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March 09, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-03-09

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The Weather
Increasing cloudiness and
warmer Saturday, showers and
warmer Sunday.


iEt igai



For Continuity And
Another Blow at Joe College...



Hunt For
i Started
No Clues Found To Slayer
Of 7-Year-Old Ypsilanti
Body Stabbed Ten
Times With File
Playmate Discovers Body
Under Bridge, 500 Feet
From Home
A state-wide search was begun last
night for the murderer of seven-year-
old Richard Streicher, whose body
was found yesterday by a playmate,
stabbed 10 times, lying under a bridge
across the Huron River in Ypsilanti.
Richard was the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Streicher, of Ypsilanti.
Streicher is an official and part own-
er of the Streicher Tool & Die Co-
pany. Richard, whose murder was
termed "one of the most sensational
crimes to shake Washtenaw County
since the infamous Torch Murders,"
was found only 500 feet from his
The boy had been missing since
Thursday afternoon when he had
gone to play with a friend. "Buck"
Holt, 11-year-old boy who discovered
the body, told police that he had
followed footprints leading down the
river embankment and under the
Examines Body
Ten wounds were found on the
child's body by Dr. David N. Robb,
Ypsilanti coroner, who made the ex-
amination. Five wounds were found
on the body, and five other cuts were
inflicted on the head. The angular
wounds have given rise to the belief
that the crime was committed with
a file.
Late last night no definite clues
had been found although Sheriff Jac-
ob B. Andres stated his belief that
the atrocity had undoubtedly beenf
committed by a degenerate. SheriffI
Andres, Prosecutor Albert J. Rapp,1
and Ypsilanti Chief of Police Ralph
Southard were conferring in Ypsi-E
lanti, while all Washtenaw County
law enforcement officials joined to-
gether in an extensive search forI
clues that might lead to the appre-1
hension of the criminal.I
As no signs of blood were foundt
near the spot where the body wast
discovered, officials were of the opin-
ion that the crime had been commit-t
ted at some other place, and thatt
later the body had been carried to
the bridge and hidden under it. In-
vestigating medical experts were ofi
the opinion that the body had laidY
there all Thursday night, setting the1
time of the murder as late ThursdayI
afternoon or evening.
Suspect Servant Girl
Suspicion was first turned on az
servant girl, who had been rumored
discharged by the Striechers by thet
boy's grandfather, Thomas A. Meul-
ler of Pontiac. Mr. and Mrs. Streich-
er denied this, saying that they hadt
had "no trouble with servants, no
trouble at all." They were unable
to ascribe any possible reason for3
the crime.
The Streichers are owners of the
Streicher Tool & Die Company of
Ypsilanti, and authorities called at-
tention to the fact that employeesc
would probably drive near to the
footbridge under which the body was1
found. As the workmen are not re-

quired to lock up their tools, it was
pointed out that any one of them
could have removed a sharp file of1
the type with which it is believed
that the crime was committed. l
Comment by the boy, Holt, who led
the police to the body, to the effectl
that the tracks he had followed down
the embankment had been "foot-
prints like a woman's" at first led to
some support for the theory that theI
discharged servant girl had been in-
volved in the crime. Later develop-
ments tended to mystify officials, as
the footprints were obliterated by the
rush of sensation-hungry spectators.
State-wide police facilities were be-
ing called into play last night, but
the absence of clues prevented any
immediately effective action from be-
ing taken.
Two Matmen Winj
Big Ten Matches
CHICAGO, March 8. - (P) -Two
University of Michigan wrestlers sur-
vived the first round matches in the

