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March 10, 1935 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-03-10

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I ,I

Sororities Hold
Initiation For
New Mem ers
Banquets Are Given At
Chapter Houses; Many
Alumnae Return
Sororities have had full programs
the last week-end, with initiation
ceremonies and banquets culminating
the pledge period in many houses.
Collegiate Sorosis initiated six new
members yesterday. They are Mary,
Ellen Menard, '37, Florence Keen, '38.
Catherine Purdom, '38, Elizabeth
Whitney, '38, Inez Stevens, '37, and
Jean Lilly, '38.1
At Kappa Alpha Theta a banquet
was held in honor of the 13 new init-
iates. Mrs. Hobart Andrea, of Detroit
was toastmistress, with other speakersj
including Miss Marion Widman, o"
Detroit, Mary O'Brien, '35, Louisek
Burke, '37; and Mary Mclvor, '37.
The initiates are Jean Bonisteel, '38,
Betty Ronal, '38, Harriet Shackleton,-
'38, Louise Burke, '36, Cora Nielson,
'36, Helen Hanley, '36, Peggy Van,
Vleck, '36, Catherine Shields, '36,
Helen Hanley, '36, Peggy Van Vle-k,
'36, Catherine Shields, '36, Betty

To Preside At Tea

Women's Clubs any Tournaments Scheduled

l. _ Tea, At

By Women's Sports Department

S o h J dbA lively interest has been shown
by both leaders and entrants in the
onlin. l G , - new season of sports for women," ac-
uz.' )(1fa groups TIo GVi crding to Miss Marie Hartwig of the

Mrs. Fead, wife of Justice Louis
Fcad of the Supreme Court of Mich-
ig1, will pcur at the program tea to
be hdcd at Mosher Hall Wednesday.
Fcad is a graduate of the Uni-
,fity in the class of 1915.
$;1,O Fellowship
Awar( 1e( G*radiiaie

Programl For Triennial
Convent ion
An international relations program
ca for the benefit of the Triennial
"onvention of the General Federation
;f Women's Clubs which will be held
n June in Detroit will be given at
1:30 p.m. Wednesday in Mosher Hall.
The tea is under the auspices of the
N ashtenaw County Federation of
Nomen's Clubs with the cooperation
>f the Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti
;ranches of the American Associa-
ion of University 'Women and the
Sarah Caswell Angell chapter of the
Daughters of the American Revolu-
Mrs. Laura Waples McMullen,
:hairman of international relations
>f the General Federation of Wom-
Mn's Clubs, will address the guests on
the subject "Interpretation of World
Events of the Hour." She will be in-
oduced by Mrs. Charles J. Shain, of
ii mingham. Mrs. McMullen's text
cook, "Building the World Society,"
s used in the Universities of Chica-
go and Vermont.
Mrs. Julio del Toro, president of the
Washtenaw Federation of Women's
Clubs and finance chairman of the
State Triennial Board, is in general
charge of the tea. She will be as-
sisted by Mrs. W. D. Henderson, chair-
man of arrangements, and Mrs. H. S.
Curtis, chairman of international
relations of the Women's Club of Ann
Among the distinguished guests
who will be present at the tea are
Mrs. Frank D. Fitzgerald, Mrs. Alex-
ander G. Ruthven, Mrs. Louis Henry
Fead Regent Esther Marsh Cram.

department of physical education.
Phese sports include swimming, bad-
minton, ping-pong. and bowling.
Under the supervision of Miss Irene
Fields of the physical education de-
partment, and Elizabeth M. Howard,
'36Ed, the Swimming Club, organized
under W.A.A., has been more active
than ever before. Three invitational
tournaments foreboth water polo and

swimming with neighboring colleges entrant is affiliated. Should an entrant
are scheduled. The first was held with gain first place, she wins 100 points,
Michigan State Normal Coilege Ypsi- and for second place, she wins 50
lanti, here, March 2; the second will points.
be held with Wayne University, D - These points all work toward the
troit, March 16: and the third. with par ticipation cup presented at the end
MichiganrState College, Lansing, in of the year to the house obtaining the
April. highest number of points in propor-
To Mold Swimming Meet tion to the number of girls partici-
The swimming meet, also under pating. They may also be counted as
the direction of Miss Fields and Betty individual points which, if sufficient,
Howard, will be held at 8 p.m. Tues- gain the award of a numeral, the kind
day, March 26, at the Union Pool. At depending upon the number of points
this time, there will be interclass obtained.

