The' Weather and much colder or (t 4 r A16F 410 aI qvt Editorials Hell Week And Michigan... Election Stupor ... Sharing The Wealth .. . Cloudy Wednesday and Thursday. VOL. XLV. No. 113 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 1935 PRICE FIVE CENTS Ex-Student Admits Hit, Run Crime Rorabacher, Local Former Sophomore, Confesses Killing Farmer Prof. Decker's Son Is Passenger In Car Driver To Face Charge Of Negligent Homicide In Monroe County Charles M. Rorabacher of Ann Ar- bor, 27 years old, until this semester a University sophomore, was charged with negligent homicide yesterday in Monroe after he had confessed driv- ing a car which killed Ed Larrow, a LaSalle farmer, carried the body nearly 12 miles, and dumped it into the road. After waiving preliminary exam- ination, Rorabacher, who owned the car, was released on $1,000 bond fur- nished by Prof. Arthur J. Decker of the engineering college. Prof esor Decker's son, Arthur, Jr., a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity, was a passenger in the hit-and-run car. Rorabacher stood mute yesterday when he was arraigned before Judge John Faucher in the Monroe Munici- pal Court and bound over to the April term of the Circuit Court for trial. Decker, 22 years old, a special engi- neering student here until he dropped out at the beginning of the 1934-35 year, was not held. Advised To Confess On the advice of Professor Decker, young Decker and Rorabacher drove to Monroe early yesterday and con- fessed striking and killing Larrow. They admitted having drunk some beer before they left Ann Arbor Sun- day night, and told Prosecutor Francis T. Ready that they had been drinking near the spot where Lar- row's body had been found. Whiskey bottles ina nearby field verified this. Meanwhile, based on the statement of a Toledo motorist, who saw the car strike the man, that it bore a Uni- versity of Michigan driving permit, Sheriff Jacob Andres, together with Dean Walter B. Rea, had been sys- tematically searching all student cars registered with the University. They finally found the car, a maroon 1932 Chevrolet coach, in the Henderson garage. The permits had been re- moved, it was washed, and Rora- . bacher told attendants that the dam- age to the hood and fender was caused by a collision with a telephone pole., Reputedly Fast Driver Sheriff Andres was enroute to arrest Rorabacher when he heard of the con- fession at Monroe. It was learned here that Rorabacher, who was employed in a gas station, had the reputation of being a fast driver. Rorabacher and Decker told Joseph B arley, Monroe County sheriff, that they accidentally hit Larrow, who was thrown by the impact between the hood and fender of the car. Rora- bacher said he became panicky, drove on, "with some idea of getting the man to a doctor," and when the body fell off into the roadside, sped on be- cause he was "afraid." The witness, a Toledo motorist, was in a gas station when he saw the car carrying "what apparently looked like a body on the fender" pass by. He traced it, and in spite of the fact that it was driving without lights, saw what he thought was a 1934 University of Michigan permit. The car was dirty and the license obscured, but the wit- ness said be believed the number to be W-6706, which turned out to be correct. The number of the University tag was 316. Followed Car Rorabacher said that he did not kngw that he did not have to keep the University permits on his car. The Toledo man followed the car and saw the body fall off when the automobile swerved sharply to the right. The car instantly speeded up, he reported, and was lost in the dark- ness. He notified Monroe sheriffs, who had already been informed of the accident and were on the trail of the "death car." Sheriff Andres identified the car in the garage here by the marks left by the University tags, and by a single blood spot on the hood which had escaped Rorabacher's notice. Dean Rea, who had been checking car after car, was just ready to interview Rora- bacher, whose name was next on the list, when the sheriff notified him that he had found the sought-after auto- University Changes Student Political Philosophy, Senior Survey Reveals By THOMAS E. GROEHN The political philosophies of 120 seniors out of more than 200 inter- viewed has been definitely affected by their three and a half years as undergraduates here, results of a recent survey conducted by The Daily reveal. ighty-two seniors stated that their political views were not affected. The number of liberals far out- weigh the radicals and also hold a good majority over the conservative element. Ninety-five of the seniors interviewed said they are liberal, 72 are conservative, 30 are radicals, and 10 are reactionary. The seniors were also asked in the questionnaire how their philosophyI had clanged since entering the Uni- versity. More than 60 per cent of the group said that they had changed from conservative to liberal. Ten questions were asked the group and the questionnaires were distribut- ed through sororities, fraternities, league houses, The Student Christian Association, and the League Assem- bly, in order that diversified opinions might be obtained. To the question, "Do you feel that restrictions placed on student's liber- ties by University regulations are just, too strict, or should be extended?" 