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February 13, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-02-13

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The Weather
Partly cloudy and slightly
warmer in southeast 'today; to-
morrow unsettled.


Sir igau


More Longiana..
The Old SchoolMM.









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Radical To
John Strachey, Author Of
Several Famous Books,
Presentation Of N.S.L.
March Fourteenth
Date For Speech
Speakers On Future N.S.L.
Programs To Be Magil
And AngeloHerndon
John Strachey, England's world-
famous radical author and political
leader here, will speak March 14, it
was revealed yesterday by officials
of the National Student League, spon-
sors of the lecture.
Strachey, a member of Parliament
for three years, is the sondof John
St. Loe Strachey, former editor and
owner of several periodicals, and is
the cousin of the late Lytton Strach-
ey, renowned author and biographer.
Educated at Eton and at Magdalen
College, Oxford, Strachey first at-
tained prominence in the field of
politics. He was elected to Parlia-
ment as a member of the Parliamen-
tary Labor party at the age of 28.
Renounces Labor Party
Three years later, in 1931, he re-
Ine rmhis position, renounced
is affiliation with the Labor party,
and became an independent advo-
cate of radical beliefs.
His most famous books are "The
Coming Struggle for Power," "The
Menace of Fascism," "Revol ion By
Reason," and "Workers' Control in
the Russian Mining Industry." He
has just written another book, en-
titled "Literature and Dialectical
Materialism," and is a frequent con-
tributor to English magazines.
Angelo Herndon, central figure in
one of the nation's outstanding "lab-
or cases," now being contested in the
United States Supreme Court, will
speak here Feb. 21, it was also an-
nounced by N. S. L. officers.
Out On Bail
Herndon, a Negro, is out on $15,000
bail pending an appeal to the Su-
preme Court from his conviction in
the Georgia courts on charges of
violating the slave insurrection law.
He was given a sentence of 18 to 20
years in the Georgia chain gang.
Arrested two years ago following
his activities as an organizer of un-
employed, Herndon enlisted the sup-
port of the International Labor De-
fense. During the last two years the
case has gained wide attention and
Herndon's defense has received both
financial and moral supportfrom
liberals and radicals throughout the
A. B. Magil, active as a radical
writer and as an organizer of labor
in the automobile industry, is also
scheduled to speak here, according to
N.S.L. plans for the semester. He will
talk March 6 on "Father Coughlin's
Fascist Army."
French Author To
SpeakHere Today
Pierre de Lanux, noted author and
lecturer on subjects of international
interest will speak here at 3:30 p.m.
today in Room1025 Angell Hall, un-
der the auspices of the political

science department and the Inter-
national Relations Club. He has
chosen as his subject "How to Read
the Foreign News."
M. de Lanux has had an eventful
career, according to members of the
political science department, rang-
ing from a position as war corres-
pondent in the Balkans in 1912 to
10 years' service as director of the
Paris office of the League of Nations.
He calls himself, and likes best tc
be described as an international civil

The Macon-An Expensive Toy-Follows Shenandoah And Akron To Grave




-Associated Press Photo.