may enter by name by calling Emilie
Paris, '35SM.
The bowling tournament is being
played off as quickly as is possible.
The semi-finals have not yet been
Freshmen Are Eligible
Miss Hartwig also states that all
freshmen, as well as upperclassmen,
who made theirtgrades last semester,
are eligible for these sports. Partici-
pation in individual sports, such as
swimming and bowling, gives five
points to the house with which the

Patrons Listed
For Banquet
Oan March 2 51
New League Officials To
Be Installed At Annual
Patrons and patronesses have been
announced for the Installation Ban-
quet, to be held March 25. in the
League ballroom.
The list includes Dean Alice C.
Lloyd, Mrs. Byrl Fox Bacher, Miss
Jeannette Perry, Miss Ethel McCor-
mick, Mrs. Ellen S. Stanley, Mr. and
Mrs. Shirley Smith, Dean and Mrs.
Edward C. Kraus, Dean and Mrs. Jo-
seph Bursley, Dean and Mrs. Wilbur
Humphreys, Regent Esther Cram,
Dr. Margaret Bell, Prof. H. C. Ander-
son, Mrs. Lucile B. Conger, Miss Ruth
Pfohl, Miss Ann Vardon, Mirs. Martha
Ray, Miss Isabelle Dudley Mrs. Kath-
leen Codd, Miss Sara Rowe, Mrs. Alta
Schule, and Mrs. Myra Smith.
Marie Metzger, '35, chairman of the
League reception committee, is in
charge of plans for the banquet. It is
an annual affair, attended by all sor-
ority and non-affiliated women on
All incoming and outgoing League
officials will be seated at the speak-
ers' table. The new officers will be of-
ficially installed at that time, includ-
ing the vice-presidents and judiciary
council members, who are to be elected
soon. At the same time the new League
chairmen for next year will be an-
nounced for the first time.
The following men will be initiated
into Sigma Nu, national fraternity,
today at 12 noon: Robert A. Gustaf-
son, '36A, Charles G. Killins, '38,
Jack Wooster, '36, Richard Sinn,
'38E, Robert H. Johnson, '38, Roland
A. Bolton, '38.

To Entertain
Mortarboard, honorary society for
senior women, is carrying on its tra-
dition of honoring sophomore women
with outstanding scholastic records
by entertaining a group at supper
tonight at the League. All those in-
vited have a scholastic average of 2.
or better.
Among the women honored are
Mary Margaret Barnes, Margaret
Behringer, Elizabeth Dorner, Betty J.
Flansburg, Catherine Ferguson, Adele
Gardner, Vivien Greenberg. Betty
Goldstein, Margot Goodrich, Mildred.
Herkner, Voltairine Hirsch, Phyllis
Huston, June Hora, Marguerite Knab,
Gretchen Lehman, Louise Lockeman,
Jean MacGregor, Marjorie Mackin-
tosh, Marie Mette, Elsie Pierce, Kath-
ryn Ransom, Jane Rogers, Elizabeth
Roura, Helen Shapland, Marjorie
Slade, Grace Snyder, Mary Lou Tray-
wick, and Edythe Turteltaub.