101 answered that they believed Uni- versity regulations just, 88 said they were too strict, and 16 wanted the regulations extended. In instances where "too strict" was underlined, g e n e r a 1 complaints' against University regulations were directed at the following restrictions: liquor in fraternities, hours for wom- en, general fraternity rules, auto ban, compulsory class attendance, and Ihousing. The average wage that the seniors believe they should receive immediate- ly upon graduation was $41, while they admitted in the second half of the 'same question that on an average they would'receive only $25.37. Evidently some of the '35 graduates aren't going hungry very long, for 26 of them said that they were "cer-j tain" of a job after graduation, 119 said they had "connections which I believe will lead to a position," while 53 said they had "no chance" for a job immediately upon graduation. When asked to name the five in- structors from whom they learned the most, the seniors had a difficult time making up their minds, voting for a total of 205 instructors. The 10 who stood out in the voting were Preston W. Slosson of the his- tory department, Prof. Leonard L. Watkins of the economics department, Professors O. J. Campbell, and How- ard Mumford Jones of the English department, Prof. James K. Pollock of the political science department, Prof. Louis A. Strauss of the English department, Prof. Robert C. Angell of the sociology department, Prof. Wal- ter B. Pillsbury, chairman of thepsy- chology department, Prio f es sor s Dwight L. Dumond and Arthur L. Cross of the history department, and Prof. Robert C. Briggs of the eco- nomics department. The 10 courses which the seniors selected as those likely to be of prac- tical value after graduation are: eco- nomics, political science, psychology,} sociology, English literature, modern history, speech, education, French, and journalism. On the age-old question "Have you been 'mass produced' at this Univer- sity," 112 of the interviewed said "yes," 93 said "no." Those answering the question af- (Continued on Page 2) 40th Session Of Academy To Convene Here Expect Large Attendance At Sessions of Three Day Meeting Michigan's contribution to research in many fields of knowledge will be brought before members of the Mich- igan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters when several hundred as- semble here tomorrow, Friday and Saturday for their fortieth annual meeting. All addresses and section meetings will be open to the public. Hundreds of people are expected to attend the session, according to re- ports received from Prof. L. J. Young of the School of Forestry and Con- servation, secretary of the Academy, who said that of about 1,000 mem- bers of the Academy, 300 are on the campus. Discussions of the Academy will deal with anthropology, botany, eco- nomics, sociology, forestry, geography,, geology, mineralogy, history, politi- cal science, language, literature, mathematics, philosophy, psychology, sanitary and medical science, and zoology, according to the program. The Academy will be officially opened by a one-hour meeting of the section of anthropology tomorrow at 2 p.m. in Room 3024 in the University Museums. A discussion by R. Clyde Ford of Michigan State Normal Col-, lege on Indian specehes and an il- lustrated talk on excavations in the Hopewell mound group near San- dusky, Ohio, by Emerson F. Green- man of Ohio State Museum, will be the features of this meeting. The first day of the session will be' closed by the annual reception for the members and guests at 8 p.m. in the University Museums,hand under the honorary chairmanship of Mrs.' Alexander G. Ruthven. The other 12 departments will open their conferences Friday Morning and afternoon. P. S. Lovejoy of the division of land use planning, Michigan Department of Conservation, will act as president, of the entire three-day session of the Academy and will deliver an address on "Ecological Engineering" at the annual dinner in the Michigan Union Friday evening. Harold S. Patton of Michigan State College is vice-president of the for- tieth annual meeting. Northwestern Will Substitute Travel For Speech Study EVANSTON, Ill., March 5 -(P)- Europe will be the laboratory and its theatres the lecture rooms for Northwestern University's new col- lege course in the school of speech. Students enrolling in "contempor- ary European theatre" courses next summer will substitute travel for textbooks and sail for England on June 25, the University announced today. There they will begin a course of study that will take them to the capi- tals of Europe and all famous thea- tres and festivals on the continent. The class will be in charge of Garrett H. Leverton, professor