T HE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, NAUCH 9,1935 Papers Presented Here Yesterday By Men bersOf Michigan A cademy President Of Academy Gives' hefSpeechr Many Papers Presented1 In Yesterday's Section 1: Meetings Officers To Be Namedt State Relief Administrator Says 100,000 People Are 'Unemployable' (Continued from Page 1)t says, is soon to become dominant1: the idea of a "deliberately-planned future for mankind." He cited the prevalence of terms and words suchr as "Five-Year Plan," "Planned Econ- omy" and "Technocracy" and de- clared it obvious that Italy, Germany and Japan "are all trying to takeT their people to or toward pre-deter-t mined objectives."t The ecological engineer, the speakert predicted, will probably start work- ing on the conservation of the natur- al resources of the country in an ef- fort to make a safe and satisfactoryl habitat for man. That our ecologicalt association is evidently out of ad- justmentnMr. Lovejoy contended, is shown by the "unsatisfactory" eco- nomic, social and physical aspects of our habitat. It will be the work of1 the ecological engineer to re-adjust that association to the best of his1 ability, Mr. Lovejoy said. Dr. Edward Sapir, Sterling profes- sor of anthropology and honorary curator of anthropology at Yale Uni- versity, addressed a general meeting of the Academy in Natural Science Auditorium yesterday on "The Social1 Symbolism of Language." He spoke before more than 300 people and ex- plained that every word in any lan- guage is rife with a symbolism which influences other people in determin- ing our position in life. The Academy will conclude its meeting at 3 p.m. today with the elec- tion of next year's officers. Varioust sections of the Academy will holdT thei' last meeting starting at 9 a.m. today. Anth~ropology The morning session of the anthro- pology section was opened in the Uni- versity Museums when the nominat- ing committee appointed yesterday advised the re-election of Prof. R. Clyde Ford, of the Michigan State Normal College, as chairman. Profes- sor Ford was elected to succeed him- self unanimously. Members of the nominating committee were Dr. W. B. Hinsdale of the Anthropology Mu-' seum and Fred Dustin of Saginaw. Ten papers were presented to the anthropologists at this meeting. These were "The Dual Man-Beast Creatures of Greek Mythological Fancy," by Prof. Orland O. Norris, of the Mich- igan State Normal College; "Prehis- toric Storage Pits in Saginaw County, Michigan," by Mr. Dustin; "Some Chippewa Uses of Sweet Grass," by Volney H. Jones of the Anthropology Museum; "Studies in Kinship," by Prof. L. A. White of the anthropology department. "Density, Porosity, and Absorption Studies or North American Indian Pottery," by Frederick R. Matson, Jr., of the Anthropology Museum; "The Study of Folk Lore from the Scho- harie Hills, New York State," by Prof. Emelyn E. Gardner, of Wayne Uni- versity; "The Study of Growth in Young Children," by Dr. Lavinia G. MacKaye of the Medical School ped- iatrics department; and "A Compara- tive Analysis of Some Ohio Valley Archeological Cultures," by Dr. Carl' E. Guthe, director of the Anthropology Museum, and James B. Griffin, fellow in Aboriginal North American Ce-' ramics.x Ancient and modern Indian cus- toms, and early pioneers in Michigan archaeology were the chief subjects discussed at the afternoon session. Professor R. Clyde Ford. Michiganj Stare College, chairman, introduced; the six speakers appearing at the final meeting of the section. A comparison of the literature of the Indian inhabitants of Sugar Island to that of Gertrude Stein, was made by Mrs. Florence McClinchey, authoress, and teacher at Central State Teachers College. "They are do- ing in their way," Mrs. McClinchey said, "what Gertrude Stein is trying to do for English literature." Mrs. Mc- Clinchey stated that the Indians ofI that district have "a lovely collection of. poetry," of which she gave ex- amples, as well as "a great many love poems." The island received its name, she disclosed, from Indians who made sugar there. A paper on early pioneers in Mich-I igan archaeology was delivered by Fred Dustin, of Saginaw, himself a noted pioneer in the field. "Pioneer- ing is still going on," Mr. Dustin said, "and from time to time new things are discovered." use of disceidal stones for bowling and other games by the Cherokee In- dians. George D. Haller, of Detroit, de- scribed the life and work of the Rev. William Francis Gagnieur, early pio- neer in learning the habits and tradi- tions of Michigan Indians. Prof. Angus M. Babcock, of the University, fol-. lowed with a review of some of the Indian studies made by Father Gag- nieur. George X. Allen, of Bay City, sched- uled to speak on "The Significance of So-Called Bird Stones," did not at- tend. Botanyj The botany section yesterday opened its meetings under the chair- manship of Edwin L. Mosely. The report of a committee nominating as I chairman for next year H. H. M. Bow- man and as vice-chairman Prof. W. R. Taylor of the botany department, was heard and the nominees sub- mitted were voted into their respec- tive offices. The first address in thet afternoon was given by E. F. Woodcock, of Michigan State College, on the vege- tative anatomy of the tomato. Lan- tern slides illustrating the anatomi- cal structure of the tomato plant were' included. This