Barth, '37, Mary Johnson, '35, Hope
Hartwig 3'8, Adeline Singleton, '38, Marion Sineys, Grad., is the recip-
and Patricia Nelsen, '38. .ent of a $1,900 fellowship, given by
Alumnae Attendte Social Science Research Council,
Alumne Atenfiaccording to reports received yester-
eGamma Phi Beta held initiation day. Miss Sineys, of the history de-'
ceremonies yesterday for Shirl Cross- pa tm.ent, received her A.B. from
man, '38; Pamela Hooker, '38; Eliz- Michigan in 1933 and .her M.A., also°
abeth Ebersbach, '38; Mary Garvin, from the University, in 1934. She
'38; Mary Perkins, '38; and Virginia is now working on her Ph.D.r
Whitney, '36. The fellowship is for $1,500, with
A formal banquet followed the cere-! $400 in addition for traveling ex-
mony which was attended by a'num- penses. Miss Sineys will spend six
ber of the alumnae of the chapter. months in Washington, D.C., four in
Among them were Mrs. E. L. Adams, London, and two in Geneva. She
Mrs. Wilfred B. Shaw, Mrs. Clayton will study in the field of international
Stevens, Miss Rose Anderson, Mrs. i
Maude Wallace, and Mrs. Earl Wol- l sB
Miss Sineys, a member of Phi Beta
aver. Mrs. Henry Douglas spoke to Kappa and Phi Kappa Phi honorary
he hp n eh fth lum- fraternities, received a University

and inter-sorority elimination.
Eliminations for the badmintonj
tournament are being played off at,
4:15 p.m. every Monday. Eleven pointI
games are played, and entrants in-
ning two out of three games are ad-1
vanced to the next rounds.
According to Miss Hartwig, no
matches have been played off in the
ping-pong tournament. However, al-
ready more entrants have signed up
for this year's tournament than for
last's. Optional practices are held any,
time at the League. Anyone interested,
Speakers Will
B3e Heard "AtI.
- ~-u -

Glee Clubs To'
Give Program
On Wednesday
To Combine With Stanley
Chorus; General PublicI
Invited To Attend
The University of Michigan Glee
Club, David Mattern, difector, and
Stanley Chorus, Achilles Taliaferro,
director, assisted by Ruth Pfohl, harp,


T- - r^t^ ~w -v-s t - r-r-rr Tr 4°1#

Saucy Bretons - - flat-
tering off the face hats
-- and wide brims --
baku, rough straws and

Martha KITTREDGE and
At the Dillon Shop

nae, Marie Murphy, '35, for the senior
class, Adelaide Crowell, '36, for the Scho i
juniors, Mary Potter, '37, for the
sophomores, and Mary Perkins, '38, ,
for the freshmen. Jlln3 Cathrine Eichlbage
Alpha Chi Ome~ga '37, Jean Snyder, '36, Ruth Clark,i
Alpha Chi Omega sorority initiated '36. Barbara Roberts, '36, Barbara
five women Friday night. They were King, '38E, Katherine Roderick, '38,
fiv woenFriaynigt. he ivr ally Jane Browne,'36, Barbara j
Margaret Curry, '38, Betty Kay Jones, lEy Jane Brone '36, 'ar.r
'37, Mary Huntington, '38, Laura GLeidy, '8, Pauline Ta els, '38.
Spenser, '38, and Jean Steere, '38A. Mary Gaylord, '35BAd., was in
A formal banquet was held last ichaige of the banquet at which Nancy
night at the chapter house for those Atkinson, '35, was toastmistress.
five and the 11 initiated in December.' Pi Beta Phi
Red carnations decorated the. tables. Pi Beta Phi held a formal banquet
Among the alumnae attending the last night for fourteen new members.
banquet were Mrs. Paul Krause, Mrs. The arrangements were made by Ruth
Dyne Hamilton, Miss Gertrude Bab- Bosse, '35, and Marcelle Morford, '35.
cock, Mrs. Thomas Dunn, Mrs. Carl- Those who were initiated were
ton Crumb, Miss Catherine Oakley, Jeanne Curt!, 36,Edith Merickel, '36,
Miss Genevieve Spenser and Miss Sally Miller, '36, Marion Dickson, '37,1
Eleanor Allen of Detroit; Mrs. Harry Virginia Benedict, '36, Amelia Martin,
EuntinoAnHower; Mrs.hasry'37, AVargaret Rogers, '36, Pricilla
Huntington, Howell; Mrs. Thomas I.Smith, '33, Betty Gatward, '38, Louise
ra Dlm n , Rochmteand Miss Rob- Taylor, '38, Ruth Ann Christianson,
Banquet at League '38, Betty McClure, '36, and Hen-
Eleven new members who were init- iietta Sherrington, '35. Br special dis-
iated into Chi Omega sorority Friday, pensation from the national organiza-
were honored at a banquet last night tion, Mrs. Sarah Creer of Detroit
in the League. was initiated into the sorority.
The women who were initiated are: Among the out-of-town guests who
Billie Faulkner, '37, Mary Catherine ! were present were Miss Mary Mc-!
Car thy, Mrs. James Clark, Miss!
Martha Colborn, Mrs. Herbert Pusch,
MARY H UTZ EL I dMrs. George Murdock, all of De-

