PAGE FOUR T HE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1934 THE MICHIGAN DAILY I - . .,, _ =..c.; A I Published every morning except Monday dring the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER soetted 11 ate ress -1934 U'iorDi7ezt13e MA" WWSCOSI1 MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is enclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of ptage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mal, $450. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Representatives: College Publications Representatives, Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City: 80 Boylson Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 425 MANAGING EDITOR..............WILLIAM.G. FERRIS CITY EDITOR ...................... .. JOHN HEALEY EDITORIAL DIRECTOR..........RALPH G. COULTER SPORTS EDITOR ...................ARTHUR CARSTENS WOMEN'S EDITOR .....................ELEANOR BLUM NIGHT EDITORS: Paul J. Elliott, John J. Flaherty, Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas A. Kleene, David G. MacDonald, John M. O'Connell, Robert S. Ruwitch, Arthur M. Taub. SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Western, Joel Newman, Kenneth Parker, William Reed, Arthur Settle. WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Dorothy Gies, Florence Harper, Eleanor Johnson. Ruth Loebs, Josephine McLean. Rosalie Resnick, Jane Schneider, Marie Murphy. REPORTERS: Donald K. Anderson, John H. Batdorff, Robert B. Brown, Clinton B. Conger, Robert E. Deisley, Allan:Dewey,aJohn A. Doelle, Sheldon M. Ellis, Sidney Finger, William H. Fleming, Robert J. Freehling, Sher- win Gaines, Ralph W. Hurd, Walter R. Kreuger, John N. Merchant, Fred W. Neal, Kenneth Norman, Melvin C. Oathbut, John P. Otte, Lloyd S. Reich, Marshall Shulman, Bernard Weissman, Joseph Yager, C. Brad- ford Carpenter, Jacob C. Siede, Bernard Levick, George Andros, Fred Buesser, Robert Cummins, Fred DeLano, Robert J. Friedman, Raymond Goodman, Morton Mann. Dorothy Briscoe, Maryana Chockly, Florence Davies, Helen Diefendorf, Marian Donaldson, Saxon Finch, Elaine Goldberg, Betty Goldstein, Olive Griffith, Har- riet Hathaway, Marion Holden, Beulah Kanter, Lois King, Selma Levin, Elizabeth Miller, Melba Morrison, Mary Annabel Neal, Ann Neracher, Elsie Pierce, Char- ltte Reuger, Dorothy Shappell, Carolyn Sherman, Molly Solomon, Dorothy Vale, Betty Vinton, Laura Winograd, Jewel Weurfel. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER ...............RUSSELL B. READ CREDIT MANAGER .........ROBERT S. WARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER .........JANE BASSETT DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, John Og- den; Service Department, Bernard Rosenthal; Contracts. Joseph Rothbard; Accounts, Cameron al; Circulation and National Advertising, David Winkworth; Classified Advertising and Publications, George Atherton. BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: William Jackson, William Barndt, Ted Wohlgemuith, Lyman Bittman, Richard Hardenbrook, John Park, F. Allen Upson, Willis Tom- linson, Robert Owen, Homer Lathrop, Donald Hutton, Arron Gillman, Tom Clarke, Gordon Cohn. WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Mary Bursley, Margaret Cowie, Marjorie Turner, Betty Cavender, Betty Greve, Helen Shapland, Betty Simonds, Grace Snyder, Margaretta Kohlig. NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT S. RUWITCH Chiseling In FERA Must Be Faced .. . THERE ARE CHISELERS in the FERA. There are students who have falsely signed affidavits to the effect that they are in need of financial help from the government, without which they cannot continue, or begin, their educations. Perjurous on the face of it, this act not only robs the government but defrauds other students -students who have no means of obtaining the basic necessities of food, room, clothing, and books. This is a problem which only the student body itself can solve. Faced by the practical impossibility of further eliminating chiselers on the basis of rec- ords in his office, Professor Gram, chairman of the FERA committee, has openly asked the co- operation of students in seeing that the true pur- pose of the government help is not lost. Fellow students are the only ones in a position to know definitely whether or not FERA workers are de- serving of their positions. It is easy to see why there are chiselers, not only here, but wherever it is smart to be able toI get away with something and as long as the indi- vidual is left to suffer unless he looks to his own in- terests. The question of ethics also arises. It goes against the grain ,to give information against a friend or acquaintance. The difficult thing is often the right thing to do. There is nothing dishonorable in reporting a dis- honest person, especially when one has no selfish interest in doing so. An honest majority has no choice but to protect itself from a dishonest mi- nority. The funds provided by the government are to aid 950 students in drastic need. Insofar as possible, the University wants to, and should, aid the need- iest cases at hand. The money will all be used. The only question is whether some students