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October 03, 1934 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-10-03

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Will Face Cardinals If Dizzy


Hallahan S t ill
Possibility To
If Frisch Chooses Dizzy
It Will Be Star's Third
Start In Six Days
Coc rane Unaifraid
Detroit Has Edge Over
St. Louis In Speed And
Batting Power
DETROIT, Oct. 2.-(0P) - Manager
Mickey Cochrane announced today
that Alvin Crowder, veteran right-
hander, would start the first game of
the World Series for the Tigers Wed-
nesday if Jerome (Dizzy) Dean takes
the mound for the St. Louis Card-
in als.
If Dizzy takes the mound it will be
his third starting assignment within
six days, and Frisch apparently was
among those juggling the obvious
risk of placing so much strain on even
so strong-armed a performer as the
elder of the famous brothers. Dean
himself wants the starting job and
pleaded today with Frisch to let him
have it, but there's a growing hunch
the Cardinal boss will send "Wild Bill"
Hallahan, his "under-cover" south-
paw. in quest of the first Tiger scalp.
May Use Hallahan
The Cardinals also have Bill Wal-
ker, another portsider who finished
the league campaign in great style
and James (Tex) Carleton, a seasoned
right-hander, but the finger points to
Hallahan as the No. 1 alternate for
several reasons. "Wild Bill" or "Sweet
William" - nicknames that depend
on how the chunky southpaw per-
forms --has the distinction of doing
heroic work in the 1931 World Series
as well as the advantage of having,
twice whipped the Tigers in exhibi-
tion games this year.
Thus, like a couple of America's
Cup skippers, both managers maneuv-
ered for a strategic advantage or a
"smart move" before moving across
the starting line. Cochrane's decision
was in keeping with his plan of opera-
tions all season, during which he
seldom shot nthe Schoolboy wonder
against the opposition's best bet.
Frisch, on the other hand, was with-
holding his decision only because of a
question as to the stamina of the
lanky star who rolled up 30 victories
during the National League campaign.
Such is the popular fever created by

Grid Crowd Will Hear
World Series Progress
Progress of the World Series
game if played on Saturday, Oct.
6, will be broadcast to those in at-
tendance at the Michigan-Michi-
gan State game, it was announced
by Phil Pack, publicity director of
the Athletic Association.
The game will be brought to
spectators in the Stadium from
1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. by radio,
hooked up with the public address
After 2:30, the starting time of
the football game, progress of the
World Series battle will be an-
nounced during time out periods
and other lulls in play.
The opening of the game has
been set back a half hour from the
usual starting time in order to
permit the baseball fans to get a
more complete report on the Ser-
the Cardinals' belated rush to the top,
however, that it has tended to ob-
scure the speed, power and, aggres-
siveness of the Tigers, who won their
pennant in comparative peace and
then were obliged to toss into the
waste-basket all their well-laid plans
to meet the Giants.
"The Cardinals look to be tougher
opposition than the Giants might
have furnished," admits Cochrane,
"but what's the difference otherwise?
It's still just a set of ball games and
we're ready to tackle anything the
other fellows have to offer. We
haven't been frightened by anybody
The probable batting order for
the first game of the World
St. Louis Detroit
Martin, 3b White, cf
Rothrock, rf Cochrane, c
Frisch, 2b Gehringer, 2b
Medwick, if Greenberg, lb
Collins, lb Goslin, If
Delancey, c Rogell, ss
Orsatti, cf Owen, 3b
Durocher, ss Fox, rf
J. Dean or Crowder or
Hallahan, p Rowe, p
Umpires - Klem and Reardon,
National League; Geisel and
Owens, American League.
Starting time - 1:30 p.m. (E.
S. T.).
Probable weather -Fair and
so far this year and I'm confident
the Tigers will rise again to a big
Looking back to the double victory
this Detroit outfit scored against the
Yankees before the greatest crowd
of the baseball year, a capacity jam
of nearly 80,000 in the Yankee Sta-
dium, it is impossible to disagree
wit Cochrane and Tiger partisans
that the American League champions
have the stuff to come through under
fire. Man for man, outside of pitch-
ing, they have an edge in speed and
batting power over the Cardinals.
Freshmen who are interested in
wrestling are to meet at Waterman
Gymnasium this afternoon at 4
p.m. to organize a team.
Otto Kelly, Coach.
Headquarters for University Alumni
will be maintained in the lobby of the
Union for all home football games, ex-
cept Michigan State.

Four Pitchers Who

May Steal The Glory Of

Dizzy An d The,







Tommy Bridges, number two
pitcher on the Tiger staff, is cer-
tain to see plenty of action dur-
ing the next week. "Babe" Ruth
says he has more stuff than any
pitcher in the American League,
and with control, he has been
very difficult to beat.