1:r. GWyi Vllm . omstockL~,l Milss-Em-it
Mr's. William A.Comstock, Miss Em- Church M eets and Frederick Baessler and Douglas
ma A. Fox, honorary vice-president Liston, 'horns, will unite Wednesday
of the General Federation of Women's night, March 13, at 8:15 o'clock in
Clubs, Mrs. William R. Avord. co- The majority of the student dis- Hill Auditorium in providing an in-
chairman of the Triennial, Mrs. M. cussion groups meeting in the local teresting program to which the gen-
R. Keyworth, vice-chairman of the churches tonight will have various eral public, with the exception of
Detroit Triennial committee, Mrs. professors and ministers as their small children, is invited.
Ralph Stone and Mrs. Henry L. leaders. The Glee Club, which has won dis-
Cauldind of Grosse Pointe, Mrs. Fred- Dr. Elmer A. Leslie of the Boston tinction under the leadership of Pro-
eric L. Wa"d of Pontiac, and Mrs. University School of Theology will fessor Mattern, has prepared an at-
Hairy Fitzgerald, Mrs. John S. Black, be the guest speaker at the meeting tractive program for this occasion.
and Mrs. W. S. Toothacker of Bir- of the Wesleyan Guild Devotional The Stanley Chorus has been evolved
rmingham. .rvice. A fellowship supper will fol- from the University Girls Glee Club
In the receiving line will be Mrs. low the meeting. and takes its present name in memory
del Toro, Mrs. Ruthven, Mrs. Hend- The student group of Saint An- of the late Dr. Albert A. Stanley, for
erson, Mrs. Curtis, Mrs. Albert Reeves, drew's Episcopal Church will hear many years musical director of the
Mrs. James H. McDonald, Mrs. Thorn- Prof. Howard Y. McClusky of the School of Music.
as Reed, Miss Kathleen Hamm, Mrs. S-,hool of Education at their meeting The program which will be pro-
Frederick G. Ray, Mrs. Henry M. at 5 p.m. at Harris Hall. Professor vided will be as follows:
Bates, Mrs. Beal, Mrs. William A. McClusky will lead a discussion on
Comstock, Regent Esther Marsh "Personality." By the University of Michigan Glee
Cram, Dean Alice C. Lloyd, Mrs. Al- "The Course of My Development" Club- Elgar: Feasting I Watch;
belt Crittenden and Mrs. Frank A. will be the subject under discussion Strauss: Devotion; Russian, arranged
Mickle. ax the meeting of the Lutheran S-u= by Moussorgsky; O the Joy of Liv-
O-tiers who have been invited to dent Club to be held tonight at the ing, Loving; German: Gute Nacht;
assist are Miss Cora Haas, Mrs. Wil- parish hall. Rev. H. O. Yoder will English, arranged by Willan: Sir Eg-
liam C. Hoad, Mrs. Louis Hallan. Miss head the meeting. lamore (solol.
Frances Hanum, Mrs. Rosemary Hay, The Congregational Student Club By the Stanley Chorus - Bach:
Mrs. Lawrence Hoffman, Mrs. Julius is planning to have an address on Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, Good
Hammond, Mrs. James Helber, Mrs. I "The World Court" at their fellow- News From Heaven; Bortniansky:
Alton P. W. Hewett, Mrs. B. F. Hilbert, ship meeting tonight Prof. Raymond Cherubic Hymn; Morley: Now Is the
Mrs. Walter Hiscock, Mrs. R. K. Hol- Hoekstra of the philosophy depart- Month of Maying; Scotch: Rantin'
land, Mrs. Louis H. Hollway, Mrs. ment has chosen to speak on "Philo- Rovin' Robin.
Melvin Hohlenkamp, Mrs. Arthur sophical Reflections On Modern By members of the Glee Club -
Hoppe, Mrs. Kenne Jackson, Mrs. Times" at the student meeting at Brahms: I Hear a Harp, and Song
William Jetter. Miss Nan Johnson, Harris Hall. From Ossian's Fingal; by the Stanley
Mrs. J. J. Kelly. Mrs. William M. The topic of the discussion of the Chorus - Brahms: Voice of Spring,
Laird, Mrs. F. J. LaPointe, Mrs. L. J. Disciples Guild is to be "The Meaning Swabian Folk Song; Rachmaninoff:
Lockwood, Miss Nellie Loving, Mrs. A. of Religion." Donald Anderson will To the Children, and O Sing To Me,
S. Lyndon, Mrs. J. Karl Malcolm, Mrs. lead the meeting. Dr. Bernard Hell- j Fair Maid, No More; by the Glee
J. L. Markley, Mrs. D. P. McAuliffe, er is leading an open forum to be Club - Haydn: Maiden Fair; Sulli-
Miss Lodema Miller, Mrs. William S. held at 8 p.m. tonight at the Hillel van finale from The Gondoliers.
Morton, and Mrs. Guy Mullison. Foundation.