was followed by the' delivery of a paper written by J. L.' Lowe, of New York State College of' Forestry, on the distribution through- out the American continent of va- rious lichens found in northern Mich- igan which was read by Miss Joyce' Hedrick. The next paper of the session was presented by Miss A. McCrea in con-' junction with R. Loomis, both of Parke, Davis and Company, and dealt' with the effect of Aspergillus fumi- gatus on the lungs of guinea pigs. It was pointed out that many cases of supposedly o b s c u r e tuberculosis among humans could be attributedf to this organism. Then came a re- port on several unusual agarics (mushrooms) collected within the State and classified by Dr. Alexander H. Smith of the botany department. The specimens were illustrated by lantern slides. The fifth of the papers was a con- sideration of the host specialization of clover rust, given by Prof. E. B. Mains of the botany department. In the course of his talk Professor Mains suggested as a possible proof of the luckiness of four-leaf clovers their comparatively high immunity to rust. Dr. Besie B. Kanrouse, also of the botany department, next gave an account of some new and unusual Discomycetes, and continued with a study of two species of Endogene, both talks being illustrated by lantern slides. The seventh address of the after- noon was on the subject of several lichens from the Aleutian Islands and southern Alaska and was given by Miss Joyce Hedrick of the Univer- sity. A final paper by Edwin Y. Mon- sma, of Calvin College, summarized a study made of water molds at the Lydell State Fish Hatcheries at Com- stock Park. The session was then adjourned by Chairman Mosely. Economics And Sociologyk Today's Academy Program 9:00 a.m. Section of Botany. Room 2003, Natural Science Building. Section of Geography. Room 25, Angell Hall. Section of Language and Lit- erature. Room 2013, Angell Hall. Section of Zoology. Room 2116, Natural Science Build- ing. 9:30 a.m. Section of Philosophy. Room 302, Michigan Union. 12:30 p.m. Luncheon for mem- bers of Section of Mathemat- ics. Room 116, Michigan Un- ion. 2:00 p.m. Section of Mathemat- ics. Room 3017, Angell Hall. Meeting of the Council. Room 4065, Natural Science Build- ing. 3:00 p.m. Business meeting of the Academy. Room 2003, Natur- al Science Bldg. operation of the sales tax in Michigan. Mr. Mogen defended both the prin- ciple of the tax and the efficiency of the board which collects it and does the work of the administration. The cost of collection of the tax is the low- est of any state for the same kind of tax. Discussion after Mr. Mogen's talk was lead by Robert P. Briggs of the economics department. The reorganization of the State Welfare Department into a unified, non-political agency was urged yes- terday by representatives of the Mich- igan Conference of Social Work, in the afternoon session of the sociology di- vision. Ephriam R. Gomberg, attorney for the legislative committee of the Con- ference and Raymond E. Baarts, Dear- iborn social-worker, addiressed the' group and presented the plan for reorganization that has been pre- pared for introduction into the legis- lature by the Michigan Conference. Prof. Arthur Evans Wood of the soci- ology department presided over the meeting. "Complete decentralization of de- partments is the obstacle in the way of the present welfare agency," said Mr. Gomberg. "The plan we have prepared provides for a co-ordinated depart- ment, headed by as non-political a commission as can possibly be ob- tained," he said. The proposed plan would provide for a Board of Public Welfare, com- posed of seven members, and ap- pointed for staggered six-year terms' by the governor. The Board would appoint an experienced commissioner who would be responsible to them. The actual welfare agencies would be divided into three groups, each headed by a director, appointed by the State Board upon the recommenda- tion of the Welfare Commissioner. County reform was advocated in the address of Mr. Baarts. He pointed out that there-'are from six to fifteen welfare agencies in each county. "This condition is almost certain to pro-t duce rivalry and jealousy among de-t partment heads and leads to a costly, vumbersome, and inadequate system," he said. "Many counties, especially those in she upper peninsula are far too small to support welfare agencies. The planr advocated by the Michigan Confer- ence of Social Work, provides for the :onsolidation of the smaller counties into single welfare agencies," stated Baarts. Geology And Mineralogy Dr. Ralph K. Belknap, of the geol- ogy department, was chosen chairman of the section of geology and miner- alogy at their meeting yesterday af- ternoon in Room 3056 Natural Science Building. Doctor Belknap will replace D. C. MacLachlan, this year's chair- man. An unofficial announcement by R. A. Smith, head of the geological and mineralogical division of the conser- vation department of Michigan, on the projects of his department pre- sented to the president revealed that a larger sum than has ever been asked from this state is being sought this year. If this goes through, it will be a big thing for Michigan, Mr. Smith proclaimed. Of unusual interest was the report on the uncovering of the pre-historic mastadon near Birmingham, Mich., given by Prof. Ermine Case, chair- man of the geology department. This