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March 08, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-03-08

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The Weather

Snow flurries and continued
cold today; tomorrow increas-
ing cloudiness and warmer.

Yl r e

it igau




Congratulations Fraternities.. .
Sunday Library Service .. .
The Driving Menace .. .



Huey Long Fires
Back At General

New Offense
Is Begun By
Premier Tsaldaris May
Recall Exiled King To
Country's Throne.
Athens Threatened

Section Holds
First Meeting!


Week Modification

Johnson In


Is Voted By Fraternities;
Jobs For Athletes Asked

Session Of Academy Is
Reach Climax Today
All Sections Meet


Former NRA Head Called
The 'Ex-Crown Prince'
Of Administration
Claims White House
Has Declared War
Long Also Pays 'Respects'
To Other Foes And To
New Deal In General
WASHINGTON, March 7 - () -
Opening a flood-gate of invective,
Sen. Huey P. Long tonight asserted
that the White House had "declared
war" on him and that the "lead-off"
man had been Hugh S. Johnson, un-
der whom the NRA "became such a
national scandal that Roosevelt had
to let Johnson slide out as the scape-
Long made his assertions in a radio
address prepared for delivery in an-
swer to a speech by Johnson last
Monday night. In it the former NRA
chief had called the Louisianan and
Father Charles E. Coughlin, Detroit
priest, the "mad pipers" who were
appealing to the "lunatic fringes" of
the people.,
Calling out his own choicest phras-
es, Long tonight paid his "respects"
not only to Johnson, but to others of
his opponents and the New Deal as
well. But it was at Johnson that he
levelled at the outset.
"The late and lamented, the pam-
pered ex-crown prince, Gen. Hugh S.
Johnson," he said, "one of those
satellites loaned by Wall Street to
run the government, and, who, at the
end of his control over and dismissal
from the NRA, pronounced it 'as
dead as a dodo,' this Mr. Johnson
was apparently selected to make the
leadg speech in his White House
charge begun last Monday night. The
Johnson spe t Ollowed by more
fuss and fury on behalf of the Ad-;
ministration by spell binders in and
out of Congress."
"There was one difference between
Hoover and Roosevelt. Hoover could
not get the Congress to carry out the
schemes he wanted to try. We man-
(Con;tinued on Page 6)
Are Announced
For Next Year
Applications For Alumnae,
Awards Must Be Filed
By End Of Month
Applications for Michigan Alum-
nae scholarships and fellowships for
next year are to be filed by March
31 in the office of the Dean of Women,
according to an announcement made
yesterday by Mrs. S. B. Conger, execu-
tive secretary of the Alumnae Board.
Application blanks are now available
in that office.
The awards, totalling $1,700, are all
competitive, and will be awarded to
women of outstanding ability and
academic achievement, Mrs. Conger
said. The group includes two senior
gift scholarships of $100 each, and
three fellowships of $500 each for
graduate study. Announcement of
winning candidates will be made be-
fore April 30.
The senior gift awards are made on
the basis of scholarship, and will be
given as prizes to the two best qual-!
ified junior women applying, Mrs.
Conger pointed out. The awards are
known as the Judith Ginsburg Colten
scholarship and the Seymour Beach f
Conger scholarship, in memory of
the late Mrs. Colten, one of the orig-
inators of the present scholarship
program, and the late Mr. Conger,
noted foreign correspondent.

The three $500 fellowships are open
to women graduates of Michigan for
study either here or at another col-
lege, or to women of another colege
to study at the University. One of
these, the Huber fellowship, in mem-
ory of Dr. G. Carl Huber, late dean
of the Graduate School, is to be
given preferably for study in the field
of medicine. The other two awards,
the Lucy Elliott fellowship and the
(Continued on Page 5)

