THE -MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2, _____________________________________ I I Landscaping Of Campus To Be Improved Soon Pardon Announces Plans For New Arrangement Of Uiversity Grounds Plans for beautifying the campus still further than was carried out this summer were announced recently by E. H. Pardon, superintendent of the Buildings and Grounds depart- ment. "The landscaping job that has been done on the center of the campus could be improved," Mr. Pardon stat- ed, "and I have devised some plans of landscaping in which the general ap- pearance of the main campus would be somewhat like that of the Law Club grounds. I am planning to re- a move all the bushes and shrubbery against the buildings so that one may have a complete, uninterrupted view of the campus from end to end." Another important project, which was conceived and begun this sum- mer, is that of a new 27-car garage to hold all the Buildings and Grounds trucks. The garage, for which excava- tion has begun, will be a modern one consisting of two floor levels to permit easy handling of incoming and out- going trucks. This project, Mr. Pardon stated, is a County Welfare job and lately there has been some diffi- culty in keeping the men at work for lack of funds. After laying off work for a week, the men began work again last Friday. A third and last project which is planned for the future is that of creating a park just east of the Uni- versity Hospital so that visitors may have a place to spend their leisure time while at the hospital. Vanguard Club Announces End Of Book Store Announcement of the temporary closing of the Student Book Exchange, located in the library of the Unitarian Church at State and Huron Streets, was made yesterday by Maurice Wil- sie, who is managing the Exchange for the Michigan Vanguard Club. The Exchange will continue its us- ual business from 10:00 to 12:00 o'clock and 2:00 to 4:00 o'clock until Thursday, when it will be open daily from 5:00 to 6:00 o'clock for settling accounts with students who have not already done so. Phone connection may be made by calling 6740. Unless tentative plans for opening a complete bookstore during the semes- ter materialize, the Exchange will be closed until early in January. Originally organized by the Round Table Club in 1928 with the purpose of demonstrating the need for a Uni- versity-operated bookstore, the E-] change in 1930 passed into the hands of the Michigan Socialist Club. After two years of successful operation the club petitioned the Board of Regents for the establishment of a University- operated bookstore. The petition was refused. When the Socialist Club passed out of existence in 1932 the Vanguard Club assumed control of the exchange, and maintained a complete bookstore at 237 N. State Street until it was moved to its present site. The store was moved to its present site at the beginning of this year. Philippine Botany Head DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 1]1:30 a.m. Saturday. will be presented, and arrangements E will be made for regular meetings of the squad. dwin Miller Death Education Mixer Noted InQuarterly To Be Tonioht TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1934 VOL. XLV No. 7 Notices Extra Curricular Activities: On or before Oct. 6 managers and chair- men of extra curricular activities should submit to the Chairman of the Committee on Student Affairs, Room 2, University Hall, a complete list of all students who wish to par- ticipate in their respective enterpris- es, in order that their eligibility for such activities may be checked. The names should be presented on blank forms to be obtained in Room 2. J. A. Bursley, Chairman Committee on Student Affairs Notice: Palms, ferns and flowers for campus use. Palms, ferns, other decorative plants and cut flowers for use of the campus are provided by the Botanical Gardens to the extent that the limited greenhouse space permits. Other demands on the greenhouses prevent the production of enough ornamental plants to supply all the demands. Many requests therefore have to be refused. In order to save the plants for the more appropriate occasions, it is necessary to adhere closely to the rule that they cannot be supplied for purely social gather- ings of the faculty or students, for private offices on the campus, or for student activities except under the conditions defined below. An attempt is always made to pro- vide as well as possible for official events; for meetings at which some group or organization of University officials, faculty members, or students represents the University as host to a University guest or visiting organi- zation, or is performing some other direct service to the University, such as raising funds for one of its approv- ed projects; for student events of an educational nature; for