Wilentz Shouts

More Than 115 Alma Maters

I Botanist Will

His Summation
To Lindy Jurya
Preacher Interrupts Withs
Cry That Man Confessedt
Baby's Murder To Him
FLEMIN'GTON, N. J., Feb. 12 -P)E
-- An angry demand for Bruno Rich-
ard Hauptmann's death sealed New
Jersey's case against him today for
the murder of Baby Lindbergh.
His voice raised in scorn and fury,I
Atty.-Gen. David T. Wilentz cried out
in his all-day summation for a jury
mandate which will put Hauptmann
in the electric chair, but as he fin-
ished he was interrupted and the1
courtroom thrown into confusion by;
a spectator-clergyman's shout.
burns Cries Out
From his perch on a window-sill of
the jammed courtroom, Rev. Vincent
G. Burns, a North Jersey pastor, in-
terrupted the summation to cry: "A
man confessed that crime to me in
my church.";
Struggling, he was hauled down
and taken away. Later Justicet
Thomas W. Trenchard ordered him
released after instructing the jury
to disregard the incident. The
preacher had told his story beforer
to both prosecution and defense but
neither called him as a witness.
Burns is a brother of the notorious
Georgia chain gang fugitive.
By tomorrow's noon hour the jury;
of eight men and four women will,
be locked up to decide Hauptmann's I
fate. Justice Trenchard will charge
the jury at 10 a.m.
Hauptmann s a t tight-li p p e d
throughout Wilentz' fiery, all-day
summation, as the prosecutor swung
his fist and called him "the lowestI
form of animal," a pariah who "con-.
taminates the air."
Wife Statue-Like
Anna Hauptmann was statue-like
in her chair but the jurors, by slight
gestures and fleeting expressions, fre-
quently betrayed their feelings.
Savagely, Wilentz demanded that
Hauptmann be put to death like a
dangerous beast, and told the jury
that a verdict of conviction with a
recommendation of mercy would be
Burns first told his story at Fort
Lee, N. J., Nov. 23, 1934, it was re-
called today. He announced then
that a man had come to his church
on Palm Sunday of 1932 and "con-
fided to me his part in a kidnaping
Road Conference

Listed On Law School Roster

More than 115 different colleges
and universities are listed on the
roster of alma maters of this year's
students in the Michigan Law School,
the widest representation of any law
school but one in the country, ac-
cording to the figures in the new
Law School bulletin now in the proc-
ess of preparation.
Of the law schools with national
drawing power Harvard, with its
1,450 students, is first, having repre-
sentatives from 216 colleges and uni-
versities including 23 from the Uni-
versity of Michigan. Michigan, with
540 students, is second with 118 col-
leges represented. Columbia Law
School has 600 students from 106 dif-
ferent undergraduate schools, and
Yale's 350 students come from 76 col-
leges. The figures for Harvard, Col-
umbia, and Yale are for the year
1933-34. St. John's University in
Shanghai, China, the Ratsgymnas-
ium in Hanover, Germany, and thej
University of Toronto appear on thej
list of the law students' alma maters
and within the borders of the United
from Bowdoin College in Maine to
San Diego State Teachers College in
California, and from the University
of Oregon to the University of Flori-
Dartmouth College, represented by
14, leads the list of institutions, with
the exception of the University of
Michigan, having alumni studying
law here. Yale is second with 10,
Princeton third with 9. Wayne Uni-
versity has eight, Notre Dame seven,
H-ope College six, Michigan State
College six, University of Wisconsin
six, Albion College five, Butler Uni-
versity five, Knox College five, and
the University of Kansas five. There
are also three Harvard graduates en-
rolled and one each from Wellesley
and Vassar.
With 34 states, the District of Col-
umbia, Hawaii, Germany, China, and
Italian Accusations
Denied By Ethiopia
ROME Feb. 12. - (/P) - Ethiopia's
emperor, Haile Selassie, denied Ben-
ito Mussolini's bristling accusations
against Ethiopia tonight and all Italy
hummed with warlike preparations.
The emperor's statement, flatly
denying Italy's charges that Ethio-
pians were the aggressors in recent
African border clashes, was made
through Negradas Yesus, Ethiopiar
charge d'affaires, who earlier said his
government would not pay one ceni
of the indemnity demanded for th(
Italians slain.
Accomilanying Haile Selassie's
statement were explicit instruction,
that it be given to Il Duce only after
it has been given to the press of the
world. The charge d'affaires will call
on Mussolini tomorrow.

