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October 03, 1934 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-10-03

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Committee Of
Five To Head

Experts Will Meet Here To
Discuss Tuberculosis Plans

Dental School Joining other educators of the State1
in approving the plan of the Michigan
Ln JTuberculosis Association to tuberculin
Lyons, unting, eseric, test and x-ray all high school and
Rickert, And Brown Are college athletes before they enter
competitive sports, Dr. Warren E.
Named To Serve I Forsythe, director of the Health Serv-I
ice, has invited faculty representa-
A temporary reorganization of the tives from colleges throughout Miclii-
executive branch of the School of gan to meet for dinner at 6:30 p. m.,.
Dentistry has been made IOct. 11, at the Union to discuss the;
Denisty hs ben adeproviding Ida
for a committee of five to act in theridea.
place of Dean Marcus L. Ward, who "I believe educators throughout the
plgc lf Dat mnth.r is .oWmrdtwh State will respond heartily to the ef-+
resigned last month. This committee fort being made to eliminate dangers
was appointed by the executive coin- of tuberculosis from what otherwise
nittee of the Boad of Regents an would be health-giving activity," he
Board of Regents on Friday. stated, "and I think this meeting will
be able to make the first positive for-
Dr. C. J. Lyons was named chair- ward step in a movement greatly°
man, and Drs. R. W. Bunting, U. G. needed at the present time."'
Ricke t, P. H. Jeserich, and R. K. Dr. Forsythe said that tuberculosis!
Brown were appointed to comprise and heart disease seem to be tied up
the committee. with athletic competition, and that1
Dean Ward resigned from his ad- studies may show the diseases to be
ministrative position so that he might more prevalent in athletic groupsj
devote himself entirely to research than any other.
and instruction. The Regents
awarded Dean Ward the Jonathan "Good nutrition is the best way to,
Taft Professorship, an honorary, dis- prevent tuberculosis," Dr. Forsythe
tinguished professorship, in explained, "and it stands to reason
iongofshedeprn'ssucesssnrecogni- that athletes trained down to sub-
tion of the dean's success as an edu- normal weight may be more suscept-1
cator and admmnistiator. b."
This is not the first time that such Te sn
a committee has acted in the stead The association's plan to x-ray all
of A dean. A similar situation took competitive sport would show those
plye n Jne 193, n he ollgewho have or who might easily con-
place in June, 1933, in the College tract tuberculosis, the doctor said, and
of Literature, Science and Arts, when would tend to prevent deaths like
Dean John R. Effinger died sudden- that of 17-year-old Leo Schulfer,
ly. The executive committee which Allegan High School track star, who
was appointed at the time functioned died of the disease last year.
until Dean Edward H. Kraus was
named in August, 1933. An executive Present plans of the meeting call
committee has remained, but simply for a talk by Dr. Forsythe on "Tuber-
assists Dean Kraus as an advisory and culosis Health Knowledge of 1000
administrative board. A number of Freshmen;" a report on the tubercu-
the origii4al 'executive committee, losis hazards of young adults by Dr.
however, have continued on the pres- W. J. V. Deacon, statistician of the
ent one. State Department of Health; a paper
on "A Health Trinity for High
In the School of Medicine, also, a Schools," by Mrs. Blanche de Koning,
committee was formed in 1930 fol- executive secretary of the Grand
lowing the resignation of Dean Hugh Rapids Anti-Tuberculosis Society;
Cabot, and continued until June, and one on "Tuberculosis Hazards in
1933, when Dean Frederick G. Novy High School Athletes-Case Reports,"
was appointed.
Pi Lambda Theta, honorary educa-
tional fraternity, will hold a meeting * It is impossible to purchase
toni,-ht in the Pi Lambda Theta room Trichlorethylene on the retail
in the University Elementary School. market so we are offering Free
At this time the program for the com-
ing year will be discussed. with no obligation whatso-
Initiation into the organization will ever, a sample bottle of this
take place about the last week in Oc- cleaning fluid. Stop in our
tober, with a banquet on November 2. shop for yours.
The banquet will be held in Detroit TROJANLA N DRY
and the Detroit alumnae will co-
operate with the active chapter on 721 N. University
the affair.

by Dr. Bruce Douglas, Herman Kiefer
Hospital, Detroit.j
Prof. John Sundwall of the hygiene
and public health department, will act
as chairman of the meeting, which'
will be part of the regular annual
meeting of the Michigan Tuberculo-
sis Association, Michigan Trudeau
Society, and Michigan Sanatorium
Association. The speakers will in-
troduce the subject and plan to the
audience. The remainder of the eve-
ning will be given over to discussion
of the first steps to take in providing
athletes with the tuberculin tests and
x-ray safeguard.
BRUSSELS, Oct. 2- (/P) -Discov-
ery of seven minor planets between
the orbits of Mars and Jupiter
through a photographic process has I
been announced by astronomers at
the Uccle observatory.
PARIS, Oct. 2-(P) -France de-
cided today to store metals needed
in 'time of war. The government's
fear of the scarcity of materials to
equip the army led President Lebrum
to decree a prohibitive export tax on
waste copper, aluminum, zinc, nickel
and tin.

