'AGE S1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, MARCH Z, 1935 omm"Nomm" Badgley Claims ' Athletic Injuries Over Stressed: Professor Defends Policy Of Supervised Sports As SafeguardToInjury Defending supervised athletics as the best safeguard against injury to youths, Prof. Carl E. Badgley of the surgery department in his radio ad-G dress yesterday over Station WJR, said that the injuries were greatly overemphasized. Professor Badgley pointed out that' only three per cent of all men partici- pating in intercollegate sports re- ceive serious or possibly serious injur- ies. Included in these serious injur- ies, he said, are sprains and broken bones, which are not usually serious to the life or future happiness of the! individual, but are an uncomforable temporary disability. Debunking the policy of newspapers to attribute large numbers of deaths during the football season to football,' Professor Badgley said, "Investiga- tion of most of these reported deaths from football has shown that the game of football itself produced very few of them, majority of the cases dying from infections or street acci- dents while playing with a football in the street. The only association the football game had with most of these deaths was the ball itself." He pointed out that at the Univer- sity during the winter season, the an- nual toll of serious accidents from the unorganized sports of skiing and coasting is not only greater numeric- ally than'occur in all of the competi- tive varsity activities for the entire year, but the injuries sustained are of a more serious nature. "All athletic injuries," Professor Badgley stated, "are not the result of violence. Improper training, faulty form, or misdirected zeal may pro- duce athletic injuries." According to Professor Badgley, at the University, athletics have been singularly free from serious injur- ies. "Since 1919," he asserted, "I have been more or less closely asso- ciated with the serious athletic injur- ies occurring both in varsity and intramural sports. Contract For Local Bridge Is Awarded Backshi;ts Leave For African Trouble Zone NRA Probe May TAA11 A Grades THE STAGE Delay Social I __ _ Are Received The third and final production of y P1an the Children's Theater this seasonBy 54StudeTi I openedyesueray aiternoon in y aW Mendelssohn Theater. "The Emper- In a list of perfect records of grades Legislative Program And or's New Clothes" under the direc- for the first semester of the current Investigation Referred tion of James V. Doll was enthusias- academic year of the University were tically received by the school audience included 50 full-time students, and To Same Committee that saw it. four part-time students in the literary A combination of generally excel- college, one full-time student in the (By Associated Press) lent acting, individual sets and good School of Music, and two full-time WASHINGTON, March 1 - Some directing resulted in a show parallel and one part-time students in the )f the warmest supporters of the ad- to the first productions of the group. School of Education. ministration's social security pro- Mr. Doll deserves a great deal of The full time students are defined credit, both for the scenery which he in the announcement as those taking ;ram expressed fear today that it designed and painted, and for the 15 hours or more of work, while part would be seriously delayed by the NRA smoothness of the whole play time students include all those tak- investigation. Everything is overemphasized for ing less than 15 hours of work. Among all these theater productions; acting those taking full-time work and re- The iquiryito the recovery Iis exaggerated, scenery has just that ceiving all A's are Janet Ivory, '36. gency was referred by the Senate I twist to it which gives a fairy-book Charlotte B. Lewis, '37, Mary Eliza- ;o the finance committee, which al- atmosphere to the whole, and cos- beth Lunny, '35, Elsie A. Pierce, '37, so has before it the social security tuines are extreme. Margaret C. Behringer, '36, Francis E. legislation. The full finance com- George Sipprell and Ross MacPher- Carney, '36, Dorothy S. Gies, '36, Jose- :nittee was ordered to sit on the Blue son who play the parts of the two phine S. Hadley, '36, and Margaret eagle investigation instead of sending magic weavers, do very commendable Hiscock, '36. it to a subcommittee: jobs of over-acting. The play was Other full-time students receiving is r a t r a -Associated Press Photo. Scenes rcmjnisrent of the World War were enac ed in Rome when this detachment of black-shirted militiamen bearded a train for Naples, whence they sailed to Africa, where Italian troops have been mobilized for pevsible action in the difficulties between Ethiopia and Italy. Fternity Vault Yields Records Of Original Aims And Principles ' By DAVID G. MACDONALD University authorities would find nothing of which to complain in fra- ternities if those bodies still lived up to the principles and precepts under which they were originally organized if the situation may be judged by the faded relics which have recently been unearthed