will have three decent meals or others will have enough money for a dance or a show. No one will deny that the former class was intended to have prece- dence and deserves it. Students who have taken jobs under false pre- tences, but realize now what dire need there is on the part of others, are encouraged to do the right thing by offering to resign their positions or with- draw their applications. The Doleful Prophets .. F OR A GOOD TIME now we have been listening to these gentlemen who, with all the omnipotence of minor Moseses just descended from the Mount, prophesy that America must turn either to the left or the right, must become either communist or fascist. Norman Thomas, who spoke in Hill Auditorium last year, was one such person. Roger Baldwin, the president of the A.C.L.U., who lectured here Monday, is an- other. England, France, and the United States - the three great democratic countries of the world - are all on the road where they must eventually make a choice between the left and the right, said Mr. Baldwin. Now this is a very widely-held opinion. It is parroted by public speakers, editorial writers, and men-in-the-street in all sections of the country. And it is an opinion which, we think, is as false and superficial as it is widely held. It is much too dramatic an opinion. It sounds ominous, and in hearing it repeated, the American layman can imagine himself in the middle of some great crisis - a position which, being human, and therefore inclined to dramatize himself, he does not at all resent. A fascist or communist government means the repeal of judicial review - yet the Supreme Court never was so highly respected as it is this moment in America. It means the suppression of the free- dom of speech - yet the very fact that the attack against the Roosevelt administration is as vicious as it is in some quarters is proof that this right has not, and can not be, repealed. These two institu- tions alone are very nearly sufficient to preserve democracy in this country. Democracy is not nearly so easy to down as the barnstorming prophets would have us believe. It came triumphantly out of the war and through the hectic period of immediate post war adjustment. We have a feeling that when the last chapter is written on this depression period, democracy will be quite as strong as ever, and the three countries in which it will continue to stand will be England, France, and the United States. As Others See It Wise Barbarians AS INDICATIONS early last week promised, the number of men who have pledged fraternities after one week of active rushing this year has outstripped by far the corresponding number at the end of two weeks last year. The actual figures are that 282 men had taken pins at the end of two weeks last year, when the preferential bidding sys- tem went out of operation, while approximately 400 freshmen have pledged by this past week-end. And rushing is still going strong. The interpretation of these statistics is obvious. Very clearly the freshmen had more of a chance to make up their unsettled minds last year than they have had during this. While "sweat sessions" were by no means absent from the preferential bid- ding system, their efficacy was considerably les- sened. In short, the freshmen had a fairer chance. On the other hand, fraternity men, in general, find great advantages under the present "open"I system. Even apart from the consideration that "lead-piping" is easier under the present arrange- ment, the rules make for a much shorter period of active rushing. It makes a difference to both fraternity men and to the freshmen whether the seemingly interminable round of crowded meals, handshaking, and banal conversations takes three days or two weeks. 8 The outstanding advantage of the preferential bidding system is that it provides for an arrange- ment whereby the freshman has more of a chance to make up his own mind, while the outstand- ing advantage of the present system is that it shortens the period of intensive rushing that is devastating to the nerves of all parties concerned. The obvious solution to the rushing problem, embracing both these advantages, would be a pref- erential bidding system starting on the third day of rushing. We realize that the solution to the rushing prob- lem cannot be expressed in one sentence, as no perfect system is operating in the country at the present time, even though attempts to clear up the matter have been made for many years. Never- theless, in view of the advantages which the above system provides to both fraternity men and to freshmen, and in spite of the disadvantages which still remain, we believe that this system is the best under these circumstances. -The Cornell Daily Sun. A Rushing Solution FOR MANY YEARS non-fraternity men and women on the University campus have re- mained an inarticulate and unorganized group. They have had little part in the extra-curricular activities and affairs of their student organiza- tions. COLLEGIATE OBSERVER SLAT By BUD BERNARD An engineer at the University of Indiana vouches for the truth of this story. The stu- dents in a mechanics class at that university were watching their professor outline a prob- lem on the board. He had just headed a col- umn "Excess stresses on the bridge,"when the class suddenly came to life. First a snicker, then a laugh, and soon the whole class was rocking ecstatically in its seats. The professor, confused, searched the board for the cause of this unseemly merriment, and discovered to his dismay, that he had omitted the "g" in "bridge." * * * * .Here's a story a sophomore majoring in mathe- matics at the University of Minnesota told his co-ed friend: "Given the proposition: I love you. I am to prove you love me. Here's the proof." 