Strikes Back

Reception Given In

By Insurgent Fleet Museum Last NightI

Revolutionists Force Three
Islands In Aegean Sea
To Surrender

Officers To Be Elected
Tomorrow Afternoon In
Final Assembly

-Associated Press Photo.
N.SL. Charges
Suppression Of
Allege University Refusal
To Permit Address Here
By JohnStrachey
The University was charged with
suppression of free speech last night
by a National Student League com-
mittee following an alleged refusal
to grant permission for John Strach-
ey, British communist, to speakt
March 14 in Hill Auditorium.j
The refusal, according to the state-j
ment, was in the form of an unsigned,
typewritten declaration reading as
follows: "The Committee On Lecture
Policy is unable to approve the re-
quest of the National Student League
for a lecture on March 14 in Hill
Auditorium. The committee is not
convinced of the responsibility of this
organization to sponsor public lec-
tures in University buildings and
therefore refuses to approve its re-
The Strachey committee's state-
ment declared that the University's
decision nullified "the permission
granted on February 16, 1935, for the
use of Hill Auditorium by Shirley W.
Smith, vice-president and secretary
of the University."
"The National Student League has
completely met the entire financial
obligation of the lecture," the state-
ment continued.-
"If by responsibility is meant lack
of organization or character, the
claim is unfounded, for the National,
Student League has the official recog-
nition of the University as a Univer-
sity organization."
"By such suppression of free speech
are the roots of fascism watered and
the freedom of education made an
empty mockery."
No comment was forthcoming from
University quarters last night.


GHEVGHELLI, Jugo-Slavia, March Prof. R. Clyde Ford of Michigan
7 -( A)- A desperate battle between State Normal College called to order1
Greek loyal troops and fanatically the first section meeting of the Mich-
zealous rebels got under way in the igan Academy of Science, Arts, and
deep snows of eastern Macedonia to- Letters yesterday afternoon when an-
night to the accompaniment of chat- thropologists from all over the State
tering machine guns and deep- gathered to hear two papers devoted
throated artillery. to work in their special field of in-
As the rebels' sea forces apparentlyterest.
menaced Athens itself. Gen. George Professor Ford gave an address on
Kondylis sent his loyal troops smash- "Indian Speeches" and Dr. Emer-
ing ahead through heavy drifts of son F. Greenman of Ohio State Mus-
snow at the rebels, entrenched in the eum gave an illustrated lecture on
lines held by the British during the excavations of a Hopewell mound
World War. group near Sandusky, Ohio. Profes-
Earlier the rebel fleet forced three sor Ford, as chairman of the sec-
Greek Islands, - Samos, Chios and tion, appointed Dr. W. B. Hinsdale
Mytelene - to strike their colors. Re- and Fred Diston as members of a
ports reaching this frontier town said nominating committee to submit
Admiral Demestichos wirelessed the names for the election of next year's
Greek cabinet threatening to bomb- chairman for the section.
ard Piraeus, port of Athens, unless the The annual reception of the Aca-
government surrenders. demy was held last night in the Uni-
So hard-pressed -was Premier P. versity Museums. More than 100 per-
Tsaldaris and the government of sons attended the gathering, and
Athens, another report said, that it were shown through the exhibits on
was contemplating calling former display. The reception committee
King George back to his vacant was composed of Mrs. Alexander G.'
throne. Ruthven, honorary chairman, Mrs.
First reports from the battle front Parrish S. Lovejoy, chairman, Mrs.
Firt rpots ro th batl frntSamuel T. Dana, Mrs. John H. Ehl-
said the cold, frost-bitten loyal army,'SmslFT. ag Mrs. WhniH m A.l
spurred by Kondylis, advanced slight- ers, Mrs. F. M. Gaige, Mrs. William A.
ly in the face of desperate resistance. William W Sleator Mrs. Clarence D
Gen. Demetrius Kamanos, the reb- Thorpe, Mrs. Harold S. Patton, and
el commander, was said to be sorely Mrs L. J. Young.
pressed on two sides and seriously , h fortieth annual session of the
handicapped by his lack of modern
artillery. Academy will reach its climax today
(A dwhen all sections are scheduled to
(A dispatch from Athens to Paris hold meetings, starting at 9 a.m.
said loyal forces under Gen. Kalias- Among the most important meetings,
tras has smashingly defeated the! according to members 'of the Aca-
Macedonian rebels. Bulgarian sources demy, will be that of the section of
were quoted as saying 600 rebels were Economics and Sociology of which
killed, 2,000 wounded and 700 taken Prof. Shorey Peterson of the eco-
prisoners.) nomics department is the chairman.
Government troops, it was reported, I The meeting will open at 9:30 a.m.
fired upon the maternity hospital with a talk on unemployment and un-
there maintained by Mme. Venizelos, employment relief in Michigan by
wife of the rebel leader, on the as- William Haber, State Relief Admin-
sumption that it was a nest of revo- istrator. The discussion following
lutionaries. Several premature births Mrn Haber's talk will be led by S.
were caused by the pandemonium M. Levin of Wayne University and
created by the firing. (Continued on Page 6)

