THE MICHIGXN DAIIY a 4 i COL LEGIATE OBSERVER DE LUXE EDITIONS I T HAS GENERALLY been assumed without question thatthe proper way to organize higher education is to offer the general and survey courses first, leaving speciali- zation to the later years. Now along comes a new theory to upset what we thought could be accepted as one of the precious few certainties of life. Bard College, a part of Columbia University, will reverse the usual order, letting upperclassmen master their fields of partic- ular interest before turning their attention to broader cultural courses. At the University of Colorado a graduate stu- dent writing his doctor's thesis turned up some facts that helped to justify Bard's extreme inno- vation. It was discovered that three-fourths of 219 graduates had the same vocational choice when they left as when they entered the University. For that majority, at least, it would have been no disadvantage to have started specialization at once. The larger and more conservative schools are at least fortunate in being able to profit from any good which derives from this and other experi- ments without the risks of adventuring into untried paths. BARGAINS in FINE BOOKS i. -J, The SOAP BOX 1 Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editor reserving the + right to condense all letters of over 300 words. Hitler's Cold To the Editor: In Tuesday's Detroit Times the following two words, four inches high and placarded the entire width of the front page, were seen: "Hitler Sick." Why, one,wonders, can a man with a cold, 3,000 miles away command such publicity when another man, Oliver Wendell Holmes by name, lying at death's door and but 600 miles away, receives but scant notice on the sixth page of the same paper? To the discerning mind this need not appear so surprising ... It will be recalled that in 1933 and the early part of 1934, all the Hearst newspapers were appre- hensive of the Hitler regime. The news services were permitted by Hearst to report the widespread poverty and suffering prevalent in Germany. Then one day in the fall of last year, came the surpris- ing news that Hearst was leaving for a trip to Germany. Once in Germany, he met Hitler. He talked to high Nazi officials. There were letters exchanged - then interviews and meetings. The first effect of these neg'otiations was the abrupt cessation of all news by the Hearst press dealing with the desperate economic conditions in Germany. For a brief period the regular flow of news stopped completely. And then came the defi- nite turn-about face. All the misery, all the starva- tion of the German people under the Hitler regime was forgotten. Instead there issued from the Hearst press stories highly favorable to the Nazi chief, the faithful servant of Germany's financiers and in- dustrialists. Hosts of readers of the Hearst newspapers must have been puzzled, to say the least, by the new tone and the glorification of Hitler. But they could expect no explanation from Hearst nor from the Nazi chancellor. The facts behind the Hearst-Hitler intrigue, are, I believe, as follows: Hearst reached an understanding with the Nazis whereby German newspapers must buy all their foreign news from Hearst's news gathering organ- ization, the International News Service. The min- imnum amount Hearst was to receive for this serv- ice is placed at one million marks per annum. It must be emphasized that all newspapers in Ger- many are controlled and rigidly censored by the Hitler government. Among other things, one also wonders why the sudden attack and campaign of vilification against the Soviets by the Hearst press? Why does not another single newspaper in the country report the terrible suffering and starvation, as depicted by the Hearst press, if such conditions do exist? ... Suc'h is the man who was expelled from Harvard ". . . for the good of the institution," who mas- querades as a crusader and public benefactor and one of whose newspapers, the New York American, bears the following caption: "An American News- paper for the American People." -I.S. As Others See It By BUD BERNARD Queer tales come from the buildings way up on the hill at Cornell University known as the agriculture schocl. This one concerns a young and callow instructor and a woman lab supervisor. The instructor was walking up and down the corridors of a certain building, smok- ing a cigaret in strict defiance of the rules regarding such things. Out of her lair popped the lab supervisor and proceeded to rake the young Phi Bete over the coals. "You ought to know better than to smoke in the building," she said. "Why only yester- day there was a fire in the women's rest room because of a cigaret in the waste-basket." The young man drew himself up in dignity. "I can assure ytu, madam," he said in a tone plainly conveying what he thought of the situation, "that I had nothing whatever to do with that!" The editor of the New Mexican Lobo, sure stuck his neck out. Having published a seditious-looking statement ending in "it is their duty to throw off such government and to provide new guards for their future security," the New Lobo editor re- veals that under a state statute of that liberal and broad-minded state he is liable to 14 years imprisonment. The editor then revealed that the statement is quoted from the Declaration of Independence and asks what is going to be done about it. A professor at N.Y.U. advises students to look as idiotic as possible if they want to be healthy. A freshman tryout looking over my shoulder makes the remark that we have an outstanding crop of fine physical specimens among the co-eds on this campus. The administration at Yale University has de- creed that no more professors from that school may be drafted for service in the Federal "brain trust." President James R. Angell says: "Fairness to the student requires that the university call a halt, de- spite its genuine desire to serve the public interest. Lessons in contract bridge are being given at the University of Texas. To be eligible for these con- tract lessons a person must be a student in the university, faculty member of the university, or member of the ex-student association. Although exams are now over here's good advice coming from a dean at Boston University. Here are her suggestions for good marks: 1. Do not go in for midnight snacks of coffee and hamburgers if you feel hungry while studying for exams. If you must eat, try milk and cookies. 