THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MA IRCH 3, 1935 THE MICHIGAN DAILY - - Y- °. .r-. Pubiis~ed every morning except Monday during the Unversity year and Summer Session by the Board ingCon- trol of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER Assoiated tlegiate grss -x134mljieligeig 193=a MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use tor republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dis- patches are reserved. Enteredrat the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Asistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summeraby carrier, $1.00; by mail. $1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street. Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214 Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, New York, N.Y. - 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ...............WILLIAM G. FERRIS CITY EDITOR ............................JOHN HEALEY EDITORIAL DIRECTOR ............RALPH G. COULTER SPORTS EDITOR ....................ARTHUR CARSTENS WOMEN'S EDITOR ....................EIUANOR BLUM NIGHT EDITORS: Courtney A. Evans, John J. Flaherty, Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas H. Kleene, David G. Mac- donald, John M. O'Connell, Arthur M. Taub. SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Western, Kenneth Parker, William Reed, Arthur Settle. WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara L. Bates, Dorothy Gies, Florence Harper, Eleanor Johnson, Josephine McLean, Margaret D. Phalan, Rosalie Resnick, Jane Schneider, Marie Muphy.- REPORTERS: Rex Lee Beach, Robert B. Brown, Clinton B. Conger, Sheldon M. Ellis, William H. Fleming, Richard 0. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Bernard Levick, Fred W. Neal, Robert Pulver, Lloyd S. Reich, Jacob C. Seidel, Marshall D. Shulman, Donald Smith, Wayne H. Stewart, Bernard Weissman, George Andros, Fred Buesser, Rob- ert Cummins, Fred DeLano, Robert J. Friedman, Ray- mond Goodman, Keith H. Tustison, Joseph Yager. Dorothy Briscoe, Florence Davies, Helen Diefendorf, Elaine Goldberg, Betty Goldstein, Olive Griffith, Har- riet Hathaway, Marion Holden, Lois King, Selma Levin,' Elizabeth Miller, Melba Mrrison, Elsie Pierce, Charlotte Rueger, Dorothy Shappell, Molly Solomon, Laura Wino- grad, Jewel Wuerfel. BUSINESS STAFFl Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER-..............RUSSELL B. READ CREDIT MANAGER ...................ROBERT S. WARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER .......JANE BASSETT DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, John Og- den; Service Department. Bernard Rosenthal; Contracts, Joseph Rothbard; Accounts, Cameron Hall; Circulation and Nationa) Advertising, David Winkworth; Classifiedt Advertising and Publications, George Atherton. BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: William Jackson, William1 Barndt, Ted Wohlgemuith, Lyman Bittman, John Park, F. Allen Upson, Willis Tomlinson, Homer Lathrop, Toml Clarke, Gordon Cohn, Merrell Jordan, Stanley Joffe, Richard E. Chaddock. WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Mary Bursley, Margaret Cowie, Marjorie Turner, Betty Cavender, Betty Greve, Helen Shapland, Betty Simonds, Grace Snyder, Margaretta Kollig, Ruth Clarke, Edith Hamilton, Ruth Dicke, Paula Joerger, Mary Lou Hooker, Jane Heath, Bernadine Field, Betty Bowman, Judy Trsper Marjorie Langen- derfer, Geraldine Lehman, Betty Woodworth.Lg NIGHT EDITOR: ARTHUR M. TAUB Choosing The Groupr To Educate... ONSISTENCY is not always the {a hobgoblin of little minds. There is no consistency in the attitude of men in public office who fill the records with talk about our great democracy and meanwhile scheme to cripple or even abolish public higher education. A representative in the Texas legislature has introduced a oill to raise the yearly tuition at the state university as the first step in a move to make the school self-supporting. The fact that Texas students enthusiastically burned the legislator in effigy does not do away with his bill or remove the ever-present danger that college education will be ruthlessly slashed in an inconsiderate moment. The Texas representative admits that he is acting at the suggestion of taxpayers, and not be- cause of any desire'. . . to eliminate any students from the possibility of obtaining a higher educa- tion." Another backer of the bill who calls himself "a lobbyist for the people" declares that taxes are now confiscatory, and that it is not the proper function of the government to confer higher education at excessive cost to only a select few of its citizens. The argument of these men seems to boil down to the fact that the appropriations for running the state's three institutions of higher education are somewhat more each year than the total annual deficit. Thus, cut off the schools - end the deficit. Very simple! No other retrenchment would affect the deficit. It would not help to cut the size of the legislative bodies, for instance, or consolidate county and township governments. No one expects that higher education can or should be extended to more than a select few of the state's young people, but the method of choos- ing those few becomes all the more important for that reason. The more tuitions are raised the more financial means rather than intellectual qualifications be- come the condition of higher education. State universities, while not strictly free, differ from private schools in that they are dedicated to mak- ing higher education available