TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY NF E NEWS DAnILY OFFICI Pub nt n in th thzUetin is constrt Unl 1ty. Copy received at the offt until 3:30; 11:30 a.m. Saturday. SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 1935 VOL. XLV No. 115 Notices To thi Members of ther University Council: The next meeting of the University Council will be held on Monday, March 11, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 1009 Angell Hall. LOUIS A. HOPKINS Secretary, University Council J. P. Morgan Sells His N V YORK, March 8 -t ')- J. P. I Scholarships for Hcidelberg Uni- versity Summer Courses: This Uni- Morgan has sold his 114-foot yacht, versity is requested to name three de- Navette, to Leon P. Falk, a Brooklyn serving students to receive scholar- banker, it was learned today from ships in the summer courses offered Henry J. Gielow, Inc., brokers who this year by the University of Heidel- represented the buyer'. berg, Germany. The scholarships pro- The Navette was another of Moir-vide free tuition, and the courses will gan's posesions incluingh m tr- be given between July 1 and August gan's possessions, including master- 17, 1985. Both graduate and under- pieces in miniatures and large paint- graduate students are eligible. Ap- ings and 31 acres of his Glen Cove prdut ents re eigy Ap- (L. I.} estate, that has been placed pointment5 by the University of Mich- (L.eth sE igan must be made not later than on the market tyaNy- 31. Students interested in theses Morgan has a larger yacht, the scholarships should apply to Dean C. Corsair. S. Yoakum, at the Graduate school office, 1014 Angell Hall. Mexican, ArchbishopP F..e 1935 Mehanical Engikieers: P. W. Flet ;And Rl elva'ifMN Boynton of the Socony-Vacuum Oil M ICO CITE, March 8-VP)_Company will be in Room 221 West Archbishop Pascual Diaz, head of the Engineering Building the afternoon Catholic Church in Mexico, was re- of March 11, for the purpose of in- leasedfrom custody this afternoon! terviewing those men who may be in- after being fined for violation of teoepted in employment with this Mexico's religious laws company. Will you please make an Government officials said that the appointment prior to March 11. Archbishop and three companions .1935 Mechanical Engineers: who disappeared mysteriously yester- D. B. King and S. W. Pickering of day, were detainedt and held incom- the Carbide and Carbon Chemicals municado overnight. Corporation will be in Room 221, West Just where the church leader and Engineering building on March 12, his friends were held was not dis- for the purpose of interviewing those closed. It was believed that the affair was connected with the Archbishop's' ar- rest several months ago When he was accused of performing services out- side the Federal District in violation of religious laws and fined 500 pesos (about $135). A higher coirt recently upheld the sentence, but it was understood the fine has yet to be paid. Senators Critcie NVRA; WASHINGTON, March 8.-- W) - A round of sharp Senate criticism of the NRA, particularly its effbct on sniall business, today overshadowed even the partial Congressional ap- prval of more than two billion dollars more for spending. After additional talk of possible war, the Senate passed and sent to con- ference with the House a near rec- ord $400,000,000 Army Appropriation bill, authorizing among other things a 40 per cent increase in the strength of the Army. The House, after beating down at- tempts to add as much as 3 billion dollars to the Home Owners' Loan Corporation fund, finally approved a compr-ohise amendment to place one $1,750,000,000 more in its till. Final passage of the measure is set for tomorrow. Former Desperado Visits In Ann Arbor (Continued from Page 1) worthwhile goal in life," Pat declared stoutly. He pointed out that many boys re- ceive little or no training as bread- winners and useful citizens and blamed soc iety for not providing for the rational and natural development of boys. "The total cost of crime in the United States is more than $12,- 000,000,000," he said. "I propose to cut this cost of the taxpayers in half." Putting the youth of the country to work is the solution offered by the' man who introd'uced kidnaping to