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Kappa Kappa Gamma,
Kappa Kappa Gamma initiated
nine women at services last week.
rfhy are Eleanor Heckathorne, '38,
Elizabeth Basse, '37, Virginia Smith,
'37, Eleanor Anibal, '38, Caroline Ma-
hon, '38, Ruth Haskins, '38, Virginia,
Hunt. Spec. SM., Mary Elliot. '38, and
Katherine Johnston, '38.





Additional members invited from
among the AnnArbor clubs, are Mrs.1
Nathan Nixon, Miss Nina K. Preston,I
Mrs. Chester Perry, Mrs. Ralph Rach.f
Mrs. Carl Rufus, Mrs. J. Fred Rent-
schler, Mrs. D. E. Standish, Mrs.
Harold D. Smith, Mrs. Albert Stein,
Mrs. L. T. Strickland, Mrs. Edward
Staebler, Mrs. C. L. Starbuck, Mrs. F.'
E. Shurtiiff, Mrs. Avery Shroth, Mrs.
F. W. Staffen, Mrs. Leroy Taylor,,
Mrs. Fremont P. Ward, Mrs. George
W. Willard, Mrs. Clarke Whitcomb, I
Miss Sara Whedon and Mrs. F. A
Where To Go
Motion Pictures: Michigan, "After'
Office Nours" with Clark Gable;
Whitney, "The Kennel Murder Case,"Z
with William Powell and "The Hum-
an Way" with Adolph Menjou;
Wuerth, "Gay Divorcee" with Fred
Astaire; Majestic, "David Copper-
field" with W. C. Fields.
Wincing: Chubb's, Hut Cellar.

jJ.P.. uIslwTs Ask'cd To.
Report By Tomc1rroW
All junior womn on who are in-
terested in ushering for the Junior
Girls Play March 20, 21, 22, and
23 and who have not already spok-
en to Sue Thomas, chairman of
ushers, are asked to get in touch
with her before noon Monday -
Registration Will Begin
For Bridge Tournament
Registration will begin tomorrow
for the League bridge tournament,
and will continue for a week. Wom-
en wishing to enter are asked to
apply between 3 and 5 p.m. in the
Undergraduate Office of the League.
Sororities may only enter one team,
and non-affiliated women may enter
any number of teams. The game will
probably be held Tuesday nights.
Duplicate contract games will be

0 F Our Famous
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Black Quill Society
Joins National Body
Black Quill, campus society for
women interested in literary activities,
which has been active here for over
20 years recently became affiliated
with Iota Chi, national honorary lit-
erary sorority.
The members of the local society
were pledged to Iota Chi at cere-
monies held Thursday night and the
initiation banquet will be held some-
time during the next month.
Additional officers who were elected
Thursday night are vice-president,
Anna Henkel, '36; secretary, Ger-
trude Jean, '36; and program chair-
man, Ella Miller, '36Ed.
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