public enter- tainments for which no admission is charged and for the various libraries and administrative offices.J Officers in charge of general offices, libraries, etc., are invited to ask for whatever decorative plants may be necessary. Plants which become pot- bound may be sent at any time to the Botanical Gardens for repotting. To insure the return of the plant to the office from which it was sent, it is quite necessary to attach to it securely a label giving the name and room number of the sender. Because of the considerable cost of pots, and the fact that in the past few years so few of them have been returned to the Botanical Gardens when the plants they contained have died, many flowering plants which might have been used in campus buildings have lately been kept in the greenhouses and their flowers only used. The return of pbts encourages the sending out of plants. Requests for the use of plants and flowers should be made directly to Frieda C. Blanchard, Assistant Di- rector, preferably by telephone. H. H. Bartlett English for Foreign Students: For- eign students who wish special help in their English will meet in Room 1209 at 4 o'clock, Wednesday, Oct. 3. This is merely for purposes of organi- zation; the regular hours of meeting will be assigned to suit the conven- ience of the students enrolling. J. Raleigh Nelson, Counsellor to Foreign Students Signal Corps juniors and seniors re- port to Lieut. Wallington before Thursday morning, Oct. 4. English 149 (Drama I): The class will meet2at 7:30 Tuesday evening, Oct. 2, 3212 A. H. Kenneth Rowe Mathematics 355: Seminar on Higher Differential Geometry will meet at 4:00 on Thursdays in room 3001 Angell Hall. History 239: Seminar in Hispanic- American History, will meet in 303! General Library, Wednesday, 4-6. History 261: Seminar in Ancient History, will meet on Tuesday, Oct. 2, at 2 o'clock, in 308 General Library. A. E. R. Boak Lecture Mr. Samuel S. Wyer, prominent consulting engineer, will lecture on "Contributions to a Way Out of To- day's Depression," Wednesday, Oct. 3, at 8 p. in., in Natural Science Audi- torium. This lecture, sponsored by the Michigan Technic, is open to all interested. Exhibitions Architectural and Art Exhibition, College of Architecture: Student work is being shown in the following fields: drawing and painting, decorative de- sign and building construction. Open daily, 9 to 5, Architectural Building. A memorial exhibition of the paint- ings of Gari Melchers will be shown in the West Gallery of Alumni Me- morial Hall from Oct. 1 to Oct. 14, inclusive. This exhibition is open from 1:30 o'clock to 5:00 p. m. every day including Sundays and is spon- sored by the Ann Arbor Art Associa- tion. Events Today Michigan League Against War and Militarism meets at 8 p. m. in Lane Hall Auditorium. Everett Johnson will report on the Youth Congress Against War and Fascism in Chica- go, Sept. 28, 29, & 30. The public is invited. Outdoor Sports Class: The outdoor sports class scheduled for Tuesday at 3:20 will meet tonight instead at the Union Pool at 8:30 for swimming tests. All graduates and undergraduates enrolled in courses in the School of Education are cordially invited to attend the "Ice-breaker" mixer to be held in the University Elementary School, 7:30 p. m. Married Students: Wives of stu- dents and of internes in the Univer- sity Hospital are cordially invited to attend the first meeting this semes- ter of the Michigan Dames, in the Grand Rapids Room of the Michigan League at eight p. m. As the Michigan Dames is an or- ganization composed solely of wives of students and of internes, who have the same general objective, the group is naturally congenial. The subdivis- ions for Drama, Art, Music, Bridge, Book, Child and General Study offer special interest for those so inclined and also provide social contact for a group not usually included in other campus activities. There will be host- esses at the door to greet each new- comer and to make introductions. Mechanical Engineers will hold an important meeting of the A. S. M. E. at 7:30 p. m., Wednesday, Oct. 3, at the Union. All are urged to attend. Refreshments. aThe passing of Edwin L. Miller, As- sistant Superintendent of Schools of Detroit, on Aug. 21 last of heart disease is noted in a reference in the North Central Association Quarterly, issued in Ann Arbor for the month of October. A member of the Association for the past 25 years, and a member of t h e Commission on Secondary Schools, he was particularly noted for4 for his work on the subject of Eng- lish, was the author of several texts now 'being used in secondary schools, and for his work on the Commission or Unit Courses and Curricula. "His presence will now be greatly missed by his former colleagues," the Quarterly concludes. Forestry Convocation To Be Addressed By Dana