specimen is one of the best of its kind yet found and is now on display at the Museum here in Ann Arbor. Although not yet conclusively proved, a theory relating surface typography to underlying rock fea- tures was advanced by Robert B. Newcombe of the Department of Con- servation in his speech on "Glacial Expressions or Structural Features of Michigan." If his theory is proven more definitely, it will be of great aid to geologists in determining un- derlying earth structures and will help them to find oil pools,athe dis- cussion brought out. Dr. Frank Leverett, author of the standard books in Geology, "Mono- graph 53," pointed out his r'easons for believing that men had been mis- taken about the path of the glacial movement in the thumb section of the southern peninsula of Michigan. The session adjourned at 4:15 and is to be resumed this morning. Sanitary & Medical Science The Santiary and Medical Science section met in four groups in the East Medical Building, Sessions A and B meeting at 9 a.m., and sessions C and D meeting at 2 p.m. Papers were limited to 10 minutes, and following each paper the audience was given the opportunity to discuss it with its author. Dr. F. W. Hartman, Ford Hospital, Detroit, presided over the A session, at which Robert H. Haskell of Wayne County Training School discussed, present problems of the State caret of the insane, mental defectives, andr epileptics )n Michigan. His studies were based on work done at the train- ing school.l An outbreak of milk-borne strepto- coccic infection in Petersburg, was related by Drs. A. W. Smith, Jean W. Glassen, and R. W. Pryer of the State] Department of Health, at the B ses- sion, presided over by Dr. Ward Gilt- ner, Michigan State College. The members and guests of the, section met for their annual luncheon in the Union. Prof. Frederick G. Novy, dean-emeritus of the medical school, spoke following the luncheon and related some of his experiences when he was associated with Pasteur. Pathological changes in the nerv- ous tissue in rabies were discussed by Dr. Herbert W. Emerson of the medi- cal school. Illustrating his paper with slides. Dr. Emerson tracked the changes in the nervous tissues of the brain of the of the dog as rabies pro- gressed. Dr. John C. Bugher of the medical school spoke on the incidence and significance of tracheo-bronchial les- ion in pulmonary tuberculosis. Draw- ing his conclusions from slides. Dr. Bugher pointed out that lesions in the bronchi were exceptionally dang- erous, and from the few case his- tories at his disposal that the various therapy treatments given were not practical until the patient showed improvement. The number of fatali- ties in such cases recorded at he Uni- versity Hospital, he. said, was quite high, and patients responded to treatment slowly. The papers were, for the most part, highly technical in their treatment of the questions, and those dealing with reports of experiments concluded that further work on the problem was needed before an unqualified sum- mary might be made. Psychology In the Friday section of the Psy- chology division conducted by Dr. Ed- ward B. Green of the psychology de- partment papers werepresented by Dr. E. S. Schott of the Henry Ford hospital in Detroit, and Dr. Henry Feinberg of the Jewish Social Service Bureau in Detroit. Dr. Feinberg spoke on the readjust- ment of the word "mellow" in the most generally accepted vocabulary tests of today's psychology. He stressed the need for work on all of1 the "hundred most commonly used words" which have been chosen for the test, and presented a series of tables illustrating his work on the sub- ject. Following Dr. Feinberg, Dr. Schottf presented the results of his research in the I.Q. changes in foster home children. Dr. Schott has been for sev- eral years connected with an asso- ciation which yearly finds homes for many children. Speaking before the afternoon meeting, Dr. M. H. Erickson of the Eloise Hospital in Eloise, Michigan, discussed the phenomena of deafness as produced by hypnosis. Dr. Erickson stated that his work was authenticated through the neuro- logical application of conditioned re- flexes. The primary design of his ex- periments was to show the concrete- ness of hypnosis through its deaden- ing effect upon the nervous system, and to aid in freeing it from the pop- ular idea of fraud which has come to be associated with this branch of science through the many "fake" stage exhibitions. Forestry A strong plea for keeping the ro-' mantic wilderness of Michigan in their natural state was made by Prof. Shirley W. Allen of the School of Forestry and Conservation yester- day. Professor Allen tempered this plea by saying that the necessities, such as trails, crude shelters, fire look- out station, occasional telephone lines, erosion and flood control devic- es, and direction sign boards would not detract too much from the nat- ural state. Shelterbelts in the prairie-plains region were advocated by C. G. Bates of the Lake States Forest Experiment Station A slower start than was planned, he pointed out, is making possible greater chance of success. "Prohibitive soil types," said Mr. Bates, "have made necessary some change in the location of the area." Prof. L. J. Young of the School of ForestryLand Conservation praised the winter accomplishments of the CCC camps in 1933 and 1934, who, he