The Weather Fair and somewhat colder today; tomorrow increasing cloudiness, probably rain. pr (t it igzw ~aiIF Editorials Choosing The Group To Educate... Student Criticisms On The FERA .. VOL. XLV. No. 111 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, M1ARCH 3, 1935 PRICE FIVE CENTS Pianist To Play Here Tomorrow Artur Schnabel, On Return Tour, To Give Recital In Hill Auditorium Chooses Ann Arbor For Second Concert t Music By Schubert, Mozart And Beethoven Will Be Featured On Program Artur Schnabel, internationally famous piano virtuoso and teacher, is topping the brilliant success he had in this country last season with a re- turn tour which brings him here for a recital to be given at 8:15 p.m. to- morrow in Hill Auditorium. The Austrian pianist, considered by many to be one of the world's greatest musicians today, had not made a tour of the United States for eight years1 prior to last season. This year Mr. Schnabel returned for a season of only. 15 concerts, and his picking Ann Arbor for one of them does this city great honor, according to Choral Union members. In his last year's program Mr. Schnabel played only the works of Beethoven, of which he is regarded as the greatest living interpreter. This year he will also include music by Schubert and Mozart, Mr. Schnab- el having an aversion to playing musici of lighter vein. He said that he would! rather play his type of music for a hundred people than the lighter type for a thousand. Mr. Schnabel was born in Lipnik, Carinthia, and received his only regu- lar piano instruction from Leschetizky between the ages of ten and fifteen. He won distinction as an interpreter of Brahms, and later came to be re- garded as the foremost interpreter of Beethoven. In addition to being a magetic performer and teacher of note, he is also a composer of ac- knowledged ability. Mr. Schnabel has revised the pro- gram for his concert here to read as follows: Schubert: Six Moments Musicale, Op. 94, Moderato, Andantino, Allegro modreato, Moderato, Allegro vivace, Allegretto, Beethoven: Sonata F Min- or, Op 57 (Appassionata) - Allegro assai, Andanto con moto, Allegro ma non troppo - Presto. Mozart: Son- ata in F major (K. 333) -Allegro, Adagio, Allegro assai. Beethoven: Sonata in C minor, Op. 111 - Maes- toso - Allegro con brio ed Appassion- ato, Arietta: Adagio molto semplice e cantabile. New NRA Crisis Seen In Steel Investoyat ons Government Accused Of Fostering Monopolies By U. S. Trade Board WASHINGTON, March 2. - (P) - A new crisis in the administration's relations with big business is expected to result from the submission to Pres- ident Roosevelt of reports of two branches of the government, both dealing with an investigation of steel prices, under the NRA. One report, presented by the Fed- eral Trade Commission, holds that under the Industrial Recovery Act, monopolies have been fostered, as charged by Senators Gerald P. Nye, of North Dakota, and William E.1 Borah of Idaho. The second report is from the Na- tional Industrial Recovery Board and defends the codification of industry under the Blue Eagle. Both reports have been submitted secretly to the President, after Donald R. Richberg, chairman of the National Emergency Council, had failed to force the Trade Commission to change its findings to reconcile them with the report of the NIRB. One report is a bitter condemnation of the monopolistic trends of the ad- ministration, to the detriment of small industry; the other is a defense of all that has been attempted since the birth of the Blue Eagle. Advisers to the President urge that To Appear Here ARTUR SCHNABEL Fear Is Expressed For Life Of Holmes WASHINGTON, March 2- (?) - Physicians attending Oliver Wendell Holmes tonight clearly indicated their fears for the life of the aged and dis- tinguished jurist. The three specialists attending Holmes, the court's "great liberal," conferred early tonight. Out of that consultation came the first formal bulletin since the former justice of the Supreme Court became ill. Issued by Dr. Thomas A. Claytor, it said: "After a consultation with Dr. Longcope and Dr. Ecker, we find the justice a little weaker than he was yesterday, and in view of his very ad- vanced age, this is a disturbing condi- tion." The meeting tonight was the first consultation of all three