Council Favors Plan To
Give Freshmen Athletes
Board Jobs
Mass Fraternity
Sing IsProposed
William Morgan Elected
1 To Executive Committee
A plan for fraternity assistance in
giving Michigan athletes board jobs
was greeted favorably by the Inter-
fraternity Council at their meeting
last night.
Gerald Ford, '35, star center bn the
football team, and president of Delta
Kappa Epsilon fraternity, explained
the plan which had already been dis-
cussed with fraternity leaders at a
dinner meeting last week.
"The Athletic Association is asking
the fraternities to save one job in
their kitchen or dining room for an
athlete, preferably a freshman," Ford
A proposal made by George Dufy,
'35, Chi Psi, and manager of the foot-
ball team last year, to institute a
mass fraternity sing as a substitute
for the abolished Swingout, was met
with favor by the house leaders.
Singleton appointed a committee
composed 6f Duffy, Graham Batting,
'35, Theta Xi, and George Dillingham,
'35, Phi Kappa Sigma, to investigate
the possibilities of the sing and to set
an approximate date.
William Morgan, '35, Psi Upsilon
was elected to the executive commit-
tee of the Council from the fourth dis-
trict. He replaces Lee C. Shaw, '35, Phi
Delta Theta, who has withdrawn from
the University.
Another proposal to augment or
.er.;ace the present Interfraternity
Buyer's Association with a cooperative
service bureau, was referred to a com-
mittee for further consideration.
The committee appointed by Single-
ton is composed of Frederick Jones,
'35, Phi Sigma Kappa, George Wil-
liams, '36, Sigma Phi, who presented
the plan, and Joseph Bailey, '35,
Sigma Chi.
Dean Edmonson
Talks OnState
Of YouthToday
An indictment on five charges was
drawn against America's present
treatment of its youth by Dean J. B.
Edmonson of the School of Education
last night in his radio talk over WJR
bioadcast from the campus studios in
SMorris all.
"America is forcing thousands of its
youth to loaf, loiter and roan) with-
out aim or purpose," he said.
Dean Edmonson in his second
charge condemned America's policy
of denying thousands of young men
and women the opportunity to use
their physical energy and restless am-
bition in constructive work.
"America," he charged, "is blind to
the importance of building commu-
nity life in terms of the promotion
of the welfare of children and young
Indicting the type of educational
tContinued on Page 2

General Johnson
Predicts Federal
Commerce Control
PROVIDENCE, R. I., March 7. -
--An ever-widening field of Fed-
eral supervision over the nation's
commerce sanctioned by the courts -
was predicted tonight by Gen. Hugh
S. Johnson.
Declaring the nation was "sweep-
ing like an avalanche" toward a con-
dition of economic complexity in
which the small business man is being
replaced by the great corporation,
General Johnson said:
"I think the Supreme Court has;
seen this clearly and if anybody thinks
that these great autocrats of the na-
tional breakfast table ought to be
freed of any aspect of governmental
protection merely because the old-
time butcher, baker or candlestick
maker was not dangerous enough to
the public helplessness to need watch-
ing - well he is just living in a medie-
val dream and probably thinks that
Pretty Boy Floyd, Bonnie Parker and
John Dillinger are Friar Tuck, Maid
Marian, and Robin Hood.
"I am no trust buster but I veritably
believe that our public will not con-
sent to take its soup out of any one
dipper without having a direct say
in the matter, and that there is no
possible way out of this last and in-
evitable coalescence of business in
which the public shall not have a
The former NRA head addressed
the Rhode Island Bar Association
banquet a few hours before Senator
Huey P. Long went on the air in
Washington to answer his recent crit-
Hearst Policy
Is Condemned
By Journalists
A resolution condemning "the cam-
paign of William Randolph Hearst
and his chain of newspapers to abro-
gate the inherent rights of Americans'
to think what they wish tq think and!
say what they wish to say" was unani-
mously passed by Sigma Delta Chi,
national professional journalistic fra-
ternity, at its initiation banquet last
night in the Union.
The resolution read:
"This, the University of Michigan
chapter of Sigma Delta Chi, national
professional journalistic fraternity,
seeking to represent the highest ideals
of the newspaper profession, unani-
mously resolves that:
(1) "This chapter is, opposed to
the campaign on the part of William
Randolph Hearst and his chain of
newspapers to abrogate the inherent
rights of Americans to think what
they wish to think and say what they
wish to say, regardless of whether
these thoughts' or spoken words are
"liberal" or "radical" in nature.
(2) "This chapter further deplores
that part of the Hearst newspaper
propaganda designed to create an
high emotional tension productive of
strained international relations and
bitter feelings towards our friends, the
citizens of other nations."
The chapter secretary was directed
to give the resolution to the press
{ and to send a copy to Mr. Hearst.