Canada on the list, the homes of stu-
dents are also wide-spread extending
inside of the borders of the country
from Oregon to Georgia, and from
Maine to southern California. The
greater part, however, come from
homes in middle-western and mid-
dle Atlantic states. The leading state's
outside of Michigan are Ohio with
50, Illinois with 35, Pennsylvania
with 31, Indiana with 24, and New
York with 22.
Not only do Michigan's law stu-
dents come from a wide area but
(Continued on Page 8)
Prof. Slosson
Will Open New
S.C.A. Series
Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the his-
tory department will give the first in
a series of lectures sponsored by the
Student Christian Association and
Student Guilds at 4 p.m. today in the
Upper Room of Lane Hall. Dr. William
P. Lemon, local Presbyterian pastor,
will also speak on "Religion In Ac-
count with Natural Science."
The series will consist of two lec-
tures each Wednesday and the first
of the two speeches will give a brief
presentation of some great religious
personalities and their influences,
moving from the present to early
times. The second talk will be along
the theme of religion in account with
life today. All four of the latter talks
will be given by Dr. Lemon. S.C.A.
officials stated that the series will ex-
tend over a period of four weeks.

Give Talk On
Fungus Life,
Manitoba Professor Will
Give Next Of University
Lecture Series
With the opening of the second
semester, two speakers are scheduled
on the University Lecture series for
this week, one a faculty member and
the other a visiting lecturer.
The visitor, Prof. A. H. Reginald
Buller, of the University of Manitoba
at Winnipeg, Canada, will be the first
to speak, giving a lecture on "The
Romance of Fungus Life" at 4:15 p.m.
today in the Natural Science Audi-
torium. He will be followed by Prof.
Dwight L. Dumond of the University's
history department, speaking at the
same hour Thursday on "Abraham
Lincoln, Militant Abolitionist," it was
announced by Dr. Frank E. Robbins,
assistant to the President, who is in
charge of the lecture series.
Professor Buller, who is head of the
botany department at the University
of Manitoba, is a leading investigator
in mycology, and his researches have
added greatly to the knowledge in the
field of fungus light. Following such
microscopic investigation, he has con-
structed large scale models showing
the manner in which the various
fungi carry on their activities.
He is noted as a lecturer, and is
said to possess to a remarkable extent
the ability of translating and present-
ing intricate scientific subjects in a
manner comprehensible and inter-
esting to the layman.