physicians since Thursday and marked Dr. Clay- tor's third visit to the bedside today. Campaigns For rrimlary Posts Are Concluded Content To Let Issue Rest Withi People, Muyskens Declares The active primary campaign came to a close last night as Prof. John H. Muyskens of the speech depart- ment ended his fight to win the Democratic mayoralty nomination at the polls tomorrow. Contesting with Professor Muys- kens is John Conlin, local attorney. Mayor Robert A. Campbell is unop- posed for the Republican nomina- tion. Declaring he was "fairly confident but not over-confident," Professor Muyskens, after reiterating his plat- form published in The Daily earlier in the week, said he is "content to let the contest be decided by the people." He expressed his approval of the man- ner in which the campaign in general had been carried on. Other faculty men in the Demo- cratic primary contest are Prof. O. W. Stephenson of the School of Edu- cation, and Prof. O. J. Campbell of the English department, who are run- ning for the presidency of the council. Prof. Walter C. Sadler of the engi- neering college, member of the coun- cil, has made a strong race for the G. O. P. nomination for the presidency of the council, and is being opposed by William H. Faust. Professor Sad- ler is faculty adviser to Tau Beta Pi, honorary engineering fraternity, and a graduate of the Law School. The most holtly contested post in the primary campaign is for the four- cornered Republican circuit judge- ship nomination. Opposing Judge George W. Sample, incumbent of long standing, are William M. Laird, Jacob F. Fahrner and V. E. Van Ameringen, all practicing attorneys here. The campaign for this post has been carried to all corners of Washtenaw County, it being the only one to be voted on in rural county precincts. Political observers expect a close race between R. M. Burr, incumbent, and Walter Garthe for First Ward Alderman. Burr is a member of the Legislature from Ann Arbor. In rural sections of the county, township meetings are being com- bined with primary voting, and nomi- nees for the local offices will be se- lected by caucuses during the day. Seventy-two absent voters' ballots have been issued to Republicans, City Clerk Fred Perry stated, and 15 to Democrats. Will Present Movie On War Here Today A talking motion picture, entitled "The Next War," will be presented by Dr. Francis S. Onderdonk, former University faculty member, at 7:30 p.m. today in the Congregational) Greek Revolt GainsSupport Of Venizelos Rebel Warships Converge On Crete As Martial Law Is DeclaredI Aerial Bombs Are Showered On Fleet Americans And Civilians Are Reported Safe; Ten Revolutionists Killed ATHENS, March 2. -- (P - - Former Premier Venizelos, "grand old man" of Greek politics, threw his strength behind a swiftly executed revolt to- night as darkness brought a halt to a running battle between five rebel warships and the loyal air force. t Venizelos, who has been living in retirement in his native Crete since his unsuccessful attempt to defeat Premier P. Tsaldaris at the polls, de- clared himself in support of the rebels in a violent anti-government speech at Crete. GREECE MOVES TO KILL REVOLT ATHENS, March 2. - (/P) -Under a shower of bombs, five Greek war- ships, manned by rebels, steamed atj full speed toward Crete today as the government fought to crush a revolt headed by military officers. -Lincoln MacVeagh, United States minister to Greece, reported to the state department at Washington that Athens was under martial law, but was calm, and that no American or civilian casualties had been reported.1 The revolt broke out at Piraeus, port, of Athens, early in the day. I Meanwhile, although government officials expressed hope that troops in Crete would remain loyal, Premier, P. Tsaldaris telegraphed a direct ap- peal to former Premier Eleutherios Venizelos to keep clear of the revolu- tionists should they reach Crete. Ven- izelos is regarded as the most pow-1 erful opponent of the present regime.' Terms Attempt Crazy There had been rumors here that the rebels had intended to pick up Venizelos at Crete and proceed to Macedonia. Tsaldaris' telegram ex- pressed hope that Venizelos "will not sympathize with the crazy attempt of a few officers." Immediate steps were being taken to court martial