Interfraternity Council Ap-
points Committee For
Drawing Up Plan
Complete Abolition
ProposedBy Jones
New Code Will Eliminate
Practices Felt To Be
The Interfraternity Council re-
solved to modify Hell Week last night
by a vote of 38-1.
The resolution was presented by
Irving Levitt, '36, and passed by the
Council in order to establish the defi-
nite sentiment of the fraternities on
Hell Week and reads in full "We are
in favor of the modification of Hell
Week so as to lead to a better under-
standing between actives and initiates,
unification of the pledge class, com-
radeship, and the elimination of all
practices which could lead to physical
and mental injury."
Thirty-nine of the forty-sevei
member houses in the Council were
present at the meeting.
Committee Plans Code
The formulation of a definite code
of modification was placed in the
hands of a committee of four by Philip
A. Singleton, '35E, president of the
Council. This committee will meet
at 3 p.m. Monday and is composed of
Edward T. Downs, '36, Trigon, Joseph
L. Whitmer, '35, Theta Chi, Thomas
E. Groehn, '36, Theta Delta Chi, and
William F. Morgan, '35, Psi Upsilon.
Modifications which will undoubt-
edly be considered by the committee,
recording to a member, are the elim-
,nation of all paddling, long hikes,
the standardization of the duration f-
he period, and all other practices
which are felt to be injurious to the
health of the initiates.
Favors Abolition
The discussion on Hell. Week was
opened by Frederick F. Jones, '35, Phi
Sigma Kappa, who created a furor
by presenting a prepared resolution
not only strongly advising the aboli-
tion of Hell Week but also giving the
Interfraternity Council "teeth" to en-
force the rules, if passed.
Jones based his resolution for aboli-
tion on the following facts: "The fra-
ternities on the campus of the Uni-
versity of Michigan were founded for
the promotion of scholarship, high
moral character, and the furtherance
of the spirit of fellowship, and the
practice of Hell Week is not in keeping
with these ideals, and furthermore, is
liable to inflict physical and mental
injuries upon the new initiates."
Council Objects
The members of the Council ex-
pressed emphatic dissent to this reso-
lution but following the reading of it
began, a spirited discussion on the
problem of modification. Jones later
admitted that he merely presented the
resolution to "stir up" the Council and
said he had no idea that it would ever
be passed, although he was in favor
of it.
One of the strongest points for
modification as opposed to abolition
was presented by Downs, who stated
that he did not want Hell Week abol-
ished because he believed that there
must be some sort of a period between
the time of pledgeship and the initia-
tion in order to impress the initiates
with the seriousness of the occasion.
One fraternity president reported
that they had intended to start their
Hell Week last night but were pro-
hibited from doing so by theiralumni
and faculty adviser.
MIDDLETOWN, Conn., March 7.-
A concerted move to abolish Hell
Week at Wesleyan College here, start-
ed several days ago by the Wesleyan
Argus, undergraduate newspaper,
gained impetus through various evi-

dences of modification today.
Two of the campus fraternities,
Delta Kappa Epsilon and Chi Psi, have
definitely gone on record for the com-
plete elimination of all horse-play
concerned with the initiation of new
members. Both of these houses have
abolished Hell Week practices.
The Argus has openly encouraged
all freshmen to make declarations de-
manding a fair and gentlemanly
treatment during the initiation period
at the point of turning in their pledge

Tamagno Is Named
Basketball Captain
Chelse Tamagno, Michigan's most
versatile basketball player and a two-
year veteran, was elected captain of
the 1935-1936 Wolverine cage team
at a meeting of the nine basketball
lettermen yesterday. Al Plummer is
the retiring pilot.
During his two years of play on
the Varsity, Tamagno has played
every position. He broke in as a guard
in his first season, and wound up this
year playing guard, forward and cen-
Tamagno's home is in Chicago
where he gained recognition as one
of the cleverest ball handlers and
floormen in the city high school bas-
ketball league while attending Carl
Schurz high school.