in a fraternity vault. The abstracts which were copied from the constitutions of a fraternity still prominent on the campus are in the handwriting and bear the signa- ture of the late O. N. Chaffee, '56E, prominent San Francisco engineer, and were evidently secured in the days when fraternities made great efforts to discover each other's secrets. This fraternity, according to its constitution, designated itself as a society and declared that "The object of this elect society shall be the cul- 4,,,+, .,fnr,.411" T fiction. In addition, one member was to specialize in Christianity. Crit- ics were appointed for the purpose of producing "criticisms on the produc- tions of their departments." Real unity of spirit is echoed in' the provision that each member "shall' be friendly and with secret advice endeavor to correct the faults of any other member and all shall act as brethren in the same family." In order, evidently, to preserve for future members the literary master-. pieceso concocted, it was further pro- vided that " each new member shallI copy into a book provided by the secretary his literary products, if thought-worthy, after the critic has looked ever them." The motivating spirit of this fra- ternity - the drive for the deeper and finer of the -intellectual aspects of life- is clearly depicted in the oath required of new members whichj demands, in part, "Do you solemnly I promise that in the department to! which you shall be assigned by the voice of the society, your sole object shall be investigation and aim at the truth, and that for this purpose you will not spare time, trouble nor re- search, and that you will do all in your power to render your essays pleasing and instructive?" It might be suggested that English composition teachers demand the same of prospective students. 9 THE SCREENI AT THE LYDIA MENDELSSOHN "CHAPAYEV" An Art Cinema League Production "Chapayev" is a veritable reviewer': holiday, because it is without doubt one of the most outstanding picture: ever seen in America; and;even the most discerning of critics would praise its unique magnificence and its spell- binding artistry. The picture is concerned with the spectacularly naive career of the Rus- sian revolutionist, Chapayev, and por- trays incidents of his life in the most suave and yet simple and direct way that one unconsciously takes in the whole peasant attitude and at the same time receives entertainment which is at first strange, then exciting, and finally superb. The most striking features of "Cha- payev," to the American audience, are the complete absence of anything re- sembling Hpllywood tactics, the ro- bust. powerful, indigeneously Russian design and presentation, and the seemingly genuine, wholesome, and realistic attitude of the conception, the acting, and the photography. The Art Cinema League, in presenting such a picture as this, accomplishes well its purpose. -C.B.C. GALLOWS OUT HELENA, Mont., March 1-(IP)- The State Senate concurred today in a House measure providing for the substitution of the lethal chamber for the gallows in Montana. Some members of the committee said today that both the investiga- tion and the framing of the security :egislation were jobs which would re- wire the committee's full time for a long period. They expressed con- _ ern over the situation. With NRA critics pressing the com- nittee for a full inquiry into charges zf monopoly and oppression senators friendly to the social security plan feared it would be pushed aside for an indefinite period. On the other hand, some of those interested in the NRA inquiry were apprehensive lest the social security legislation interfere with a "full and free" inquiry into the recovery ad- ministration. However, Chairman Harrison. (Dem., Miss.) promised "full, open and complete" hearings. A meeting of the committee was set for next Tuesday. Senator LaFollette, one of those fearful that a jam would result from the situation, tried recently to get the finance committee to work on the social security program in order to get it out of the way before the NRA inquiry started. The committee decided, however,' that it was impracticable to start work until the house ways and means committee had finished rewriting the security measure. SPEAKS AT CRANBROOK I Dr. Ermine C. Case, director of the Museum of Paleontology, addressed students and faculty of the Cran- brook School near Bloomfield Hills last night on "Reminisecence of a Fossil Hunter." Dr. Case, who has lead many field expeditions for the University, de- scribed some of his experiences in col- lecting prehistoric vertebrates. - KEMEL REELECTED ANKARA, Turkey, March 1-(EP)-- Mustapha Kemal was reelected presi- dent of Turkey today. This election, his fourth, was by the fifth national assembly in which, for the first time in the history of Turkey, women were seated. written and planned for a :children's audience, and judging from the reac- tion of those children from Ann Arbor who saw Mr. Sipprell and MacPher- son bounce about the stage, over'act- ing was what they wahted. The story of "The Emperor's New Clothes" is a Hans