officers already caught following the capture, by the government, of the Salamis Arsenalt which was held briefly by the rebels. The telegram to Venizelos was the first time his name has been men- tioned directly by the government, al- though many arrests were reported among cohorts of the former premier who is a political foe of the govern- ment headed by Tsaldaris and Presi- dent Alexander Zaimis. Venizelist newspapers were closed, although of- ficials were unable to say what con- nection, if any Venizelos might have. Ten Revolutionists Killed Minister of War Gen. George Kon- dylis said there were few government casualties on land and that about 10 revolutionists had been killed. The plot, which broke into the open with startling suddenness, and amidst carnival revelry at 6 p.m. yesterday, was discovered when the rebels were found to be occupying the Salamis Ar- senal. A crack regiment in the Athens outskirts and also soldiers in a mili- tary school were partially converted to the revolt. The rebels were forced to abandon their position under a two hours' can- non fire. The rebel officers at the arsenal capitulated after a fusillde that last- ed until 1:30 a.m. today. R ecords Tumble As olverines To 63-32 Victory; Hockey Team Conquers o- _.__ Tech Star Takes Two Establishing New Record State Hockey Crown Added To Big Ten Title By 7-1 Victory Over Tech Five-Goal Record Is Set In Final Period Heyliger Turns In Stellar Performance With Four Markers Scored By KENNETH C. PARKER Michigan's title-minded hockey team routed Michigan Tech in the final period of last night's game at the Coliseum and as a result added the mythical collegiate hockey cham- pionship of the state to the already- earned Big Ten crown. Ahead by one goal as they went into the final stanza,athe Wolverines, led by Vic Heyliger and Co-Captain Johnny Sherf, ran up a total of five markers, the highest recorded for Michigan in one period this season, and left the ice with the score 7 to 1 in their favor when the gun sounded. The seven-goal total also set a new high for team scoring in any game. played in the Coliseum this winter. Heyliger again demonstrated that he is to be reckoned with Sherf as a big gun in the Michigan attack. Being able to outskate the Tech defense- men, Heyliger's superior stick-han- dling enabled him to hit the net four times last night while Sherf scored three times and was credited with an assist on one of Heyliger's goals. Michigan started slowly, allowing the Miners a score in the first five minutes, before settling down to the business of registering its eleventh win of the year. Six minutes after Latimer had scored for Tech on an assist from C. Ferries Sherf took a pass from David, faked Goalie Maki out of the net and flipped home the tying tally. Heyliger then countered midway in the second period, taking Walt Cour- tis' beautiful set-up pass and catch- ing the corner of the goal on an angle shot. SUMMARIES Michigan (7) Pos. Mich. Tech (1)" W. Chase ...... G............Maki David ..........RD......... Olson MacCollum .....LD......... Mullen Heyliger ........C .........Latimer Courtis ....... .RW..... C. Ferries Sherf.........LW.........Croze Michigan spares: Berryman, Chase. Michigan Tech spares: Werther, Nikervis, McLean, Pelto, R. Ferries. First period -Scoring: Latimer (C. Ferries) 4:10. Sherf (David) 11:48. Penalties: none. Second period Scoring: Heyliger (Courtis) 9:05. Penalties: Olson (tripping). Nizkervis and David: (high stick.) C. Ferries and Heyliger (slashing). Third period - Scoring: Heyliger 4:55. Heyliger (Sherf) 9:01. Sherf 11:11. Sherf 13:20. Heyliger 14:45. Penalties: MacCollum (boarding). MONKS SUPERSTITIOUS PAILINGMIAO, Inner Mongolia, March 2-(P)- Efforts to develop large coal deposits in the hills near this capital of the recently organized government of Inner Mongolia have been stopped by the opposition of the great Lama monastery here. Speed Rivals Who Starred In Meet Here Michigan Events] World Ward Leads Mark Is Bettered In Meet At Iowa Ward, Owens, And Stoller Almost In Dead Heat In 60-Yard Dash WILLIS WARD JESSE OWENS Cagers Beaten By Ohio State In Close Game, Wolverines Defeated B y Narrow Margin, 30-28, In Listless Tilt COLUMBUS, March 2 -0P)- Ohio State rang down the curtain on its basketball season tonight with a 30 to 28 victory over Michigan. The game was a listless affair un- til the last five minutes when Mich- igan spurted and ran its score from 17 to 28 while Ohio was scoring five points to raise its total to 30. Oliver, substitute Michigan guard, threw a scare into the Ohio ranks in the closing two minutes when he dropped field goals from near the center of the floor. Ohio won the game from the free throw line, the Bucks making good on eight of eleven tosses. Michigan had only four chances from the foul line and sank two of them. BOX SCORES Mic Eva Tam Mey Gee Rud Plum Pat Olivf Ohi Whi Wil Tho Beiti Dye higan (28) G F ns, f ............ .....0 0 aagno, f .............0 0 'ers, f ...............4 1 c . ... .. ......... . . ..1 0 .ness, g..............2 0 mmer, g ..............3 0 anelli, g .............1 1 'er, g.............. .2 0 Totals.............13 2 o State (30) G F itlinger, f ............5 1 son, f ................1 1 mas, c..............3 0 ner,g ... ...........0 1 , g .................2 5 Totals .............11 8 TP 0 0 2 4 6 3 4 28 TP 11 3 6 1 9 30 Swimmers Win Over Buckeyes; d Score Is 52-32 Six Of Eight First Placesc Are Taken By Wolverine .p Tank Stars i COLUMBUS, Ohio, March 2-(VP)- University of Michigan swimming team today defeated Ohio State, 52 to 32. The Wolverines captured six of the eight first places while Baker Bryant, Ohio sprint star, took the other firsts. Michigan also scored heavily by winning both relays and annexing a large- number of second' and third places. Taylor Drysdale, intercollegiate backstroke champion from Ann Ar- bor, set, a collegiate record of 3:44.1' for the 300-yard medley in an exhibi- tion swim; the record formerly was 3:47.5, held by Walt Ashley, of Rutg- ers. Bryant and Frank Barnard of Michigan shared individual scoring honors with 10 points each.- Summaries: 400-yard free style relay: Won by Michigan (Dalrymple, Drew, Mower- son, Renner). Time 3:44.6. 200-yard breast stroke: Won by Kasley (M.), second, Crittenden (M.), third, Colville (O.). Time 2:33.1. 150-yard back stroke: Won by Drys- dale (M.), second, Salie (O.), Cody (M.). Time 1:40.1. 50-yard free style: Won by Bryant (O.), second, Dalrymple (M.), third Kessler (0.). Time 24..5 seconds: 440-,yard free style: Won by Barn- ard (M.), second, Woodford (O.), third, Robertson (M.). Time 4:55.6. 100-yard free style: Won by Bry- ant (O.), second, Kessler (O.), third, Mowerson (M.). Time 54.5 seconds. Diving: Won by Fehsenfeld (M.), second, Kallman (O.), third, Diefen- dorf (M.).I 220-yard free style: Won by Barn- ard (M.7, second, Robertson (M.), third, Woodford (O.). Time 2:16.9. 300-yard medley relay: Won by Michigan (Cody, Kasley, Renner). Time 3:06.6. First Lady Donates ]36,000 During Year WASHINGTON, March 2.--(iP)- The wife of the President disclosed today that she had turned into phil- anthropy from her commercial radio broadcasts alone almost half as much money as the government paid Mr. Roosevelt for a year's work. As a review of two years plentifully filled with activities no first lady ever fnnl Hartin hfnr chn -a aim_ By WILLIAM R. REED With Willis Ward leading a pack >f Wolverine tracksters keyed to the finest edge, Michigan overwhelmed Ohio State in a dual track meet held ast night in Yost Field House 63 to 2. Ward was the leader as he personal- y accounted for two new Field House ecords in two wins over Jesse Owens, ,he sensational Buckeye star, as the Wolverines captured firsts in eight >f the eleven events. The big Michigan star, ending his ndoor competition at home, turned .n one of the most brilliant individ- al performances ever seen in Yost ield House as he tied the Field House nd world's records for the 60-yard ash in 6.2 seconds, smashed his own 35-yard high hurdles record in eight ,econds flat, and finished in an al- most dead heat behind Owens in the 35-yard low hurdles, for a total of 13 points. Record Bettered In Iowa An ironic twist was given to Ward's lash mark, however, as Jimmie )wens, Iowa sophomore sprint sen- ation, was credited with a mark of .1 seconds for the dash in a dual meet with Missouri at Iowa last night. The Buckeye Owens, hailed as the country's most brilliant track star of he moment, scored 10 points with his win in the low hurdles, second n the dash, third in the high hurdles, and third in the