EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1935 EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1~, 1935 State Highway DAILY OFFICIAL Conference Is BULLETIN Room 1041, East Physics Bldg. All in- meeting will be held in the League, Ayers, 1204 Henry St. on Wednesday, terested are cordially invited to at- Friday, February 15. Important bus- Feb. 13, 3:00 p.m., to study catalogues. tend. imess meeting at four p.m., involving a question of policy. Program open to A.A.U.W. benefit card parties, F IFrshman Lnehenn Cb:euih.P lar Ither ubli t nt.4 .15 bj tni4 - C. - tem- Thnrrin .14 An t A a 9 n v, anA R mm Van guard Exchange Suspends Operations from 10 to 12 a.m. or from 4 to 6 p.m. either today or tomorrow, as liquidation of all assets and liabili- ties will be carried on durinz the t rrus man g flJ n t*u. rvx'ALui une pum c au *: . u .jeu. ; 11 - meeting today. All members are re- porary Literature and the College To Open Today (Continued from Page - quested to be present. Curriculum. Leader, Mentor Williams. ! withoutadmission charge. Mr. Ray- mond Kondratowicz, will be the ac- Comedy Club meets at 5 o'clock, Tau Beta Pi: Dinner meeting at 6 Engineers, Traffic Experts, companist: I Garden Room at the League. Final p.m. Thursday, February 12, Mich- Sonata Opus 22 -...........Thuille I tryouts are being made for the forth- igan Union. And Police Expected T To Allegro energico coming production, and at this time Come To Ann Arbor Adagio all technical assignments will be made Alpha Nu: Important business meet- Allegro mo non troppo for the show. Also some important ing, Wednesday, February 13, at 7:30 'Concertoin A minor .... Saint-Saens business will be covered, and all mem- p.m. in the Alpha Nu room, fourth Lasts Until Thursday Sarabande in G moll ........ Handel bers are urged to be present, floor Angell Hall. All members must Rigandon .................. Rameau be present. Dean Sadler Will Welcome Chant Elegiaque ............ Schmitt, Assembly meeting at 4:15, League DeanSadlerWillWeRequiebros................Cassado Lbrary. Phi Tau Alpha, societas honorifica Delegates; Housel And -cLatina Graecaque, die Mercurii, Feb- Worley To Speak Choral Union Concert: Jose Iturbi, There ill bemScieetiOrgani tioruarii tertio decimo, hora usitata, in pianist, will give the following pro- ganization tonight at 8 o'clock in the hospitium Mulierum Michiganensium Between 600 and 700 highway engi- gram, in the seventh Choral Union Chapel of the Women's League Build- conveniet. Professor Meinecke res neers, traffic control experts, and concert, in Hill Auditorium, this eve- ing. Students, alumni, and faculty iucundissimas de lingua Latina medii state, county, and city police officials ning at 8:15 p.m. .members of the University are cor- aevi explicabit. are expected in the city today to at- i . dially invited to.iattend tend the 1935 Michigan Highway Con- Caprice, for the departure of his d i d.Luncheon for Graduate Students ference today through Thursday at beloved brother ............. Bach on Wednesday February 13, at twelve th Unrugion.daa a. Friends persuade him not to Intermediate Dancing Class for o ensaFbur 3 ttev tuee Union. tersuney, men and women will meet tonight o'clock in the Russian Tea Room of Meetings will open at noon today, b. h icture the dfferent ad- at 7:30 in the Michigan League ball- the Michigan League Building. Cafe- and will conclude with the Thursday ;ventures that may befall hi room. All interested please sign up at teria service. Professor Leonard Wat- orning business session according tothat kins of the Economics Department rnin bugess sesion ording c. Adagiossissimo-lamentations t time. will speak informally on "The Present P1rof. Roger L. Morrison of the engi- of all his friends. BosefadSaescino h Monetary Situation." neering college who is presiding offi- d. Friends finding their efforts Bookshelf and Stage section of theyn cer of the Wednesday meetings. unsuccessful bid him farewell Faculty Women's Club will meet with This year's conference will be cen- ' e. Aria of the postillion. ', Mrs. C. L. Clark, 1401 Brooklyn Ave- Hindustan Club: Meeting on Wed-! Thsya' ofrne ilb e- e ranftepsilo.fue, at 2:45 p.m.! nesday, February 13. 8:00 p.m., Lane tered upon the three main themes of f. Fugue in imitation of the pos- H:ma speed, safety, and low cost highways, tillion's trumpet Hall. Professor Morrison stated. State, Played without interruption) Bridge Group of the Michigan .. . ILL II .JtAuJayr. 1 L~'#aau zSi (AJ.atll j.1. LOTS OF FULLBACKS 1 rrl,,1.,,,. *,llh. flrtho,n nont,inindl; Indefinite suspension of operations *5WiU. 'AS A *U .