of dramatic production and director of the Uni- versity's theatre. Students taking the work pleasure cruise will be of- fered six hours college credit. Seven countries will be visited. Ruteven Leaves To Confer With Alumni President Alexander G. Ruthven will leave Ann Arbor today to go to Boston and Schnectady where he will confer informally with alumni of the University. President Ruthven is scheduled to speak to the University of Michigan Club of Boston on Thursday night and the University of Michigan Club of Schnectady on Friday night, be- fore returning to Ann Arbor. Topics for the speeches have not yet been announced. He will arrive here again late Sat- urday night. Young Democratic Club Elects Shook President The Young Democratic Club was organized at a meeting last night in the Union. The following officers were elected: Richard L. Shook, '35, president; Harold Parker, '35, vice- president; Dorothy Roth, '36, sec- retary; and Byron Gallager, '36L, treasurer. At its meetings the organization in- tends to discuss political and govern- mental subjects of current interest.j "We plan to get members high up in the national Democratic organi- zation to speak here on the campus throughout the year," Shook said. Plans Made By Churches For Period Of Lent Union Service Of Music,1 Meditation Will Mark Ash Wednesday Services of music and meditation commemorating Ash Wednesday will be held at 8:15 tonight under the auspices of the Ann Arbor MinisterialI Association at the First Congrega- tional Church, State and East Wil- liam. This union service will embrace members of all Protestant churches and will open the period of Lent which extends until Easter Sunday, I April 14. Music will be provided by the Meth- odist choir under the direction of Al- Bert Taliaferro, '35SM. The 45-minute program will also feature a period of meditation. Preceding the union services, the First Presbyterian Church will hold its regular Wednesday service at 71 p.m. at which Iev. William P. Lemon will deliver the first of a series of4 six consecutive weekly lectures on thej religious message of great literature. "The Plays of Aeschylus" will be the subject of the first address, which will be followed on successive Wednesday nights by addresses on: "Dante's Di- vine Comedy," "Shakespeare Our1 Contetmporary," "Milton's Paradise Lost," "Goethe's Faust," and "Brown- ing's Ring and the Book." Reservations for supper at 6 p.m.f at 30 cents will be received at the First Presbyterian Church during the day.j A series of Sunday morning ad- dresses on the general topic "The? Paradoxes of Jesus" will be featured by Reverend Lemon beginning this Sunday morning at 10:45 with the topic "The Revelation of the Obvious." Succeeding topics in the series will be: "Happiness of Misery," "Survival of the Unfit," "Ignorance of the Edu- cated," "Supremacy of the Servant," and the final in the series, which will be delivered on Easter Sunday, "Dangers of Safety First." Pope Pius Begins Fight Against Cult Of Nudism VATICAN CITY, March 5.-- )~ Pope Pius today urged Rome's lenten1 preachers to combat with all their strength and eloquence "the new cult of nudism." Calling attention to the "paganized life of today," the Pontiff said, "its wantonness surpasses, on many occa- sions, that of ancient pagan life. " is called - with a horrible word and with horrible blasphemy - the cult of nudity." Announce Issuance Of FERA Checks Thursday The February FERA checks will be issued to students receiving Federal aid Thursday, Friday and Saturday, it was announced yes- terday by Harold S. Anderson, cost accountant of the buildings and grounds department. The buildings and grounds of- fice in the storehouse, from which the checks will be issued, will be open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on those days, Mr. Anderson stated. A special FERA notice came out War Clouds Threaten In Balkan Area Civil Strife Continues In Greece As Neighboring Nations Form Forces Rebels Retreating, Government Claims Bulgaria, France, Turkey Alert in Powder Keg Of Europe' SALONIKA, Greece, March 6. - (Wednesday) -(P) --Plunging through deep mud under black skies the Greek government troops were slowly advancing their positions in the Sturma River area early today, prepara- tory to driving hard-ridden rebel forces toward Stres. The determined government troops traversed hist e soil to carry out the 24-hour ultimatum of Minister of War George Kon- dylis to "surrender or be crushed," and to break the back of the rev- lution inNorthern Greece. The rebels were believed to be on the point of surrender. ATHENS, Greece, March 6.