Paul Dean is "the second great-
est pitcher in the history of base-
ball" according to Dizzy and is
expected to play a big part in the
world Series. Some think he may
fail, as Paul Derringer, first-year
sensation a few years ago, did in
his first series.

"General" Crowder, Washing-
ton cast-off whom the Tigers
picked up on waivers, regained
much of his form in the latter
part of the season, and is being
prominently mentioned as the
starting pitcher for Detroit in the
series opener today.

Tex Carleton by his good
mound work this season has
proved Ghat the Deans haven't an
absolute monopoly on good Car-
dinal pitching. Unless the Card-
inals pull the unexpected and
sweep the series, he will prob-
ably be in there, showing Detroit
his stuff.

'Varsity Works
To Strengthen
Aerial Defense
Regeczi Will Not S t a r t
Against Michigan S.tate
In Op ner Saturday
If Michigan State completes many
passes against the Wolverines Sat-
urday it will not be Coach Kipke'sj
fault, for he devoted most of his
time yesterday to perfect his varsity's
defense for the highly touted aerial
attack of the Spartans.
A freshman eleven, using Michigan
State passing plays, went through a
long dummy scrimmage with the Var-
sity, and the regulars using their six-
two-two-one style of defense, broke
up most of the freshman tosses.
In the first string line, which is
certain to start against State Satur-
day, were Ward and Savage, ends;
Viergiver and Austin, tackles; Hilde-
brand and Borgmann, guards, and
Ford, center.
The backfield, which will be shifted
slightly for the opener, had Oliver at
quarter, Patanelli and Aug halfbacks,
and Remias, fullback.
John Regeczi, star fullback, was still
missing from the practice field. Dr.
Lynam pronounced him as being able
to play Saturday, but Coach Kipke
announced yesterday that Regeczi
would not be in the starting lineup,1
although it is likely that he will be
used later in the game.
Michigan's main running threat,
Triplehorn, was also absent from
practice, being home in bed with a
case of indigestion, but he will be
back in action today, unless his ail-
ment turns into more serious chan-
Kipke stated that there would be
-no scrimmage for the regulars thisE
week in order to guard against in-
ivries, but he will scrimmage the
second team probably on Thursday.
The second stringers are composed of
Myers and Johnson, ends; Wright'
and Jacobson, tackles; Beard and
Hanshue, guards; Fuog, center;' Jen-
nings, quarterback, Everhardus and
Nelson, halfbacks; Sweet, fullback.

DETROIT, Oct. 2. --What town! Kieran, and the rest of the sport
What a town! The natives are cer- writing greats were there, rubbing
tainly making the most of their first elbows with your humble correspon_
series in 25 years. Every resident of ebw sA y u m a a-

Michigan State
Drill Stresses
EAST LANSING, Oct. 2 - (/P) -
Charley Bachman may call upon a
rugged sophomore halfback Saturday
to give his Michigan State team addi-
tional punch against Michigan.
Steve Sebo, the Battle Creek fresh-
man wonder of last year, may see a
lot of action at Ann Arbor. This was
indicated today and last night when
Bachman had Sebo passing for the

We're up against a
Stone Wall .
i No matter what it is . . . the
man who is buying here this
week will see values that will
astonish and nearly dumb-
found him.
50c value - 3 for $1.25
35c value - 4 pair $1.00
$1.50 value - 3 for $4.00
Plaids & Checks-$4.50, $5.00
Field & Stream $6.45 to $9.75
Sleeves and Sleeveless
$1.95 to $4.00
$3.50 $5.00
FALL SUITS $25 - $30 - $35
TOP COATS $19.50 to $30.00

Detroit and its environs must have
been in the mile stretch of Michigan'
Avenue between Navin Field and the
Book-Cadillac here this afternoon.
They weren't doing anything produc-
tive that I could discover, but they
were there.
Mounted cops were thick as
flies around Navin Field but pros-
pective ticket buyers were thicker.
Anyone turning away from a
ticket window with a big yellow
envelope containing reserved seat
tickets was showered with offers
before he reached the street. Bids
ran as high as $30 for a block of
three pavilion seats which sold
originally for $9.90.
Downtown the crowd was even
thicker. A crowd of several thousand
was standing outside the Book when
we went in at 1:15. When we came
out two hours later the crowd was
still there -- and nothing had hap-
pened in the meantime -in fact, no
one seemed to know what was sup-
posed to happen. A glimpse of one of
the Cardinals (they are staying at the
hotel) seemed to be the only possible
reward for such unwearying diligence.
I sought the suite reserved for
the press in the hope of finding
peace and quiet in the bedlam.
Might better seek quiet in a boiler
factory. Those guys are as nuts
as the rest of the crowd - maybe
worse. They were all sitting
around like a lot of famished tim-
ber wolves waiting for the officers
of the Baseball Federation to
start dishing out press passes.
Maybe the fellows waiting to buy
bleacher seats on Monday were
none too gentle but these sport
writers weren't taking any
chances either.
SALSINGER, of the Detroit News,
and Ward, of the Free Press, hid
behind a barrier of trunks and tables
in a room full of blue and grey-clad
troopers to hand out the tickets.
In what is ostensibly a ball-room
100 or more typewriters and telegraph
keys had been placed and here the
writers great and small congregated
to dish up the last minute hash for
their anxious readers back home. Paul
Gallico, Grantland Rice, Henry Mc-
Lemore, Alan Gould, Arch Ward,
Westbrook Pegler, Joe Williams, John