Long Plan Termed Unworkable,
Kingfish is CalledDemagogue

Sen. Huey P. Long, the Kingfish
of Louisiana, was raked over the coals
yesterday by members of the eco-
nomics and political science depart-
ments, who described him as "a fac-
tor to be reckoned with."
Referring to Long's radio speech
of Thursday night, Prof. Shorey Pet-
erson of the economics department
said, "The Long appeal, as General
Johnson maintained, rests not on
facts and their analysis, but on emo-
tion." Prof. C. F. Remer, also of the
economics department, re-empha-
sized this, declaring that ."Long's
fantastic "share our wealth program"
is unworkable and designed solely to
win popular acclaim."
Various members of the political
science department termed Long a
"demagogue, who like Hitler, uses
times of social and economic insecur-
ity to win personal political advan-
"On the basis of the incomplete ac-
count of Senator Long's speech, which
I read," charged Professor Peterson,
"I would say that in it there is a gross
distortion of fact with respect to
"There is also a serious confusion
of the distribution of wealth with the
distribution of income," he contin-
ued. "Long fails to deal with the
practical problem of redistributing
the billions of wealth which consist
of physical properties."
Professor Peterson explained this
to mean that Long does not consider

the difficulty of liquidating the wealth
in excess of $6,000,000, which the
government would take over, accord-
ing to the "share our wealth plan."
Long fails to recognize that such
a minimum level of income as he
suggests, the economist pointed out,
involves not redistribution primarily,
but an expansion of the total pro-
duction and income far above any we
have ever had."
Professor Remer was also of the op-
inion that Long was "very much con-
fused" in his terms. "He aims for
the control of the wealth himself,"
he stated. Any factory, he said, has
to be run, no matter whether the own-
ership is private or governmental.
"The Long plan is evasive and does
not take account of control. If you
take away ownership, you take away
Members of the political science
department asserted that the "rise of
Huey Long is analagous to that of
Adolf Hitler in Germany." One of
them compared Long to Hitler in "in-
tellect, tactics, and ability. "Long,"
he said, "is dangerous and must be
reckoned with. Put in control of the
nation, it is probable that he will at-
tempt the same dictatorship with
which he is so successful in Louis-
Another political scientist here
called attention to the fact that Long
already controls a block of votes in
the Senate, and said "his danger lies
in the possibility of his making al-R
liances with other political leaders."

Academy Head
Gives Speech
On 'Ecology'
President P. S. Lovejoy,
Conservation Offi ci a1,
Climaixes Meeting
Predicts 'Planneda'
Future For Man

Lecture Policy Committee
Verifies Decision Refusing
Strachey Hill Auditorium


Tow H

[old Last
ay; Will

Sessions Tod
Elect Officers

_ :. i

Athens Reports
Venizelos Shot,
Salonika Raided
Rebels At 'Rope's End,',
Loyalists S a y; Heavy
Snow Delays Offensive
LONDON, March 8. - (P) - The
Sofia correspondent of the Exchange
Telegraph said tonight:
"The Greek revolution has taken
a grave turn with thousands reported
killed and wounded. Salonika was
bombed from the air and bombarded
from the sea, and the population was
stated to be panic stricken."
ATHENS, March 8.-(A)- A re-
port that'ex-Premier Eleutherios Ven-
izelos, supposed leader of the rebels,
had been wounded on the Island of
Crete, reached Athens through an in-
tercepted wireless message today
shortly after the government had in-
tercepted other messages indicating
that insurgents in Macedonia were at
"the end of their rope."
Fired to renewed expressions of con-
fidence that the week-old revolt was
near suppression, the government
launched another push at the hard-
pressed Macedonian rebels, this time
from the north.
inGen. Kiliastras sent his men driv-
ing down through deep snows at
rebel positions already racked by sev-
eral days of sporadic aerial bombard-
An unidentified Yugoslav destroyer
calling Volos, Greece, reported that
Venizelos, seriously wounded, was
aboard one of the rebel destroyers
presumably headed for Alexandria,
After his preliminary engagement
with the rebels last night, in which he
advanced his forces slightly under
cover of heavy artillery and machine
gun fire, Gen. George Kondylis, the
loyal commander-in-chief, was still
weather-bound to the west of the
rebel position.
Although fog yesterday forced back
two government planes and high
winds brought down another, Gen.
Kondylis sent 12 bombers roaring
out across the enemy lines today to
prepare the way for Gen. Kaliastras'

