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March 02, 1935 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-03-02

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Feine Dons Specs

ClimaxOf Soph
Prom At Union

Fourth League
Tea Features
JG P4 Music

Prof. Peterson Attribuites His
Icelandic liobby To Forefathers


Pastel Shades Are Favored'
In Gowns ; D. A. C. Band
Pays For Affair
Pastel shades of pink and blue were
predominant in the gowns worn at
the Soph Prom held last night in the
Union Ballroom. Bob Chester's D.A.C.
orchestra played for the affair.
The climax of the evening was the
grand march led by Mary Louise Wil-
loughby, '37, with John Mann, general
chairman. Miss Willoughby wore a
lovely gown of powder blue crepe, with
a beaded bodice. The dress was cut
simply, with a high cowl at the neck-
line, and was accented with a large
bow of turquoise blue velvet at the
waistline in back. With it she wore
silver sandals and long rhinestone
earrings. Miss Willoughby is a mem-
ber of Delta Gamma sorority, and
Mann is affiliated with Trigon fra-
Guest Of President
Betty Ronal, '38, attended withI
Frederick Buesser, president of the
sophomore class. Miss Ronal chose
bright blue crepe, with a smart mil-
itary jacket, trimmed with four large
rhinestone buttons. The dress was
simply made, with a pleat in the
back of the skirt which swept out into
a train.I
Nancy Olds, women's representa-
tive on the committee, who attended
with Grove Cannon, '35, chose white
crinkle satin, cut on the bias, with
unusual satin lapels. The back fea-
tured a cut-out V, and buttoned at
the high neck. She wore rhinestone
earrings matching the shoulder clips
and belt buckle.
Blue Is Popular Shade
Blue crepe cut on Grecian lines with
six narrow braided straps across the
back was the choice of Jane Lewis,
'38, the guest of Walker Graham, '37.
Miss Lewis wore silver accessories.
Margaret Rogers, '37, who was es-
corted by Carl Abbot, wore an un-
usual dress of ice blue satin, with
pleated trimming, and a slit skirt.1
Three rows of narrow pleats outlined
the neckline. The skirt was also
trimmed with narrow rows of pleat-
ing. She wore gold sandals.
A simply cut Empire dress of black
moire, featuring an off-the-shoulder
neckline, was worn by MargueriteI
Ganzhorn of Ann Arbor, who was
escorted by Ralph Boehnke. Match-
ing slippers of black moire were worn
with it.
Other Grand March Figures

A large attendance testified to the
success of the fourth League tea, held
yesterday in the ballroom. The first
public rendition of songs from thisI
year's J.G.P. was a special featurej
of the afternoon's program. The title
song, "Tune In On Love," was sung
by the J.G.P. trio, Barbara Bates,
music chairman, and Jean Seeley,'
and Valerie Rancu. The singing
chorusgave two selections, "Riding
D own the Avenue," and "It Takes a
,ong Time to Learn a Little of Love."
Margaret Hiscock, finance chair-
man for the production, was seen
pouring at the tea table in a smart
rust-colored crepe with a twisted sil-
ver belt. Other members of the cen-
tral committee seen among the danc-
ers were Julie Kane, general chair-
man, Jane Fletcher, who is arrang-
ing the dancers, and Betty Chapman,
assistant chairman.
The recent spring-like trends fig-
ured prominently. Dorothy Triplett,
appeared in a yellow rough crepe
frock with short puffed sleeves and
brown trimming, and Ruth Sonnan-
stine in a bright, peach-colored sweat-
er also with touches of brown. Georg-
ila Karlson, chairman of the As-
sembly Ball, chose the ever-smart
black, set off by a white collar and
silver buttons.
Faeuty Entertained
kAt HelenNewberry
Helen Newberry Residence held a
a formal dinner recently entertaining
several members of the faculty. TheI
guests included President and Mrs.
Charles A. Sink, Prof. and Mrs. LeeE
Case, Prof. and Mrs. Philip Bursley,I
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph A. Winnacker,
and Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Hawkins.
The table decorations in the dining
room consisted of ivory tapers and
rose colored snapdragons. After
dinner, coffee was served in the par-
lors. Eleanor Clark, '38, was in
charge of the musical program, which
was presented at that time. Kather-
ine .Choate, '36, sang "Take Joy
Home" by Karolyn Wells Bassett, andI
"Perspicacity" by George Gartlan.
Helen Schwartz, '35, accompanied the
vocal selections and also played
"Etude No. 5" and "Black Key Etude,"
both by Chopin. Betty Hill, '35, facul-
ty chairman, was in charge of general