- (Wednesday) - () - The Greek government early today claimed a smashing victory against the rebels in Macedonia, announcing the Greek fourth army, after a thundering artillery attack, had captured the Macedenian town Stres, 45 miles northeast of Salon- ika. (By Associated Press) Troops marched again in the Bal- kans, perennial powder keg of Eu- rope, Tuesday as civil war raged in Greece. Bulgaria strengthened her border guards, France sent one destroyer to the Piraeus and held two cruisers ready, while Turkey, it was learned, has maintained large forces of troops in Turkish Thrace, near the Greek and Bulgarian border, for the past month. Britain and Italy had to suspend international air service into Athens as the Greek government banned all civil aircraft. ATHENS - Gathering its forces for knockout blows of their rebels' land and sea contentions, the Greek gov- ernment received reports from its war minister that the revolt would be crushed within two days. Rumors in Athens said ex-Premier Eloutherios Venizelos, asserted leader of the re- volt, was preparing to flee from Crete. VIENNA - Unconfirmed reports thai Turkish troops were gathering on the Greek frontier caused apprehen- sion in the Austrian capital. SOFIA, Bulgaria - Bulgaria's for- eign minister, Kosta Bataloff, ex- pressed surprise and cohcern at re- ports that Turkey was mobilizing troops on the Thrace frontier and ex- pressed the hope the action was not "directed at Bulgaria." CANNES, Jrance-Friends of Gen- eral Nicholas Plastiras, veteran Greek revolutionary, received reports that he was at Drindisi, Italy, awaiting to sail for Greece. VIENNA -Possibilities of armed conflict between Balkan nations as an cutgrowth of the Greek civil war caused excitement here today. News arrived that Turkish troops were concentrating on the Greek fron- Fights Grecian Revolt --Associated Press Photo. Pr emier Panaya ti Tsaida ris (above) of Greece was responsible for calling cut armed forces in efforts to quell the ' revolt which gripped the nation on two{ fronts. Abandon Hope For Holmes' Recovery WASHINGTON, March 6 - (A') - Oliver Wendell Holmes was sinking so rapidly tonight that there were. fears that he would not be alive at dawn. A late afternoon visit by his physi- cian was followed by this report from Howe, a former secretary: "Every symptom indicates that he, is sinking." All hope for Holmes' recovery was abandoned today after he lapsed in- to a coma. The great jurist, however, was suffering no pain. Those at his bedside said he was going toward the end like a boat drifting swiftly and smoothly downstream. Holmes' 94th birthday is only three days away, but early tonight it seemed that death was only a mat- ter of hours, not days. From this time last week when it was definitely known that the former justice had bronchial pneumonia, concern has grown steadily. Once or twice the patient rallied and joked with those around him, but the vital- ity which carried him through severe wounds during the Civil War and onI through the years began to ebb. Alpha Ni Will Debate 'Brand New' Question Gentlemen prefer blondes - every- body knows that. But do blondes pre- fer gentlemen? That is an entirely different ques- tion and it will be answered tonight when it is debated by Alpha Nu, hon- orary men's speech fraternity, and Athena, honorary women's speech group. The debate takes place at 7:30 p.m., in the Alpha Nu room, 4001 Angell Hall. Faculty Expresses Disapprobation Of Hell Week Practiice "Ill; 'Fratres In Facultate' Of Fraternities Surveyed For Opinions Present System Is Condemned By All Fourteen Are In Favor Of Modification While Six Ask Abolition An almost unanimous disapproval of Hell Week practices at this Uni- versity was expressed last night by 20 prominent "fratres in facultate." Of the faculty men who are also members of local fraternities inter- viewed last night, 14 were in favor of modification of Hell Week programs, while 6 declared themselves in favor of abolition. A summary of last week's hazing programs in the various fraternities revealed unofficially that three pledges suffered injuries during and imme- diately following the hazing. It is re- ported that one student was treated for a bad thigh bruise, caused alleg- edly by paddling, immediately after the Hell Week in his fraternity was over. Another was treated for water on the knee, suffered from a bad fall during his "long walk." The same student was also reported as having a temperature of 101 degrees when treated. The third case attributed to Hell Week activities was a second tempo- rary mental maladjustment. No med- ical attention was necessary, accord- ing to reports. Methods 'Too Extreme' Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law School, expressing himself in favor of abolition of Hell Week, stated "It is an abomination and a cowardly per- formance." Prof. Arthur L. Cross of the history department stated. "As it is now,-it is a form of arrested mental develop- ment. I do not object to a mild form of initiation which does not involve humiliation or pain to the initiate and does not deprive him of sleep or at- tendance at classes," Professor Cross stated, "but I see no excuse for some of the extremes to which fraternity men have gone in the past." "I think Hell Week is a survival of childish traditions," Wilfred B. Shaw, director of alumni relations, stated. Randolph G. Adams, director of the William L. Clement Library, who favored