World Record
Is Broken As
Tankmen Win
Northwestern Loses B y
Score Of 58 To 26 In
Final Home Meet
One world, one American, and two
intercollegiate swimming records fell
before the determined onslaught of
Michigan's Varsity team last night
at the Intramural pool as the Wolver-
ines trounced Northwestern, 58 to 26.
The meet, held before 1,000 spec-
tators, was the final dual encounter
of the season for Coach Matt Mann's
tankers and marked the last appear-
ance at home for five regulars, Co-
captains Taylor Drysdale and Bob
Renner, Tex Robertson, Okden Dal-
rymple, and Ed Drew.
The medley relay team of Drysdale,
Jack Kasley, and Ogden Dalrymple,
accounted for the new world and
American records and for one of the
intercollegiate marks when it made
the 300 yards in 3:00.8.
The old world and American stand-
ard for 25-yard pools was held by the
New York A. C. trio of Kojac, Leon-
ard and Walter Spence at 3:01.2,
while the former Intercollegiate rec-
ord was 3:04.0, held by the Yale team
of Pierson, Savell, and Livingston.
Kasley established the other new
intercollegiate record when he de-
feated teammate Bill Crittenden and
the former record holder, Captain
Don Horn of the Wildcats, in the 200-
yard breast-stroke.
The Wolverine sophomore's time
was 2:27.6, bettering Horn's old mark
by 1.4 seconds. Kasley now holds the
intercollegiate record for both 25-
yard pool and 20-yard tanks, estab-
lishing the record for the shorter
course two weeks ago at Iowa.
Both Michigan co-captains ended
their home careers in victory, Drys-
dale winning the 150-yard back-
stroke in 1:39.1, and Renner captur-
ing the 100-yard free-style in 55:0.
Following the meet Coach Mann
put nine breast-si-rokers in tiae water
to break six American records for
(Contronued on Page 3)

Reports of yesterday's section meet-
ings will be found on page 6.
P. S. Lovejoy of the division of land
planning of the Michigan Department
of Coservation brought the fortieth
annual meeting of the Michigan Aca-
demy of Science, Arts, and Letters to
a climax last night with the presi-
dential address on "Ecological Engi-
neering" following the annual ban-
quet for all sections at the Union.
Mr. Lovejoy, after explaining the
meaning of the subject, discussed the'
possible uses of ecological engineer-
ing and its importance to future gen-
erations in our civilization.
Ecology, Mr. Lovejoy said, is one
branch of the comparatively new
science of biology. It is chiefly con-'
cerned with the "identification and'
understanding of the relations of an
individual or association of individ-
uals to the environment or habitat in
which they must exist," he said.
The problem of engineering, he
continued, is to find the best means
possible to use given materials and
tools to accomplish a pre-determined
One illustration of the use of eco-
logical engineering, Mr. Lovejoy
pointed out, is contained in the his-
tory of the alfalfa plant, when, afterI
the plant was grown with erratic suc-
cess laboratories and experiment sta-
tions went to work and determinedI
the conditions under which the plant"
could be grown successfully. That
is, he explained, the environment in]
which the plant would thrive wasI
determined and methods-for provid-
ing a suitable habitat for the crop]
were worked out.
Mr. Lovejoy also pointed out that
other crops were studied in the same'
way and that medicine is now using
this procedure to control the factors
which affect the health of human be-
To use a similar procedure, to at-
tempt to take care of the larger
human affairs, the speaker contin-
ued, "we should have to note that,
like all other living things, man seems
to vibrate between three poles - al-'
ways trying to orient himself so as
to live a little longer, get a little fat-
ter, and have a few more progeny."
A fourth pole was added, Mr. Lovejoy1
said, when man began to think and
his ideas became potent, and this1
pole often modified his purely "an-
imal" behavior. The speaker cited the
example of the effect which the idea]
of "liberty, fraternity and equality"
has had on our civilization in recent
centuries, saying that it caused the]
general acceptance of the belief in]
life, liberty and the pursuit of happi-
ness for all men.
Mr. Lovejoy then spoke of the pos-
sibilities of a similar idea which, he
(Continued on Page 6)
Laun To Serve
As Member Of
Dr. Rudolph Laun, noted expert on
international law and political science,
will remain with the University at
least one more semester in the capa-
city of a special lecturer attached to
the facult of the Law School, it was
announced yesterday by Dean Henry
M. Bates of the Law School.
This past semester Dr. Laun has
served as a visiting lecturer in the de-
partment of political science during
the absence of Prof. Jesse S. Reeves,
chairman of the department.
Concerning Dr. Laun's appointment
to the faculty of the law school, Dean
Bates stated. "It is our hope that we
may be able to thus introduce to the
law school here a practice of in-
cluding on our faculty each year some
person distinguished in the field of
law, who may bring to us ideas and
interpretations of great value, just
as Dr. Laun will enrich us with his