Professional Plays
This is the third in a series of articles his college career were spent at Scan- Play f Season
on the hobbies of members of the dinavian universities. There are certain standards by
By JOSEPIIINE McLEAN "Whenever I pass through Copen- "Unfinished Picture," this season's which any theatrical performance is
faculty. MIEAN hagen," continued Professor Peter- an th trcl p fo m ce s
Once Prof. Frederick Peterson of n, Prof oespee Hillel play, has been approved by the fudged and these standards are quite
OnePo.Feerc eesn o IvstPo.Ot'Jsesntesm o naaerprom.
the English department has graded under whom I studied English. University and will be presented for the same for an amateur perform-
the themes piled high on his desk, he For his work in the field of inguis- the first time March 15 and 16 in the ance as for a professional one. The
leans back his swivel chair and ti science, the Academy of Science Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, it was Junior Girls Play has been weghed
reads an adventurous tale in Icelandic.tcscecteAaeyoScneLdiMneloh Tetrtws thus by each succeeding audience for
eMy aintresttin the lieraturelan-recently awarded Professor Jespersen announced yesterday by Norman L. y
aM.iteehoimee i andr, an maintenance for the restr the 31 years of its existence and for
guage, and traditions of the Scandi- a hislfome. He is the creator of the Sharfman, '37, acting president of the y
navian countries," explained Professor.h Hillel Players, the most part it has not been found
Peterson, "may be traced to the fact artificial language, Novial.T rCusn
that my forefathers lived there." Besides visiting the cities, Professor author of this three act social drama. The audience which has come in a
Mr. Peterson has travelled through Peterson tours the country-side. The aurof this three ysarama. The skence wihd oe i a
these countries many times and plans m1}cturesqueness of the fjords and During the past three years, Cohen ratther skeptical mood to see a play
to return this summer. Three years of heer cliffs appeals to him. has been awarded four prizes in the put on by a group of college women,
_____urnhi shemaurorreboreasis s eHopwood Awards Contest. His latest and has always left with a satisfied
The aurora boreals is evident in all work, "Unfinished Picture," has not
northern climes, but in the Scandi- as yet been submitted for contest feeing of having received its money's
ravian countries they flash across the competition, worth.
IX & ~ hompontcolor.
N IX & N A X1horizon in coloAccording to Sharfman, Unfin- For them the success of the play
"This summer," Professor Peterson ished Picture" was first presented to is measured by the cleverness of the
_ went on to say," I plan to go as far University officials last November, .cript or dialogue, the originality of
Here is some good news for the noith as the capes where the mid- but failed to be accepted. Since that the settings and the number of catchy
women! Designers of sports goods are ight sun can be seen. Although Ice- time the author has rewritten parts Tunes and intricate dance routines
making their equipment this season land, which is on the fringe of the of the play and the Hillel group has which are presented.
xxi tefirsxeseill nmid tArctic Circle has periods of eternal o h lyadteHle ru a
ih the fair sex especially in mind, it ar i er o of eter secured permission to present the There is just one member of the
seems. Not for a long time have man- darkness in witer and one of eter- uaudience, who does not judge the play
ufacturers been able to put out so nal light in summer, the midnght sun Robert K. Adams, Grad., has been by these standards. This is Miss Alice
rny really startling improvements, never appears. Lloyd, dean of women and adviser for
both in women's clothes and in their Professor Peterson seldom returns secured as director of the play. Adams the junior women's project. Dean
Lort implements as well. to Ann Arbor without bringing addi- Lloyd attends the opt gperform-
T tional stamps for his Scandinavian Club and is at present a member of ance of the show year after year
To take up golf first of allthegolfinand athe Nell Gwyn Players, and of the and always leaves the theatre with
c;,lub for women has heretofore been colletion and Scandinavian seeds
with which he carries on experiments Flint Community Players, the feeling that. she has witnessed
inelhly a modified manvs club. Now, in gardening. Tickets for the production may be something worthwhile, not necessarily
lowever, manufacturers have revolu- "The Icelandic birch and poppies secured from members of the busi- because of superlative dialogue, act-
tiognzed it, so that it has become more react, to our comparatively sunny cli- 1 ness staff of the Hillel Players. Tick- ing, singing or dancing, but good be-
galnNo l er i stda t mate," explained the professor, "grow- et sale will begin at Slater's, Wahr's cause it represents a difficult task ac-
ian'sclub. itsistajwoman'slowntoin-g fuller and more rapidly." and Ulrich's book stores on March 4. complished by a group of University
iape s met.i omanssownSeats may be reserved beginning Wvicnr, who have been working to-
inal impLement.A P March 12 at the Lydia Mendelssohn gether, whole heartedly; toward one
New Golf Balls Used PHI LAMBDA KAPPA Theatre box office. Prices for seats end.
Golf balls, too, have been jacked Phi Lambda Kappa fraternity an- will be 35, 50, and 75 cents. She feels that it is the social as-

-Associated Press Photo.
Glenda Farrell had her expensive
cat fitted with a pair of glasses after
he had bumped his nose on a chair,
iijuring his eyesight. Now "Frankie"
can see quite well.
Houses Pledge,
Elect Officers,
Give Dinners

The new semester has stimulated
activity within the fraternities and
sororities. Many houses have elected
officers, held rushing dinners, and
pledged new members.
Alpha Chi Omega
Alpha Chi Omega sorority enter-
tained members of the faculty at a
dinner last night. Yellow daffodils in
black bowls, and ivory candles deco-
rated the tables. Marjorie Oostdyk,
'35, social chariman, was in charge.