abolition of Hell Week, said: "It is silly and pointless. It gives a lot of cowardly men an opportunity to jump on a lot of helpless men." Dignity Is Needed "The aspects of Hell Week which are physically harmful and humiliat- I ing, and which make for a loss of time, should be summarily abolished," in the opinion of Prof. John L. Brumm, chairman of the journalism department. "Hell Week as a time of discipline which teaches the ini- tiate self-control and a moral re- sponsibility to his house has a real value. It should not be perverted to break the initiate's spirit or his body." Prof. Ernest F. Barker of the phys- ics department said "I would like to see the dignity of initiation empha sized over the irrelevant horse-play now practiced." "Hell Week should be civilized," Prof. Morris P. Tilley of the English department stated. 'Easing Up On Hikes' In the opinion of Herbert G. Wat- kins, assistant secretary of the Uni- versity, "If a man grows up to be 19 or 20 years old and hasn't learned to take care of himself and to con- duct himself properly, you can't teach him by beating and humiliating him." Prof. William G. Smeaton of the chemistry department said "I am op- posed to Hell Week. .From observa- tions of students whom I have had in an-y classes for more than 30 years, I have found it harmful." Quotations from instructors who did not wish their names used are as follows: "I believe that freshmen - should be made to feel their place by ridicule rather than by chastisement." "I am in favor of easing up on long hikes." Another said, "I am in favor of ini- tiations controlled by student and faculty committees as is done in other activities." - Among those who declared for modification of Hell Week practices besides those above-mentioned, were: Professors Robert C. Angell, Henry Dr. Dorr Attributes Light Vote To Apathetic Attitude Of Voters By JOHN M. O'CONNELL Election campaigns in England, he The light voting which has char- explained, are short and occupy only acterized most of the recent elections, about 10 days immediately before the both of a national and local nature, election. Thus, Dr. Dorr said, the was attributed in part to the people's people in general are still infected attitude toward the ballot by Dr. H. with the enthusiasm of the politicians M. Dorr of the political science de- and go to the polls in large numbers. partment yesterday. One recent instance of the trial of According to Dr. Dorr's belief, most a short campaign cited by Dr. Dorr people regard the ballot or the right was the Republican campaign in the to vote in much the same way they presidential election of 1932. In that regard a raincoat or an umbrella. year, although the party convention That is, it is something to be used was held early in the summer, the only when an emergency arises and party leaders decided to soft-pedal at other times it can be stored away their campaign until a few weeks be- and forgotten. fore the election. There is a ques- Dr. Dorr also advanced two popu- tion, however, of whether the party's lar beliefs to account for the lack of defeat can be entirely attributed to tier, and was followed almost imme- Upholding the affirmative of the ciately by a dispatch from Sofia in question, "Resolved, That Blondes which the Bulgarian Foreign Minister Prefer Gentlemen," are Jean Green- expressed astonishment and concern wald, '37, Grace Gray, '37, and Elea- over that report. nor Blum, '35, member of Athena. It was confirmed by Kosta Batoloff, Taking the negative for Alpha Nu are the Sofia diplomat, that Bulgaria Paul Von Bergen, '36, Fred Neal, '37, also had strengthened her guard along and Ralph Danhof, '36. The partici- the Greek border. pants will speak in the order named. Wheeler Sees No Likelihood Of Iinternational Trouble In Greece A map showing theaterritory involved sea-coast, and therefore maintains a in the dispute appears on page six of large navy. The proportion of navy this issue. vessels that remain, loyal to those By MARSHALL D. SIULMAN joining the forces of sedition ought to No international consequences are determine the outcome of the revolt. to be seen in the Grecian revolt at the "It appears that in the naval ac- present time, according to Prof. Ben- tion centering about the Souda Bay, amin W. Wheeler of the history de- Crete, the fleet of the revolution, de- partment. spite the fact that it includes the "atin..inlcruiser Averoff, pride of the Greek "Factional, regional, and economnic navy, gave way befere the superior motives alone are responsible for the navesvefath egorent. p insurgency which has led to a series "It is significant that the Averoff -of land, sea, and air engagements be- was helpless before the bombardment tween government forces and those from the air by five bombing planes. under the direction of Eleutherios It is of course true that the Averoff Venizelos, 71-year-old statesman and Iis 35 years old and perhaps not as able former prime minister," Professor to meet air attack as the newer battle- Wheeler stated. ships."