to other than rich emen's sons - in fact, to even the poorest men's sons, as was shown in a recent tabulation here. Michigan has been concerned for many years in formulating entrance requirements that would approach the ideal of admitting those best fitted as students. If, instead, it should be thought more desirable to make college educations available only to those whose parents can afford it, to encourage the perpetuation of a false aristocracy, to turn our haks on the nnrtnity of which we have alwavs Student Cri icism OnThe FEA ... T HE ANNOUNCEMENT of Professor Gram last week concerning the pending plan of the FERA committee to sound out faculty opinion on the present set-up of student aid here should be welcomed in all quarters as an attempt to make constructive plans for the FERA program for the future. It should be pointed out to the committee, how- ever, that the only way to get a complete view of the FERA scene is to include in the inquiry an expression- of the views of the students who are working under the projects. The combination of faculty and student ideas will lay down a founda- tion from which any reforms that may be neces- sary can better be instituted, doing justice to all aspects of the program. Faculty criticism of the FERA, although valuable in itself, is almost certain to give a rather one- sided view of the question. Each individual is na- turally concerned with advancement of projects in whatever field he has particular interest. Students usually take a broader and certainly a distinctly different outlook on the whole matter. Those who pu in their time on FERA jobs can and will cooperate with the committee if they are asked to do so. Their opinions should be equally valuable with those of the faculty, for many of them will be extremey - and justly - critical. As Others See It Fraternity Defense ORDERS FOR MICHIGAN'S fraternity "clean- up" brought forth a sympathetic defense from at least one source, the editorial columns of The Daily Illini: President Ruthven's ultimatum marks the crit- ical appraisal of the fraternity system today. Probably one of the main reasons for the criticism of fraternities is due to the high standards which they have set for themselves. There is no other existing group on any campus that has as high ideals for which they are responsible. There1 is no other existing group on any campus that has provided such high standards of living and ideal group life as the fraternities. The fraternity system has made a contribution of living conditions that the state and school has been financially unable to make during the de- pression years. This fact should be remembered in face of the criticism of the Greek letter system.1 Fraternities build their membership from the ordinary ranks of the student body and there- fore the group has as many human frailties as those found among the individuals in a student rooming house. When these facts are considered can any honest critic say that the fraternities have failed? Peace Proposal SEN. ELBERT E. THOMAS' proposal that the United States and Japan exchange 10,000 students for four years' study - at a little more than the cost of a battleship for each country -may not go far in legislative halls but it caught the ear of the college papers of the country. The Minnesota Daily commented: A rather startling suggestion was made on the Senate floor a few days ago by Utah's Senator Elbert E. Thomas, one-time teacher in Japan .. . "Nations who have no fear of each other, and who understand each other, will never fight," declares the Utah senator.- Of course this suggestion from a "school teacher" will not be acted upon. The DuPonts and the Grays of the country would rather fortify abstract national honor with steel ships than with intellectual structures. It is easier to build hate than to create under- standing. Thomas' suggestion, to paraphrase what a famous militarist recently said about disarm- ament conferences, "is impractical. Men want the feel of earth under their feet." Or over their heads .. . COL LEGIATE OBSERVER By BUD BERNARD Customs and traditions play a large part at I Oxford Univer,;ty, a part hardly to be imagined by collegians il the United States. One of the most amusing is the "sconce" which is the penalty for a recognized faux pas such as mentioning a girl's name of the table, using profane lan- guage at the table or coning in late, and so on. In *such a case, the head waiter soon comes around to the offender and announces, "Mr. - presents his compliments, sir, and wishes to know whether you will have beer or cider." But the of- fender must pay for it. Then he attempts to drain the two quart pail in one draught - and if he does, he may order a pail for the crap who sent it, and he in turn must try to drink it in one draught. This continues until someone misses. A professor at the University of Washing- tn, an ex-editor of a college daily, tells the story of a girl reporter who rushed to his office, declaring that she had but scant time to fill in so many inches of space, and demanded GCme ideas. The professor concentrated for a few minutes then started talking. Glibly with precision he recalled more than a score of fea- tures that came to his mind. Peering out of the window all the time, he worked harder he said, than he ever had in a lecture. Turning suddenly, he met the lucid gaze of his lis- tener. She said:' "May I borrow your pencil?" Dartmouth University is leading the list for the liberal attitude taken by the administration. Liquor and women in the