Prof. Campbell Again Working
On Book At Huntington Library

E a sy Victory
Completes Best
Hockey Season
Michigan's hockey team completed
the best season in the history of Wolv-)
erine puck competition last night at
the Coliseum when it swarmed over
St. Thomas A. C. for three periods
and hung up the highest scoring ree-
ord of the year, 8 to 3.
The game, the twelfth victory of;
the season, was a fitting close for the I
best hockey team and the greatest
hockey player ever turned out at
Michigan. Co-Captain Johnny Sherf
last night put in the unprecedented
total of six goals for one game, five
of which were made on solo dashes,
to fall one counter short of estab-
lishing an average of two goals per
game for his last year of competition.
In 17 contests, Sherf has scored 33
times, and is credited with 10 assists.
Vic Heyliger, who played in tough
luck throughout the game, got the
other goals, to boost his total to 19
for the season.
Letter winners were announced di-
rectly after the game by Coach Eddie
Lowrey. Awards go to Co-Captainsl
Johnny Sherf and Johnny Jewell, Vic
Heyliger, Dick Berryman, Walt Cour-
tis, Don MacCollum, Larry David, and
Bill Chase. Ed Chase and Jack Mer-
rill will be given numerals.
Drawing first blood, Michigan took
the puck up the ice for the first
thrust at the St. Thomas goal, and,
when Sherf made a good pass to Hey-
liger, scored after 30 seconds had
elapsed in the opening period.
Mills, for St. Thomas. tied it up!
two minutes later, on an assist from
Harding. But Sherf put the Wolver-
ines back into the lead at 10:04
on a goal which culminated a solo
The second period found Michigan
i-- c fr ,n ard runninax in

Further work on his book, "The
History of Satiric Drama in Europe
From 1600-1613," is being done by
Prof. O. J. Campbell of the English
department at the Huntington Li-
brary, Ban Marino, Calif.
In his book Professor Campbell
will show how the writers of Eliza-
bethian comedy were enriched by
their borrowings from Italian com-
edy. In other words Professor Camp-
bell will attempt to prove the aware-
ness of Elizabethan dramatists toI
Italian culture.
Professor Campbell has again been
accorded the honor of being appoint-
ed a research associate to the library.
an opportunity afforded scholars of
note thraughout the country in order
that they may further their work
through the complete facilities of the
library. Professor Campbell was al-
so in attendance at the library the

Speaking at recent ceremonies for
the seventh annual observance of
Founder's Day, honoring the late
Henry A. Huntington, who made the
magnificent library and art gallery
possible, Professor Campbell said,
"There are certain independent ele-
ments in the structure of our tivili-
zation which have come to us from
the past. The scholar seeks to con-
serve and interpret these ideals, in
the belief that in their maintenance
and new application from age to age
depends the richness of man's world
of thought and feeling and upon this
in turn depends the meaning and
happiness of his life.
"The opportunity of rendering ef-
fective service to society brings an
invigorating challenge to every schol-
ar in the field of the humanities and
brings it most irresistably to a re-
search institution like the Hunting-
ton Library." Professor Camnhell,

Tools Used By Neanderthal Man
Received By University Museum

Countless centuries before the He-
brew came to the Promised Land, the
Neanderthal Man - that half human,
half animal-like creature about whom
so little is known - stalked the plains
of Palestine.
Implements used by this prehistoric
man in his fight against the elements
for existence have come from the
eastern shores of the Mediterranean
to Ann Arbor. The Museum of Anthro-
pology ha's received nearly 1,000 pieces
of the crude stonework recently dis-
covered in a cave near Mugharet-et-
Tabum, Palestine.
In use more than 100,000 years ago,
the implements were unearthed by the
American, School of Prehistoric Re-
search an institution of which the

by Miss Dorothy A. E. Garrod, of the
School of Prehistoric Research.
The stone implements are of a
type known as Upper Acheulean to'
the Lower Aurignacian. Mr. Griffin,,
directing the comparative work on the
stones, is of the opinion that they are'
"very rare specimens." When their
classification is completed, he expects
some "very interesting revelations."
When his work on them will be com-
pleted he does not know. "It will
take a long time," he said.
They were sent here by Dr. George
G. MacCurdy, of Connecticut, who
aided in the direction of the excava-
tions. While other objects unearthed
at Mugharet-et-Tabum have been
sent elsewhere, all stone implements
and notterv from the excavation wil

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