1. I love you. 2. I ama lover, therefore. 3. All the world loves a lover. 4. You are all the world to me. 5. Therefore you love me. * * * * Here's some advice to seniors given by a Theta at Ohio State: HOW TO ACT LIKE A SENIOR 1. Use the word "proletariat" in a sentence at least three times a day. 2. Remain cynically disinterested in the face of all enthusiasm. 3. When disappointed, merely remark, "Oh, what the hell!" 4. Call all women of all ages by their first names, and refer to them with a suggestive smile. 5. Pretend to see an economic or sexual reason for everything including wars, movies, colleges, churches and football games. 6. Never cease chiseling and never relax in your efforts to get as much glory, money, keys, and good grades as you can without doing any work. 7. Always refer to college as 'super high school'." * * * A Chi Phi at the University of Wisconsin thinks the word "liquidated" means going out with a girl who drinks a lot. * * * * Because a student appeared at the University of Missouri Scoop Dance dressed as Mahatma Gandhi all future costume dances will be barred at that institution. * %: :k * A co-ed at Mosher Jordan sends me this squib: If gents 'could read What co-eds thought There'd be more dating Than there ought. There was an unfounded rumor at the Uni- versity of Oregon that pictures of a nudist colony would be shown in assembly and the entire student body turned out; however, orchestra seats were filled by the faculty a full half hour before start- ing time. * * * Things are so bad, says a student at the University of California, that King-Kong is working for an organ grinder. Washington Ouff The Record (Directly Opposite the Campus) Recent shipments from all publishers all ow us to announce the finest scc- tion of the latest FICTION and NON- FICTION BOOKS. Hundreds of Magnificent Books for Entertaining reading. Good books add to one's permanent values. A large number of fine titles can now be had in the Popular Dollar Series. Comi in and 'browse in our perfectly arranged "FICTION NOOK." 4R'S, IN -I. .,. _ . i li ',I 9) ,, , i;, i E ' it 'II t. SLTI STATE STREET INCO I,- -- .--- - '---.----------P The 1935 MICHIGAN ENSIAN FULL PAYMENT By SIGRID ARNE THE PATENT OFFICE turned down an em- phatic pair of thumbs when a manufacturer planned to name a children's garment, "Sistie and Buzzie," for the President's grandchildren. But nothing can be done about the famous pair of bird dogs in the Virginia horse country nearby. One has been named "Sistie," the other, "Buzzie." W HEN ALIDA C. BOWLER left here to become director of the Carson Indian school and res- ervation she faced more than the responsibility of being the first woman to fill such a position. She was thinking of the severe old Indian she met in southern California. She had gone to his reservation to make a survey. She told him she had come to study. "Humph! Study again," he said sourly, "when you do something?" ,d* * * SOMEHOW this story is very, very "Washing- ton." The guests at a dinner party were gathered over cocktails and hors d'oeuvres, waiting the guest of honor. He seemed very late. Finally a brave heart bearded the host. "Well, where is the gentleman of the evening?" "Oh," explained the host airily, "we had a little political argument' this' afternoon and called the whole thing off. Shall we go in to dinner?" * * SEVERAL of the knitted dresses worn by Mrs. Virginia Jenckes; Congresswoman from In- diana, were made by her daughter, Virginia. "Miss Virginia" carries her knitting bag every- where and drops it only to answer phones for "mother." MRS. HOMER S. CUMMINGS is retailing with her usual wit the events of her trip to Ha- waii with her husband, the attorney-general., $.3.5O FIRST INSTALLMENT Payments can be made at the. Michianrensian Office in the Student Publications Building, at 420 Maynard, Street.m Phone 2-1214 Your MICHIGAN __ w W It T i ll r\T Attempt after attempt has been made by more ambitious Barbs to rectify this situation by organ- izing the non-Greeks into a strong and influen- tial body. Last year a group of independent women decided not to hitch their wagon to a star but to try to collect a small band of their fellows into a club and let it slowly grow into prominence. This year a group of independent men has done the same thing. Present indications are that the new move will be a success. Too much praise cannot be given those who are working enthusiastically to achieve their end. In the past such organization was hindered be- cause its leaders wanted to be dictators over the rm hr ese the nranizatinn had nolitica1