penetrating analysis of certain phases
of juristic thought in Europe. The
benefit that accrues from such an

Guest Speakers
To Talk Before
Church Group
Five Faculty Members Are
Also Scheduled To Make
Addresses Sunday
Two guest speakers and five facul-
ty members are included in the pro-
grams of the various local churches
that have been announced for to-
The Rev. R. A. Heaps will contin-
ue his series of sermons on "The Old
Testament in the New Times" with
an address on "The Sin of Achan" at
10:30 a.m. in the First Congregational
Church. The regular faculty lecture
series will be continued at 11:30 a.m.
by Prof. Albert A. Hyma of the history
department. The program for the
Congregational Student Fellowship
at 7:30 p.m. will feature an address
by Prof. A. L. Waugh of the Michigan
State Normal College at Ypsilanti on
"The World Court."
"Why Live" is the subject chosen
by the Rev. Charles W. Brashares
for his service at 10:45inthe First
Methodist Episcopal Church. The 6
p.m. meeting of the Wesleyan Guild
at Stalker Hall will be addressed by
Dr. Elmer A. Leslie of the Boston Uni-
versity School of Theology. At 7:30
p.m. the trial of "Prisoner At the
Bar" will be conducted.
As a unit on the series of "Art and
Religion," the subject "Religion and
Sculpture" will be presented by Al-
vard Fairbanks at 5:15 p.m. in the
Unitarian Church. The address will
be illustrated by means of examples
of sculpture. The Liberal Students'
Union will hold one of its round-table
student discussions at 7:30 p.m.
"Genuine and Spurious Charges
Against Religion" will be the topic on
which Rabbi Bernard Heller will
speak at 11:15 a.m. in -the League
Chapel. At 8 p.m. Rabbi Heller will
lead a discussion on "Issues Behind
Theism and Atheism" at the Hillel
The Rev. E. C. Stellhorn will speak
on "Jesus Our Great High Priest"
at the service of 10:30 a.m. in the
Zion Lutheran Church. At 5:30 p.m.
a student forum discussion will be
conducted by Mr. Yoder on the sub-
ject of "The Course Of My Develop-
The Rev. Henry Lewis will deliver
the weekly sermon in the St. An-
drew's Episcopal Church service at
11 a.m. At 5 p.m. in Harris Hall,
Prof. Howard McClusky will lead the
Young Peoples' Fellowship in a dis-
cussion on personality. At 7 p.m.
Prof. Raymond Hoekstra of the phi-
losophy department will speak before
the student meeting in. Harris Hall
on the topic "Philosophical Reflec-
tions On Modern Times."
The morning worship services and
sermon will be conducted and deliv-
ered by the Rev. Fred Cowin for the
Church of Christ at 10:45 p.m. At
6:30 p.m. a discussion meeting on
"The Meaning of Religion" will be led
by Don Anderson.
The Rev. C. A. Brauer will deliver
the anniversary sermon at 10:45
a.m. in St. Paul's Lutheran Church
on "It Is Good For Us To Be Here."