~i u'A* **A a was announced yesterday by the Van- time. guard Book Exchange, located in the Unitarian Church social hall, at Hur- IS COFFEE SALESMAN on and State streets. Dick Heekin, Ohio State football All students who have any business star, sells coffee during the off-sea- with the exchange were asked to call son. .teve I uliiicJ a ..'tL 4A ue u Iowa football teams. Dick Crayne is the latest. a , Grappled by a Goofy Gander t " J 0/ci 9a/ :* ' county, and city road financing will be covered by four speakers on Wed-I nesday, and other well known au- thorities will speak on the remaining two points. Dean Herbert C. Sadler of the en- gineering college will welcome the delegates on behalf of the University. Prof. William S. Housel, and Prof. John S. Worley will also be on the program of the conference as speak-I ers. The program will include DeanI T. R. Agg of the Iowa State College school of engineering, William J. Sla-" yin, Livingston county engineer,' George D. Tramp, county road super- intendent of Dickinson county, Capt.; L. A. Lyon of the Michigan State Police, Col. H. A. Pickert, Detroit po- lice commissioner, Burton W. Marsh, director of the safety and traffic de- partments of the American Automo- bile Association, Herbert A. Olson, of the Michigan Municipal League, Sid- ney J. Williams, director of the public safety division, of the National Safety Council, and William L. Ott of the Lansing Chamber of Commerce. Murray D. Van Wagoner, state highway commissioner, will preside at today's session, Professor Morrison at the Wednesday morning meeting, and Varnum B. Steinbaugh, deputy commissioner road engineer of the state highway department, Wednes- day afternoon. Other presiding offi- cers will be Inspector William L. Potts, Sonata in C major, Op 53 . .Beethoven (Dedicated to Count von Waldstein) Allegro con brio Adagio molto Rondo-Allegretto moderato Fantasie - Impromptu, Scherzo ! B-flat minor .............. Chopin Plaintes, ou la Mapa et le Rossignol ...............GranadosI (From the Suite "Goyescas") Serenade a la poupee ......Debussy! jan.s win enterLain Leir husbandsU Merit System Commitee: Impor at a White Elephant party this eve- tant meeting Thursday at 5 p.m., Un- ning at the Michigan League. Both dergraduate Offices of the League. auction and contract will be played, -- - starting promptly at 8 o'clock. Res- Publicity C.-mitie ,f the League: ervations should be made by calli : Veiy important tuc i, at 4.15 pn. Mrs. Waldo Steidtman, 2-3736. Wednesday in the Unerradue Of- i [E I be Coinn Fvent Mechanical Engineers: There will a meeting of the Student Branch Pavane...................Ravel of the A.S.M.E. on Wednesday eve- Fete Dieu a Seville .......... Albeniz ning, February 13, at the Union t t Two Etudes d'execution transcen- 7::0. Prof sor Dahistrom will lead a dante ......................Liszt discussion of a paper by Dr. Roy V.!:l C major, No. 1, (Prelude) Wright, past president of the society,. F minor, No. 10 (Allegro, entitled "The Engineer's Duty as a! agitato molto) Citizen." Prior to the discussion, there{ will be a short business meeting andI [ees. Work for the neder will be organized and te appon:rgent ;s- trn explained. Student Tea: Methodist studenAs an d their friends of college age are cordially invited to tea at Stalker Hall Wednesday afternoon 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. Enjoy some of your fav- crite games and have refreshments with old and new friends. Be sure to drop in after classes or studies. This tea will become a weekly affair. Watch Events Today Physics Colloquium: Dr. Arthur Adel will speak on "The Absorption of Sunlight by the Earth's Atmos- phere in the Remote Infrared Region of the Spectrum" at 4:15 p.m. in president of the Michigan Safety and Traffic Director's Association, for the traffic control session, LeRoy C. Smith, engineer manager of the Wayne County road commission, forI the dinner Wednesday evening, and Allen M. Williams, president of the Michigan Association of Road Com-} missioners and Engineers, for the On ol]ilo avin nn'h~in I Pvnlnnatinn of mamhprchiri to now- t expianLlUI± I oz memoersip co ne- i W for further announcements. comers. Refreshments will be served. fuh annm s All i nnira1l f 4-, a v d -t d t-nf. ma I Oecnaanscasi acu y anU su aensti are cordially invited. Research Club will meet in Room 2528 East Medical Building on Wed- nesday, February 13, at 8 p.m. The following papers will be presented: "An Astronomical Papyrus of 467E A.D.," by Dr. F. E. Robbins and Pro- fessor H. D. Curtis. "Some Dialectical Phases of Semiticj Cuneiform," by Professor L. Water-; man. The Council will meet at 7:30 p.m. Beginners' Class in social dancing will be held Monday, February 18 at 7:30 p.m., in the Michigan League ballroom. Garden Section of the Faculty, Woman's Club will meet at Mrs. W. L. 4: '' GABARDINE - All Colors SPORT SUITS FINEST HABERDASHERIES CHARLES DOUKAS CUSTOM TAILORING 1319 South University; AT TR YTNG TTMS... . TRY A mon4 OLD GOLD Ti ncrlich Tnnrnol VIVII6. Ancrrela r I tA6iI.A1U~llg sesiion n 1muLWs Uy./ I nlln ,.Jural Uo gu* £Xlar! idin - -l A ' v i LT J 1 "a" ' a a « ...-- -vv - .a- WAHR' S BOOKST E Is all Ready with a FULL STOCK of NEW and US ED We have loads and loads of SECOND-HAND BOOKS~-Enough For Everyone LOOSE-LEAF NOTEBOOKS and LABORATORY SUPPLIES DRAWING SUPPLIES for ENGINEERS and ARCHITECTS Everything for the Student--at I. ..& mA - A&-dal. m -= -m -m d_ r. d - AA &.. O W Ak moli i .dof - wA Aml - ido Lim - 4U AI -mp AI = - - m q A -IMOI- = 11,- -m U - -NN U gg -- -b = Aw' m.-W -01. d§P- -qqlb -r-- r'"" I