up a bit and are now being shown o
with the new 'dry ice centers. uikoff, '36L, Weehawken, N. J., and
in the spirit of advancement in golf Iving Sperling, '36L, Newark, N. J.
equipment, clothes' designers have
also done their part in encouraging different; its bearings are different.
women to feel that they really have a In short, it is an entirely new skate,
part in the sport. Shorts are going having more class, more features than
to be all the rage during the coming ever before.
season -shorts which are more ab- Riding Habits Colorful
breviated than usual, brighter in color, To stimulate the feminine interest
nappier in design. Since shorts are in riding the new habits have been
about the coolest possible mode of at-'iepped up. High colors are being
tire, they will also be employed for worked into breeches, while the
tennis, bright colors prevailing as they smartest of shirts come in chic little
do in golf. Tennis shirts have also Scotch ginghams or plaids. Coats are
been considerably livened up, so that small and very smart in apearance.
they will look very gay indeed on the As regards hiking, long trousers
courts. .are the vogue for women and'should
Eqaipment or Tennis be selected irn the brightest of new
Just as some golf clubs have been shades. For swimming, bathing suits
revolutionized for the exclusive use are brilliant as to color, aril there is
of women, so have the new tennis generally less of them. Two piece suits
racquets. They have been made lighter j are particularly good.
and generally more feminine in ap-
pearance, being now particularly
adaptable to a woman's strength and


Barbara Worth, '38, attending with Members of the faculty attending
John Park, wore royal blue uncut were Dean and Mrs. Edward Kraus,
velvet, fashioned on Grecian lines. Prof. and Mrs. Rene Talamon, Prof.
The high neckline was accented with and Mrs. Harry Bouchard, Prof. and
rhinestone clips, and came to a low Mrs. Benett Weaver, and Prof. and
V point in the back. Mrs. Raleigh Schorling.
Cream satin, made with a drop- Alpha Gamma Delta
shoulder neckline, was the choice of At the recent election officers of
Frances Fitts of Royal Oak, the guest Alpha Gamma Delta were chosen as
of Allan Dewey. A red sash, starting- follows: Jean Flickenstiene, '35, presi-
at the neck and draped over the shoul- dent; Ona Thornton, '37, vice presi-
ders tied in a large bow at the waist- dent; Betty Wagner, '36, social chair-
line in back, and matched the red man; Alma Harbicians, '36, treasurer;
flower at the neckline in front. She Gladys Draves, '36, rushing chairman;
wore matching red sandals. Virginia Gwinner, '37, recording sec-
Other women who attended with retary.
committee members were Lucile Wid- At a rushing dinner held Thursday
man, '37, who was- escorted by John night, the table decorations consisted
Freese, and Glena Gittlehorn of De- of pink tapers and a centerpiece of
troit, the guest of Louis Goldsmith. floating roses.

j ~ZETA PSI iLcj
ZETA PS And her'e is a cheering word to
Zeta Psi fraternity announces the roller skaters, just in case they in-
pledging of Walter Hartes, '38, Stur- tend to revive the old craze this spring.
gis, and Thomas Alden, '38, LaGrange, A new stream-line model skate has
Ill. teen put on the market. Its wheels are






gWhere To Go
Motion Pictures: Wuerth, "Hips,
Hooray" with Wheeler and Woolsey
and "Heldorado" with Richard Arlen;
Majestic, "The Little Colonel" with
Qlii'nrx T yh""l. Axilhicy " rli

Delta Upsilon
At a recent meeting the following'
officers of Delta Upsilon were chosen:
Floyd H. Cook, Jr., '35, president; Val
R. Saph, '35, vice-president; Bertrand
H. Libeis, '36, secretary; John Soenke,
'35, house manager; Tom H. Wagner,
'37, literary chairman.
Kappa Nu


20c Value

3for c

niriey .emiple; iv1iinigan, ne The newly elected officers of the
White Cockatoo" with Jean Muir; Kappa Nu fraternity are: Irving Le-
Whitney, "White Lies" with Walter vitt, '36, president; Eli Soodik, '35,
Connolly and "Gift of Gab." i vice-president; Bernard Weissman,
Art Cinema League: "Chapayev," '37, secretary. Two new pledges of
8:30 p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- Kappa Nu are Larry Morse, '38,
tre. Cleveland, and Bert Sanders, 38,
Drama: "The Emperor's N e w Cleveland.'
Clothes" presented by the Children's Phi Kappa Tau
Theatre, 1:30 and 3:30 p.m., Lydia Phi Kappa Tau fraternity an-
Mendelssohn Theatre. nounces the pledging of Frank Cars-
Dancing: Union Ballroom, Silver' tens, '37E, Port Clinton, O., and Carle-
Grill, Chubb's, Hut Cellar, Granger's. ton Sherbourne, '37E, Mystic, Conn.

leenex Tissues

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o Wintry Wind --
Can Spring--

be for behind? Even the
pussy - willows lose heart
some of these wintry days,
but they haveno such
consolation as our patrons
who can revive their faith
in spring by slipping into

SUITS, too









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