S. Parkes Cadman
Assails Kingfish
And Radio Priest
WATERTOWN, N. Y., March 8-
('P)- Defending Gen. Hugh S. John-
son's recent speech assailing the Rev.
Fr. Charles A. Coughlin and Sen.
Huey P. Long, Dr. S. Parkes Cadman,
of Brooklyn, said in an interview to-
day that the radio priest and the
Louisiana Kingfish "have done .more
harm than good."
"Johnson's speech is the best of its
kind I have heard in 25 years," Dr.
Cadman said. "Parts of it are equal
to the letters of Junius for skinning
Dr. Cadman 'characterized Father
Coughlin as "A priest too far from his
altar," and Long as an "unmasked
demagogue," threatening to split the
Democratic party.
WASHINGTON, March 8. - (A) -
The Senate Postoffice Committee to-
day made an adverse report on the
Sen. Huey P. Long resolution for an
investigation of Postmaster General
Farley, but senators reserved the right
to make a minority report.
Chairman Kenneth D. McKellar,
(Dem., Tenn.), announced after the
committee had considered the resolu-
tion for the fifth successive day that
the group was unanimous in conclud-
"That it is the sense of the com-
mittee that the senior senator from
Louisiana has not produced facts or
evidence constituting a proper case
for investigation by the Senate under
his resolution No. 74."
A separate resolution,'adopted by a
"majority" of the committee, said the
committee believed Resolution No. 74
should not be adopted by the Senate
and that no committee of investiga-
tion should be appointed.
Arthur Will, '36E,
Dies InHospital
Arthur Will, '36E, of Oak Park.
Ill., died early yesterday morning in
the University Hospital as a result of
a ruptured appendix, after a six
weeks' struggle for life.
The body was taken to St. Loui
last night for funeral services anc
interment. Will was 21 years old.
and was the only son of Mr. and Mrs.
George A. Will of Oak Park.
Will attended the University for
three years and was a member of Phi
Eta Sigma, freshman honorary so-
ciety, articles editor of the Technic
magazine, and secretary of Triangles
junior honorary engineering organi
To Hold Tryouts For C
Inter fraternity Council
All sophomores who are schol-
astically eligible and who wish to
try out for the Interfraternity
Council shpuld report at 3:30 p.m.
Tuesday to Room 306 in the Un-
ion, according to Alvin H. Schleif-
er, secretary of the Council.

University Officials Decline
To Comment On Charges
Of Suppression
Communist To Talk
Here, Says N. S. L.
General Meeting Will Be
Held In Union Tonight;
Handbill Distributed
The University Committee on Lec-
ture Policy last night corroborated the
National Student League's statement
of Thursday asserting that John
Strachey, noted British communist
and former Labor member of Par-
liament, will not be permitted to
speak March 14 in Hill Auditorium.
The committee's decision said "The
Committee on Lecture Policy is un-
able to approve the request of the
National Student League for a lec-
ture on March 14 in Hill Auditorium.
The committee is not convinced of
the responsibility of this organiza-
tion to sponsor public lectures in Uni-
versity buildings and therefore re-
fuses to approve its request."
Withholds Comment
Comment on the National Student
League's charge that the University
is suppressing freedom of speech was
withheld by the committee.
Shirley W. Smith, vice-president
and secretary of the University, earl-
ier yesterday admitted he had writ-
ten a letter to Ascher Opler, at that
time a member of the National Stu-
dent League, granting the request for
the use of Hill Auditorium, but point-
ed out that the letter included the
qualifying phrase, "on the basis of
the representations made by you as
to the character of the address to be
made by Mr. Strachey"
Not Peaceful Subject
Vice-President Smith declared that
the "representations" were to the
effect that the lecture would deal with
the desirability and possibility of in-
ternational peace, but that he later
earned that the subject would be
"The Coming Struggle For Power,"
which, he said,;-"did not sound like a
peaceful subject."
However, he added, the authority
o grant such permission was trans-
'erred to the committee shortly after
ae wrote the letter.
Meanwhile the Committee for the
->trachey Lecture announced that a
general meeting would be held at 8
,m. tonight in the Union to protest
against the University committee's ac-
-ion. Faculty members and students
vill address the meeting, it was stat-
A handbill headed with the words
'Gag Rule at Michigan" and con-
aining copies of Vice-President
Dmith's letter and of the committee's
tter rejection was distributed at va-
ious points on the campus yesterday
*y National Student League mem-
"Denied Freedom of Speech"
Referring o the committee's decis-
on, the handbill said, "'Responsibil-
ty' is simply a subterfuge. Actually
he University is denying freedom of
"Relying upon the representation of
he first letter, contracts were entered
nto, tickets sold, and all financial
bligations met. Only ten days ago
he N.S.L. was suddenly informed that
L new committee had been formed to
aandle the matter. The above de-
ision of this new committee is fan-
"If the National Student League
has no 'responsibilit,' then why is
it recognized officially by the Univer-
sity? Why has it been able to under-
write in cash all of the expenses in-
volved in the lecture?"
The Strachey committee yesterday
indicated its determination to secure
Hill Auditorium for the lecture, but