Dean Samuel T. Dana of the1 School of Forestry and Conservation will address a convocation of the forestry school in Room 2054 Natural Science Building at 11 a. m. this morning, according to an announce- ment made yesterday. All pre-forestry students and other interested stu- dents are invited to attend. The Dean will describe the new pro- grams of study and the new require- ments for degrees which have been inaugurated this fall. He will give a brief resume of the summer work which has been carried on at the summer camp on the Upper Peninsula and a short discussion of the present opportunities in the field of forestry. plays to be presented by the Hillel Players on Oct. 21, must be at the In Hic-h School Students And School Will 7:30 P. M. Faculty Gather Of At A Mixer for the students and mem- bers of the faculty of the School of Education is being planned for 7:30 tonight, to be held in the University High School Gymnasium. Sponsored by the Women's Educa- tional Club, the mixer is planned to serve to acquaint the students of the school with one another and with members of the faculty. A program of dancing, games, prizes and refresh- ments has been planned by the en-. tertainment committee, headed by Bessie Curtis, '36Ed. Dean J. B. Ed- monson will deliver a word of greeting to those present. The Women's Educational Club, be- ginning its season's activities with this function will this year become a co- educational organization, according to Helen Crawford, '35Ed., chairman of the board. Inasmuch as the men in the School of Education have no other organization, it was planned to enlarge the activities of the present organization to include the men. The first meeting of the group this year is scheduled for Wednesday, October 24, and is to be addressed by Dr. Clarence S. Yoakum, vice-president of the University, who will speak on his observations of the educational institutions of Germany, which he visited this summer.l SIC TRANSIT CHICAGO, Sept. 30.-Among omis- sions noted in the 1934-35 edition of "Who's Who In America," just issued, are the names of Samuel and Martin Insull. They are awaiting trial fol- lowing the crash of " their utilities empire. !t , i Hillel Foundation, Friday afternoon Alphu Nu speech society will hold iat five o'clock for a short meeting. its, first smoker Wednesday, Oct. 3. Tryouts for technical work, acting, The meeting will be held in the Alpha business stalm, and directing mustbe Nu room, fourth floor of Angell Hall present. All members, and all stu- at 7:30. All men interested in speech dents eligible to engage in outside activitiesarecordiallyi edto activities may try out. Forestry Assembly: There will be an! 'tohkdi O?1-8fi -ic and when they left assembly for all students in the School of Forestry at 11:00 a. m. Room 2054 Natural Science Building.) Pre-forestry students and others in- terested in forestry are also urged toy attend. Junior Research Club of the Uni- versity of Michigan meets at 7:30 p. m. in room 2082 N. S. Dr. Petrie will speak on, "The Work of the McMath- Hulbert Observatory of the University of Michigan." This will be followed. by motion pictures. English Journal Club: Special meeting at 4:00, in Angell Hall 2231. All members are urged to be present as important business is to be trans- acted. Adelphi House of Representatives, campus forsenic society, will hold a smoker in its room on the fourth floor of Angell Hall at 7:30 p. m., today. Professor John Dawson of the Law School will speak. Mem- bers, freshmen, and all other inter- ested are invited to attend. TryoutsI for the society will be held in sever- al weeks. Aeronautical Engineers' Meeting at 7:30 p. m. in Room 1042 East Engin- eering Building. Women's Varsity Debate. The sub- ject for discussion this year is the manufacture of munitions of war. All undergradute women of Sophomore rank or above are invited to attend a meetingin Room 4006 A. H. at 4 p. m. A discussion of this question tend. Pi Lambda Theta: All members are invited to attend an organization meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 3, in the Pi Lambda Theta room-2533 U. E. S. at 7:30 p. m. All freshman and sophomore engin- eers are cordially' invited to attend the first meeting of Sigma Rho Tau, national speaking and debating frat- ernity, at 7:30 p. m., Wednesday, at the Union. Refreshments will be served. National Student League will meet at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday, Room 304 at the Union. Members and all others interested are requested to attend. Hillel Players: Those wishing to tryout for roles in the two one-act r~Iie quick IReferen ceBook ofin formation on All Subjects WeYbster's CO legiate qh e lBest-Abridged Dictionary "The volume is convenient for quick reference work, and altogether the best dtionary for desk work of which I know."