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March 05, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-03-05

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THE MICHIGAN DAILY The Embarrassment
Of Riches.



Pubihs~ed every morning except Monday during the
University year and Siimmer Session by the Board in Con-
trol of Student'Publlcations.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
_ 1, a et logi t grs
r4 t 1935
The 'Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
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Entered at the Post Office at.Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
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Chicago, Ill.
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CITY EDITOR ............ ...... ....... JOHN HEALEY
WOMEN'S EDITOR .....................EL9|ANOR BLUM
NIGHT EDITORS: Courtney A. Evans, John J. Flaherty,
Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas H. Kleene, David G. Mac-
donald, John M. O'Connell, Arthur M. Taub.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Western, Kenneth Parker,
William Reed, Arthur Settle.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara L. Bates, Dorothy Gies,
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mond Goodman, Keith H. Tustison, Joseph Yager.
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riet Hathaway, Marion Holden, Lois King, Selma Levin,
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Rueger, Dorothy Shappell, MollSolomon, Laura Wino-
grad, Jewel Wuerfel.
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Paula Joerger, Mary Lou Hooker, Jane Heath, Bernadine
Field, Betty Bowman, Judy Tresper, Marjorie Langen-
derfer, Geraldine Lehman, Betty Woodworth.
Civil Service
Hopes ..
of those things that everyone agrees
is desirable but no one expects to see realized
in his own lifetime. Meanwhile it is always a safe
and convenient subject for editorial comment.
Nevertheless, progress does come in civil service
reform as in everything else. Constant reiterations
of the need for better government servce seems
to have produced a public consciousness that is
bringing slow but certain change.
Universities have done their part i recent
years in starting the snowball for college-trained
men in public service. Several of them have inau-
gurated courses and schools devoted to training
students specifically for government service, having
in mind an American development somewhat on
the British model.
One of the most recent educational moves is
the announcement by Rutgers University that a
foir-year curriculum introductory to government
service will be instituted in the liberal arts col-
lege next September. It is designed for those under-
graduates who desire to prepare themselves for1
public administration and business or for adminis-
trative positions in the institutions and agencies
concerned with public welfare.
In making the announcement, the president said,
"Able career men are especially important in a
democratic form of government... Increasingly int
America college men will enter the service of the
state and find useful careers . . . More and more

the government will encourage them to do so
and will open the doors of promotion to them . . ."
The novel thing is when government begins to
show signs of 'encouragement at the same time.c
Such a sign came last week when Secretary Roper
strongly advocated a "citizen's civil service reserve
corps" designed to bring better future government.
Secretary Roper says his civil service "draft" is
intended to encourage an intelligent interest in
government on the part of students and graduates
in all parts of the country, and to interest the best
qualified of such tocompete in the examinations
offered by the civil service commission.
William B. Murro of the California Institute of
Technology estimates that the 700,000 employees
of the national government will be doubled in a
very few years. The increase in numbers is not the
only significant trend: If the Federal government
is to continue to undertake such work as control
and regulation of the highly complicated and
technical processes of industry and supervision of
thet nation's system of credit and banking it can-
not get by without employing skilled persons of

FROM MIDLAND, Mich., comes an
Associated Press story to the effect
that this oil center of Michigan has more revenue
than it knows what to do with. Every day another
$150 rolls into the Porter Township treasury, until
the total surplus has mounted to $40,000..
Building a town meeting house some time ago
didn't help much, and now the town fathers are
planning to get together and find new ways out
of their difficulties. One suggestion is that elec-
tricity be made available to all the farms in the
It is sad to learn that in only five short years
Americans have forgotten how to spend. There
would have been no trouble over $40,000 in 1929.
But today Porter Township is stumped -or very
nearly so - and deserves the sympathy of its un-
embarrassed neighbors.
We've rather forgotten what we'd do with $40,-
000 ourselves but think we could remember pretty
quickly if asked tohelp get rid of it.
As Others See It
Freedom To Speak
THE FOLLOWING lament for freedom of speech
is from the Chicago Daily Drovers Journal, re-
printed recently by the Chicago Tribune as the
"Editorial of the Day."
One of the most sacred right of the Consti-
tution as we grew up with and under it was
freedom of speech.
Leaders of the administration meet with
ridicule any suggestion of curbing the right
of free speech.
Yet let us see what is happening.
At most, the people are hearing only one
side of the story. This is accomplished through
a denied but none the less effectual censor-
ship in Washiigton that goes a long way to-I
ward limiting news sources to the employedI
and controlled press agents - what is favor-
able comes out, what is unfavorable stays in.t
It is accomplished, secondly, through widely
publicized articles and books written by ad-
ministration leaders, employing only the
brightest colors in painting the picture. And
it is accomplished, thirdly, through adminis-
tratioqn speakers sent everywhere at the tax-
payers' expense--in meetings and over the
radio -telling only one side of the. story
not so much as admitting that there could
be any other side.
Who is there left free to speak his mind?
The banker has been shut up. He doesn't
dare say what he thinks, at least not for
The business leaders, heads of large cor-
porations have been shut up, with a sprinkling
of notable exceptions.
The land grant college people have been shut
up, and in private some are free to admit that
with appropriations at stake they don't dare
say what they really think.
Railway executives have been shut up. Dis-
cretion demands that they be very circumspect
in what they say for publication.
And there are many farmers who feel that
they must watch their step. We hear from
them, and if they write in opposition to the
Washington program it is not unusual for them
to request that their names be withheld, fear-
ing disciplinary discrimination. That fear is
But the answer to the Journal's question seems
so obvious. The Chicago Tribune, we would suggest,l
is still free to speak its mind.I