added that Strachey will speak in
Ann Arbor whether or not the audi-
torium is secured.
Has Sponsored Lectures
Two lectures have already been
sponsored on campus this year by the
National Student League. The speak-
ers were Michael Gold, communist
writer and critic, and Angelo Herndon,
central figure of a southern "labor
case," both men appearing in the Na-
tural Science Auditorium.
The Strachey committee will hold


Avery Hopwood Room Proves
Itself To Be Marked Success

Man Who Introduced Kidnaping
To Country Visits Ann Arbor

America's No. 1 Public Enemy -
back in 1900 - is in Ann Arbor.
One of the most spectacular crim-
inals in the country's history, Pat
Crowe is now using his knowledge
of crime and criminals, gleaned from
more than 40 years of association with
them, in a campaign to remove temp-
tation from the path of young men.
Pat, in his younger years, was what
was popularly known as a "bad man."
Train robberies, diamond thefts, and
kidnaping were his forte. Today he is

mand for payment of $25,000 in gold
For five years Crowe eluded cap-
ture, despite the fact that a price of
$50,000 was on his head. Finally, how-
ever, he decided to pay the penalty for
his crime and surrendered to author-
ities in Omaha, Neb. His subsequent
trial and acquittal was the topic of
discussion in every household in
America at the time.
"There is nothing in a life of crime,"
said Pat in an interview yesterday.
"The $1,000,000 I stole during my ca-'
reer brought me only bitterness and

In marked contrast to what was
once a barren seminar room, the scene
of many mental struggles, is the Avery
Hopwood Room, 3227 Angell Hall. The
studious atmosphere is the same, but
gone is that tenseness that it once saw
as a class room. In its place is the
atmosphere of studious recreation.
Early last semester the new Hop-
wood Room was opened. Its shelves
were rather barren, but its plans were
complete. At the present time the
Hopwood Room is a striking example
of the carrying out of these plans.
For the convenience of members of
composition and journalism classes,
and in order that the prospective
Hopwood Award contestants may have
i-L.,, -..",-...,f.. ,;1-> 1., rnn h n r~vi nt -i1 -.

then catalogued and placed on the
shelves according to the month pur-
chased. Thus, the current books from
any particular month are easily acces-
sible to those who wish to read them.
On the north wall of the room are
12 portraits of uniform size of various
well-known men of letters. Few are
recognizable, though, for contrary to
the customary method -"of portraying
prominent writers at the ages of 50
or 60, these unusual pictures present
the men between the ages of 20 and
To those who use the room is pre-
sented the unusual opportunity of see-
ing Carlisle, Dickens, Scott, Keats,
Dante, Gabriel, Rossetti, Ruskin, Ru-
pert Brooke, Cowley, Browning, Burns,
and De Quincey, at an age when most

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