-Powell Stewart, Dept. of English, University of Texas. Presidents and Department Heads of leading Universities agree with this opinion. The Largest of the Merriam-Webster Abridgments 106,000 entries, including hundreds of new words with definitions, spellings, and correct use; aGazetteer; aBiographical Dictionary; Foreign Words and Phrases; Abbrevia- ti.ons; Punctuation, Use of Capitals. Many other features of practical value. 1,268 pages. 1,700 illustrations. See It At Your College Bookstore or Write for Information to the, Publishers. G. & gB~eldaC. Merriam Co.1 sprinai ,/!s Sigma Rho Tau To Hold First Meeting The first meeting of Sigma Rho Tau, engineering debating society, will be held at 7:30 Wednesday in the Union, all freshman and sophomore engineers being cordially invited. Sigma Rho Tau has gained much prominence in recent years as being the only national speaking and de- bating fraternity exclusively for en- gineers. Its purpose is to strengthen and broaden the engineering profes- sion by trining engineers to debate and lecture convincingly and with popular appeal. Primarily a graduate organization Sigma Rho Tau has an undergrad- uate membership known as the Stump Speakers Society of Sigma Rho Tau through which undergraduates may qualify for the parent organization. Prof. Robert D. Brackett, national director of the organization, will ex- plain "Why Sigma Rho Tau" at the meeting. Demonstration of Sigma Rho Tau work will be given, as well as musical entertainment and re- freshments. Officers for the coming year are: president, Albert J. Stone, Grad.; vice-president, Eric Sommers, '35; treasurer, Saul M. Furman, Grad.; corresponding secretary, Allen C. Clevelan'd, '35; home secretary, Geo. W. Malone, '37. CHORAL UNION lCONCERTS 56th Annual Series OCTOBER 24- ROSA PONSELLE Renowned prima donna of the Metropolitan and other operas. NOVEMBER 1- LAWRENCE TI BBETT Distinguished in opera, con- cert, the radio, and the movies. NOVEMBER 19- DON COSSACK RUSSIAN CHORUS SERGE JAROFF, Conductor The "Singing Horsemen of the Steppes." Thirty-six ex- patriated former officers of the Imperial Russian Army. DECEMBER 3- JOSEF SZIGETI Hungarian violin virtuoso. A favorite throughout Europe and America. DECEMBER 11- BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCH ESTRA SERGE KOUSSEVITZKY, Conductor. 110 players in the fourth con- secutive annual Ann Arbor concert. JANUARY 25- LOTTE LEHMANN World renowned prima don- na in her first Ann Arbor concert. FEBRUARY 12- JOSE ITURBI Eminent Spanish pianist and conductor in recital. FEBRUARY 20- GORDON QUARTET I M MME "1 So methlinIg New For Students TROJAN LAUNDRY now has Joins Staff Of University Open Field Hockey for all interested' Tuesday and Thursday of this week The Department w of Botany has at 415, Palmer Field. On Thursday been fortunate in obtaining as an ad- a team from the players who have dition to the staff, Prof. Jose K. been practicing will play the Ann Ar- Santose, head of the department of bor Hockey Club. botany at the University of the Phil-' ippines, Manila, according to an an- English 153 (Walter) meets Tues- nouncement made yesterday. day, 7-9, 407 Library. Professor Santos, who is here as an exchange professor, received his English 197, English Honors Course: doctorate at the University of Chica- The class will meet on Fridays at 4! go in 1923. He will remain in Ann p. m. in Room 3212 Angell Hall. Arbor throughout the year. Warner G. Rice A Noon or Night PLATE LUNCH. . REGULAR DINNER. 25c 30c LON DON'S 1116 So. University This process has proved to be as revolu- tionary to the Dry Cleaning Business as the horseless carriage was to the methods of transportation. Every garment sub- mitted to TRI-CLEANING is given new life. The Suit, Dress, Hat, or Overcoat receives a lustre which makes it look and feel as good as the day it was purchased. This process ("TRICHLORETHYLENE") is used in Washtenaw County exclusively by the TROJAN LAUNDRY . . . in new U I I; headquarters at 721 North University. JACQUES GORDON, First Violinist RALPH SILVERMAN, Second Violinist PAUL ROBYN, Viola NAOUM BENDITZKY, 'Cellist MARCH 4- ARTUR SCHNABEL Recognized world exponent of Beethoven music in an "all Beethoven" program. MARCH 28- CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA ARTUR RODZINSKI, Conductor A forefront orchestra under a dynamic leader in an Ann Arbor debut. SEASON TICKETS (with $3.00 May Festival cou- pon) may be ordered by mail. * Phone 9495 It is impossible to purchase Trichlorethylcne on the retail market so we are offering Free, with no obligation whatsoever, a sample bottle of this cleaning fluid. Stop in our shop at 117 N. Univer- sity and receive yours. 10% Off for Cash 8-Hour FREE DEI Service L I V E R I ES I i 111 1 __ - .ms., s A L --A Il ii ' mllkh dmlkk 4A A. 111 1 1111 iil