Professor ("AmIIph eI Nye Opposes War
Tells Of Research In Talk At Forum
Since the beginning of the last (Continued From Page 1)
semester a considerable amount of manufacturers "if war with Japan
research was accomplished at the does come our soldiers will become
Huntington Library, San Marino the targets for shells, shrapnel, and
Calif.,byProf.O.J. Campbell of the bullets which were manufactured and
Cali, b3 P 0. pammn sold at profit by American munitions
English department.mkes
Professor Campbell devoted himself makers."
principally to work on his book "A "There is no denying," Senator
History of Satiric Drama In English Nye declared, "that the best partner
From 1600-1613" which will appear the munitions industry has is our
shortly. own government."
In connection with the writing of He substantiated this assertionhby
the book Professor Camp bell stated pointing out that the industry has
been allowed to "plant" men on gov-
that he made asparticular study of the ernmental delegations to disarma-
English reputation of the Italian poet ment conferences and also maintains
and satirist of the Renaissance, Pietro expensive lobbies in all parts of the
Aretino. These studies, he said, are
of special importance because they h nsoyld.
are necessary preliminaries to the' Even the United States Navy and its
production of a more thorough book officials, he showed, have been author-
ized to demonstrate for other coun-
on Shakespeares comedies than has tries the products of American muni-
was paidrithe.tions manufacturers and assist these
Professor Campbell was paid the countries in proper armament.
distinction of being appointed as Re- Senator Nye was entertained at a
search Associate to the library, an luncheon yesterday noon at the Union
opportunity afforded scholars of note to which prominent faculty members
throughout the country in order that and undergraduates attended.
they may further their work through I __
the complete facilities of the institu- literature, and possesses countless
tion. volumes of inestimable value, he ex-
The library, at which Professor plained.I
Campbell was in attendance from Feb. Professor Campbell made mention
1 to the last of August, was founded of the fact that 40 per cent of all the1
by Henry E. Huntington principally books published in England before
for research in the field of history and 1640 have places in the library.

Queizzcd n SlyiIg

An n Arbor Loses
NightPlane Stop
Because there are no boundary
lights around the Ann Arbor Airport
the American Airways today cut off
all night airmail and passenger serv-
ice to and from Ann Arbor.
The tri-motor plane which nightly
used to pick up a bag of mail and us-
ually three or four passengers was
dropped from the schedule because
without lights surrounding the field,
landing was hazardous when atmo-
spheric conditions were unfavorable.
Twenty-five hundred dollars are
needed to adequately equip the air-
port with lights. According to Mayor
Robert A. Campbell, this amount has
been solicited from the federal gov-
ernment but never received.
"We hope to send a delegation to
Lansing to try to obtain a grant,"
said Mayor Campbell, "for Ann Ar-
bor's flying field should not lose its
standing of being a fine airport."
206 N. Main - Downtown
(Next to Postoffice)

Colorado officers and Omaha police
questioned Charles W. Neal, 43,
(above), former Colorado prison in-
mate arrested at Spencer, Ia., in their
investigation of the slaying of Miss
Ida Hanson, Nebraska milliner whose
body was not identified until more
than a year after her death in May,
1933. (Associated Press Photo)

_--_ - .




Silk Hose
Priced Lawl WardWeek Onlyl
Chiffon a n d
service hose ;
full fashioned 4 4
pure silk. pr.

Slip Value!
Rayon TaffetaI Special Pricel
Ward Week
low price!
Bodice and V-
tops. Save !


Lower Priced for Ward Week
Men's gray orC
tan snap brims
in the smart
Fall shades 1
Shaving Cream
Ward Week Special
Softens tough It C

Special Low Ward Week Price
Well Styled! 66
Smart Fabrics
New Patterns!
Ward Savings!
Milk of Magnesia
Dental Cream
Cleans safely. C
T i' ~ j ,7 .


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