said, had braved ,sub-zero weather and did their work with great effi- ciency. That prospects are bright for the selective cutting of trees with sus- tained yield asan objective, was pointed out by Prof. W. F. Ramsdel- of the School of Forestry and Con- servation. "The Statistical Method in Forest Research," was explained in a paper by S. R. Gevorkiantz of the Lake Forest Experiment Station. Frank J. Wilkuski of the Huron National Forest described in his pap- ce' the effect of wax emulsion on the dessication of conifers. "Dissemina- tion of Jack Pine Seed From Seed Trees To Slash" was the topic of the paper by F. H. Eyre of the Lake States Forest Experiment Station. The fertilization practice at the Beal Nursery was described by Harry C. Turner of the Huron National For- est. A talk on reading air photos, illustrated with slides, was given by Harold Underhill of the Department of Conservation. An illustrated talk on the forest-soils study of the Uni- versity Biological Station was pre- SPORT GABARDINES in All Shades -- Custom Tailoring $35.00 Chas. Doukas - Habadashery 1319 South University sented by R. L. Donahue of Michigan State College. History & Political Science The meeting of the history and po- litical science section was opened at 2:15 p.m. yesterday in the second floor terrace of the Michigan Union by the chairman, Prof. R. C. Miller of Wayne University. The first paper dealing with history as the scientific recording of past events, was read by Prof. Benjamin W. Wheeler of the history depart- ment. "The historian," Professor Wheeler stated, "must not be swept :off his feet by his desire to be of use to his generation by giving val- uable interpretations to history." On the contrary, Professor Wheeler con- tinued, "his writing must be relative to the people and conditions of the time about which he is writing rather than relative to conditions and people of his own time." The second paper was presented by Prof. W. J. Bossenbrook of the history department of Wayne University. Pro- fessor Bossenbrook contended that the purpose of history was to give meaning to the chaotic mass of past events. The historian can best do this, he continued, by starting out with a preconception of the period he is dealing with and then seeing how far reality differs from this "ideal type." Language And Jiterature4 Prof. H. T. Price of the English department opened the morning ses- .ion of the Language and Literature division with his paper "The Lan- uage of Titus Andronicus." Profes- sor Price's paper was followed by a short discussion led by Dr. Harold Whitehall of the English department. "Addison On the Imagination," a Paper by Prof. C. D. Thorpe of the English department, was the subject of the discussion led by Prof. Louis I. Bredvold. Among the interesting papers giv- en during the morning session was that of Frank O. Copley of the ro- inance languages department, titled, "Sophocles an dthe Pathetic Fallacy." The afternoon session opened with one of the outstanding papers of the meeting, that of Dr. Harold White- hall. Dr. Whitehall read a paper on "Connecticut Colloquial Pronuncia- tion of English in the Eighteenth Century." s-,-" m FELLOWS When you eat do you stop to analyze : How much -is good food costing me? Am I getting my money's worth? Remember! We never sacrifice quality to make a low price. 20 Meals for $3.80 The Miichigan WOLVERINE Re-d The Clssifieds iI ie aIL% MM a now srwnrw... rrwr. , t The 300,000 people on Michigan relief rolls, who with their families represent a total of about three times that number, do not represent a group of indigents who always look to so- ciety for relief, but instead are an "excellent cross-section of the citizens of the state," declared Dr. William Haber, Michigan FERA administra- tor before the economics and sociology section yesterday morning. Listing the different types of people on relief, he pointed out that 5,000 professionals and about 90,000 skilled and office workers are included. Nineteen per-cent of the total, he went on, are listed as unemployables, who will never be reabsorbed into in- I dustry even though the prosperity peak of 1920 is reached again. Thus, he declared, Michigan will have more than 100,000 people who will need relief permanently. Other problems facing the state were outlined by the speaker who em- phasized the fact that relief is not' merely a depression measure, but must be accepted as a permanent issue. He pointed to the "blighted area" of the Upper Peninsula where, because of the inability of the owners to operate their copper and iron mines profit- ably, the workers will be continually "stranded" until they move to some other section of the state. The fact that many of the unem- ployed have not had work for a period of four or five years only makes the situation worse because when and if they are given work their "technique - will be absolescent." "Thus," he said, "a labor shortage may exist at the same time as a labor surplus." Prof. Shorey Peterson of the eco- nomics department and chairman of the section introduced the speakers at the afternoon meeting. Prof. Robert S. Ford of the economics department spoke on the recent fiscal policy in Michigan, outlining the various meas- ures that were taken to wipe out the deficit in the general fund of the state during the depression years. IFllowing Profes-or-or'st a f