died April
21, 1934. Mr. Hesse was chief chemist
for the Allied Chemical and Dye Cor-
Other legatees of the will are the
University of Chicago, United Hos-
pital Fund of New York, and another
mpw ~ rVnrk it.Ir '~ f-u p1, i-i hi aion _H

Announce Deadline For
Payment Of Senior Fee
Seniors must pay their class
dues of $1 before March 25 or their
names will not be included in the
Commencement programs and
they will not be able to buy invi-
tations, it was announced yester-
day by George Lawton, '35, class
There will be a table located in.
the front corridor of Angell Hall
for the collection of dues, Lawton

Project Heads
Announced By
League Council
Margaret Curry And Shirl
Crosman Are Selected
For Positions
Margaret Curry was appointed gen-
eral chairman of the Freshman Proj-
ect yesterday by the League Council.
Shirl Crosman was named assistant
Miss Curry is freshman president
of Mosher Hall, librarian of the
Freshman Girls' Glee Club, and
chairman of decorations for the Frosh
Frolic. She is from Saginaw .
Miss Crosman, affiliated with Gam-
ma Phi Beta sorority, is freshman
president of Jordan Hall, president
of the Freshman Girls' Glee Club,
and a member of the freshman fi-
nance committee. She is from Frank-
linville, N. Y.
Other Appointments Made
At the same time the Council an-
nounced the appointment of other
central committee members Theresa
Swab, a member of Theta Phi Alpha
sorority, will act as publicity chair-
man. Harriet Shackleton, affiliated
with Kappa Alpha Theta sorority,
was named art chairman, and Joanne
Kimmel, non-affiliated, will be fi-
nance chairman. Helen Purdey, also
non-affiliated, was appointed ticket
chairman, and Billie Sufferin will
head the dance committee. Miss Suf-
ferin is a member of the dance com-
mittee and chairman of the house
committee at Betsy Barbour.
These seven women will meet at
7:30 p.m. tonight in the League to or-
ganize the project. They will ap-
point their committee members from
among the women submitting peti-
Merit System Used
The choice of officers in the first-
year class project was made in ac-
cordance with the merit system of
the League. All women interested in
positions submitted petitions and
were interviewed by the Judiciary
Council. Judiciary then made recoin-
mendations for the offices, and the
League Council appointed on the basis
of these recommendations.
More than 75 petitions were filed
by freshman women, with 42 applica-
tions for the office of general chair-
The Freshman Project is held an-
nually in May, and follows lines of en-
tertainment similar to the Sophomore
Cabaret and the Junior Girls Play.
Caribbean Flight Movie
Is Shown To A.S.M.E.
The aeronautical division of the
ASM.E. met last nght in the Mich-

She revealed, however, the exist-
ence of an "underground" organiza-
tion pledged to revolution, and the
destruction of the Nazi party and
power. She was unable, she explained,
to describe how this organization
operated for fear of imperiling her
German friends who are at the pres-
ent time engaged in the movement in
Barbarities of the Nazi regime were
retold, stotries of immuration of liv-
ing )ersons in stone walls, of disap-
pearance, and of sudden death - all
were used to play on the emotions
of the audience. Speaking in a dra-
matic fashion, she recounted the
numbers of her friends who had died
before Nazi guns.
Eight Times Returned}
Miss Sender was eight times re-
turned from her constituenc'y in Sax-
ony to the German Reichstag, and she
claims that even today she is in
touch with the true sentiment of her
people. "There is a greater Germany
beneath," she said. and expressed her
belief that it would one day rise again.
Hitler, she characterized in the bit-
ing statement that "the Nazis lie, have
lied in the past, will lie, and know that
they lie!" She told of the revealing
chapters in his book which point to
the destruction of France, and the
extension of the German nation.
"Germany is prepared today to build
one thousand airplanes in a week.
Her armies are trained again. Gas,
light and heavy artillery, machine
guns and rifles, all the munitions of
war are behind Hitler. And with these
is added the greatest horror yet to be
released on the world,rthat of bac-
teriological warfare." These were the
words of warning she gave to the au-
dience, and finally made an appeal
to America to stop here, before it is
too late, the tide of popular unrest and
disunity that can lead to the en-
thronement of a "brutish demagogue."
Dean Kraus Opens
Series Of Lectures
Opening a series of vocational talks
arranged by Dean Edward H. Kraus
of the Literary College for literary
students and all others interested,
Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law
School and Dean James B. Edmon-
son of the School of Education will
deliver lectures this week on the field
of their respective professions.
Dean Bates will speak at 4:15 p.m.
today in Room 1025, Angell Hall, on
the profession of law, and Dean Ed-
monson will speak at the same time