high jump. The 60-yard dash, feature event ,f the meet which was hailed as a gre-view of the Conference indoor :neet because of the array of stars en- ered, saw Ward turn in the most sur- >rising performance of his already )rilliant career. Almost Dead Heat Beaten several times in the dash vent during the winter season, the Dig star outran Owens to the tape to win by inches, while Sam Stoller, she Wglverine sophomore, finished less than two feet behind. In the high hurdles Ward was nev- 2r headed as he sailed ahead to clip 2 seconds from his old mark, -and in he low hurdles only a final burst >ver the last hurdle sent Owens ahead to keep the Michigan star from ;ais third win. The stellar performances of the meet were not confined to Ward's ;eats, however, as the Wolverines dis- Alayed balanced strengthin every went but the shot put, and as Stan 3irleson, another sophomore, estab- ished a new Field House record in ,he 440-yard run in 50.8eseconds to Alip a tenth off the old mark held by Ed Russell, of Michigan. SUMMARIES Mile run: Won by Harvey Smith (M.) ; second, Clayton Brelsford (M.) ; hird, Harry O'Connell (M.). Time, 1:23.6. 60-yard dash: Won by Willis Ward M.); second, Jesse Owens (0.); third, Sam Stoller (M.). Time, :06.2. Ties Yost Field House record and recog- iized world's record. Pole Vault: Won by Dave Hunn (M.); second, John Wonsowitz (O.); hird, Chet Henderson (0.); Height, 13 feet, 63/ inches. 440-yard run: Won by Stan Birle- on (M.); second, Harvey Patton (M.); third, Bob Bickle (O.). Time, :50.8. New Field House record. Old hecord of :50.9 held by Russell of Michigan. 65-yard high hurdles: Won by Willis Ward (M.); second, Bob Osgood (M.); third, Jesse Owens (O.). Time, :08. New Field House record. Old record of :08.2 held by Ward. Shot put: Won by George Neal (0.); second, John Schwartz (0.); third, Martin Alexander (M.). Dis- tance, 44 feet, 11% inches. Two-mile run: Won by Neree Alix (M.); second, Bob Huffman (0.); third, Walter Stone (M.). Time, 9:42.5. High'jump: Won by Melvin Walker (O.) second Konrad Moisio (M.); f ,I r--c nxym o f% ri , f 0 i I ! Waldo Abbot Vies With Vallee, j, - Crosby As Fan'Mail Piles Up C, By LLOYD S. REICH If fan mail is a measure of success,' the University radio department in Morris Hall, under the direction of Prof. Waldo Abbot, is now enjoying the height of popularity. One might even call the Morris Hall broadcasting studio a miniature postoffice. At least 5,000 letters have come flooding into the campus stud- ios so far this year, according to Pro- fessor Abbot, and of these there are only three which contain adverse criticism. Most of the letters, a survey of the stack of correspondence shows, begin by giving enthusiastic praise to the broadcasts, and usually close by re- questing.copies of the talks given over the University hours on WJR. Thr ca v' nm ' homevr .whosen n a number of ailments, and asked "Doctor" Abbot whether these were symptoms of some terrible disease. Many show ingenuity in addressing their letters to "Waldo Rabbit." Two of the three complaints sent in to the broadcasting studios pointed out that the language of the Voca- tional Guidance Series was too "heavy" for high school students to understand, and suggested that one- syllable words should be used almost exclusively. If it were only receiving letters,, the handling of this postoffice depart- ment would be comparatively easy. "But," said Director Abbot, "there are thousands of letters, mimeo- graphed speeches, bulletins, and song- books to mail out." T-Te nointed out that so far this vnarI Half time score: Ohio State 17, Michigan 10. Referee: Bethel (Wittenberg); Um- pire: Levis (Chicago). Personal fouls: Michigan -Evans, Tamagno, Meyers, 3; Gee, Rudness, Patanelli, 2; Teitelbaum. Ohio - Beitner, 2; Laybourne. Free throws missed: Michigan - Evans, Tamagno. Ohio State - Whitlinger, Wilson, Dye. MENTAL TELEPATHY 'PROVED' NEW YORK, March 2. -(') - Proof of mental telepathy has been established by 200,000 tests conducted recently at Duke University, Durham, N.C., Dr. Hereward Carrington has announced. Speaking here, the director of the American Psychical Research Insti- tute asserted that probably one person in ten has experienced thought trans- ference, usually in connection with the illness or death of a loved one.