dormitories have been approved by the officials. The idea is that no rules will be enforced where none exist. We like this contribution sent in by M.N.K.: I LIKI COLLEGE PROFESSORS I like college professors. College professors are people who get the money paid for tuition. Some college professors earn their money. The chief duty of college professors is to put marks on examination papers. These marks are A.B.C.D.E. The multiplicity of marks works a hardship on the professors. It makes the problem of deciding which mark to put on which paper a complicated one. Several methods of solving this have been de- veloped. Some professors use a scientific method. They mark the first five papers E, the next five D, the next five C, and so on through A and then start over again. Others read the papers over and put on the first mark that comes to their mind. The entrance to a college professor's mind is a very narrow one. Usually one mark can squeeze through. This mark is E. College professors are good, hard working guys. I like them. W'ashington Ouff The Record By SIGRID ARNE WASHINGTON, March 2. rT'HE SENATE was discussing oil. Sen. Thomas D. Schall of Minnesota took the floor in a tirade that soon involved Senators Joseph T. Robinson and Burton K. Wheeler of Montana. For a minute Sen. Tom Connally of Texas, who had innocently yielded the floor to Schall, listened to the noise. Then he demanded the floor back. I"This is an oil bill," he said dryly, "not a gas bill." Representative Josh Lee of Oklahoma claims he knows why Napoleon was always pictured with his hand inside of his great coat. "I, too, met the 'cootie' in France," says Lee. -- Catering to Your Better Taste - CREAM WAFFLES - LUNCHEONS - DINNERS MAYFLOW ER Restaurant Corner of Fourth and Liberty READ THE DAILY CLASSIFIED ADS -f- --l-l FRATERNITY JEWE LRY Burr, Pc I A IIl FR OSH FROLIC eANNOUNCES A C E B R IG(O'D E And His "VIRGINIANS" at the MICHIGAN UNION BALLROOM Tickets may be obtained f rrom corn- mittee mzembers and at the Union. I DON'T LET "Office Hips" Ruin Your Figure HOW OFTEN have you heard someone say: "She would have a ice figure if her hips ere not so large." You get "Office Hips" from too much sitting-at the office or at home. They destroy personal charm and make it impossible towearsmnart,close-fittingstyles. "TALLY HO" Girdle of Lasteze in 14" length at $3.50 and 16" length at $6.50 will give you that smooth captivating line and it will not ride up. FRIDA Y, March 1 5 9:3 0 - 2 Tax $2. KELLOGG CORSET SHOP Dial 3110 110 E. Liberty ~ - .,.,~- rI The 1935 Junior Gfrls Play Presents I- Tune in i mtLoye" The Brown Daily Herald is a little more hope- JIAFTER- SEVERAL years the State Department ,t fu ai: 1 After the w ordy theorizing and aimless gab of well-meaning pacifists, it is refreshing to hear the suggestion of Senator Thomas who is proposing in Washington a measure which if adopted may do much to avoid possibilities of war between this country and Japan . . . This is an excellent proposal and there will be a good chance for its adoption if feeling in official quarters has not already run too high for such an amicable arrangement and if Mr. Hearst will be satisfied that the proposal is "American" enough for him to permit its being put into effect. Unqualified approval is expressed by the Cali- fornia Daily Bruin: Sen. Elbert E. Thomas of Utah has advanced a novel and promising plan of assuring peace in the Pacific .. . The scheme's advantages far outweigh its difficulties. Properly carried out, it would do on a large scale what the Rhodes scholarships have been doing for years in strengthening Anglo-American friendship. That some such system of developing inter- national good-will is vitally needed at the pres- ent time seems plainly apparent. The United States is novi preparing the largest military spending program in 15 years. Battleships do not excel as good-will ambassadors. It is time the t a few positive methods of pre- serving peace be tried out as possible future substitutes ir the exhausting and friction- has learned what happened to its pet mouse, "Squeaky." He ate regular meals of imported cheese on the desk of Ambassador Joseph C. Grew of Japan, who was then undersecretary of state. Grew hunted! lions on vacations but contented himself with a mouse within the sacred state department portals. Once Squeaky startled the then British ambas- sador, Sir Esme Howard, by jumping on Grew's desk while the two men conferred. Now Charles Breeder, a negro messenger, con- fesses that he executed Squeaky on orders from the then assistant secretary, Leland Harrison, who neither hunted lions nor liked mice. His office was across the hall from Grew. By a little quick action the White House ex- ecutive offices have saved a happy New York home. The wife had received a letter from. the President. She was very proud of it. One day she gave it to her husband, who also was very proud, to show around. He lost it. "I do't dare tell my wife," he wrote the President. Almost by return mail he got an exact dupli- cate, even to the date. rTALL, GOOD-LOOKING Rep. Hamilton Fish, Jr., of New York, was taking one of his periodic "ribbings" from Rep. Thomas L. Blanton of Texas with a grin. Blanton described Fish getting up late. He pic- tured him curling his hair and perfuming his ears. Fish looked bored. He interrupted. "Agin ,, T ramn d i th n-nnf-larn frnm,, T'nrn e " in a most modern musical comedy Matinee Saturday, March 23rd Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Seats Reserved - 75c - $1.00