Fruitless; Mother Says
Sled Was Used In Killing
Search for the murderer of seven-
year-old Richard Streciher, Jr., came
to a stand-still early this morning,
when Washtenaw County authorities
admitted that the case is "one of the
most puzzling we have ever run up
Clue after clue has been run down,
Prosecutor Albert Rapp, who is in
charge of the investigation, said,
"only to leave us further from the
solution than before." The main
course of action followed by the
prosecutor's office and sheriff's last
night was to run down all degener-
ates and other disreputable charac-
ters known.
Another late development in the
case was the disclosure that Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Streicher, of Ypsilanti,
parents of the slain boy, had engaged
private detectives to bring the killer
to justice. This was revealed by H.
B. Baker, an Ypsilanti friend of the
family, who was a pallbearer at the
funeral, held yesterday.
Two Possible Motives '
Early yesterday afternoon, authori-
ties were searching for three persons
in particular, one seen walking
with Richard on the day of his
death, described as "a tall man wear-
ing a long black overcoat."hGerald
Young, 13 years old, said that when
he was playing with Richard Thurs-
day, he had seen the man walk off
toward the Huron River bridge with
him. No definite clues have been
found, however, police admitted.
Two possible theories were ad-
vanced by authorities as to the motive
for the fiendish crime. Ralph South-
ard, Ypsilanti chief of police, stated
the opinion that it was done for re-
venge, while Prosecutor Rapp gives
"slight predominance" to the belief
that it was the work of a sex degen-
The "revenge theory" was given a
set-back yesterday when, after a long
grilling in Chicago by Michigan State
and Ypsilanti police, John Tisto,
uncle of the murdered boy, was re-
leased and "absolved of all connec-
tion with the crime."
Parents Questioned
Prosecutor Rapp now has possess-
ion of little Richard's sled, which was
found near the house after his mur-
der. Mrs. Streicher advanced the
belief that the sled was in some way
connected with the killing. While Dr.
Stacy C. Howard, of St. Joseph's Hos-
pital here, who performed the autop-
sy, said that the wounds could pos-
sibly have been inflicted by the sled
runners, the prosecutor is inclined to
discount the theory. However, he
brought the sled to Ann Arbor last
night for finger-printing.
Contrary to a statement which ap-
peared in a Detroit morning news-
paper, Prosecutor Rapp denied that
he said the parents of the boy "have
not told me all they know." Mr. and
Mrs. Streicher were questioned by
him yesterday, but no new facts were
brought to light, he said.
Michigan Has
12 Graduates
In Congress
More graduates of the University of
Michigan Law School are members
of the present Congress than of any
other Law school, it is revealed by a
survey published in a recent issue of
The Bar Examiner magazine.
The Law School is represented in
the United States Senate by three
Democratic sentors and has nine
graduates in the House of Represen-
tatives, eight Democrats and one Re-
publican. The University of Alabama

Law School also has three graduates
in the Senate, but only five in the
House. New York University has one
I Senator and eight Representatives.
"The Bar Examiner" is a magazine
published monthly by the National
Conference of Bar Examiners, cor-

Wayne County
Also Visited
Of Students

Short-Armed Gals
Fast Disappearing,
Observer Reports
"Co-eds with short arms are be-
coming rare," says Prof. A. E. Jenks,
University of Minnesota anthropol-
ogist, according to the Minnesota
Daily. He believes that athletics are
causing the increased size of wom-
en's appendages.
This seems to indicate that an
American individual, "racially as well
as nationally," is being developed
from the American melting pot. Us-
ing students as subjects in his work
Professor Jenks finds, in addition to
the scarcity of short-armed co-eds,
that "narrow-headed persons . .. are
As a result of his interesting re-
search work he has come to the con-
clusion that blondes are in the last
stage of their popularity, unless Eu-
ropean blonde races contribute to our
fast dwindling supply.
The blondes and more darkly pig-
mented races are producing a dis-
tinct American type. He believes
that "a taller, darker-eyed,rdarker-
haired, and darker-skinned race will
be the result," if no unforeseen com-
plications arise.
Aero Engineers
Inspect Stinson
Aircraft Plant