America. Such projects as the Civilian Conservation Corps meet with his ap- proval. "The CCC camps are providing excellent training for unemployed youth. Now we need to extend the idea and make it permanent." Pat believes that no youth should be denied the natural privileges of life. "The government must provide work for every unemployed youth. Such a program would minimize law- lessness and the total cost for the project would be far less than the an- nual crime bill," he concluded. students interested in employment with this company. Please make an appointment prior to that time. Seniors in the College of Engi- neering: Call at once at Room 412 West Engineering Building for your Drawing I, II, and III Plates. Vetitions for Assembly Offices and positions on Standing Committees. Memibership, Activities, and Bulle- tins, are to be filed in Undergraduate 01c1e of League, March 9. Academic Notices Geology 12: Bluebook Wednesday, March 13, at 9:00 in Sci. Auditorium. Geology 11: Bluebook Wednesday, March 13, at 11:00 in Room 25 A. H. Exhibitins The Ann Arbor Art Association an- nounces the showing of a collection of paintings by contemporary Amer- ican painters. The exhibition is ar- ranged by the College Art Associa- tion. Alumni Memorial Hall, March 10 through March 24, daily from 2 to 5. The gallery will be open the evening of March 14, with no admis- sion charge. Events Today Graduate Students: All graduate students, whether they have previous- ly gone on trips of the Graduate Out- ing Club or not, are invited to attend the annual banquet of the club at the Washington Scout Cabin on Satur- day. A steak dinner will be served for 30 cents and there will be a special program. This is a good opportunity to learn about the club and its activi- ties. The group will meet at Lane Hall at 3:00 and hike out to the cabin which is at the entrance to the Hur- on River Drive. Freshman Girls' Glee Club practice at 1 o'clock in the League. Room will be posted. Cosmopolitan Club: Social meeting 8 p.m., Lane Hall. A cordial invita- tion is extended to all students. A skating party will be held by the U-M Outdoor Club at the Coliseum, from 2:30 to 3:00. Any student in- terested is invited to attend. At- mission, 15 cents or a regular coup- on. IAL BULLETIN ddctve ot!C to all members ot, the. F of the AMtnt to the Presi4nt members and others interested are invited to attend. Hilliard Exhibicn: Charles C. Pet- erson, nationaly famous trick shot artist and billiard expert, will be at the Union billiard room all day to-j day. He will give exhibitions at 4 in the afternoon and at 7:30 in the eve-I ning. Admission free. ContiwigEmnts Studcnts of the Celiege of Litera- lure, Science, and the Arts: A meet- ing will be held on Tuesday, March 12, 4:15 p.m., Room 1025 Angell Hall, for students in the College of Litera- ture, Science, and the Arts and others interested in future work in Law. The meeting will be addressed by Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law School. This will be the first meeting of the vocational series designed to give in- formation concerning the nature of and preparation for the various pro- fessions. The second meeting, to be addressed by Dean J. B. Edmonson of the School of Education, will be held on hursday, March 14.{ Aenmatical Enginecrs' Division A. S.M.E.: There will be a meeting Mon- day, March 11, at 7:30 p.m. in Room 316, Michigan Union. Pan-American moving pictures "Flying the Lind- bergh Trail" will be shown. Members of the Latin-American Club: Members are requested to at- tend a meeting at 3 p.m. Sunday, March 10, at the Michigan Union. Stanley Chorus: Important re- hearsal for next Wednesday's pro- gram will be held in the League at 2:30, Sunday afternoon, March 10. Everyone is asked to be present. In-terlor iecoration Section of the Faculty Woman's Club will meet on Monday, March 11, 2:30 p.m., at the Michigan League. Miss Milda Josen- hans will talk on "Furniture." Bookshelf and Stage Section of the Faculty Women's Club will meet with Mrs. Arthur W. Smith, 1008 Oakland, on Tuesday, March 12, at 2:45 p.m. Garden Section of the Faculty Wehen's Club will meet at the Mich- igan Union, Wednesday, March 13, 3:00 p.m. The Misses Alice and Jessie Bourquil will give an illus- trated lecture on, "The Development of the Home Grounds." Members are urged to bring guests. Methodist Epjlcopal Church, Sun- (ay: 9:45 a.m.