2. Get at least eight hours sleep the night before an exam. "Study that is 'crammed' in the early morning hours isn't worthwhile for it takes too much out of a student physically and mentally. 3. Get outdoors at least one hour a day. 4. Cut your smoking down to a minimum and be sure to eat three balanced meals a day. 5. Do not study too many hours in succession, but take time out once in a while for recrea- tion. Your Opportunity - Never Before Has So Much Been Offered For the Money- WAHR SBOKTOE STATE STREET MAIN STREET . A --- ---- --- Only $1.39 to $1.89 Formerly Published at $3.75 to $25.00 Great Works of Art - Ruckstull.......... $1.89 The Mansions of Philosophy-Will Durant $1.43 Modern Painting -- Frank J. Mather......$1.46 The Pageant of Civilization - A. G. Brodeur $1.46 The Romance of Archaeology- R. V. Magoffhn.........................$1.59 The Roget Thesaurus - C. O. S. Mawson. .$1.39 The Story of Biology - W. A. Locy ........$1.54 The 1935 Junior Girls Play Presents The Stories of Great Operas -- Ernest Newman............... . .... . .. $1.47 Droll Stories -- Honore (de Bailzac......... $1.69 The Decamerc~ -- Boccac o .............. $1.79 My Life as an Explorer - Sven Hedin......$1.59 The Complet e Garden - Albert Taylor and G. D. Cooper ............ . .. . ....... $1.79 Major Mysteries of Science--H. G. Garbedian 1.39 TICKET SALES beginning Monday, March 18th MKarch 1.Ad20, 21, 224 23. Matinee Saturday, March 23rd Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Seats Reserved - 75c - $1.00 arning! N Washington Off The Record RE-TEXTURiNG is patented. I t is exclusive with Goldman's. Naturally such a radical development invites imitation and competi- tive disparagement. You'll know by experi- ence and test that only Goldman's can give you this new standard in dry cleaning service L i By SIGRID ARNE WASHINGTON, March 9 THE MAN who directs the flow of millions of dollars through the U. S. treasury was in a tight place the other night for a dime or two. Secretary Morgenthau was waiting patiently out- sidea theater for his car. A zealous doorman spotted him and rushed the car to the loading platform, whereupon Morgenthau smiled and reached into his pocket. His smile froze. He rapped on the window of his car and whis- pered to the chauffeur. The chauffeur dug in his pocket, put something in the secretary's hand, and Morgenthau passed it on to the smiling door- man. GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS are beginning to get their annual flood of letters asking when Washington's famous cherry blossoms will bloom. Hundreds of people annually time their vacations in order to see the trees in full flower. Tree experts usually can guess the blooming date three weeks ahead, but they have not yet an- nounced this year's date. The single blossoms, which come first, have bloomed as early as March 15 and as late as April 20. The double blossoms come along two weeks later. Rep. Vincent L. Palmisano of Maryland rep- resents one of those perfect success stories. He was born in Italy. At 11 he worked in a Balti- more box factory. At 15, while he worked as a stone-mason's helper, he decided to speed up his education. He picked his two best-educated friends as his tutors. Now he is chairman of the House committee on education. AT EVENING PARTIES, Mrs. Warren Delano Robbins, wife of the minister to Canada, al- ways wears a shade of purple and tints her thick white hair a shade of lavender. The effect is startling but perfect for Mrs. Rob- bins, whose face is smooth and young and whose eyes are large and dark. For a while a few brave souls tried to follow suit. But the flurry of pink and blue heads was not successful. The field is left to Mrs. Robbins. A m 4& m m Brothers PHONE 4213 FREE DELIVERY y I - -____________ FROSH FROLIC 1 - - 1 i Presents ACE 81 OODE (From The Harvard Crimson) IN THE REPORT which Dean Hanford made to the President he enthusiastically backed up the latter's plan of awarding large scholarships to deserving freshmen. It is a policy thathas long been advocated and the support it is being given in all quarters assures its success. For too long a time have worthy students of scholarly ability been forced to carry a financial burden that has seriously affected their scholastic work and curtailed their participation in extra- curricula and social life within the University. The administration has recognized that such students should be given greater security and eased of a burden that at times has threatened to end their college career. The only danger lies in the fact that a high pre-college record is not always indi- cative of ability to do creative thinking and schol- arly research. If the purpose of the scholarships is to bring to Harvard men of unusual ability who would not be able to come otherwise, then a AND HIS "VIR GINIANS" Friday, March I. 5th. O tthe Michigan Union Ballroom 9:30 till 2:00 Tax $2 Job-hunting letters to members of Congress run a wide range. i I I L I I