Wiley Sends SOS
'Bad Casualty' In Air Reported;
2,500 FootPlunge Is Delayed
An Associated Press bulletin received at 1:30
a.m. reported all but two of the Macon's 83-man
crew rescued. The Macon sank.
SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Feb. 12 -(A.P.)- Disaster plunged
the airship Macon into the ocean 110 miles south of here tonight and
Navy vessels, responding to frantic SOS calls, rushed through fog and
rain to pick up Commdr. Herbert V. Wiley and other survivors of
the 83 crew members.
A roaring explosion tore the Macon apart, Navy men here believed.
A wireless message told of a "bad casualty" in the air.
A red rocket shot into the darkness when the Macon struck the
water 17 miles off Port Sur. Curling spray flowed from bows of nearby
Navy ships as they sped to the rescue.
The thrilling message "all survivors recovered," was assumed to
mean all the Macon's crew had been saved.
The rescue of Commander Wiley, only officer to survive in the 1933
plunge of the airship Akron, fatal to 73 men, was announced in the
message approximately three hours after the mishap.
Lieut.-Commdr. Jesse L. Kenworthy, Jr., executive officer of the
airship, was rescued along with Wiley and nine others, the destroyer
Concofd reported. They were in the first of the rescuing lifeboats to
reach the Concord.
The Macon was returning with surface craft from maneuvers off
Southern California.
Commander Wiley flashed his first SOS at 5:15 p.m. (8:15 p.m.
E.S.T.) and so swiftly did the Navy ships plow toward the disaster that
the rescue was reported at 7:35 p.m.
"Bad casualty" said the first warning of the impending disaster,
which added that the ship "was falling." Then came the final SOS
call, saying:
"Will abandon ship as soon as we land on the water somewhere
20 miles off Port Sur, probably 10 miles at sea."
The U.S.S. Memphis apparently was the nearest. Shortly after-
wards it messaged seven lifeboats full of the Macon's survivors had been
picked up.
Then came a laconic message from the U.S.S. Pennsylvania, flagship
of the United States Fleet.
Macon survivors located," it said. "Assistance no longer needed."
Radio men here interpreted the message to mean the Navy had
rescued its own, and the help of merchant ships would not be required.
The battleship Tennessee reported sighting wreckage.
In Washington the Navy's commander-in-chief, President Roose-
velt, telephoned to Naval Communication Headquarters for first-hand
information on the mishap. Members of Congress, long interested in
the controversy over the worthiness of airships as fighting crafts, also
sought information.
Wives of the Macon's crew members waited for news with stoic
courage in their California homes. "We do have our tragedies, don't
we?" commented the wife of Lieut.-Commdr. Edwin F. Cochrane, with
a grin.
The Lakehurst, N. J., air base was cast into gloom. Commdr. Charles
E. Rosendahl, in charge there, early expressed fear thye Macon might
be lost forever.
The U.S.S. Relief, hospital ship, was ordered under full speed from
San Diego to Port Sur to aid the survivors.
The Red Cross also offered assistance and Admiral Thomas J.
Senn, commander of the Twelfth Naval District here, ordered Mare Is-
land to stand by to aid any survivors needing, medical attention.
Admiral Senn also announced that a patrol would be sent out at
dawn to scour the sea 20 miles north and south of Port Sur.
Only the nearby presence of the Navy ships prevented a major
loss of life, Navy men said.
The sea off Port Sur, a rocky ledge jutting into the ocean, was
smooth and rain was falling.
Fog overhung the sky when the Macon was stricken and after it
hit the water night closed down rapidly, concealing the wreckage and
survivors until searchlights pierced the gloom.
t The airship apparently fell from an altitude of 2,500 feet, the Port
z Sur lighthousekeeper reported, then regained its equilibrium only to
s fall again.
This time Commander Wiley was unable to halt the sickening plunge.
d Explosion of the lifting gas in the dirigible "Macon" was character-
ized as an extremely remote.possibility by Ralph H. Upson, aeronautical
n consulting engineer noted for designing all-metal lighter-than-air craft
d for the United States Navy, who commented on the news of the Macon
- accident early last night.
r Mr. Upson pointed out that many types of aerial disasters are falsely
, named "explosions," but admitted the possibility of such accidents as

gasoline fume explosions or ruptures in the huge gas bag.
rs He mentioned as a possibility that the Macon might have mis-
sits altitude i the dene fog. strikine the water. which. at its nmal

Could The University Help You
More? Yes, Say 600 Graduates,

Six hundred recent graduates of
Michigan believe that the University
could have been of more use to them
than it was.
Prof. George E. Myers of the School
of Education conducted a survey of
1,000 recent graduates who prepared
to teach, and among the other ques-
tions asked was: "Do you feel that
the University could have helped
you more than it did, or could help
you in any way at the present time?"
The two-thirds who did reply to
that question were either bitter, dis-
illusioned, friendly, or unemployed.
They suggested that, in general, ad-
vice along three directions would not
be amiss: personal problems, course
selection, and vocational guidance.
Is Michigan too big? Several stu-
dents think so. Difficulty in accli-

"A keener understanding by instruc-
tors and professors rather than just-
another-student attitude and a re-
lating of facts in classroom instruc-
tion are needed . . . it seems to me
a freshman or sophomore at least
should have intimate contacts with
his elders to learn the thing expected
of him rather than too late, or to his
The 'eeney, meeney' system o:
course selection doesn't work so well
concludes a graduate who tried it
"Why didn't someone at that perio
of my education try to help me evalu
ate the parts of the curriculum in
terms of my own ability, desires, and
ambitions for future life? I had lit
tle knowledge of the subject matte
of certain groups, such as sociology
or philosophy, or fine arts."
Advisers are either ill-equipped t
serve as such or they suggest thing



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