Airport Is
By Group

More than 40 members of the aero-
nautical engineers division of the
A.S.M.E. Saturday made an inspec-
tion trip to the Stinson Aircraft Plant
near Wayne, Mich., and later to the
Wayne County Airport in Detroit.
Bernard DeWeese, '34, at the pres.
ent time an official at the Stinson fac-
tory, conducted the groub through the
plant. The assembly detailsbf the new
Stinson tri-motor airplane proved of
particular interest to the students
The plane is now used between De-
troit and Toledo in test flights by the
American Airlines.
The development of Stinson air-
planes was traced by the grout
through the entire plant, from the
stock room to the final assembly line
and the completed plane. The pre-
dominance of welding in the struc-
ture of modern airplanes was espe-
cially noticeable in the StinsoiY plane
under construction.
On the floor of the hanger in the
Wayne County Airport, which the
students visited following their inspec-
tion of the Stinson plant, their at-
tention was centered on the Roscoe
Turner plane that now holds the pres-
ent transcontinental speed record.
The Wayne County Airport holds
the highest rating issued by the De-
partment of Commerce, that of A-T-
A. An interesting feature is the light-
ing equipment which is controlled en-
tirely from a panel in the observa-
tion tower. The radio and loud-speak-
ing equipment is also located there.
The airport is a complete city ir
itself, having its own power plant,
heating system, hotel, restaurant, am-
bulance, fire fighting equipment and
water supply. While the group was in-
specting the airport, a member of the
club, Francis Wallace, '35E, flew oven
the Stinson plant and landed on the
House Repeals
'Pink Slip' Law
By 3TolIVote
WASHINGTON, March 11 -)-
A near-capacity House voted more
than 3 to 1 today that the little "pink
slip" symbolizing publicity of income
tax returns should never be used.
Shouting down attempts to amend
the measure introduced by Chair-
man Robert L. Doughton, of the Ways
and Means Committee, to repeal the
1934 revenue law's publicity section,
the House sent it along, 304 to 99, to
the Senate, whence came the first
move for publicity.

Calls Former NRA Head
'Chocolate Soldier'; Hits
At Big Bankers

Reply To Priest's
Accusations Made
Coughlin And Long Called
'Public Enemies Number
One And Two' In Return
DETROIT, March 11 -(1)- Hurl-
ing invective to right and left and
pounding his desk with clenched fist,
the Rev. Charles E. Coughlin turned
loose a caustic attack on Hugh S.
Johnson tonight, calling him a "choc-
olate soldier" and declaring that he
would fight to his dying day the
Morgans, the Baruchs, the Kuhn-
Loebs, and "the rest of that wrecking
crew of internationalists."
Coatless and perspiring, Father
Coughlin spoke for 45 minutes over
a national radio hook-up, challenging
the motives behind the criticism
aimed at him a week ago when the
former NRA administrator described
him as being "the leader of a revo-
lutionary party" and one of the "mad
pipers" appearing to the "lunatic
fringe" of the people in his role as
a Catholic priest.
Father Coughlin strongly defended
his right to discuss economic and
political subjects in his Sunday after-
noon discourses and asserted that he
was still staunchly supporting the ad-
ministration of President Roosevelt.
"While it will always be impossible
for me to divest myself of my Cath-
olic priesthood, nevertheless in ac-
cepting the dignities which my re-
ligion conferred on me, I sacrificed
in no respect the rights identified
with my citizenship," Father Cough-
lin said.
Hugh S. Johnson tonight denounced
Father Coughlin and Sen. Huey Long
as "public and political enemies num-
ber one and two" and promised an
early and detailed reply to tonight's
attack by the priest.
Poetry Contest
Judges Named
Judges for the poetry contest which
is being sponsored by Contemporary,
itudent literary magazine, were an-
nounced yesterday by Leo Kirsch-
baum, of the English department,
2hairman of the committee.
The judges will be Walter A. Don-
nelly, editor of the University Mu-
seums publications, Prof. Warner G.
Rice and Prof. C. N. Wenger, of the
English department.
The winning poems of the contest
will be published in the April issue.
The competition is restricted to un-
dergraduates, and the prize will be
$10 in books from a local bookstore.
All manuscripts must be handed in
at the office of Contemporary by to-
morrow. Three copies of each poem
should be handed in. Carbon copies
will be acceptable.
Although it is impossible to set a
word limit in a poetry contest, no
sheaf or single poem should exceed
four pages in length, the rules state
Wide Prevalence
Of Colds Reported
Widespread prevalence of colds
among students has kept members of
the Health Service staff busy since
the last few days of "spring weather,"
Dr. William M. Brace, Health Service
physician, said yesterday.
"Ever since the period of mild
weather last week followed by a storm
and the subsequent change in tem-
perature," Dr. Brace stated, "there
has been an ever-increasing stream
of patients suffering from colds, These

colds have been marked by an un-
usually large number of high fevers,
and consequently the infirmary has
been filled to capacity since that
Dr. Brace said that the type of
cold which seems to predominate has
resulted in comparatively severe sick-
ness in several instances. He added
that two cases have developed into

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