Podunk Weekly Gazette.!
Bill McAfee, '29, now pitcher with I
the St. Louis Browns, was present
with his bride of one day at football
practice yesterday afternoon. He had
spent the morning watching the Tig-
ers practice and more especially!

Schoolboy Rowe. According to Mac, first time.
Rowe didn't have a thing on the ball If Sebo is inserted in the starting Petoskey And Wistert
and for that reason Cochrane an-
nounced after practice that Alvin line-up Saturday and holds up to his Begin Coaching Duties
Crowder would pitch the first game showing in practice, State will have Ted Petoske d Fra "Whi
of the serie three capable passers in the backfield. Ted esey nd Franci "Whi-
Kurt Warmbein, the St. Joseph star, ball coaceshaearrivedinAon
is the best of the lot, ball coaches, have arrived wsAnn
It is also McAfee s guess that the the quarterback, also is throw- Arbor with the conclusion of the
Dean brothers will pitch better at nNational League season. They were
Detroit than at home because the new ing some accurate passes. members of the Cincinnati Reds.
bleachers in left center field are ad- Michigan is certain to see a lot of Petoskey was out on the field
vantageous to the submarine, or, in passing. The overhead game may go yesterday, while Wistert will make
the case of the Dean's a three-quar- so far as to be used if State is fight- his first appearance today. They
ters delivery. "The ball looks like it ing for ground in its own territory. will work with the freshmen, and
is coming right out of the bleachers," It is Bachman's chief offensive threat, also with the Varsity ends and
he said. For this reason he thinks although there is plenty of speed tackles. Their coaching positions,
Auker ought to do very well in the in the backfield for some good open it was announced, are for the du-
series and thinks he has a good field running when the opportunity ration of the football season only.
chance of starting the second game. presents itself.

'.4eni aa metI sports ,eauLuvi01 Lne4

Former Daily Sports Editor
Was Stellar Tennis Player

Did you know that Dr. Robert C.
Angell, now associate professor in
the sociology department, was sports
editor of the Michigan Daily for the
year 1920-21 and that he played on
Michigan's tennis team in '20 and '21?
Well, it's, true.
Angell worked as sports editor in
the days when the boys on the staff
admitted that "The Michigan Daily
is the best collegiate newspaper in
the country" and put out extras on
every occasion to prove it. They even.
put out extras on collegiate baseball
games then.
AngelJ as a tennis player was good
according to reports in the 'Ensian
for 1921. He won more games than
any other player, save Wesbrook, an
all-round athlete of that day, and be-
sides that was ranked higher than
George Reindel who played on the
team and who later held the city
championship in Detroit for so many
Some of the prominent athletes of
'21 with whose activities Angell was
concerned included such men as Tad
Wieman, recently head football coach
here; Franklin C. Capon, at present
head basketball coach and assistant
athletic director here; and Ernie Vick,
all-American gridder. Cappon at that
time was termed by the 'Ensian as
an end with a future."

man football and had his name in-
cluded with the rest in the 'Ensian.
The name was Harry Kipke.
But getting back to the athletic1
career of this Dr. Robert C. Angell.
It isn't over yet. Angell competes in
faculty sports, one of the many
branches under the supervision of the
Intramural department, and literally
stands his fellow profs on their heads.
He still plays tennis and has won
one faculty title in this sport, but he
has achieved what he would laugh-
ingly call success in another sport,
squash racquets. He has held the
squash title for two years.
All freshmen interested in box-
ing report to Boxing Room, Water-
man Gym, at 4:00 p.m. Wednes-
Vernon Larsen, Coach.

At $2.95

* Rich shades of deep gray and
tan - ideal for tweed and cartel
coats. Finest quality. Some sold
for more than five dollars. New
styles! Good enough for dress

A Woman


At 95c


known by the
ties and shirts
her husband





* Crushers you can cram into your pocket.
Hats that shed rain and like it - for class,
for games, for west of Division when you
may forget it when you leave, for anything-
else-you-con-think-of - this is the topper
you'll use and use.
There'll be No More Values
like this till your Grandson's





F ".'


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