-A class for young men and women of college age meets in the balcony of the church auditor- ium. Dr. Roy Burroughs leads dis- cussions on modern ideals of the church. 10:45 a.m._-Morning worship serv- ice. "Why Live?" is the sermon sub- ject chosen by Dr. Charles W. Bras- hares for the first in his series of Lenten Sermons. Stalker Hall for Young Men and Women of College Age: 12:10-12:40 p.m.-Students and employed young people will meet at Stalker Hall for an exchange of modern Christian and social views. 6:00 p.m. - Wesleyan Devotional Service. Dr. Elmer A. Leslie of Bos- ton University School of Theology will be the guest speaker. Follow- ship supper hour after the meeting. Congregational Church, Snday: 10:30 - Mr. Heaps will continue the series on "The Old Testament in the New Times," speaking on "The Sin of Achan." The lecture will be given at 11:30 by Prof. Albert Hyma. Subject, "Luther and His Times." 6:00 -Student Fellowship Supper, followed by an address by Prof. Waugh of Ypsilanti on "The World Court." Harris Hall: Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m. there will be a celebration of the Holy Com- munion in the Williams Memorial Chapel in Harris Hall. Sunday eve- ning at 7:00 p.m. there will be the regular student meeting. Prof. Ray- Simfe IRies For Holmes ficld i C hulfrch lassifilled Direts-I F -7c in tl ai rl Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes was laid to rest among the nation's great dead yesterday - Arlington cemetery. Large throngs gathered atj All Souls' Unitarian Church (above) in Washington where simple funeral services were held. The brief sermon was preached by the Rev. Ulysses G. Pierce (upper right), who also read some of the poems Justice Holmes loved. LOST: Bankbook of Highland Park REAl) T HE WANT ADS (Detroit) Bank Dial 7740. Reward. 143 StndeiL Use Of Health Servic e ConiiiTes To Risei Re >or Shows Figures for the month of February examinations rose 77 to 384; physio- indicate a continuance of the marked therapy treatments rose 164 to 811. rise in general services rendered by Dietitian conferences numbered 128, the Health Service, Dr. Warren E. a rise of 64; prescriptions filled were Forsythe, director, said in releasing' 1,414, up 232; colds numbered 767, the monthly report. down 105; acute appendicitis cases "Again the rise is caused by no par- rose three to nine; 129 entrance mecd- ticular disease," Dr. Forsythe re- ical examinations were made. marked, "and colds, usually promi- I Contagions numbered seven, a rise nent in the figures at this period, are of five over the two previous years; fewer. The tendency to pay more at- pneumonia cases remained stationary tention to various ambulatory, and at four. less to optimal health conditions - ___ - may help to answer the question as+Convicts OilyVNeel Jo the total needs of any population for medical services." Jobs To Be Paroled Statistical data from the report_ shows a rise of 1580 dispensary calls LANSING, March 8 -(/'> -Joseph from 8,305 in the corresponding month C. Armstrong, state pardons and par- of last year; infirmary patients num- oles commissioner, told social service bered 170, a rise of 31; hospital pa- groupsystdyth 30imtso i tients, 27, a rise of eight, Mental hy- gop yesterday that 300 inmates of tI.ns 7,ars feg.Mntly-Michigan prisons who are eligible for giene interviews fell 73 to 1,194; X-ray Mihgnpsoswoaelgbefr g___n ___fe __ 7_4 - parole need only jobs in order to re- gain their freedom. 11 I I.*tA1C 1 Ue).- a- in Ai) t)1, U) d j U~J~' t hil ntrJ(J L oI CLASSIFIED AI~VER TISINC Place :ulrclistmcents with Clas,lflcac Ach erti-;ins;'Depalttlt,t'en Phne '?-i''14. The cla-,deed columns close at five o'cloc'k pre\'iou sto day ft' nsrtis 1. BOx undmrs may beWsecured at no Itra charge. Cs E ' in aac eie psrreading line (on baslis of five avcra, 'c «ords to line) for one or tv(o insertions. . 'c p reading line for three or more in-scri~tofl. Mininnmu ines per insertion. 'ele'ptlo e r rte -- 7l.x5e pe redinig line, for one or wo inseris Me) per reding line for tuee or nore il erlion ; t