They have forms.
They are in bold type.
They always have the last word.
Back numbers are nt in demand.
They have a lot of influence.
They are well worth looking at.
You can't believe everything they say.
They carry the news wherever they go.
If they know anything they usually tell it.
They are never afraid to speak their own minds.
They are much thinner than they used to be.
The editor of the Daily Pennsylvanian strikes
the keynote of the recent determined opposition
to the compulsory military training in the colleges
and universities of the country. He says: "A new
war would not be fought by those advocating mili-
tary training, but would be fought by us. We resent
the attempts of our elders to march us along a
path which- hay brought thern and us so much
While on the subject we find that the Kansas
legislature recently passed a bill making R.O.T.C.
compulsory in the Kansas Agricultural College.
They did this just after the student poll had dis-
closed that an enormous majority of4the college
students in Kansas were in favor of the discon-
tinuance of military training, and they woul
refuse to bear arms if the United States invaded
another country. The bill was passed by men too
old to fight.
We sympathize with the engineer we saw
this morning, who happened to have several
drawing instruments in his hip pocket and
slipped and fell on the icy sidewalks.
A certain professor at the University of Mary-
land received a call to attend a formal. The girl
had obt'ained his name from the dating bureau.
The professor accepted because he was a gentle-
According to a recent survey at the Univer-
sity of Mississippi, the students decided that
lighter than air dirigibles should be banned.
We suggest another plan. About the only gas
bag that hasn't met disaster is Huey Long. We
recommend that the Navy take over Louis-
iana's gift to the Senate.
When Joe Penner says "Wanna buy a duck?"
- he really means it. The Harvard Crimson
discloses that Penner has a 30-year contract
with the Association of Poultry Fanciers,
agreeing that he will sell all the ducks he can,
and give the orders to them if they furnish him
with ducks for his act. He usually sells about
20 ducks a night since he's been on the air.
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to
be brief, the editor reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words.
Lectures Of The Year
To the Editor:
What is the Best Lecture of the Year? I would
like to cast a vote for Onderdonk's lecture on
Tolstoy, and for Capt. Freunchen's lecture on the
Eskimos. They were really worthy of a great Uni-
versity. -L '37.


What You Forget--


THE 1935








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Federal Authority Reaches Out
lroadened Government Power Seen As Vital To Roosevelt Program

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(Associated Press Staff Writer)
THE NEW DEAL'S steady march toward a
broadened government power over industry
and agriculture continues as the Roosevelt admin-
istration heads into the third year.
The Federal authority has reached out, since
inauguration day in 1933, into nearly all the major
commercial affairs of the nation to guide, to re-
strain and, in some instances, to control.
And now, while the movement no longer is in the
quickstep of its earlier days, it still is a vital factor
in the Roosevelt program. Orders, and directions
flow out of Washington in a great stream.
Additional Sweeping Powers Sought
To add to the manifold government powers al-
ready granted, leaders seek or contemplate others
of such sweeping nature as these:
1. Strict regulation for the avowed purpose
of eventual dissolution of public utility holding
2. Centralized control over all forms of
transportation - land, sea, air.
3. More explicitly defined and broadened
powers over agriculture - in some of its phases
already under almost complete government
direction - for the purpose, among others, of
bringing recalcitrants into line.
4. A mechanism to curb or dissolve private
profit from war.
5. A social security set-up compelling the
individual states to follow Federal-approved
plans or forfeit the privilege of sharing in
the program.
6. Stricter control over national resources
and ultimately centralized planning for them.
Some of these projected new grants of authority

Supervisory control over industry and bus-
iness - including fixing of wages and hours of
employes-through NRA under a far-flung
system of codes.
Control of restrictive power over agricultural
production through a variety of integrated
programs, most of them voluntary although
buttressed by government bonuses but some
Far-widened restrictions upon banking
through new regulations, through deposit in-
surance and through the lending power of the
Reconstruction Finance Corporation and other
Control over the securities exchanges.
Consolidated regulation over all communica-
tions systems.
Broadened regulation of transportation sys-
tems through a coordinator for all.
An attack on assertedly excessive private
power rates through government agencies gen-
erating and selling power.
Supervision over labor disputes through spe-
cially constituted boards.
Grants to the President of power to raise
and lower tariffs and enter reciprocal trade
pacts with foreign nations.
Control over interstate movement of oil pro-
duced in excess of state quotas, with authority
to confiscate the oil.
Government Takes On New Meaning
This unprecedented movement of government
into the affairs of citizens has been upheld by
New Dealers on the claim the old economic struc-
ture had becom3 so badly disjointed nothing less
than a complete overhauling and a new balance
was needed. It was accomplished amid cries of
some that individualism was being destroyed -
amid expressed fears that government regulation
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