Christian Ander- son fairy tale, played in "a country much like China." It is the old story of Zar and Zahn who wove such ex- cellent imaginary cloth that no one dared deny seeing it. Karl Nelson was an admirable wick- ed Han, Royal Keeper of the Ward- robe, and the small parts were all well done. It is not every day of the week that an adult has the opportunity to see both a play and an audience at their best. This fairy story has made a good play, for Han is a satisfactory villian and there are two heroes. To see chil- dren react to both these types is re- laxation to any one. The play will be shown twice this afternoon. -E.I.J. Ehrmann Talks To Adrian Alunmni Club Prof. Howard Ehrmann of the his- tory department addressed the mem- bers of the Adrian alumni club Thurs- day night on the subject, "The Pres- ent Italio-Abyssian Crisis." Professor Ehrmann's talk was one of a series of lectures presented to alumni groups in the various cities of the state in the interest of closer relations between the University and alumni groups. Two other lectures remain on the present schedule. Dean Clare E. Griffin of the Business Administration School will speak in Grand Rapids on March 20 and Dr. Theophile Raphael has been chosen to address the alumni groups of Midland on May 6. TIES formerly sold at $1.00 Now 75c - 3 for $2.10 Order your Spring Suit Now Chas. Doukas, iaberdashery Custom Tailoring 1319 So. University all A's are Charles G. Jennings, '35, John W. Odle, '36, Milton J. Roedel, '36, Robert W. Rogers, '36, Sidney Stanley Sobin, '35, Ann Timmons, '36, William V. Whitehorn, '36, Ross A. Beaumont, '36, Irving P. Golden, '36, Charles F. Hibbard, III, '38, Israel H. Finklestein, '37, Nina J. Knutson, '36, Margaret L. Starr, '35, Bernard A. Baum, '36, Voltairine E. Hirsch, '36. Mervin C. Becker, '36, Mary L. Bier- camp, '36, Dan K. Cook, '35, Margaret L. Currier, '35, Ralph H. Danhof, '36, James K. Davis, '36, Robald B. Elder, '36, Thomas Kauffman Fisher, '37, Willis A. Fisher, '37, Ronald A. Free- man, '36, Raymond H. Gehl, '37, Betty Goldstein, '37, Clifford E. Crossman, '36, Walter A. Hahn, '38, Mildred F. Johnson, '35, Frederick R. Jones, '36. James G. Miller, '37, Margery C. Phillips, '35, John H. Pickering, '38, Willis H. Player, '36, Adam H. Spees, '35, John G. ; Steele, '36, David W. Stewart, '36, George G. Varga, '36, Colln M. Wilsey, '35, Emily W. Wood-. burne, '35, Richard S. Johnson, '38SM, Isabel H. Jackson, '35Ed., and Mary Louise Kessberger, '35Ed. Among the part-timestudents are Dorothy W. Copeland, Spec., Alma L. Seely, Spec., Rebecca D. White, Spec., Dalmacio S. Miranda, Spec., and Ha- zel P. Lyman, Spec. CERAMIC - NOT GERMAN The 3,000 pieces of prehistoric In- dian pottery received by the Univer- sity Museums this week are being classified in the Ceramic Repository of the Anthropology Museum, rather than the German Repository as was previously announced. WEEK-END DINNER SUPPER DANCING CHUBB'S The contract for the Geddes bridge Lure of literature. and friendship.- It across the Huron River was taken was provided that "fifteen students away from the Ann Arbor Construc- for every hundred in a college" might tion Co., yesterday when the Board be admitted to the bonds. of Public Works reversed its previous Evidently missing no bets where decision and awarded the job to Couse finances were concerned, this same' and Sanders of Detroit. house provided that "funds shall be The decision, which was changed in raised by subscriptions, donations, a special meeting, complies with the and assessments." Qualifications for order from PWA officials to give the membership in this body were "good contract to the lowest bidder. The speaking and writing, general schol- Couse and Sanders firm bid arrived arship, and having few enemies in here five minutes later than the clos- college." ing time for bids two weeks ago, but Carrying out the idea of a fra- was read to the board before mem- ternity as an organ for promoting berg were informed that it was a late good scholarship and sundry related bid. aims, the members were divided into The Public Works Board first re- groups of five students each, for the jected 'the Detroit bid, then recon- purpose of bringing literary and sidered, and finally decided against it scholastic gems to the attention of because an estimate of the days re- the whole body. quired for the project was missing from the formal bid. The fields of stdy were eloquence, In spite of this, Mortimer E. Coo- history, poetry, politics, classics, and ley, state PWA engineer and dean- emeritus of the engineering college, New Cars for Taxi Service overruled the local board, informingH them that "it has been determined| 0 that Couse and Sanders are respon-| NE sible, are technically qualified, and I CAMPUS CABS can obtain a performance bond for 24-OUR sERVICE the completion of this contract."2S Thley won't help you catch rivets they wontcaur'e any A or cum anry aimens ...when anything satisfies it's got to Artur Schnahel PIANIST N CHORAL UNION CONCER'T I i i" ~ 14. i V i 4 i i./ * / + i V i I .. . . . ... . _ .. ,.. . a.. . . r . :, "